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«  January 2010  »
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Main » 2010 » January » 18 » Climate Change and Global Warming Blogs
5:38 PM
Climate Change and Global Warming Blogs
Climate Change or Global Warming Blogs
American Farm Bureau Opposes Climate Change Legislation
By Past Member
The American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) approved a special resolution to oppose cap and trade legislation.
Stop Global Warming -
Tuesday links: Food rules, global warming, and the science of ...
By Shea Gunther
Rolling Stone uncovers the polluters and deniers holding back efforts to fight global warming, Germany steps up its emissions cutting game, and Michael Pollan has some new easy rules for healthy eating.
All MNN Content -
Clean Air Act-Gutting Amendment Written By Polluter Lobbyists ...
By Mike Gaworecki
The largest U.S. farm group called on Congress on Tuesday to prevent the government from regulating greenhouse gases if lawmakers kill climate change legislation. The 6 million-member American Farm Bureau Federation also underlined its ... He is currently a Web Editor at Greenpeace USA, covering the org's global warming, forests, and nuclear energy campaigns. Mike has two English degrees gathering dust in his closet: a Masters from San Jose State (in California) and a ...'s Stop Global Warming Blog -
Futurist Transhuman News Blog » Blog Archive » Rolling Stone ...
By admin
Rolling Stone has two articles on climate change and politics in its latest issue. "As the World Burns” by Jeff Goodell is about "How Big Oil and Big Coal mounted one of the most aggressive lobbying campaigns in history to block progress ... House bill — will still fall tragically short of what climate scientists tell us needs to be done to avoid the looming chaos and destruction. In that sense — the only one that ultimately matters — the battle over global warming may [. ...
Futurist Transhuman News Blog -
Fox Claims Minor Cold Snap Disproves Global Warming; People Who ...
By Alex Seitz-Wald, Think Progress
I'm so glad to see that global warming deniers are enjoying actual climate change. Yes, kiddies, erratic weather is one the hallmarks of climate change. Meanwhile, out here in the west, we are hoping for rain. ... -
Media Law Prof Blog: Global Warming Researcher Says Papers ...
By Media Law Prof
Global Warming Researcher Says Papers Mischaracterize His Work. A climate change researcher has indicated his unhappiness with coverage and interpretation of his work in the Daily Mail. Mojib Latif says that the paper's story about his ...
Media Law Prof Blog -
CleanEnergy Footprints » Archive » Engaging Florida's Latino ...
By Toni Reale
VEA NUESTROS BLOG EN ESPANOL. With last month's climate talks in Copenhagen and a reinvigorated international interest in global warming issues, the time is right to expand southeastern engagement and education about global warming. ... According to a new Oxfam America report that researched social vulnerability and climate change, Florida's large Latino immigrant population is especially vulnerable. Geographically, 37% of the state of Florida is in FEMA's 100-year flood ...
CleanEnergy Footprints -
Brendan Demelle | Tucker Carlson's 'Daily Caller' Website ...
By Brendan Demelle
Josh Nelson over at EnviroKnow has compiled a quick rundown of Friess's opinions on climate change and a list of recent items from Friess's blog, such as this gem: "Global Warming a religion?” Given their sources of funding, ...
DeSmogBlog - Clearing the PR... -
Thoughts on addressing population and climate change in a just and ...
By pcamill
Many see the current attention to the issue of climate change as an opening in which to make the case that global warming can not be alleviated or reversed without slowing population growth. They believe that linking population growth ...
Global Change -
"Why I Went to COP15" My Short Contribution to Planet Positive's ...
By Thomas Schueneman
One such example was the brief meeting I had with Christina Wood of Planet Positive, a UK-based advocacy organization seeking to leverage the efforts of the world community to address climate change, as well as helping all of us to envision a better world in the future. How taking action now to reduce our .... Updates by Email: Subscribe to Global Warming is Real by Email ... Blog under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License Creative Commons License ...
Global Warming is Real -
Climate Change Fraud - Because the debate is not over
By (Patrick Courrielche...
PART III – A global warming skeptic receives the leaked files from an anonymous "Deep-Climate” insider. Release of files exposes gatekeeping and leads to the maturing of a new science movement. ... only be undertaken by the group that had been closely monitoring the workings of the global warming establishment. Once the link was on the Air Vent, Mosher hit the ground running. He simultaneously informed Jeff Id and Lucia Liljegren of the existence of the link on the blog. ...
Climate Change Fraud - Global Warming News, Science, Myths, Articles's global warming center offers a daily blog of news related to the topic of global warming. An unbiased look at myths, articles, and anything related to global warming. ... I love in the summer you are all so quick to call it global warming when its hot, and the winter its "Climate Change" when its cold. Obviously its called seasons , and since you white coats have only the data of the last 100 years or so , you don't know normal trends over long periods ...
Global Warming -
Drafting legislations, without understanding climate change ...
By Destination Casa Blanca Tuesday, 12 of January of 2010 ... But if global warming was surrounded by skepticism before, now the questions are getting louder. The term has gone from global warming to global climate change, and some are now beginning to speculate another ice age is coming. As poor and rich countries debate who will pay the bill for the proposed energy changes, and the US continues to question the proposed cap and trade, many are beginning to wonder ...
Destination Casa Blanca -
Rural Rage with Country Sage: Global Fraud Exposed Finally
By RuralRite However Alternative Media Deprived Canadians Consider Climate Change a Bigger Threat Than Terrorism: Poll ...
Rural Rage with Country Sage -
Obstacle No. 64 to dealing with climate change: The cult of ...
By James Hrynyshyn
The average citizen needs to understand just how solid the science of anthropogenic global warming really is, and why it is that the term "consensus" is more than appropriate in this case. .... Visit the Collective Imagination blog ...
ScienceBlogs Channel : Environment -
Adrian MacNair: Canadian climate fears fall below 50% - Full Comment
By NP Editor
They lapped up Climate Change and Global Warming without any attempt to vette the theory. I spent the better part of the holidays educating my minions of nephews that Climate Change is a hoax and I explained why it's built on lies, ..... Read more commentary on Canadian and global business, politics and the fight against junk science on our FP Comment blog or subscribe via RSS. Including columns from Terence Corcoran, Lawrence Solomon, Peter Foster, William Watson and ...
Full Comment -
Moonbattery: Penn State Investigates Michael Mann for Global ...
By Van Helsing
Penn State Investigates Michael Mann for Global Warming Fraud. Posted by Van Helsing at January 12, 2010 12:23 PM. Michael Mann — the charlatan who invented Al Gore's discredited hockey stick graph — is finally facing an inquiry into the ... Any findings against Mann could reinforce the notion of Climate Change/AGW as a complete hoax. In domino-effect mode, this could lead to undermining the very field that has brought so much Gub'mint money to Penn State and countless ...
Moonbattery - » Blog Archive » Climate Change Visible in 2009
By Editor
Beginning in late 1800s, when accurate weather records began, the country has been warming at a rate of about 0.1 degree per decade. Global temperatures for 2009 will be released this week and based on preliminary data, ... -
Climate Generation: In 2010, Go Big « It's Getting Hot In Here
By jamiehenn
At the time, we were at 387 ppm, so the paper was putting forward a radical idea: we've gone too far, climate change is already happening, and we need immediate action. Problem was, at the time of Hansen's paper, the entire debate centered .... Jamie is the co-coordinator of, an international global warming campaign. A recent college graduate, he lives in San Francisco, CA. In 2007, he co-organized Step It Up, a campaign that pulled together over 2000 climate ...
It's Getting Hot In Here -
Havas & Euro RSCG – creators & partners of TckTckTck – were also ...
By corymorningstar
"The clock has ticked down to zero," United Nations climate director Yvo de Boer told negotiators from nearly 200 nations at the opening of the U.N's 15th Climate Change Conference (COP15) Monday. ... advance of global warming. But he might as easily have referred to another daunting challenge: how to communicate COP15's import to a global citizenry far removed from the talks. Many campaigns have sounded the drumbeat of climate urgency ahead of the Copenhagen conference, ...
Canadians for Climate Change Action - Blogs » Blog Archive » Major Earthquake in Haiti
By Bill Steffen
We now also have bigger odds for deadly heat waves. A warmer climate means more hot weather. Scientists expect global warming to increase the chance of "killer” heat waves. These heat waves happened all over the world in the last few years. just because the .... If you're gonna debate, learn to distinguish one thing from the other. I quit trying to take a stance on Climate Change, seems like with everything else in this country it has fallen into a left/right ideology. ... Blogs » Bill's Blog -
Go Green Toolshed » Blog Archive » Pope Benedict XVI Blog: Eco ...
... perhaps not) may be lending aid and comfort to a movement they regard as an attack on capitalism and limited government, under the guise of hype about global warming, rising sea levels, and other nightmare scenarios. ... In the World Peace Day message, the pope called for urgent action on a wide range of threats, including "climate change, desertification, the degradation and loss of productivity in vast agricultural areas, the pollution of rivers and aquifers, ...
Go Green Toolshed -
Just in case the cold temperature encourages the British public to assume a degree of scepticism towards climate change alarmism, Shukman reassuringly informs us that the big freeze is not inconsistent with theories of global warming. ...
Steven Mosher: the real hero of Climategate? – Telegraph Blogs
By James Delingpole
Of course, by January 29th 2010 all of East Anglia will be submerged under the seas (or possibly an arid desert full of confused polar bears) as a result of climate change. Phil Jones sent me an e-mail about it. .... CLIMATE science faces a major new controversy after Britain's Met Office denounced research from the Copenhagen summit that suggested global warming could raise sea levels by more than 1.8m by 2100. The studies, led by Stefan Rahmstorf, professor of ocean ...
News -
"Its easier to defeat Hitler than Big Coal and Oil…” at Oil Change
By Andy Rowell
Climate activists like to talk about mobilizing all of America's resources, as we did during World War II, to fight global warming.” "But as the failure to pass the climate bill reveals, it may be easier to defeat a dictator like Hitler than to overcome internal threats ... The opinions expressed on these blog pages are those of the authors, and do not necessarily represent the views of Oil Change International or any other organizations the authors are affiliated with. ...
Oil Change -
Roger Pielke Jr.'s Blog: Pachauri's Conflicts of Interest
By (Roger Pielke, Jr.)
If you connect the dots -- and there aren't many to connect -- you will quickly see that as Director of TERI Rajendra Pachauri's advice through the IPCC and his platform provided by the IPCC on climate change and carbon trading has direct and significant benefits to his own institution. ... Now, when confronted with the conflict of interest at the highest levels of the AGW movement the true believers will again say that the science of global warming is not disproven. ...
Roger Pielke Jr.'s Blog -
Worldwatch: Solving the Climate Crisis Will Take a Cultural ...
By Matthew Berger
Climate change is a symptoms of that excessive consumption. Consumption has risen sixfold since 1960, according to World Bank statistics. Even taking the rising global population into account, this amounts to a tripling of consumption expenditures per person over this time. .... Change (AFP). World leaders should focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions as much as possible over the next 40 years to avoid perilous warming conditions, researchers said in a new study. ...
Solve Climate: Daily Climate... -
Don Blankenship is on the cover of the Rolling Stone « Don Surber
By Don Surber
In an age when most CEOs are canny enough to at least pay lip service to the realities of climate change, Blankenship stands apart as corporate America's most unabashed denier. Global warming, he insists, is nothing but "a hoax and a ...
Don Surber -
Mario Piperni dot Com » Blog Archive » Anti-Science Cons Fooling ...
By mario piperni
Here's how it works in the world of anti-science, global warming misinformation. 1. Fabricate a complete and total lie by claiming that a world-renowned climatologist said something which favors your position on climate change. ...
Mario Piperni dot Com -
Hot Air » Blog Archive » Dem press release: Scott Brown made a ...
By Allahpundit
And as for their new improved plan to attack Brown on "climate change” they better be promising some Global Warming if they want Coakley to win since Bostonians are freezing their arses off. Buy Danish on January 12, 2010 at 10:21 PM ...
Hot Air » Top Picks -
Andrew Bolt, Knowledge Weight and Flagship Media – Pollytics
By Possum Comitatus
The irony here is that Bolt has been banging on about the "tricks” used by the (insert ominous music) "CLIMATE GATE” scientists as being damning evidence of their complicity in some global warming conspiracy – yet here we have Bolt falling victim to .... I know it's good for us to see how climate change deniers like Bolt et al manipulate and are manipulated, but doesn't airing stuff like this just give them more ammunition for their "vast left-wing conspiracy” crazy-talk? ...
Pollytics -
Midland Daily News > Opinion > Letters > Tuesday reader's view ...
I think I'll take NOAA's word and not that of Gore, or any of the blogs, pro or con. "The best estimate is that about 50% of the observed global warming is due to greenhouse gas increases. " " ..... When FL, TX has had RECORD lows this winter where is the global warming my friend. And please spare me with changing your opinion to Global Climate Change. The credibility of the so called Scientific community is worthless ...
Opinion/letters from -
Nuclear 'doomsday clock' to be reset - Short Sharp Science - New ...
By Richard Fisher
On the other hand, climate change has now joined nuclear peril among the Atomic Scientists' worries, and Copenhagen was hardly reassuring. But moving the hand is a publicity stunt - possibly the only one involving 17 Nobel laureates. ... You HAD to bring in global warming to something that has NOTHING to do with it! This is about nuclear destruction, NOT global warming, regardless of the ultimate outcome. Your infatuation with GW has been evident in most of your articles, ...
Short Sharp Science -
Pat Dollard | Young Americans | Blog Archive » You May Never Learn ...
By Erik Wong
In addition, you may never learn what really happened between Mann and other leading lights in the global warming movement. That's because Penn State, like other universities, treats such inquiries as confidential personnel ... However, Dean William Easterling recused himself because he was one of the lead authors of the report from the United Nation's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Easterling and co-authors shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with Al Gore. ...
Pat Dollard | Young Americans -
SUNfiltered : Fresh culture daily. » Blog Archive » Green Cup ...
By Jeff McIntire-Strasburg
Can schoolkids do what world leaders in Copenhagen failed to do last month: lower greenhouse gas emissions in the face of climate change? You may have already seen how some students challenged leaders in Denmark with patches from the climate quilt; now, the Green Schools Alliance (a sponsor of the quilt) has persuaded 128 schools in 22 states to take direct action against global warming by participating in the Green Cup Challenge. The GSA describes the challenge as "the ...
SUNfiltered -
From the Hillary Clinton Blog, Day in Hawaii and Japan – U.S. ...
By Damon
And last month in Copenhagen, the United States and Japan joined together with other partners to reach an agreement that represents a meaningful step forward in the global commitment to combat climate change. ... Apart from the Japan-U.S. alliance, we also discussed more global issues. As the Secretary just mentioned, we discussed Afghanistan, Iran, North Korea, and also global warming, nuclear nonproliferation and disarmament, Myanmar, et cetera. ...
Damon Tucker's Blog -
My Green Element » An Energy Bill Without Cap-and-Trade?
By admin
Tzeporah Berman of PowerUP Canada has been in a series of news worthy video blogs this week that covered not only a set of leaked documents, the chaos of the Danish capital and Canada's underwhelming position, but also, most recently Hilary Clinton's big dollar U.S. promise in ... Specifically, Clinton pledged to raise $100 billion annually by 2020 to "assist poor countries in coping with climate change as long as America's demands for a global warming pledge are met. ...
My Green Element -
Watching Our Water Ways » Blog Archive » December was shivering ...
By cdunagan
... for the contiguous U.S. in December was 30.2 degrees F, which is 3.2 degrees below the monthly average, according to a preliminary summary released this morning by NOAA's National Climate Data Center. (No, this does not negate global warming.) ... This entry was posted on Tuesday, January 12th, 2010 at 8:19 am and is filed under Climate change, Drinking water, Research. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, ...
Watching Our Water Ways -
spEak You're bRanes » Attack Them From The Rear
By Nelson
"They called it global warming, we have cold/freezing weather and now they changed it to climate change. I'm not a fool. segman01 on Jan 7th, 2010 at 4:03 am ". on 12 Jan 2010 at 12:13 pm Fish. Now if Paul Daniels could pull a card from his ... I reckon if we all start commenting on each others posts faster and faster and faster and FASTER until we're going, like NINETY MILES AN HOUR, eventually we'll be able to smash all the blogs together and see a real boobon come out. ...
spEak You're bRanes -
Tom Nelson
By Tom
The Volokh Conspiracy » Blog Archive » My Side Versus the Other Side. Why is the other side of the debates I'm on always so hypocritical? They always jump on what my side says, and yet they willfully ignore all the faults on their own side. ... AMS continues to push global warming theory on meteorologists. The American Meteorological Society (AMS) is once again seeking to push its belief of the manmade climate change theory onto its members. The group recently sent out ...
Tom Nelson - » Blog Archive » Another conversation with ...
By ladkiddo
Over a year ago, RT had the opportunity to discuss, with Bill McKibben, climate change and the related societal changes necessary to turn us away from our current environmental trajectory. ... Bill's been leading the fight against global warming for 20 years, since he wrote the first book for a general audience on the subject, The End of Nature in 1989. But Bill knew that taking on the climate crisis was going to take more than a few good books, it was going to take a ... -
The Blackboard » Courrielche Climategate: Part III
By lucia
Change "the science” to anything you like–it's not going to make Watts a disinterested party. Courrielche tries to argue that blog review is better than peer review because blog reviewers are "detahced” and are not "interested parties. ..... I would say anything that questions the mainstream view of global warming gets a greenlight. Anything that might make a climate scientist look bad is probably good. He probably rejects most (but not all) out and out ridicule of ...
The Blackboard -
15m Or More Cars In China. How It Affects Peak Oil And Global ...
By Bertel Schmitt
Didn't you hear…they changed the name to "climate change” so they can blame the cold on CO2 as well. As far as peak oil…It is only not a myth if you are willing to wait a couple billion years for our bodies to decay into hydrocarbon fuels. Also, to increase capacity ... Say, I didn't realize that there are people who still believe in anthropogenic global warming. They must still be listening to politicians for their science, and not paying attention to current science. ...
The Truth About Cars -
By Herman K. Trabish
The Carbon Folly: Policymakers' Favourite Global Warming Fix Isn't Working'…'European Union's efforts to tackle climate change a failure'… 'The great carbon credit con: Why are we paying the Third World to poison its environment?'…Behind these headlines lies a tale ... WALL STREET JOURNAL'S Environmental Capital selected NewEnergyNews as one of the "Blogs We Are Reading" in March, April and May of 2007 and quoted NewEnergyNews on June 5, 2007. --------------------------- ...
NewEnergyNews -
Category: Climate Change and Global Warming Blogs around the world | Views: 448 | Added by: Aries | Tags: Blogs, climate change, global warming | Rating: 0.0/0
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