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«  January 2010  »
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Main » 2010 » January » 11 » Climate Change and Global Warming Blogs
8:39 PM
Climate Change and Global Warming Blogs
Climate Change or Global Warming Blogs
LETTERS: Freelancers and Climate Change - The Public Editor's ...
Why is it that the media at large, and your column in particular, refers to supporters of the human-caused global warming theory as "scientists,” but uses the term "skeptics” (not scientists) for any scientist who rebuts that theory? ... Letters: The Archbishop's Blog, Paying for The Times and Bloomberg's Blowout. The explanation for The Times's refusal to publish Archbishop Timothy Dolan's letter is lame and defensive, as is the rest of your column. ...
The Public Editor's Journal -
Climate Shifts » Blog Archive » Rolling Stone magazine weighs in ...
By John Bruno
This is just a sample of what our republican leaders have to say about climate change: Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steel said on 6 March 2009: "We are cooling. We are not warming. The warming you see out there, the supposed warming, and I am using my finger ... Wouldn't it be ironic if in the interest of global warming we mandated massive switches to energy, which is a finite resource, which slows the winds down, which causes the temperature to go up? ...
Climate Shifts -
Pajamas Media » Your Television Loved Global Warming
By Art Horn
It's hard to imagine a world without blogs and websites freely writing and editorializing about the stories of the day, but this simply did not exist. And third, there were no rapidly evolving technologies forcing change. .... There was a news program saying that the polar bears were killing and eating each other due to global warming. BUT it has been cooler this last decade!! Or CNN was promoting their program on "climate change” about how the Maldive Islands were going ...
Pajamas Media -
WaPo Blogger Wants Weather Served With a Side Order of 'Climate ...
By Tom Blumer
While climatologists would say weather isn't necessarily an indication of climate, it has been in the media, but only when the weather could be spun as part of global warming. Freedman, whose post quotes Julie's work without linking to ... For perspective on how this might be done, I turned to Joe Romm of the liberal Center for American Progress (CAP), who has been pushing for more coverage of the links between extreme weather and climate events and global climate change. ... - Exposing Liberal... - Blog » New Year's Resolutions: Make 2010 Carbon Neutral
By Ivan Chan
It's a critical year– will the US make good on its promises to take concerted action on global warming by passing strong climate legislation? Will the world take the Copenhagen UN Climate Conference to the next level by acting on stated ... Blog» Climate... -
The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : Weather is Not Climate ...
By Paul Chesser
Cold weather is not evidence of global warming because it's just "weather," not climate. Unless the cold weather has "extremes," like heavy snow or blizzards -- then it's an extreme weather event that has intensified because of the effects of global .... then it was the overpopulation problem, then it was that the world was going to run out of resources, then it was the hole-in-the-ozone layer problem, and now, of course, it is global warming--excuse me--climate change. ...
AmSpecBlog -
taw's blog: A modest proposal for climate change treaty
By taw
... now their economies are much more dependent on cheap fossil fuels than before; they have new carbon-intense industries; and with emissions reduced by someone else they care even less about global warming than before. ...
taw's blog -
Som Post » Blog Archive » AccuWeather: Worldwide Cold Not Seen ...
By The blogprof
Of course they can't connect the current frigid blast to global warming climate change. That's because it is gripping the globe. It's not a local phenomenon. The AP has a problem, and it can be summed up in 1000 words: Leave a Comment ...
Som Post -
Tiger Woods was the Copenhagen Diversion and Cover Up ...
By afteramerica
Email Subscription. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. ... Written by After America. Did you notice something interesting? People all over the planet were screaming about the Copenhagen Conference. What a real "scam” that "global warming is.” Oh, they call it "Climate Change Now!” So while all the protesters were lining up by the thousands around the world, the corporation "main stream,” (partner with the ...
AfterAmerica's Blog -
Climate change experts clash over sea-rise 'apocalypse' » EMOIZ
By admin
Climate science faces a new controversy after the Met Office denounced research from the Copenhagen summit which suggested that global warming could raise sea levels by 6ft by 2100. ... Research in Germany, created headline news during the United Nations summit on climate change in Denmark last month. It predicted an apocalyptic century in which rising seas could threaten coastal communities from England to… this is a summary, for the full version visit the wild news blog ...
Go Green Toolshed » Blog Archive » Some Climate Experts Seek ...
By the time it closed with a compromise to acknowledge a U.S.-brokered accord, the two weeks of intrigue, chaos and divisiveness had shattered for many the idealized notion of a global consensus to tackle climate change. ... Levi and others argued that while the United Nations may be a key forum to address a range of climate issues, the main work of coordinating emission reductions may fall into the hands of the biggest global warming polluters. ...
Go Green Toolshed -
Weasel Zippers: "Baghdad" Bob Gibbs: Of Course Worldwide Record ...
Got to love how the climate cultists dropped "global warming" like a hot potato and switched to the much more generic "climate change"...shameless... ZIP.
Weasel Zippers -
The Shotgun: John Coleman on global warming
By Western Standard
After all, the funding would stop if everything was alright after all. Just maybe, climate has always changed and throwing billions of dollars at it wont change anything. Posted by: peterj | 2010-01-09 12:52:14 PM ...
The Shotgun -
Doc's Talk: Global Warming's Next Big Lie: If We Don't Act Fast ...
By GS Don Morris, Ph.D.
First, they called it "global warming”. Then they noticed there had been no warming for 15 years, and cooling for 9, so they hastily renamed it "climate change”. Then they noticed the climate was changing no more than it ever had, so they tried "energy security”, and even named a Congressional Bill after it. Then they noticed that most ..... Barry Rubin Talk a few days ago. ...
Doc's Talk -
- Bishop Hill blog - Mann interview at
By Bishop Hill
A new JRI briefing paper by Sir John Houghton links the biblical story of Joseph in Egypt and modern issues surrounding climate change. You can download Joseph, Pharaoh, and a Climate Crisis at the above link. ...
Bishop Hill - Blogs » Blog Archive » Snow in Florida inc. Tampa ...
By Bill Steffen
It just goes to show that, when considering any form of "climate change,” there is a much bigger picture to look at than what is going on at the planet's surface; so many pieces make up the puzzle. ... Its amazing to me that with only 160 yrs of climate data which is miniscule as compared to earth's age,that we are causing global warming….what a farce.There are much larger and longer cycles at play not to mention thhe natural volcanos and other natural events that take ... Blogs » Bill's Blog -
Animals Feeling the Heat « – Organic Blog
By Barbara Feiner
A new report from the Wildlife Conservation Society reveals that more than a dozen animals are facing new risks related to global warming, including: Changing land and sea temperatures Shifting rain patterns Exposure to new pathogens ... " The image of a forlorn-looking polar bear on a tiny ice floe has become the public's image of climate change in nature, but the impact reaches species in nearly every habitat in the world's wild places,” says President and CEO Steven E. ... - Organic Blog -
BLOGDIAL » Blog Archive » Temperature and year ZERO!
By irdial
This is the "exceptionally mild winter” that the climate change buffoons warned us would occur as a consequence of global warming. Their credibility is 20 degrees below zero. Yet nothing shames them, nothing persuades them to come out ...
CHARMING, JUST CHARMING: Good Morning Blog World
Good Morning Blog World. Do you know why the Al Gore kool ade drinkers decided to quit calling it global warming and switched to climate change? Because there is a climate change...I don't think it is caused by anything humans are doing ...
Tom Nelson
By Tom
The Met Office can't think of any warming effect other than CO2 in the past 100 years. We can. | The SPPI Blog. As for Mr. Groves' suggestion that only CO2 can have been to blame for those two decades of recent warming, measured results published repeatedly in the ... The weather seems headed in the opposite direction from global warming, and Arctic storm fronts blasting across North America have prompted plenty of crowing on the part of climate change deniers. ...
Tom Nelson -
Pentagon: The World's Biggest Polluter : Climate and Capitalism
By Ian Angus
He quotes then-Secretary of Defense William Cohen's 1997 annual report to Congress: "DoD strongly recommends that the United States insist on a national security provision in the climate change Protocol now being negotiated.” ... Inter Press Service reported on May 21, 1998: "U.S. law makers, in the latest blow to international efforts to halt global warming, today exempted U.S. military operations from the Kyoto agreement which lays out binding commitments to reduce ...
Climate and Capitalism -
Ross Gelbspan | TV Weathermen -- the Carbon Lobby's "Useful Idiots"
By Ross Gelbspan
Twenty-nine percent of 121 meteorologists agreed - not that global warming was unproven, or unlikely, but that it was a scam. Just 24 percent of them believed that humans were responsible for most of the change in climate over the past ...
DeSmogBlog - Clearing the PR... -
Still more weather forecasts | The Spectator
By Rod Liddle
January 9th, 2010 4:53pm. So newspeak has moved from 'Global warming' to 'Climate Change'? Trouble is, snow falling in winter doesn't sound much like 'Climate change' to me. How about introducing the concept of 'Dangerous Same Old Same Old' ? .... Search this blog ...
Spectator Live -
» Eventhopping: AED's "One Degree Matters” and WBL's "Breakfast of ...
By rosettathurman
Get New Blog Posts Delivered Right to Your Inbox. Email: Listen to Perspectives from the Pipeline on on Blog Talk Radio ... I was intrigued by this event because I've been wanting to learn more about climate change and global warming. Everyone talks about it and I feel like I should know what's it's all about, but I don't. I dragged my little sister along so she could be enlightened, too. An important film by acclaimed director Eskil Hardt. ONE DEGREE MATTERS. ...
Rosetta Thurman -
Britannia Radio
By Britannia Radio
I checked our own blog and we have written over 150 posts on "snow" worldwide, building up a picture of deteriorating conditions. Then, last March we were pointing out that all the signs were there, pointing to an established cooling cycle. ... The fact is that the orthodoxy is blinded by Mann-made global warming and cannot see the snow for the tree-rings. With many local authorities employing more climate change advisors than they have gritter trucks, we are now paying ...
Britannia Radio -
Fausty's Libertarian Blog: GORDON BROWN - BONKERS!
By (Barking Spider)
It's late November and fucking freezing...Global Warming anybody? - I hadn't really given Global warming so much as a passing thought until our Socialist brethren attempted to have Climate Denial Classed As a Mental Disorde... 5 weeks ago ..... Criminal dissent? - - Bishop Hill blog - ++++Statement from Norfolk Police++++. It seems the debate on climate change really is over. Tasked with investigating the breach of s... 1 hour ago. The Latest From ...
Fausty's Libertarian Blog -
Lame Cherry: The Fire Froze
By Lame Cherry
I was reading a meteorologists account that after a year of crappy cool weather that now the world is going back into an ice age, just after Al Gore and Bearick Obama had everyone dying from global warming for the past 20 years, and we all only had 10 ... What I will inform the world of though is this, in the reason the winter is frigid across the world in 2009 and 2010 is because God is warning people not to trust these satanic global government climate change stooges. ...
Lame Cherry -
iPlanet Energy Industry News » Blog Archive » Int'l Renewable ...
By iPlanetNews
Israel and Pataki have taken on significant leadership roles on issues involving renewable energy and climate change. Pataki currently serves as Counsel at the law firm Chadbourne & Parke LLP, where his practice focuses on energy, ... focused on advancing policies that promote clean energy innovation, developing renewable energy resources, creating of green collar jobs, helping to arrest global warming, and protecting America's clean air, water and natural environment. ...
iPlanet Energy Industry News -
The Delusional Al Gore « Mamaneeds2rant's Weblog
By les@mamaneeds2rant
In all fairness, Al and his followers don't often use the term "global warming” anymore, now that it's clear even to the puffed-up birds in Florida trying to keep warm that the planet is not becoming a desert. The term "climate change” is now used in its place, but I could have told you years ago that our weather has become more extreme–hotter in summer, colder in winter, and super destructive natural disasters. But it doesn't necessarily mean ... Blog Stats. 58496 hits ...
Mamaneeds2rant's Weblog -
Peoples Press Collective » Seng Center 12/17 - Part One: Clear the ...
By Seng Center
... Head Potentate and Grand Prophet of the Church of Climate Change of Latter-Day Liberals, and Copenhagen in a discussion of Climategate, global warming exaggerations, and the risks involved in massive anti-climate change policies. ... Therefore, the appropriate location to debate a contributor's endorsement of specific a State primary candidate is not here on People's Press Collective, but on that contributor's original source blog. Name (required) ...
Peoples Press Collective -
Our Galileo, Will we do better this time? « the Air Vent
By Jeff Id
As the people across the continents have witnessed the meeting in Copenhagen was not about science of global warming or climate change but pure and plain political drama under the aegis of UN. The people who did talk about science (the .... Bhat might be good on science but his grasp of history isn't great. And what's the that non seqiutur about the stem cell guy? I read this blog for reasoned argument on points of fact. On that basis the above article is pretty lame. ...
the Air Vent -
Florida Gone? Was Gore right? - - Conservative Forums
By entryreqrd
Old Today, 04:11 PM. harv. Today's Tom Sawyer. harv's Avatar. Join Date: Dec 2004. Posts: 10540. Blog Entries: 8. harv will become famous soon enough. Re: Florida Gone? Was Gore right? Didn't you get the memo? Now that the whole "global warming" thing isn't working out, it's called "climate change". ... All I have to say is this climate change sucked the past week. Snow and temps in the teens in Alabama WTF. ... - Conservative Forums -
Firedoglake » Pull Up a Chair
By DeVeria Flowers
I see the supposed left progressive blogs still have their knives out for Jane. Now Crooks and Liars has piped in, discrimately of course. Sad bastards. SteveAudio: A non-story that's all over the news and the blogs. The link is to this unknown supposed .... Climate change is a much better name than global warming. Reply. DeVeria Flowers January 9th, 2010 at 7:04 am. 74. In response to ohthehumanity @ 63. Its got to get warmer! Reply. View this users Facebook profile ...
Firedoglake -
Top 10 Bizarre Apocalypse Scenarios - Listverse
By jfrater
Does anyone on Earth without a financial stake in continuing the myth really believe in man-made climate change/global warming? 25 DC January 9th, 2010 at 2:48 am. Sorry, I've never said this but I really don't like this list. ..... I've posted lists of possible doomsday scenarios before in the blog so I won't bother repeating them again. I liked the list – even though I can't agree that these are worth worrying about – I do understand they are possible. ...
Listverse -
The Alpha And The Omega Of Liberal Fascism | Right Wing News
By Ed Driscoll
In one of his most out-spoken interventions in the climate change debate, he said a 15 billion pound annual programme was required to halt deforestation or the world would have to live with the dire consequences. ...
Right Wing News -
Grass In The Backyard: Cold and Then Some
By Steven Fivecats
So, what does this do for the Global Warming people? Just a little fluke they may say. Hardly. Yes, we are having climate change, but what does this forebode? The answers my friend are not blowing in the wind. ...
Grass In The Backyard -
4th arson attempt as 113 groups slam violence «
By anilnetto
Statements and comments on pro-UMNO blogs such as Rocky Bru and BigDogdotcom, as well as a pro-Pakatan Muslim friend say that they cannot accept the "Christian God” in "three persons” being called by the same name as the "Muslim God” who is one ... Starring Oscar-nominated actor Pete Postlethwaite as an old man living in a world devastated by global warming in 2055, he watches saddening footage from 2008 and asks: Why didn't we stop climate change when we had the chance? ... -
Mr Eugenides: Monbiot: Penultimate chance
By Mr Eugenides
It is particularly good as they're now saying that these colder winters are due to global warming! How can anybody trust the warmists if they contradict themselves! I listened to Ken Livingston on LBC this morning saying "This is global warming." when referring to the current ... But apparently, according to a report of his back in May 2008, a drought in Spain is a terrifying warning of climate change. Funny, that. # posted by Anonymous Sam Duncan : 9 January 2010 22:35 ...
Mr Eugenides -
The Talking Clock: Sunday Paper Review: 10th January 2010
By The Talking Clock
We don't have to welcome him into the 'common sense' fold on man-made global warming fold. Look to a wife then look to a brother and you'll soon spot the link to our hero, Lord Christopher Monckton. Yet Dominic Lawson's piece - 'Brrrr, ... The exact same conclusions are reached by Christopher Brooker for the Sunday Telegraph - namely that if the spineless Members of Parliament who accept the 'climate change' apocalypse nonsense without asking any questions or checking the ...
The Talking Clock -
Cempaka Global Hotspots: Hillary Clinton sets out US plan for ...
By Cempaka
Global Warming / Climate Change (Please follow link for more information). Cempaka Eco Green. Mother Earth & Species. Time Line Mother Earth. Time Line Mother Earth Formation Earth: 4.5 Billions Years Ago ...
Cempaka Global Hotspots -
small dead animals: Y2Kyoto: The Gore Effect
By Kate
"Hey, Al, how's all that global warming working out for you?" Posted by Kate at January 9, 2010 10:17 AM. Comments. "But we can still make sure that in the future, we elect individuals of moral character who are intellectually honest with both ... Posted by: new at January 9, 2010 2:17 PM. Can news pass to change all climate change too ...
small dead animals -
ECO- Environmental Campus Outreach: Psst...don't tell anyone, but ...
Why are we willing to deny science and common sense and insist global warming is the "greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people?" Because we are literally addicted to cars, and we're unwilling to change our lifestyles to halt the eventual climate change that might possibly lead to human extinction. So ask yourself this: is walking really that bad? Is the CTA so terrible? Are traffic and car payments and parking lots really that wonderful? ...
ECO- Environmental Campus Outreach -
Global Warming Debunked back in 1990 – 01 « Global Conferencing
By admin
Global Warming Debunked back in 1990 – 01. Posted by admin Comments Off. When Europe still believed that everything was in order with our climate, boguous scientists hunting the buck, were already active in Oz. This documentary from 1990(!) shows dramatically how these con artists, disguised as scientists, change attitude and face, when confronted with the truth. Note: Stephen Schneider and East Anglia University come up! Part 1 – Part 2 – ...
Global Conferencing -
Category: Climate Change and Global Warming Blogs around the world | Views: 752 | Added by: Aries | Tags: Blogs, global warming, climate change | Rating: 0.0/0
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