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«  January 2010  »
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Main » 2010 » January » 18 » Climate Change and Global Warming Blogs
5:48 PM
Climate Change and Global Warming Blogs
Climate Change or Global Warming Blogs
Top 10 Climate Killers | Stop Global Warming |
By Cameron Scott
Rolling Stone has published a list of the top 10 -- or, actually top 17, because apparently they couldn't stop at just 10 -- climate destroyers in the United States. On the list are many of the us... Read more of this post, ...'s Stop Global Warming Blog -
Global Warming Insurance: Don't Buy It | The Foundry: Conservative ...
By Nick Loris
Global warming also poses a risk. Climate change was sold in a way that the scientific consensus on global warming is so well established, it might as well be considered a law like gravity. And the insurance companies bought it. They bought that global warming will cause more frequent and severe hurricanes, floods, fires and earthquakes and since the risk of global warming is higher, the premiums ratepayers pay will also be ... Search The Foundry Blog. Search The Foundry ...
The Foundry: Conservative Policy News. -
Pat Dollard | Young Americans | Blog Archive » Iran And Global ...
By Erik Wong
Today the public can watch the change for the first time via a live web feed. A spokesman said: 'Factors influencing the latest Doomsday Clock change include international negotiations on nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation, expansion of ... Related Posts: Hannity & Rove Expose Global Warming Agenda in 19 Seconds - Concise VidCzech President: U.N. Climate Meeting Was PropagandaDude… You've Already Been Caught: Scientists Attempt To Explain Away Cooling Temperatures ...
Pat Dollard | Young Americans - Global Warming News, Science, Myths, Articles's global warming center offers a daily blog of news related to the topic of global warming. An unbiased look at myths, articles, and anything related to global warming. ... That result was designed to look as if CO2 was causing climate change, warming the earth due to Human activities. It can be reported now that this theory has been solidly disproven by Dr. Ferenc Miskolczi and Dr. Miskolczi's work will make history. "Since the Earth's atmosphere is not ...
Global Warming -
UN should be sidelined in future climate talks, says Obama ...
France24 UN should be sidelined in future climate talks, says Obama official The Guardian America sees a diminished role for the United Nations in trying to stop global warming after the "chaotic" Copenhagen climate change summit, … ... Whiplash in the Greenhouse New York Times (blog) … or perils of focusing on particular climate (and sea level) findings, or a particular season's conditions, in discussing human-driven global warming . … It's [...] ...
The Gaia Resource -
Key measures to fight Climate Change? « ECO; Post COP15
By Mellow
And in Singapore, major initiatives were introduced to tackle global warming. Blame the heavy monsoon rains on climate change, according to the weatherman. A warmer climate traps moisture in the atmosphere, bringing more intense rain and a higher likelihood of ... On this blog, we will continue to share our insights to the conference and issues around the fight against Climate Change. Do use this blog as a platform to voice your say. Stay tuned for content every day! ...
ECO; Post COP15 -
Civil Eats » Blog Archive » The Farm Bureau: Denying Climate ...
By pcrossfield
Not rising seed prices, superweeds, or the unpredictable weather farmers face due to climate change. Instead, the focus of his speech was the critics of synthetic agriculture: "Emotionally charged labels such as monoculture, ...
Civil Eats -
EPA Not Suited To Protect The Environment, According To Sen. Murkowski
By Past Member
"I do not believe and I don't believe that most of my colleagues in the Senate believe that the EPA is the entity that is the best suited to develop climate-change policy for this country," Ms. Murkowski told reporters. ... On the contrary, all of the Members of the Democratic Caucus on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee have joined together to oppose the proposal to overturn the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) global warming endangerment finding, ...
Stop Global Warming -
The Breakthrough Institute: The End of Magical Climate Thinking
What they won't look like is the impossible global pollution output negotiations that have defined international efforts to address climate change since the Rio climate convention 17 years ago. ... Solving global warming's technology challenges will require not a single Apollo or Manhattan Project but many. We need to solve technical problems across a range of technologies and at a variety of stages along the road from technological development to demonstration to ...
The Breakthrough Institute -
New Zealand Conservative: Has Climate Change Cursed Haiti?
By ZenTiger
"We are all in peril because of Global Warming; We are all in peril because of Climate Change ... when we look back at what we did at the climate summit in Copenhagen - this is the response - this is what happens ..." ...
New Zealand Conservative -
Ag Lobby Condemns Any Effort to Cut Emissions | Mother Jones
By Kate Sheppard
The American Farm Bureau Federation—the powerful agricultural lobby group already waging war on congressional efforts to fight climate change—yesterday adopted a formal resolution condemning both pending cap-and-trade legislation and the ... You've attacked the folks that keep your house warm and your lights on and the food on your table, and now you are still railing against their decision not to go along with your global warming fairytale and let you tax them to death. ...
MoJo Blogs and Articles | Mother Jones -
Whiplash in the Greenhouse - Dot Earth Blog -
There are a variety of debates under way over the merits or perils of focusing on particular climate (and sea level) findings, or a particular season's conditions, in discussing human-driven global warming. .... In a posting on one of the incredibly busy geo-engineering Google groups, Kenneth Caldeira, a climate researcher for the Carnegie Institution and Stanford University, criticized a British newspaper article — "Climate change experts clash over sea-rise ...
Dot Earth -
From failure in Copenhagen to a real climate deal
By fzarur
Public support for action to protect the planet from dangerous climate change has never been bigger than in recent months. People around the world – as well as many businesses and governments – clearly want to tackle what is probably ... Its essential elements are that it leads to a peak and decline in global greenhouse gas emissions before 2017, holds global warming to well below 2 degrees C above pre-industrial levels, with an eventual decline below 1.5 degrees C on the ...
WWF Climate Blog -
Expert: "weather and climate aren't the same thing” « Don Surber
By Don Surber
David Goldston, director of government affairs for the Natural Resources Defense Council: "I mean, I don't think the big — the biggest problem in the Senate at this point is people who don't think that climate change is real, ... That admission almost makes shoveling a few inches of global warming off my driveway this weekend worth it. The climate has not changed. We still get four seasons in Poca, West Virginia, and 100 years from now, we will still get four season. ...
Don Surber -
You Know the Joke About "What's the Safest Way To Fly to the Sun ...
By David Kramer
SOLAR SHIELD ON AGENDA AT CLIMATE SUMMIT Emergency measures to slow global warming, such as a 'solar shield' to block the sun or artificial trees to soak up CO2, will be discussed at a 'geo-engineering' conference. [italics mine]. The summit of climate scientists, to be held in California in March, will examine drastic techniques for slowing climate change that are controversial and have been described as "geo-piracy”. Among the possible measures to be discussed will be ... Blog -
Pajamas Media » Global Cooling? Another Media Fraud
By David Solway
Stepping away from the various attempts at humor, the debate IS NOT about climate change, global warming or global cooling or anything else you want to call it. The Earth undergoes periodic changes in temperature, geography, ...
Pajamas Media -
Open thread 1/13 | WE Blog | Wichita Eagle Blogs
By Rhonda Holman
What's wrong is to worship at the altar of climate change. Remember, we don't call it global warming any more. You have to keep your god's properly named, like the rest of your fellow believers. And please don't teach your religion in ...
WE Blog -
How Climategate killed 'peer review' – Telegraph Blogs
By James Delingpole
As seen in the leaked emails, many within the climate establishment were interrelated and working together to ensure their message of global warming wasn't diluted. There were even desires to redefine the peer review literature to punish journals that ..... This phony issue has not caused a change in anything done with peer review in science. Your efforts to rile up the gullible with assertions that somehow yelling and screaming on a blog can bring down science is absurd. ...
News -
The Climate is Changing « New Media Blog
The Wall Street Journal, by Tom Switzer Posted By: Another_Fred- Wed, 13 Jan 2010 19:43:37 GMT When I say the climate is changing, I do not mean, as many people do, that man'made global warming is destroying Planet Earth. I mean that the politics of climate change is changing rapidly all over the globe. Al Gore's moment has come and gone. In the United States, Democrats, nervously facing midterm elections, are calling on President Obama to jettison the cap'and'trade bills ...
New Media Blog -
Colorado-based DaVinci Quest Sponsors Smarter, Safer, Greener ...
This blog is a catalogue of those reasons, from the contamination of the lives and environments around uranium mines , the dishonesty and cover-ups in reactor construction and operation, through to the dangers of high level nuclear waste for ... She doesn't deny that climate change exists. She doesn't even attack the science used to include global warming pollution in the Clean Air Act. Instead, she claims that she doesn't want the EPA to do a job that Congress should do. ...
Your Green Ability -
The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : Cometh the New Ice Age?
By Doug Bandow
Indiana Alex, didn't you mean to state that George Bush had "caused global cooling" - thus depriving all the global warming, global climate change folks their big opportunity to save the worold from us "normal folks"? Reply to this ...
AmSpecBlog -
Poll Results: 700 people cast their vote on climate change ...
By wwakld
Following a controversial blog written by Philip Duncan at over 120 comments and complaints, some of which were "full of venom", were sent in. The Poll simply asked whether or not "global warming is something you're ...
Weather Watch -
Annals of Global Warming: Research isn't the road to riches ...
By Ed Darrell
A popular theme among climate denialists claims that researchers are getting rich off of contracts to do research into global warming, and so they skew their data in order to make sure they can get future contracts. ... The Arctic is one of the fastest-changing landscapes in the world: its glaciers, sea ice and animals are being radically affected by climate change, and the melting environment could in turn have huge impacts on rising temperatures. ...
Millard Fillmore's Bathtub -
Jack Cafferty Tosses Idea That Earth Could Actually Be Cooling ...
By Matthew Balan
This isn't the first time that Cafferty has drifted off the manmade global warming reservation of the mainstream media. Just over a month earlier, during one of his "Cafferty File” segments on December 2, 2009, the commentator highlighted the ClimateGate ..... So now as more indisputable facts come out reputing climate change, gov't takeover of healthcare, etc., we may see real CYA from these guys; and at least, possibly a semblance of objectivity. ... Other Sites. Blogs ... - Exposing Liberal... -
Google's broken links | Analysis & Opinion | Reuters
By john.foley
And you probably believe other conspiracy theories too, like thousands of scientists made climate change up to enrich themselves. As a scientist, I can point out the flaw in that argument pretty readily. Here's a suggestion: try googling ... Conspiracy supporter? Moi? And, yes, I know it is climate-gate. I simply don't agree with Global Warming nor do I particularly like Al Gore's ideology. It's too bad a man of your lofty position had to react with such sarcasm. ...
Reuters Breakingviews -
Cooler Choice Environment » Blog Archive » German Greens at 30 ...
By Kicprence
... are probably the most coveted and flexible party in Germany's five-party landscape right now at a time when climate change has helped make green parties more popular in a number of industrialised countries around the world. ... this week ( REUTERS: Wolfgang Rattay ) while Greens party members show their displeasure at a typically rowdy Greens party meeting in Karlsruhe in 2000 ( REUTERS: Kai Pfaffenbach) Technorati Tags: Global Warming Blog , Global Warming Statistics ...
Cooler Choice Environment -
Climate Audit on Climategate « the Air Vent
By Jeff Id
Climate Change and "Global Warming" have been on the world's agenda for the last twenty years. Before that in the 1970's there was genuine concern that we were moving into a new ice age. There was an entirely established and very ...
the Air Vent -
Grocery and Climate Change | Great Lakes Green Pages
By Bud Perry
Greening America one blog post at a time. « Do Good and Eat Well! Grocery and Climate Change. Written by Bud Perry. Grocery store owners and operators are notoriously conservative, so it came as no surprise when American grocery store operators were asked by Superarket News if "global warming” was something to worry about, the overwhelming reply was: "Don't panic, it may not be real”. I am paraphrasing, but that was the gist of the poll results. ...
Great Lakes Green Pages -
Inhofe Gets No Respect | The Weekly Standard
By Michael Goldfarb
WASHINGTON — In a cover story on global warming titled "You Idiots!" Rolling Stone named U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe as one of the "planet's worst enemies.'' The Oklahoma Republican took issue. "My first response was I should have been No. 1, not No. 7," said Inhofe, perhaps the ... He is credited with leading an effort that helped cloud the future of a major climate change bill in the Senate and "diminishing America's bargaining position at the Copenhagen climate negotiations." ...
The Weekly Standard Blog -
Balls : It Wasn't Me - Guy Fawkes' blog
By Guido Fawkes
The Climate change wankers are not averse to attributing 'Weather' events to global warming either. Lingering shots of melting Ice in the North pole, filmed in summer when the Ice is SUPPOSED to melt anyway. ...
Guy Fawkes' blog -
Understanding Government » Blog Archive » Will EPA Really Regulate ...
By Matthew Blake
In fact, the Obama administration has bent over backwards in agreement with Murkowski that the Senate, not the EPA, is the vehicle by which to do climate change policy. Moreover, we've had a timeout on climate change policy since the Senate refused ... The Supreme Court ruled in 2007 that EPA must regulate greenhouse gases, if they are scientifically proven to cause global warming. Bush's EPA comically flouted the Supreme Court decision, even not opening e-mails from EPA ...
Understanding Government -
Anti-science blogger Anthony Watts keeps attacking Al Gore and ...
By Joe
We have Al Gore who is viewed by many as being the most influential communicator on the climate change issue who is up to his neck in carbon trading and also has many board associations that help his cause. Now we have the leader of the UN's IPCC with .... We are going to reveal how the top two climate centers in this country have been distorting the data to pretend as though the global warming is continuing when in fact the Earth has fallen into a cold spell.” ...
Climate Progress -
University of Maryland clean energy team on effective messaging
By A Siegel
This guest post from Matt Dernoga provides a perspective on how he and his colleagues / compatriots at UMD for Clean Energy took effective steps in the media/messaging world and how they leveraged student passion to change the community's ..... We can get the youth climate movement's message and story out to several times the number we can power vote pledge and canvass. You can bet that the global warming delay and denial machine has made a mastery of working the media to ...
Get Energy Smart! NOW! -
Saving species on sinking islands | Blue Ridge Outdoors: Skiing ...
By Doug Moss
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a group of leading climate scientists from around the world convened by the United Nations to assess the ongoing risk of global warming, predicts a global average sea level rise of ...
Blue Ridge Outdoors: Skiing,... -
Bike Messengers in Manila, Philippines « Bike Blog NYC
By Michael Green
With world attention focused on global warming, thanks to the Copenhagen summit on climate change, more and more countries are exploring ways of cutting their emissions. The bicycle is undergoing a serious reexamination as an ...
Bike Blog NYC -
The Biosphere Bubble - Freakonomics Blog -
A variety of experiments on climate change are running at the site. Also, I think it's important to note that the SCIENTIFIC goals of the B2 experiment, might have been accomplished by the early "Biospherians.” Sure, they didn't stay locked in the bubble ... 4 spot on the N.Y. Times best-seller list (and is the No. 1 business book), while Freakonomics is at No. 3 on the paperback list. Blog posts about the SuperFreakonomics global-warming controversy are collected here. ...
Freakonomics -
Media and Messaging: The Multiplier Effect « It's Getting Hot In Here
By Matt Dernoga
It was so new, because usually when the media covers environmental issues and climate change, they screw up the facts, quote skeptics and doubters, or completely miss the story. ... We can get the youth climate movement's message and story out to several times the number we can power vote pledge and canvass. You can bet that the global warming delay and denial machine has made a mastery of working the media to generate doubt and mistrust over the science of global warming ...
It's Getting Hot In Here -
SEIU Members Expose the Real Scott Brown « Unions.Org Blog
By Mark McCullough, 202-730-7283
Scott Brown supported both George Bush and his tax cuts for the rich, he opposes a woman's right to choose, he denies the facts on global warming, and he enjoys the support of extremist Tea Party backers. ... And now the Globe says Brown expresses skepticism that climate change is being caused by humans. No wonder Brown's campaign is being supported by the same extremist group that backs Sarah Palin. Martha Coakley for Senate. Massachusetts values. ...
Unions.Org Blog -
Dr. Michael Webber's Energy Technology and Policy Course – Day 1 ...
By Aruni
Topics covered include thermodynamics, fossil fuels, renewable power, climate change, nuclear power, transportation, biofuels, and policy. Dr. Webber and guest lecturers describe current and future problems and opportunities in energy and share ... He also described some unconventional proposals by other scientists to reduce global warming; among these was a suggestion that it might be possible to mimic the global cooling effect following a volcanic eruption by injecting ...
Austin Technology Incubator Blog -
Haitian capital leveled by powerful earthquake | Capitol Hill Blue
By Doug Thompson
And I suppose the next thing we'll be hearing is that this was all caused by global warming. Just like the natural heating and cooling of our planet has been going on for millennia, so, too, have major earthquakes and volcanic eruptions along Earth's tectonic .... The only evidence against global climate change is the stuff manufactured by big oil. One thing a life of following science gave me is the ability to think critically and to cut through Public Relations B/S." ...
Capitol Hill Blue - The oldest... -
The Volokh Conspiracy » Blog Archive » Goodbye
By Eric Posner
Climate Change Justice (with David Weisbach) argues for a minimalist climate treaty—one that addresses global warming but does not redistribute wealth or attempt to resolve other claims of justice. Comments, as always, welcome! ...
The Volokh Conspiracy -
Hot Air » Blog Archive » Gingrich: I'm a top-tier contender for ...
By Allahpundit
Do you really know Newt's position on Global Warming? It isn't as if he was pushing Cap n Trade or anything (correct me if I'm wrong). His position was just that Global Warming is a problem that needs to be addressed, but not at the people's ..... We are mere mortals…we can't effect the climate. There was no proof as much as Newt and the left likes to claim. Sure we can dirty up the environment, even kill a species or two…but control the weather long term? Get real. ...
Hot Air » Top Picks -
iLearn Technology » Blog Archive » Wiglington & Wenks Virtual World
By admin
Carto is the map creator who created the magic maps that keep track of geography, cultural evolution, and climate change over time. Fragments of the map piece together to form a complete real-world map. ... Use this site to teach your students about environmental issues such as global warming, forest preservation, protection of marine life, and endangered animals. This is an immersive learning environment where your students will learn by doing. ...
iLearn Technology -
Statement of David A. Ridenour on Congressional Junket to ...
By Tom Remington
"Thanks to CBS's Sharyl Attkisson, we have an idea of the size of the carbon footprint left by Nancy Pelosi's delegation to the global warming conference in Copenhagen last month. ... Attkisson says one Democrat told her that the large American presence in Copenhagen shows the world how serious the U.S. is about climate change. It certainly does: We're not at all serious. But judging by the enormous numbers of attendees traveling from the far corners of the earth, ...
Black Bear Blog -
The Blackboard » Time Line for Climategate
By lucia
So my first experience on a climate blog run by this man was to be held in limbo- moderation; yet my comment was put up first before all others for some reason (?) ; then trying to respond to things for minutes (then hours) being said at me in record time ..... At the Copenhagen Climate Conference Hugo Chavez blamed global warming on capitalism and got a standing ovation from delegates of 191 sovereign states. Evo Morales blames Americans for the summer floods of Bolivia. ...
The Blackboard -
WWF-Canada Blog » Blog Archive » Copenhagen: What happened, what ...
By Gerry Butts
Now that I've had some time to recover from the chaos of Copenhagen negotiations on climate change, I've been ruminating on what to make of the outcomes. First, there is no sense trying to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear – the ... Second, all countries agreed that we must keep the level of warming to below 2 degrees C – a level supported by science and been put forward by WWF for years. Third, President Obama's commitment to help build a $100 billion fund to support ...
WWF-Canada Blog -
Category: Climate Change and Global Warming Blogs around the world | Views: 505 | Added by: Aries | Tags: Blogs, climate change, global warming | Rating: 0.0/0
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