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«  January 2010  »
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Main » 2010 » January » 9 » Climate Change and Global Warming Blogs
8:00 PM
Climate Change and Global Warming Blogs
Climate Change or Global Warming Blogs
It's Cold in Florida: Is Climate Change a Hoax? | Stop Global ...
By Cameron Scott
The New York Times reported that a cold snap in Florida is threatening the strawberry crop. Meanwhile, it's mighty cold in New York City -- and in the UK. So what happened to warming? Nothing. Sad... read more of this post, It's Cold in ...'s Stop Global Warming Blog -
Commentary » Blog Archive » Who Is the Enemy: Islamists or the ...
By Jonathan Tobin
Who Is the Enemy: Islamists or the Global-Warming Scare? Jonathan Tobin - 01.08.2010 - 4:48 PM. Yesterday, President Obama acknowledged that "We are at war,” though he's still a bit sketchy about exactly whom we are fighting, since nobody in ... Last month, NPR reported that: "For the first time, Pentagon planners in 2010 will include climate change among the security threats identified in the Quadrennial Defense Review, the Congress-mandated report that updates Pentagon ...
Commentary -
Brendan Demelle | BBC Trots Out Skeptic Benny Peiser To Question ...
By Brendan Demelle
In a segment titled "How the big freeze fits theories of global warming,” exploring "how one of the longest cold snaps for a generation fits in with theories of a warming planet and global climate change," the BBC oddly shoehorns ...
DeSmogBlog - Clearing the PR... -
The Media Consortium: Weekly Mulch: Climate Reform's Good, Bad ...
By The Media Consortium
The next United Nations climate change conference is almost a year away, and health care is still dominating the legislative agenda in Washington. That means climate reform opponents, from the coal industry to the global warming ...
The Huffington Post Full Blog Feed -
Dominique Browning's Personal Nature Column » Religion and Climate ...
By pmcdermott
IPL is the primary campaign and is a religious response to global warming. State chapters respond to a call to action: they agree to give sermons that explain the danger of climate change, reduce their own emissions, support public .... Once again, Ms. Browning's blog attempts to align Republicans with luddites because they do not trust the "science" of climate change. Democrats, on the other hand, are aligned with a "more enlightened" way of thinking even though they are ...
Personal Nature -
The Reality Check » Blog Archive » Millions Pray for Global ...
By Carey Roberts
"In the context of global warming, extreme atmospheric flows are causing extreme climate incidents to appear more frequently,” explained Mr. Guo, head of the Beijing Meteorological Bureau, as the Chinese capital dug out from its biggest snow dump since 1951. ... "It is a well-known fact that powerful vested interests and those opposed to action on climate change are working overtime to see that they can stall action for as long as possible,” he blustered. ...
The Reality Check -
Cold Can't Shake Global Warming Faith of ABC's Blakemore ...
By Matthew Philbin
"Global warming" is happening. "Climate change" is occurring. The scientists are using "climate instability" as the term best to describe the overall situation. I understand that a number of climate skeptics/deniers find the science to ... - Exposing Liberal... -
Wasn't belief in global warming behind the failure to stock enough ...
By Janet Daley
I was even prepared to think that he was making a genuine, if naive, attempt at a summary of Climate Change right up to where he left us at the end with a plot of global temps continuing to rise. We know it hasn't risen for a .... How many times on earlier AGW related blogs have we been told that "correlation is not causation"? Absolutely right. As an example, consider a time series, such as global temperatures over the last 1000 years or so measured by different methods. ...
News -
Climate Literacy » Blog Archive » Framing and Public Engagement of ...
By mccaffrey
"Climate Literacy: The Essential Principles of Climate Science" presents information about Earth's climate, the impacts of climate change, and approaches to adaptation and mitigation, as well as key words and definitions. More than a dozen federal agencies ... All of their insights are timely and relevant, especially with the release of the new Stanford-Roper poll (PDF) that found only 31% of the public think that most scientists agree about the causes of global warming. ...
Climate Literacy -
Global Climate Change: Who cares if it's real or not? a.k.a Hell ...
By Ryan Sweeney
Subscribe to Social Abortion. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. ... Many scientists say that global climate change is real. First of all, let it be stated that "global climate change” is politically correct and "global warming” is not (some are using this year's record-breaking cold winter as a valid argument against global warming, granted they are most likely not the most scientifically minded ...
Social Abortion: Stop. Think.... -
Jesus is Lord, A Worshipping Christian's Blog » Blog Archive ...
By Steve
"Why Global Warming May Be Fueling Australia's Fires,” reported Time magazine. The Huffington Post quoted Neville Nicholls, "an expert on climate change and wildfires” at Australia's Monash University: "The terrible events of the past ...
Jesus is Lord, A Worshipping... -
Doc's Talk: Global Warming as Climastrology
By GS Don Morris, Ph.D.
The biggest news for scientists: Science magazine has dropped any mention of "global warming” or "climate change” in its latest issue. This is after eight years of Donald Kennedy [9], the most sold-out warmist editor in chief of the magazine. Science mag is supposed to be what its ... URL to article: URLs in this post: [1] What happened to global warming: ...
Doc's Talk -
Global Warming: Leave it to the BBC - Hermeneuticals Blog
By Hermeneuticals
Then Rob Varney from the Met Office comes on and says that the snowy conditions this month have nothing to do with long term climate change - OK that may be so - but he says despite it we are definitly in a warming trend and "the ...
Hermeneuticals Blog -
Global Warming as Climastrology | I Hate Al Gore
By admin
We should be more concerned about Global Warming and Climate Change because Typhoons are getting much stronger and there are greater incidence of Flooding. take for example the recent Typhoon Ketsana which devastated some countries in South East Asia .... Unfortunately, it is an uphill battle because most of the real science is discussed in hard-to-read scientific journals and most of the bad science is easily accessible on Web pages, blogs, and other forms of mass media. ...
I Hate Al Gore -
Andrea Lafferty: Poor Al Gore
By Andrea Lafferty
January 8, 2010 – Imagine building your whole career upon the boogieman of "global warming" and then finding out that it's been based on falsified and suppressed information on climate change? Poor Al Gore must be sweating it out over ...
Andrea Lafferty -
EnviroMedia Social Marketing : Change Starts Here blog : Blog ...
By kelli_johnson
In December 2009, Kevin and Valerie will be reporting on the latest from the United Nations climate change conference in Copenhagen, Denmark. This will be their third time to participate in the annual international gathering. ... No, the cold doesn't mean global warming doesn't exist. #abcnews Go 4 hours ago. "The Green Race Is On" according to World Business Council for Sustainable Development. Copenhagen Accord weak but a "letter of intent. ...
Global Warming: Change Starts Here -
Mario Piperni dot Com » Blog Archive » Weather vs. Climate
By mario piperni
A snowfall on a frigid January morning falls into the classification of weather and is no more a negation of global warming as is a hot humid August day an indicator of rising temperatures. Weather is now. Climate is simply weather over ...
Mario Piperni dot Com - Blog » Textbook Rentals: Saving Money and Trees!
By Jason Fitzgerald
BBC Climate Change Center · Carbon Catalog · Carbon Offset List · Carbon Offsets Daily · Center For Resource Solutions · Conservation International · Eco Business Links · Environmental Defense Fund · EPA Green Power Partnership · Green Impact ... It's Cold Outside! Is Global Warming Over? Samsung Makes Splash at CES 2010, Partners with to Offset Presence at Show · NewGrass- Water Conservation & Reduced Lawn Care Emissions · Partners with, ... Blog» Climate... -
Not such a silly question? | John Redwood MP
By John Redwood
In my experience blogs referring to climate change do attract a lot of traffic, very often multiple ones from certain individuals. The intolerance of those who support the theory of man-made global warming (which they now call climate ...
John Redwood -
Climate Change: The Next Generation: censures Buffalo ...
By Tenney Naumer
Most egregious lie: "The right response to the non-problem of global warming is to have the courage to do nothing.” Comeuppance: Climate refugees storm his castle in 2030 and pillage everything but Monckton's prized medieval pear of anguish , .... Nancy Tenney Naumer: Vitória da Conquista, Bahia, Brazil: Most people call me Tenney. New blog on climate science: Climate Change -- The Next Generation, at http://climatechangepsychology. View my complete profile ...
Climate Change: The Next Generation -
Timely Op-ed on Boreal Protection | BSI Blog
As a northern country, Canada has much to lose from the environmental, social and economic upheavals expected with climate warming. These changes will bring misery to millions. No doubt for some of us there will also be opportunities, though these may ... From a long-term global perspective in the context of climate change, it will not be very significant. Its value is primarily economic, but it will be done at the expense of the Labrador environment. Important resources ...
BSI Blog -
Tom Nelson
By Tom
There will always be new scares although none will ever achieve the universal penetration of global warming/climate change. That one is still believed by a remarkable number of people. Part of the reason is that Gore cut governments all ...
Tom Nelson -
Despite severe cold, the planet is still warming | Cynthia Tucker
By ctucker
For my part, I'd rather believe some random guy in blog comments than the geeks I beat up in high school. Link; Report this comment. Farce. January 8th, 2010 12:08 pm. Global warming/Gore is a scam and right in line with other feel good .... Climate is not weather and Global warming does not mean it will never get cold again. Global warming is about climate change and the fact that this is even a polital issue is alarming. The entire atmosphere is being messed around with ...
Cynthia Tucker -
Weathermen In America Free To Believe That Global Warming Is A ...
By Choire
Meteorologists have every reason to be skeptical of largely unproven climate models, and the CJR article, this blog post and other takes around the internet completely fail to address the specifics of their criticism. ... I'm not a disbeliever in climate change, but I thought this CJR article was lazy, focusing on some weatherman schmo who thinks global warming is a hoax, instead of addressing a far more relevant issue: how accurate are climate models? ...
The Awl -
Final Live from Copenhagen Q & A call recording and highlights ...
By (Association for the Advancement...
The Center for Environmental and Sustainability Education at Dickinson College in conjunction with the Office of Global Education recently lead a delegation of 15 students to the United Nations Framework on Climate Change (UNFCCC) 15th ... really aware of climate change…they don't really understand the implications of the warming planet nor do they understand the political structures that are building policy that will shape our future and that is the most important thing… ...
AASHE Blog: Campus Sustainability... -
Global Temperature Trend Update -- January 2010 - Hit & Run ...
By Ronald Bailey
(2) Assuming possibly dangerous man-made global warming. what policies might be appropriate? See What's the Best Way to Handle Future Climate Change? (3) What about the Climategaters? See The Scientific Tragedy of Climategate. ...
Hit & Run -
Weather is not the same thing as climate « Re/Creating Tampa
By dave
There are plenty of real, legitimate arguments to make against climate change/global warming science. Correlational effects are problematic, prediction is difficult, climate dynamics are still poorly understood, the earth's .... We generally use our blogs for pointless rants or raves but apparently there's lots of sites with important and relevant information for the local area of Tampa. If you reside in the area of Tampa Bay (Hillsborough/Pinellas) you should visit these ...
Re/Creating Tampa -
The Irish Economy » Blog Archive » Green Strategy
By Richard Tol
By the by, I think that it may have been shown that it is virtually impossible that technological improvements alone can save us from global warming. I think there may be research on this point and I know Tim Harford has said that he .... In terms of characterizing anthropogenic climate change I think that there has obviously been a rise in atmospheric CO2 concentration and that there is a long-term slow average warming trend in evidence but to a geologist this is only a ...
The Irish Economy -
Cincinnati.Com | Cincinnati Enquirer | Letters to the Editor ...
By Letters Editor
The article "Experts say cold doesn't disprove climate change” (Jan. 7) ignores the inability of computer systems created by those experts to explain the lack of global warming during the last 10 years and seems to forget that ...
Letters to the Editor -
The Profit of Climate Deniers and a Solar Power Experiment
By Tor aka "Solar Fred"
But even if you agree with the above Climate Deniers about global warming, always remember that there are other reasons to go solar for your home or business, including saving money and breathing. ... Spot on, Fred – you don't have to believe in Climate Change (although we do) and you don't have to believe it is a result of human actions (although we believe that, too) to realize that getting away from relying on fossil fuels just makes sense. ...
Solar Power Rocks! -
Global Warmists' Mouths Frozen Shut - Erick's blog - RedState
By Erick Erickson (Profile)
Climate Change! And anyway the cold doesn't disprove that there is Global Warming. These people are worse than flat-earthers.Their motto should be ” Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes (and frozen feet)? ...
RedState -
Brian Daniell: Climate change: Do you believe in magic? | Daily ...
By Camera staff
Blogs for the Daily Camera newspaper located in Boulder, Colorado. ... where he attempts to buttress his argument that human activity does not cause climate change with this data: "(only) 36 percent of the U.S. population believe that human activity is the primary cause of a warming planet . ... Since, according to the poll he cites, some 64 percent of Americans do not believe that climate change is human-caused, the case is closed and we have nothing to worry about. ...
Daily Camera: Letters to the Editor -
The Politics of the Cross Resurrected: Belief in Anthropogenic ...
By Craig Carter
I think his list is perceptive, but one of the comments on his blog really seemed to me to cut to the chase. A woman named "SusieQ" said: "Two things have caused me to doubt the Global Warming theory: the deceit revealed in the emails and the fact that nothing of substance was done in ... This is why Tony Blair says that we should "take action" on climate change even if the science is shaky - because the science is not what is driving this agenda in the first place. ...
The Politics of the Cross Resurrected -
Disco. don't know much about science : Thoughts from Kansas
CLIMATE change researchers have detected the first signs of a slowdown in the Gulf Stream — the mighty ocean current that keeps Britain and Europe from freezing. They have found that one of the "engines” driving the Gulf Stream — the ... But it's a pretty high-profile example, since Al Gore, in his 2006 documentary, talked about how global warming could disrupt the thermohaline current and cause northern Europe to get colder in his Oscar- and Nobel- winning documentary. ...
Thoughts from Kansas -
Alert! New Catastrophy! CO2 Will Dissolve Ocean Turtles And Reefs ...
By Tom Remington
First, they called it "global warming”. Then they noticed there had been no warming for 15 years, and cooling for 9, so they hastily renamed it "climate change”. Then they noticed the climate was changing no more than it ever had, so they tried "energy security”, ... Tweets that mention Animal Rights Groups And Governor Oppose Maine's Coyote Hunts : Black Bear Blog -- [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter jason storey: sir,my love for these bears is with ...
Black Bear Blog -
Clean Edge - PC Energy Management Startup Verdiem Raises Close to ...
Nowadays students are not oblivious to the hazards of global warming. They are quite keen on pursuing a clean energy' career. Now the concern about climate change is stimulating more undergraduate students to show interest in science and ... in Cleantech Blog posted 3 days ago. According to the most recent issue of the Monthly Energy Review by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), renewable energy (i.e., biofuels, biomass, geothermal, hydroelectric, solar, ...
Latest Blog Articles at CleanTechGree... -
All of Britain covered by snow « Watts Up With That?
By Anthony Watts
That is the consequence of reading such forbidden blogs as WUWT. Repent now! and you will see the open fields free rom ice and Saint Gore, your saviour, descending from unclouded and sunny skies. 8 01 2010. Tim Groves (08:49:12) : What's the big deal? .... Ruth Davis, head of climate change policy at the RSPB, said the charity was promoting the development of wind power because the evidence of the increasing impact of global warming on birds was "truly terrifying”. ...
Watts Up With That? -
The decade of the 'Naughts' | Spectator Blog
By Amanda Rinkel
Ten years ago, hippies and crazy liberals were the only people that seemed to have global warming on the radar. It was a foreign term. Now, it is commonplace. Al Gore's documentary "An Inconvenient Truth” and the tragedy of Hurricaine Katrina thrust the debate into the mainstream, forcing the ... Add in the decades long debate over foreign oil and what appears at first to be a uniting issue becomes once again divisive, with two sides arguing if climate change even exists . ...
Spectator Blog -
God Exposes Gore as Gibbering Gasbag « INCOG MAN: Sick of all the BS…
By incogman
The Climategate scandal that resulted from hacked e-mails from the University of East Anglia two months ago revealed how Global Warming advocates were dismayed about the cooling trend and whether they should hide their climate data ... Rights: Severe Blizzards and Climategate Make a Fool out of Al Gore. INCOG MAN NOTE: The traitorous media is now using the term "Climate Change” — looks like a little mid-course correction was called for in the globalist Jew propaganda! ...
INCOG MAN: Sick of all the BS... -
Daily Briefing: Wed. | MNN - Mother Nature Network
By Russell McLendon
OUT IN THE COLD: The chair of the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warns that failure to act to stop global warming will have a disproportionately negative effect on the world's poor. ...
All MNN Content -
Maryland Weather: Why so cold? Blame the North Atlantic ...
So this is not slowing down the global warming? FR: It's a short-term weather cycle. Posted by: Eve Redman | January 8, 2010 2:57 PM. Frank- somehow a helicopter crashing in Garrett County (presumably from the weather) didn't make the Sun! Here is a link from the Cumberland ... This does however make it ABUNDANTLY clear that man has little effect on the climate of the planet, and that we are basically at the whim of what this planet wants to do at any given moment. ...
Weather blog from -
CleanEnergy Footprints » Archive » Dismantling the Clean Air Act?
By Jennifer Rennicks
Murkowski and her colleagues are stalling and trying to gut the most important tool we posses to reduce global warming pollution and protect public health. Passing this "Dirty Air Act” would be akin to throwing out your only coat before buying a ... 1Sky, is hosting a call-in day on Tuesday, January 12 so that concerned citizens can urge their senators to vote NO on Senator Murkowski's amendment and to show leadership in seeking legislative solutions to climate change. ...
CleanEnergy Footprints -
NYT's David Brooks: "I totally accept the scientific authorities ...
By Joe
David Brooks is one of the few leading conservative intellectuals who hasn't been knee-jerk anti-science on climate change. In a 2005 piece on conservative intellectual exhaustion, "Running Out of Steam” he even asserted: Global warming ...
zikkir -
Category: Climate Change and Global Warming Blogs around the world | Views: 325 | Added by: Aries | Tags: Blogs, global warming, climate change | Rating: 0.0/0
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