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«  December 2009  »
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Main » 2009 » December » 27 » Climate Change or Global Warming Blogs
7:09 PM
Climate Change or Global Warming Blogs
Climate Change or Global Warming Blogs
People & Planet » Blog Archive » "Global warming my arse! I could ...
By sophie.hemery
It seems a strange time for climate change scepticism to be coming to the fore. The Copenhagen climate conference could and should have marked a meaningful turning point in global approach. It could have united concerned peoples, ...
People & Planet -
NASA Space Missions to Study Effects of Global Warming ...
By Sue
2 Responses to "NASA Space Missions to Study Effects of Global Warming”. enveronmental project on December 27th, 2009 10:13 am. please send this project. darrell55 on December 27th, 2009 1:01 pm. mmmm "continued study of climate change...
ChattahBox News Blog -
Rain, Cooler Weather Contradicts Climate Scientists Dire Global ...
View blog authority ... "Australia is the harbinger of change,” said paleontologist Tim Flannery, Australia's most vocal climate change prophet. "The problems for us are going to be greater. The cost to Australia from climate change is going to be greater ... Here's our "global warming/climate scientists” prediction: The public won't hear about the record setting rains and cool temps occurring less than nine months after the LA Times global warming doom n gloom piece. ...
DBKP - Death By 1000 Papercuts - DBKP -
EnviroMedia Social Marketing : Change Starts Here blog : Blog ...
By Kevin Tuerff
In December 2009, Kevin and Valerie will be reporting on the latest from the United Nations climate change conference in Copenhagen, Denmark. This will be their third time to participate in the annual international gathering. ...
Global Warming: Change Starts Here -
Reexamining The Anthropogenic Global Warming Issue « the Air Vent
By Jeff Id
(16) And the choice of "global warming” vs. "climate change” wasn't made out of cynical political considerations. I start hedging at about (4). I put it to you that skeptics will mark the questions truthfully. Believers will, at some point, ... See here The blog author can drop the pretense of upholding some scientific standard. But remember that the IPCC concludes only that some or most of the warming since 1957 was very likely (90% confidence) caused by humans. ...
the Air Vent -
Desertification and Climate Change: Greenland and the Hockey Stick ...
By Tony
Creating awareness of Global Desertification, Climate Change, and Agricultural Sustainability through the production of an environmental documentary and other education products including this blog, a website and training modules - developed ... The conversation was focused on Copenhagen, Climate Change and Global Warming. It seems only yesterday when controversial dinner conversation would be around Race, Religion and Politics! I think those are still hot spots as well. ...
Desertification and Climate Change -
A plain blog about politics: Health Care vs. Climate
By Jonathan Bernstein
Climate change is different. For those who accept the scientific consensus on global warming, climate is a technocratic, not an ideological, issue. And mainstream conservatives have no inherent problem with big government when it comes ...
A plain blog about politics -
Backseat driving
By Brian
I just came across your blog about Global Warming and wanted to drop you a note telling you how impressed I was with the information you have posted here. I also have a blog about Global Warming so I know I'm talking about when I say ... The climate change lobby is urging governments around the world to bet the world economy on the economy-destroying climate change. If that is going to happen, it's worth the bet. But what are the odds? If this bet is anything to go by, ...
Backseat driving -
A Thousand Words - Take Action! Kodak supports German WWF Climate ...
By (MadlenNicolaus)
Blog User Guide. A Thousand Words is a place for stories from the people of Kodak. We love what we do, and we want to share our stories about imaging and its power to influence our world. We invite you to join our conversation with ... Global warming, dry spells, melting polar caps - climate change has become a red hot topic. But the topic is not only discussed in Copenhagen by politicians and experts - a lot of people around the globe are getting involved in climate ...
A Thousand Words A Kodak blog... -
Senate Democrats Tell White House: Drop Cap And Trade Climate ...
By GreenNews
Get your news widget. Get one of the news widgets. Add one of Humanitarian News widgets on your website or blog. ... Senate Democrats Tell White House: Drop Cap And Trade Climate Change Bill. December 27, 2009 - 21:22 ... communicating that in every way I know how," says Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.), one of at least half a dozen Democrats who've told the White House or their own leaders that it's time to jettison the centerpiece of their party's plan to curb global warming. ...
Humanitarian News blogs -
BBC - Ethical Man blog: Are our children to blame?
The blog of the BBC's Ethical Man - Justin Rowlatt - who's travelling across America looking at efforts to combat global warming. ... As many of us scientists have been saying for a long time, there is no man-made climate change. It's the biggest scientific scam bssed on fraudulent science, that there has ever been. Climategate has at long last brought it out into the open. So no need to worry about CO2. Overpopulation in a cooling climate, poverty, diseases and pollution ...
BBC Blog Network -
GraniteGrok: Summarizing the Climate Scam
The present climate debate is a classic conflict between data and computer programs. The computer programs are the source of concern over climate change and global warming, not the data. Data are measurements. Computer programs are artificial constructs. Public announcements use a great deal of hyperbole and inflammatory language. For instance, the word "ever” is misused by ... PODCAST. Care and Feeding of GraniteGrok by PoliGrok, LLC. blog advertising is good for you ...
GraniteGrok -
Climategate – The BBC's Unhealthy Connection With Michael Mann ...
By toryaardvark
Searching through the Climategate emails for "BBC” gives some interesting results as in this email sent on 12th October 2009 to Michael Mann about an article on the BBC website about "What happend to Global Warming”. Michael Mann is suprised that the BBC are ... Paul Hudson, BBC's reporter on climate change, on Friday wrote that there's been no warming since 1998, and that pacific oscillations will force cooling for the next 20-30 years. It is not outrageously biased in ...
The Tory Aardvark's Blog -
Heliogenic Climate Change: "What mayhem they have brought down on ...
By jblethen
The absence of evidence that global warming is actually occurring, and that human activity affects the world's temperature at all, was scarcely mentioned [at Dopenhagen]. The real result, however, is the pledged objective of not ...
Heliogenic Climate Change -
The Blue Blog » Adapting to a dangerous and changing climate
By Greg Clark MP, Member of Parliament for...
The Blue Blog. Adapting to a dangerous and changing climate. Greg Clark MP, Sunday, December 27th, 2009 . In few places on earth is human life as fragile and the danger posed by climate change as great as in Bangladesh. ... "Don't talk about adaptation,” went the argument, "because that will signal that we've given up on stopping global warming.” But what you can see in this video of my trip to Bangladesh is that adaptation can save lives and protect communities in some ...
The Blue Blog -
The Hockey Schtick: Reexamining The Anthropogenic Global Warming Issue
The Hockey Schtick. VIEWS ON CLIMATE CHANGE & CLIMATEGATE. Sunday, December 27, 2009. Reexamining The Anthropogenic Global Warming Issue. From the Air Vent: By Leonard Weinstein, ScD. The following is an effort to reduce the AGW issue to a minimum number of necessary claims to support or reject. When I read of "thousands of supporting papers” on the issue, I would like to hear what these papers show that refutes the following. ... Search This Blog. Loading. ...
The Hockey Schtick -
Big Government » Blog Archive » This Isn't Good: 21st Century ...
By Publius
"Then the protectionism of the US undermined liberal trade; now conflicts between the US and China undermine our ability to tackle climate change." What idiocy! "Tackling" mythical global warming is precisely what will destroy liberal ...
Big Government -
After Copenhagen, Now What? |
By Bill Becker
Albertans Snub Climate Change Threat (Calgary Herald). A new survey found that 31% of Albertans think global warming is a theory that has not yet been proven. Nationally, just 17% of Canadians share that opinion. ...
Solve Climate: Daily Climate... -
Interesting Reading #384 – Environment causes aging faces, biggest ...
By Marshall Brain
7 Tipping Points That Could Transform Earth – "When the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change issue its last report in 2007, environmental tipping points were a footnote. A troubling footnote, to be sure, but the science was relatively new and unsettled. Straightforward global warming was enough to worry about. But when the IPCC meets in 2014, tipping points — or tipping elements, in academic vernacular — will get much more attention. Scientists still disagree about ...
The Blogs at HowStuffWorks -
Say Goodbye « Dave's Blog About Writing
By Dave-Brendon de Burgh
I'm not going to tell you what Climate Change and Global Warming are, what they mean, how we can stop it, why we should, etc. That's been done before, and with a much bigger impact and more eloquence than my few words could ever achieve ...
Dave's Blog About Writing -
Blog for Iowa :: How Iowans Can Help: Tell the EPA to Use Clean ...
By Trish Nelson
The way is cleared for the Clean Air Act to become a crucial weapon in our fight to stop climate change. The Obama administration is now in a position to regulate global warming pollution without having to wait for Congress (which has ...
Blog for Iowa -
877 snowfall records were set last week in the USA « Wintery Knight
By Wintery Knight
Email Subscription. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. ... The change from "global warming" to "global climate change" is problematic. As weather changes (warmer or colder), we attribute it to "global warming". Or, to put it another way, it is an unfalsifiable claim. Weather ALWAYS changes. Interestingly, so is the "fix". If the weather actually changes and we see the catastro […] ...
Wintery Knight -
Hot Air » Blog Archive » Dems wave white flag on cap-and-trade
By Ed Morrissey
one of at least half a dozen Democrats who've told the White House or their own leaders that it's time to jettison the centerpiece of their party's plan to curb global warming. … "We need to deal with the phenomena of ... "Climate change in an election year has very poor prospects,” added Sen. Kent Conrad (D-N.D.). "I've told that to the leadership.” Of course, Harry Reid knew that when he rescheduled the Boxer-Kerry effort for spring 2010. He didn't have much choice. ...
Hot Air » Top Picks -
Tom Nelson
By Tom
Any civilization has to be insane to rob themselves of basic freedoms and nuke their economy to fight some theoretical climate change issue. And when you consider that the hypothesis of anthropogenic global warming is nothing but a hoax ...
Tom Nelson -
Ecographica: The Inflation of Infantile Denialism
By Johnny
Even when a scientific consensus based on evidence emerges - as it has for evolution and climate change - there is opportunity for dissent. As the great physicist Richard Feynman noted, "Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts." ... Global-warming denialists are unimpressed by climate data. Denialists ignore overwhelming evidence, focusing instead on a few hoaxes, such as Piltdown Man, or a few stolen e-mails. For denialists, opinion polls and talk radio count ...
Ecographica -
En Passant » Put Blair on trial for his war crimes
By John
When the choice for those who have been slaving for the boss for the last year is between Saturnalia, sloth and family or reading revolutionary political blogs, not surprisingly Saturnalia wins. Still, I'm pleasantly surprised ... Civil disobedience and climate change. Jonathon Hari in the Independent and re-printed in today's Canberra Times calls for mass civil disobedience to stop global warming. He finishes by saying: 'Copenhagen had one value, and one value alone. ...
En Passant -
Global warming fraud clearly explained « The Bovine
By thebovine
Have you been believing Al Gore and his gospel of human-induced global warming? Well, here's your antidote in the video linked to from the picture below. It seems there's a lot more to this climate thing than first meets the eye. ... Unless we combine to take decisive action, climate change will ravage our planet, and with it our prosperity and security. The dangers have been becoming apparent for a generation. Now the facts have started to speak: 11 of the past 14 years ...
The Bovine -
Cap and Trade Dying in US Senate | Orange Juice
By Terry Crowley
Orange Punch Blog ... Complete with sin (the emitting of carbon dioxide), scriptures (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change assessment reports), commandments (drive a Prius, use Compact Florescent Light bulbs, do not eat meat etc. ... Great Britain has already recognized belief in anthropogenic Global Warming as a religion. In November, in a landmark case brought before the UK Employment Appeal Tribunal, the court found that under the "2003 Religion and Belief ...
Orange Juice -
Student seeks balance in teaching of controversial topics « New ...
The Daily Freeman, by By WILLIAM J. KEMBLE Posted By: dukas- Sun, 27 Dec 2009 13:52:05 GMT RHINEBECK — A Rhinebeck High School sophomore is urging the school district to require alternative views be presented by teachers on controversial topics like climate change. Michelle Dewkett said the global warming documentary "An Inconvenient Truth” was being shown in science and English classes without equal weight being given to other positions on the topic. ...
New Media Blog -
The Federal Observer » Caruba: It's Not Socialism. It's Communism.
By The Publisher
The recent United Nations' Climate Change Conference refused to take notice of the revelations that the data on which the "global warming” theory is based was falsified by a handful of meteorologists and climatologists in an effort to ...
The Federal Observer -
Weather for re-enactment of Washington's crossing of the Delaware ...
By gestroud
But that doesn't stop the Brits and those other wacky Europeans from pushing for billions in fees on future flights in an effort to deter that wave of global warming that persists in failing to occur on schedule. As this Bloomberg article notes: "Airlines may need to ... If that climate change had happened as predicted, pre-Christmas blizzards would likely be a thing of the past – though I can't remember one quite this big in my past, which goes back to the mid-1950s. ...
666 Survival -
The Steady Drip: Did NASA Blow Up Its Own Carbon Detecting Satellite?
By Aristotle The Hun
How did I miss this BLOG? Really great writing. I have added this to my BLOG roll. Did NASA Blow Up Its Own Carbon Detecting Satellite? NASA's 280 million dollar Orbiting Carbon Observatory fell into the Antarctic after it failed to make orbit. ... NASA has been at the forefront of the global warming, ne climate change, slam down ever since the reduction of its significance (and budget) after many stellar years of admirable and successful missions, which have accomplished ...
The Steady Drip -
Surferpags and the News - PickensPlan
He also blogs regularly on labor and other reform issues for In These Times and The Huffington Post. Comments This is a moderated forum. It may take a little while for comments to go live. Be civil and on-topic, don't threaten or advocate violence, please keep it .... She is off-base. Go after coal. Coal is what is killing hundreds of thousands in China and will continue to kill billions when global warming increases. Is she aware of what is coming with climate change? ...
Latest Activity on PickensPlan -
Shrinking World, Shrinking Ecosystems « EDRO
By edro
Global warming is causing climate belts to shift toward the poles and to higher elevations. To keep pace with these changes, the average ecosystem will need to shift about a quarter mile each year, says a new study led by scientists at ... Scott Loarie, a postdoctoral fellow at the Carnegie Institution and lead author of the paper, points out that an appreciation of climate velocities could stimulate discussions about sound management for climate change, from the design ...
It's not Socialism; it's Communism |
By Alan Caruba
The recent United Nations' Climate Change Conference refused to take notice of the revelations that the data on which the "global warming” theory is based was falsified by a handful of meteorologists and climatologists in an effort to impose a global governing system. The interim first Secretary General of ... About the Author. Alan Caruba, a business and science writer, is the founder of The National Anxiety Center. He blogs daily at ... -
Hall of Record: Hamas Denigrates Palestinians' Worth
By Bruce Hall
Severe Weather and Anthropogenic Global Warming - As I put together an updated version of my climate movie and powerpoint deck, I am constantly amazed how alarmist claims that man is causing [fill in the b. ... Gore said that if left unchecked, global warming could lead to a drastic change in the weather, sea levels and other aspects of the environment. And he pointed out that these conclusions are not his, but those of a vast majority of scientists who study the issue. ...
Hall of Record -
Afraid to Say… | Conservative Hideout 2.0
By Ken
He has prepared his whole life to "fundamentally change” America and is within grasp of it and he has done this before our eyes. He knows we will do little, particularly if we are too afraid to speak up. ... Matt : Snow on the blog is in honor of all the global warming falling as real snow! Don : @guest_3705 - You must be okay with Jennings choice of reading - you have any kids? Matt : Yeah, how dare we not support sex with children! Guest_3705 : you are one sick fuckrr, ...
Conservative Hideout 2.0 -
YID With LID: Dems to POTUS: PLEASE-No Cap and Trade Till After ...
By Sammy Benoit
You top that tax info with the fact that there continues to be a rush of information disputing the globalwarming claims. All of this cap and trade nonsense going through congress seems as if it has no environmental purpose. ... Each of their Senate votes is vital for any climate change Bill to have a chance of being passed, and a firm American commitment to cap and trade is essential for similar carbon reduction mechanisms to be effective on a global scale. ...
YID With LID -
Simoleon Sense » Blog Archive » Weekly Wisdom Roundup #58 ...
By Miguel
The Geoengineering Gambit - Via MIT Technology Review – For years, radical thinkers have proposed risky technologies that they say could rapidly cool the earth and offset global warming. Now a growing number of mainstream climate ...
Simoleon Sense -
It's Not Socialism. It's Communism. « Socialism is not the Answer
By 1dragon
The recent United Nations' Climate Change Conference refused to take notice of the revelations that the data on which the "global warming” theory is based was falsified by a handful of meteorologists and climatologists in an effort to impose a global governing system. The interim first Secretary General of the UN was Alger Hiss, an American and ... Email Subscription. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. ...
Socialism is not the Answer -
Warning Signs: It's Not Socialism. It's Communism.
By Alan Caruba
Warning Signs. Alan Caruba's blog is a daily look at events, personalities, and issues from an independent point of view. Email: ... The recent United Nations' Climate Change Conference refused to take notice of the revelations that the data on which the "global warming” theory is based was falsified by a handful of meteorologists and climatologists in an effort to impose a global governing system. The interim first Secretary General of the UN was Alger ...
Warning Signs -
The Oil Drum | Drumbeat: December 27, 2009
By Leanan
Or is it? There are two trends that could slow or even stop this shift. They seemed quite distant at the start of the decade, but now they look very big and frightening. One is peak oil; the other is global warming. Oil And Environment: A Contradiction ..... Lake Tahoe, Clear Lake and four other large lakes in Northern California and Nevada are warming faster than the surrounding atmosphere, suggesting climate change may affect aquatic environments faster and sooner. ...
The Oil Drum - Discussions about... -
Cut Global Warming » Blog Archive » Copenhagen climate summit: Ed ...
By admin
Ed Miliband, Britain's climate change secretary, has spoken of his frustration at the chaotic end to the Copenhagen summit and admitted he had wanted "a more comprehensive agreement”. This entry was posted on Sunday, December 27th, ...
Cut Global Warming -
Climate change solution must be mutually satisfactory: PM | India ...
By Editorial Team News
It also poses complex problems of global equity in burden sharing.' Addressing the gathering of economists from across the country, he called upon them to find solutions to the 'emerging problems of climate change'. ...
India Business Blog News -
Category: Climate Change and Global Warming Blogs around the world | Views: 618 | Added by: Aries | Tags: Blogs, global warming, climate change | Rating: 0.0/0
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