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Main » 2010 » January » 18 » Climate Change and Global Warming Blogs
5:57 PM
Climate Change and Global Warming Blogs
Climate Change or Global Warming Blogs
Remember Copenhagen? | Stop Global Warming |
By Cameron Scott
The Copenhagen climate conference that dominated December's news was supposed to bring finalization of international agreements, but instead it brought a beginning. The so-called agreement was so p... Read more of this post, Remember Copenhagen?, at ... Cameron Scott is a Editor. Most recently, he was Green Communities Manager at SFGate (San Francisco Chronicle), where he continues to write The Thin Green Line blog. He's also worked at Mother Jones. ...'s Stop Global Warming Blog -
COP15 High Drama Climate Negotiators Prepare "Failure Speech" as ...
By Thomas Schueneman
But even just by mentioning a 2 degrees Celsius limit to global warming makes a solid first step toward the international community – all countries – averting the worst damages from climate change. ... <small><br /> <a href="http://www.">COP15 High Drama – Climate Negotiators Prepare "Failure Speech" as Obama Arrives in Copenhagen</a> ...
Global Warming is Real -
weir vegas's Blog | CLIMATE CH-CH-CHANGES!
A while back we were hit by a nasty blast of "global warming”. My driveway was filled with "climate change”. So I fired up my "global warming” blower and went to work cleaning out my drive way. While I was removing the "climate change...
Brent Fenske's Blog -
CJO's Avenger212 » Blog Archive » Climate Change Conspiracy ...
By Rowan Wolf
... are playing along, giving equal billing to the global warming deniers. Just last night, ABC News anchor Charlie Gibson offered a story on climate change that featured competitor Fox TV's ardent climate change denier and conspiracy ...
CJO's Avenger212 -
Global Warming Effects: Past Decade Hottest on Record | Sustainablog
By Earth Policy Institute
In 2007, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), an international body of over 2500 scientists, released its Fourth Assessment Report, in which it called the recent warming of the globe "unequivocal. ... and economic sustainability, green and sustainable business, and environmental politics. The blog regularly features environmental leaders, experts in alternative energy and green technology, and real people trying to lighten their environmental footprints. ...
Sustainablog - Blog » Funds for Forest Conservation
By Paul Burman
Deforestation and forest degradation account for around 20% of global warming causing greenhouse gas emissions — more than the global transportation sector. Forest-based carbon reduction projects actually sequester emissions (or take ... Blog» Climate... - » Blog Archives » Farm Bill; Climate Change; Sen ...
By Keith Good
Climate Change. Keith Johnson reported yesterday at the Environmental Capital Blog (The Wall Street Journal) that, "Is the climate part of energy-and-climate legislation about to get thrown under the bus? .... "The December announcement from a small Atlanta company vowing to turn wood scrap into fuel in nearby Thomaston rang all too familiar: Yet another bold promise to create rural jobs, help wean the country from foreign oil and stem global warming. ... -
Manbearpig has been exaggerated | Stix Blog ver 4.0
By stix1972
Such pronouncements are typically made in support of the global warming alarmism agenda. Researchers who support the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) also regularly use the NASA/NCDC data, ...
Stix Blog ver 4.0 -
Global Warming, A Red, Hot Lie? | Beef Daily
By Amanda Nolz
Well, I arrived safely back in South Dakota late last night, where I can assure you that the results of global warming were not evident. The topic of climate change and global warming was tackled at the AFBF Annual Meeting by Christopher C. Horner, a senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute. It was a packed house in this afternoon seminar as Horner openly ..... Article Proposal. Have an idea for the BEEF Daily Blog? Submit a blog proposal to Amanda Nolz! ...
Beef Daily -
Update from the Floor of the Investor Summit on Climate Risk ...
By David Frenkil
On the other hand, the relatively low price of carbon projected over the next ten years weakens the argument furthered by climate change detractors that carbon trading will be a cash cow for investors who are pushing the global warming ...
Energy Efficiency & Climate Change Law -
African News Update – Africa : Bullets, Bombs and Blogs (AllAfrica ...
MSU experts help East Africa model climate change (AP via Yahoo! Malaysia News) Drought blamed on global warming is the latest source of uncertainty for East African farmers, and experts at Michigan State University are working to ...
Global News Blog Headlines -
Todd Stern: Next Few Weeks Critical for Copenhagen Accord ...
By SolveClimate Staff
America sees a diminished role for the UN in trying to stop global warming after the "chaotic" Copenhagen summit, Jonathan Pershing, the U.S. deputy special climate change envoy, said. Britain Confident of Climate Deal in Mexico ...
Solve Climate: Daily Climate... -
ClimateGate's Michael Mann Received Stimulus Funds, Media Mum ...
By Noel Sheppard
There should be a full scale investigation into the entire "GlobalWarming/ClimateChange" movement, & criminal charges should be filed if fraud can be proved. My guess there is proof if you really wanted to look, & that money should be ... - Exposing Liberal... -
Post-mortem: Coldest stretch in 70 years
Global Warming does not mean that everyplace turns warm. It also makes warm places turn cold, it makes it flood where it was dry and then dry out where there used to be water. That is why scientists prefer the term Climate Change so ...
Ken Kaye's Storm Center -
Humanitarian Texts » Blog Archive » Climate Science and the ...
By Heidi
As we all know, a body was set up in 1988 by the UN to officiate over the concern of harmful human induced climate change, called the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). It all began around the time of the ... Can this harmful global warming currently be proved within a reasonable definition of proof? The scientific consensus is that human induced warming is taking place and is dangerous. We must accept this consensus. But this consensus is only consensus, ...
Humanitarian Texts -
More Audacious Obama Waste: Economic Recession, Record ...
By Vicki McClure Davidson
The stimulus was not sold to the public as a way to reward a loyalist in the climate change debate. Nor was the stimulus sold as a way to promote the Obama Administration's position on the global warming theory. ... Frugal Café Blog Zone: Freedom: Taking Our Country Back… America Rising: Open Letter to Democrat Politicians (video) and Mark Levin: More of "Us” Than There Are of "Them” - Gallup Proves Him Right, Conservatives the Majority in All 50 States and Homes Selling ...
Frugal Café Blog Zone -
Blogs @ The Charleston Gazette - » Six minutes to midnight ...
By Ken Ward Jr.
Citing a more "hopeful state of world affairs” in relation to the twin threats posed by nuclear weapons and climate change, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (BAS) is moving the minute hand of its famous Doomsday Clock one minute away ... We can no longer prevent global warming–it is upon us. Rapidly melting polar icecaps, acidification of the oceans, loss of coral reefs, longer droughts, more devastating wildfires, and sea level rise that threatens island nations and ...
Coal Tattoo -
Climate Change Fraud - Global Warmists Feel a Chilly Wind
By Tom Bethell, American Spectator
Lately the Wikipedia entries on "global warming" and "climate change" have been "locked," which I guess means that the "warmist" position has been locked in, too. I spoke to Fred Singer and Cato's Patrick Michaels recently. Both were once at the University of ... Rush Limbaugh also attacked him and I see that Revkin has now moved on from the NYT to "an academic position." He puts out a blog called Dot Earth and it will be interesting to see how free of bias that is. ...
Home -
Exclusive: Dr. Mojib Latif sets the record straight on what his ...
By Joe
This is because the climate may go through a temporary halt in warming. It's nothing unusual, just a natural fluctuation. It doesn't mean that global warming is not still at work, or that we no longer need to worry about global temperatures rising ... Climate Change: The Point of No Return (The Sustainability Project). And they missed the NPR interview where he said, "If my name was not Mojib Latif, my name would be global warming. So I really believe in global warming.” ...
Climate Progress -
'AGW? I refute it THUS!': Central England Temperatures 1659 to ...
By James Delingpole
The Climate Cycles Change post was inspired by an analysis of CET done earlier this month by Czech physicist Lubos Motl, which is well worth reading. Because Climate Fear Promoters make such a big deal of warming trends in the last 30 ..... As I said on Janet Daley's blog: ". . . if you were to use the dataset contained in the original IPCC 1990 ...
News -
Joseph B. Treaster: Water and The World » The Texas Drought, The ...
By Joseph B. Treaster
The confusion is aggravated when you hear from the handful of scientists who earnestly believe there is no such thing as global warming and climate change. Recent polls justify concern. A year ago, 80 percent of those surveyed by the ...
Joseph B. Treaster: Water and The World -
Mitchell Anderson | The Real "Climategate” Story – Current Climate ...
By Mitchell Anderson
That stubborn error in the satellite data is about six times larger than what is scientifically possible, and several times larger than the effect scientists are trying to see, namely planetary warming caused by continued massive ... In the meantime, climate change proceeds apace, "skeptics" make specious arguments using glaring errors in the satellite data, and DSCOVR dozes in its storage box here on Earth waiting for 1/20th of the money required for a re-do the failed ...
DeSmogBlog - Clearing the PR... -
Economic Stimulus Funds Went to Climategate Scientist : Black Bear ...
By Tom Remington
The stimulus was not sold to the public as a way to reward a loyalist in the climate change debate. Nor was the stimulus sold as a way to promote the Obama Administration's position on the global warming theory. This misuse of stimulus ...
Black Bear Blog -
Now would be a great time for environmental groups and climate ...
By Matt Dernoga
"For example, next week Senator Murkowski of Alaska may offer an amendment – to a completely unrelated bill, it should be noted – that would stop the EPA from protecting Americans from global warming pollution. It's a highly political move, ... (or one if you want the climate bill to implode). We will need to be pressuring all our Senators to do a much better job of fighting climate change and passing strong clean energy and environmental legislation. That includes Reid. ...
It's Getting Hot In Here -
Radical Environmentalism: Yup: It's Religion » Secondhand Smoke ...
By Wesley J. Smith
And we find many environmentalists in a similarly earnest panic about climate change and global warming. There are also high priests of the new religion, with Al Gore ("the Goracle”) playing an especially prophetic role. ...
Secondhand Smoke -
Greenhoof » Blog Archive » The truth is out there: And they're ...
By Bryan
Perhaps—who knows?—global warming will one day meet a similar fate. Now we get to Coyne's essential argument: he suggests that climate change is strictly theoretical, not particularly well-grounded, proved or reliable, and may easily go ...
Greenhoof -
Big Question: Feast or famine? : Greg Laden's Blog
It's taken a long time, but the issue of global climate change is finally getting the attention it deserves. There is now widespread acceptance of the need to confront energy security and global warming. We finally acknowledge that our ...
Greg Laden's Blog -
- Bishop Hill blog - PSU inquiry to be held in private
By Bishop Hill
the evidence for global warming before the impending Copenhagen Climate Change Conference on 7 December, does indeed seem on 5 December, the same day, to have forced the Met Office to deny the Times story: ...
Bishop Hill -
BBC - Andrew Neil's blog: Questions for the man from the Met Office
That is why I was robust with the head of the Met and I think we need some reassurances from him. Hence my list of questions, which we'll now submit. Click here for more Daily Politics coverage of our climate change, global warming and ...
BBC Blog Network - » Blog Archive » Copenhagen Was Just a Sideshow
By admin
In fact, it has been predictable since the Kyoto climate agreement of 1997. Specifically, Copenhagen demonstrated yet again the impossibility of addressing the global risk of climate change with a consensus-based, voluntary process that involves all countries in ... We already have more than enough conventional fossil fuel reserves globally (i.e. excluding unconventional sources such as the tar sands) that if we burn it all, we will greatly exceed two degrees of warming. ... -
Contact your inner Nostradamus « Richard Wiseman's Blog
By Richard Wiseman
I predict continued wild weather throughout the world (more evidence of global climate change) and massive crop failures in some poor country, probably in Africa or SouthEast Asia. I predict that Texas and/or Kansas will make stupid decisions ... I predict a hot dry summer and the resurgence of people harping on about global warming and how we're all going to die if we don't change ALL of our lightbulbs over immediately. Engywuck Says: January 14, 2010 at 11:33 pm | Reply ...
Richard Wiseman's Blog -
How Practical Is SFRA Draft EIR If Predicted Sea Level Rise ...
By prosfclearinghouse
ProSF Clearinghouse's Blog ..... Presently, the Obama Administration has not altered the Bush Administration's non-approach to ever more dangerous and swiftly encroaching climate change / global warming and ocean rise. ...
ProSF Clearinghouse's Blog -
The Radio Ecoshock Show: CONSPIRACY! Turning 911 Truth to Climate ...
By Alex Smith
If they are to be believed, we must arrest hundreds of thousands of scientists, for their role in the global warming hoax. We'll find out who is behind the scheme to turn the 911 Truth Movement almost overnight, into the global warming denial network. ... His previous book goes through some of the unexpressed fears scientists have - that we may experience abrupt climate change, rather than the smooth graphs shown by governments and the IPCC. It has happened in the past, ...
The Radio Ecoshock Show -
I'm Not (Global) Warming to the Idea of Newt Gingrich for ...
By Doug Powers
That aside, I don't think I'll ever be able to get this picture of Newt drinking climate change Kool Aid from Nancy Pelosi's glass slipper out of my mind (at least that's what I see when I look at it) — and I trust neither will many ...
BlogWonks -
Geoengineering Conference To Discuss Blocking Sun - JustGetThere
By (JGT)
Skip to site navigation; Skip to blog entries; Skip to archive page; Skip to right sidebar ... Defined tags for this entry: chemtrails, climate change, co2, earth, environment, geoengineering, global governance, global warming, government, john holdren, new world order, sun. Related entries by tags: George H.W. Bush Heckled In A Pizza Restaurant (VIDEO) · The 'false' pandemic – Drug firms cashed in on scare over swine flu, claims Euro health chief · Oliver Stone suggests ...
JustGetThere -
» Hide the Job Decline: $500k in Stimulus Funds to ClimateGate ...
By Mike Flynn
He wrote it in 2004 and the book lambasted the global warming zealots. Concidentally,he used the term "abrupt climate change" in the book – it was what he said the globalwarming pukes would use to claim all bad weather was caused by the evil human. .... You can find them on any right wing blog. Liberty666 - January 15th, 2010 at 3:47 am. the earths temperature has remained constant for 12 billion years, i believe you, this guy looks like he enjoys a good fisting ...
Big Government -
Tribune » Blog Archive » Never again: Miliband on Copenhagen
By Tribune web editor
The United Nations is to put forward a new process for negotiating a new binding international treaty on carbon emissions after the "disappointment” of the Copenhagen conference last month, climate change secretary Ed Miliband has indicated ... The conference agreed to "note” a policy of limiting global warming to two degrees centigrade, and no agreement was reached on limiting destruction of rainforests. "The process was unsatisfactory”, he said at an energy and climate ...
Tribune -
Don't Get Mad About the Weather - Get Even | CFACT ..... In March 2009 they moved to a worldwide memorandum to drop GW an recall it Climate Change. But this is about Global Warming and AGW. Nothing more, nothing less. If you understand 'the agenda' then stick to the truth and call them up on it, don't get sucked into their dialectic smoke ...
FoxNews continues to spout misleading information about the ...
By Richard Gayle
For the past week, Fox News host Neil Cavuto has been giving a daily "Fox News global warming alert,” which consists of him telling viewers how cold it is. "It is still cold,” Cavuto said yesterday, adding that it's "not your recent garden variety global warming. ... The point from this figure is not that it 'proves' climate change. It is that having a few days of cold daytime weather does not negate many, many days of warmer nights. No matter what Neil Cavuto says. ...
A Man With A Ph.D. -
More on John Coleman's Special tonight – KUSI press release says ...
By Anthony Watts
Such pronouncements are typically made in support of the global warming alarmism agenda. Researchers who support the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) also regularly use the NASA/NCDC data, including researchers associated with ..... do a google 'news' search and u get precisely ONE link and that is to delingpole's BLOG in the UK Tele: Dodgy GISS temperature records exposed: the US Climategate? (blog) – James Delingpole – ‎3 hours ago‎ ...
Watts Up With That? -

Category: Climate Change and Global Warming Blogs around the world | Views: 2084 | Added by: Aries | Tags: Blogs, climate change, global warming | Rating: 0.0/0
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