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«  December 2009  »
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Main » 2009 » December » 10 » Climate Change or Global Warming Blogs
1:48 PM
Climate Change or Global Warming Blogs
Climate Change or Global Warming
What a Leading Climate Scientist Has to Say | Stop Global Warming ...
By Erik Vance
She's a scientist . But over her distinguished career, she has regularly waded into political battles, like when she contributed ... read more of this post, What a Leading Climate Scientist Has to Say, at's Stop Global Warming Blog -
AccuWeather Forecaster on Climate Change: 'It's Ice not Fire You ...
By Jeff Poor
Host Don Imus had his own view on the whole climate change craze - that it was a means for rulers of impoverished countries to capitalize financially. "My view on global warming is that it's a gigantic financial scam to funnel money to ... - Exposing Liberal... -

Al Gore bashes climate-change deniers: "Global warming deniers ...
By John Amato
Andrea Mitchell interviewed Al Gore today to talk about climate-change deniers, since Copenhagen, with its many moving parts, has begun. And with the summit, the rash of climate-change and global-warming deniers has really stepped up.
Crooks and Liars -
Al Gore Calls Sarah Palin A 'Global Warming Denier' |
By Noel Sheppard
I bet the fusion of his knife and fork each meal has a lot to do with "Global warming" or "Climate change". A great man once said, YOU only get out of life what YOU put into it, he obviously wasn't a liberal. ... - Exposing Liberal... -
Developing Countries Weather Global Warming, Cold Shoulders ...
By Matthew Berger
It is clear that developing countries will be hit first and hardest by the effects of climate change. All of the Germanwatch risk index's top 10 countries were from the developing world, and the authors admit that they didn't take into ...
Solve Climate: Daily Climate... -
Energy and Global Warming News for December 9th: US solar market ...
By Michael
New York Times, December 8 – It is one of the grim paradoxes of climate change that nations on the front line of global warming are among those with the least political clout at the United Nations conference that opened this week in ...
Climate Progress -
Hot Air » Blog Archive » Gore responds to Palin on climate change ...
By Allahpundit
The response to my op-ed by global warming alarmists has been interesting. Former Vice President Al Gore has called me a "denier” and informs us that climate change is "a principle in physics. It's like gravity. It exists.” ...
Hot Air » Top Picks -
Monbiot on the climate change denial industry - Crunchy Con
And the third, assuming that man is the major cause of climate change (or global warming, as we used to call it), further assumes that we know exactly what man is doing to cause climate change/global warming and thus that we know ...
Crunchy Con -
Global Warming Skepticism 101 « Roy Spencer, Ph. D.
By Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D.
Nevertheless, there is a common theme that runs through the claims of the global warming establishment, from Al Gore's movie An Inconvenient Truth, to the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC): Weather and climate events ...
Roy Spencer, Ph. D. -
Human Capital Formation and Global Warming Mitigation: Evidence ...
By Emanuele
Introducing human capital makes it possible to assess the interplay between innovation, human capital, climate change, and education policies. Carraro, C. E. De Cian and M. Tavoni (2009). "Human Capital Formation and Global Warming ...
Climate ChangeS -
COPENHAGEN: Even Sarah Is Concerned About Climate Change!?
By Past Member
In an editorial this week, Sarah Palin admitted concern over changes in our climate, and a need for Alaska to "respond to the coastal erosion, thawing permafrost and retreating sea ice that affect Alaska's communities and infrastructure ...
Stop Global Warming -
Global warming has stopped, says Australian conservative leader ...
By JonJayRay
Global warming has stopped, says Australian conservative leader. Posted on December 9, 2009. Now let's hear it from the GOP. OPPOSITION Leader Tony Abbott has gone one step further from being a climate change sceptic and has questioned ...
Stop The ACLU -
New 'climate-change index' gives pointer on warming peril | ABS ...
By Agence France-Presse
COPENHAGEN, Denmark - Scientists on Wednesday unveiled a Dow Jones-style "climate-change index" aimed at showing in user-friendly form the perils posed by man-made global warming. The index takes a basket of complex factors -- carbon ...
World -
Hot air: Sarah Palin slams climate change summit | VentureBeat
By Camille Ricketts
Her comments are almost exclusively based on the emails that were leaked last week revealing that some climate data had been manipulated to trump up global warming claims. "This scandal obviously calls into question the proposals being ...
VentureBeat -
Worldchanging: Bright Green: Climate Change On The Move: The ...
By WorldChanging Team
To make matters worse, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's climate modeling predicts that global warming could cause Bangladesh's rice and wheat production to fall anywhere from 8 to 32 percent by 2050, given increased ...
Worldchanging: Bright Green -
How the Global Warming Story Changed—Disastrously
The feeling continued in 2007, when Al Gore won the Nobel and the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change announced that global warming was "unequivocal” and "very likely” human caused. Mega-companies like General Electric were ...
Science Progress -
Global Warming Deniers Have New Friend In Mr. Pipik (VIDEO)
By The Huffington Post News Editors
Global Warming's Impacts Have Sped Up, Worsened Since Kyoto. WASHINGTON — Since the 1997 international accord to fight global warming, climate change has worsened and accelerated – beyond some of the grimmest of warnings. ...
The Huffington Post | Full News Feed -
Al Gore: Climate-change 'noise machine': The Swamp
By Mark Silva
Al Bore is no more a global warming or climate change expert than is Sarah Palin. The blithering idiot that is Al Gore recently said the Earth's inner core is "millions and millions of degress." Yes, Al, the Earth's inner core is ...
The Swamp -
Gore vs. Palin on climate change - First Read -
By Mark Murray
He said that 100% of the people who changed their opinion about global warming are conservative, adding that climate change should be a bipartisan issue like it used to be. He cited Lindsey Graham as one example of a Republican leader ...
First Read -
CNN's "Global Warming: Trick or Truth” | CEJournal
By Tom Yulsman
This item was posted on December 9, 2009, and it was categorized as CNN, CRU email controversy, Climate Change, Global Warming, Global warming skeptics, climate change coverage. You can follow comments through the RSS 2.0 feed. ...
CEJournal -
Jurriaan Kamp: Global Warming: An Inspiring Opportunity
By Jurriaan Kamp
... this positive change. I read in the paper that a potential climate deal in Copenhagen "will likely bear a big price tag." That's exactly the wrong kind of thinking. Global warming is not an expensive threat. It is not a potential loss. On the contrary. ... Their stories need to be told more and more for the world to change. So spread the good news and let the solutions begin! Copenhagen 2009 · Climate Change. What's Your Reaction? Inspiring Enlightening Infuriating ...
The Full Feed from -
Climate Change Thought
By Gregory Kallenberg
We're back to the immediate present, and let's say that these guys have totally lied about global warming and climate change. Let's say this was a huge conspiracy to sell more windmills or an ingenious marketing ploy to get ad rates up ...
Green Chip Stocks -
My week as a climate change denier | The Spectator
By Amanda Baillieu
My week as a climate change denier. Amanda Baillieu 6:07pm. The Spectator's Global Warming special is only in the shops for a couple more days. If you've missed it – or if you still need convincing to buy it – here's an extended version ...
Spectator Live -
In Copenhagen: Global Greens forum to address global warming ...
By Kimberly Wilder
Titled "Copenhagen and beyond: delivering a meaningful deal on climate change", the Global Greens event will take place 6 pm at Klimaforum09, DGI-byen, Tietgensgade 65, 1704 København. The forum is the only time they will speak together ...
Independent Political Report -
Another Point of View: The Consequences Of Global Warming — From A ...
By Mentarch
Global temperature anomaly, 2006. As the nations of the world gather in Copenhagen, the Wonk Room has prepared this alphabetical journey of the impacts of climate change around the globe. A. East Antarctica, long stable, is now losing ...
Another Point of View -
How the Global Warming Story Changed, Disastrously, Due to ...
By Chris Mooney
For all the realists that find problems with anthropogenic climate change hypothesis, or should I say Global Warming, oh that's not PC anymore. In 1890's, Arrhenius built upon Fourier's assessment of atmospheric properties plotting CO2 ...
The Intersection -
Booker Rising: Bookeristas on Climate Change
By Shay Riley
The conservative writes about double standards among some attendees of the Copenhagen climate change conference on Twitter: "You gotta be a certain kind of person to take a private jet and a limo to a global warming conference to tell ...
Booker Rising -
Republicans seek to undercut Obama at COP15 - COP15 United Nations ...
US Republicans opposing their nation's involvement in a pact to combat global warming say they have booked tickets for Copenhagen. Morten Andersen 09/12/2009 20:50. As US President Barack Obama joins the high-level negotiations of the UN conference on climate change .... "Carbon dioxide is not to blame for global climate change. Solar activity is many times more powerful than the energy produced by the whole of humankind. Man's influence on nature is a drop in the ocean." ... News -
Do The CRU E-mails Change The IPCC Conclusions On The late 19th ...
By rpielke
These studies, and that of other climate scientists, indicate that the use of the surface temperature trends (from CRU, GISS and NCDC) as a diagnostic for heating changes for the entire climate system (i.e. global warming) will ...
Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr. -
Lorne Gunter: The skeleton of climate change - Full Comment
By NP Editor
You wing-nuts and deniers can rave on all you like, and continue with your pathetic bunker mentality. Climate change will continue, and the widespread agreement on the basic facts of global warming will not change. ...
Full Comment -
Climate Change skeptics stage rebel Copenhagen conference – Rooted
By Matthew Knott
Upon arrival, a hand-written sign sticky-taped next to the front door directs you to the event, officially named the "Copenhagen Climate Change Challenge”. A colourful sticker on the ground reads "hurra global warming [sic]” and shows a ...
Rooted -
Climate Shifts » Blog Archive » Abbott's climate change policy is ...
By J.Roff
The world's warming has stopped? Really? Wait, we've heard this one before. So has Tamino, who apparently is also sick of hearing that "the last decade of global temperature contradicts what was expected by mainstream climate ...
Climate Shifts -
Don't Forget Human Rights During Copenhagen Negotiations | Stop ...
By Mike Smith
During climate change negotiations, those making a deal must ensure that human rights are secured warns the Danish Institute for Human Rights who fear that the most vulnerable groups will not be ad... read more of this post, ...'s Stop Global Warming Blog -
Oxfam America Blog » Blog Archive » Indigenous peoples affected by ...
By Emily Gertz
Tarcila Rivera Zea, a Quechuan activist from Peru and director of the indigenous rights group Chirapaq. Photo by Emily Gertz. indigenous peoples must be included in decision-making around global warming. Climate change is already taking ...
Oxfam America Blog -
Sarah Palin, noted climatologist, writes on climate change « Later On
By LeisureGuy
Palin calls on President Obama to boycott the Copenhagen climate summit because the leaked e-mails allegedly cast significant doubt on the scientific consensus about global warming. With the publication of damaging e-mails from a ...
Later On -
RealClearPolitics - Gore on Global Warming, E-mails, & His New Book
He was coy about their conversation but did talk about his book, the nature of the climate change debate, and the controversy surrounding those e-mails disclosed from the Climate Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia. ...
RealClearPolitics - Homepage -
In what ways has climate change become a political issue and why ...
By GreenLiving
Global warming has never been anything other than a political issue. The liberal/left political system works by taxing and controlling the masses and they see this as a perfect opportunity. You're right, the earth's climate does change ...
Green Living -
Climate Change in the Classroom - The Learning Network Blog ...
To see what others are saying, visit the Times interactive graphic "Climate Change Conversations.” Mouse over to quickly read comments on everything from the science of global warming to what individuals can do to help. ...
The Learning Network -
Patriots and Liberty » Blog Archive » Global Warming Fraud: Why It ...
By LindyKimball
As the Copenhagen airport welcomes 140 extra private jets during the climate change summit, everyone else in the eye of the global warming storm is circling their solar-powered wagons. Predictably, The New York Times says those ...
Patriots and Liberty -
Thinking through Canada's climate change position - John Geddes ...
By John Geddes
To prevent dangerous climate change—limiting global warming to no more than two degrees above pre-industrial times—most climate scientists call for emissions cuts of between 25 percent and 40 percent by 2020 compared to 1990 levels. ... -
Sarah Palin Spreads Falsehoods, Smears On Climate Change & Clean ...
Palin Herself Believed Human Activity Contributed To Climate Change, Said, "It's Real; We Need To Do Something About It." During a CBS News interview, Katie Couric asked Sarah Palin, "Is [global warming] man-made, though in your view? ...
Media Matters Action Network... -
Why Can't We Question Man Made Global Warming? | Right Wing News
By Kathleen McKinley
The three most relied-on data series used by the United Nation's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change assessment report came from the University of East Anglia, NASA, and the British Met Office. As noted in my previous piece for ...
Right Wing News -
Objectivist Individualist: Climate and Environment Scientists ...
By Charles R. Anderson, Ph.D.
Climate and Environment Scientists Challenge the Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming Hypothesis. Open Letter to Secretary-General of United Nations. His Excellency Ban Ki Moon. Secretary-General, United Nations. New York, NY ... It is not the responsibility of 'climate realist' scientists to prove that dangerous human-caused climate change is not happening. Rather, it is those who propose that it is, and promote the allocation of massive investments to solve the ...
Objectivist Individualist -
t r u t h o u t | The True Story About "Climate Cover-Up: The ...
What exactly is a world class thinker. The debate isn't over global warming. It's not a question of pollution. It's a question of motive. The question - Does Co2 drive climate change - is, and has been debated for some time. ...
Truthout - All Articles -
A Western Heart: Global warming has stopped, says new Australian ...
Global warming has stopped, says new Australian conservative leader. OPPOSITION Leader Tony Abbott has gone one step further from being a climate change sceptic and has questioned if the world is warming. The comments were seized upon ...
A Western Heart -
Category: Climate Change and Global Warming Blogs around the world | Views: 912 | Added by: Aries | Rating: 0.0/0
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