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«  December 2009  »
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Main » 2009 » December » 31 » Climate Change or Global Warming Blogs
10:24 AM
Climate Change or Global Warming Blogs
Climate Change or Global Warming Blogs
MacBeach: Global Warming Science and Public Policy - Climate ...
By macbeach
Global Warming Science and Public Policy - Climate Change, William Happer testimony to Senate Energy Committee on February 25, 2009. I remember being forced to read Voltaire's novel, Candide, when I was young. ...
MacBeach -
Test Blog: [Global Warming] Re: Models
By End Time Seer
In, "poitsplace" <poitsplace@...> wrote: > > Look, the IPCC was basically set up to investigate the impact of man-made climate change. The models were made with the with the assumption that CO2 caused ...
Test Blog -
HoosierAccess » Blog Archive » Guest Column: Jon Elrod on Global ...
By Michael Jezierski
I am not a global warming denier. The science seems clear that carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas; i.e. a gas that tends to trap heat in the atmosphere. It seems logical that if humans release enough greenhouse gases, the temperature of the planet ... They confirm a conspiracy to exclude dissenting views from publication and consideration by the UN panel on climate change. Most damning, the CRU has admitted that it has thrown away most of the original temperature data. ...
HoosierAccess -
OPINION Blog | The Dallas Morning News
By letterseditor
We face problems much greater than climate change. Several times, meetings of prominent world economists have been asked to rank the problems of the world in order of importance. Without fail, global warming (a.k.a. climate change) ...
What global warming? « Mark Zanzig's Photo Blog
By Mark Zanzig
For me, there is slight global warming of about 0.6 °C per century. For further more scientific analysis of the climate, I suggest to download the full NIPCC report on climate change. The case on "global warming” is closed – it is a ...
Mark Zanzig's Photo Blog -
Best Books of 2009: Why We Disagree About Climate Change ...
By Bruce Haring
The problem with arguing that we need a big wake-up event is that, of course, any big meteorological event will always remain somewhat unclear, whether it's linked to global warming or not. ... "Why We Disagree About Climate Change: Understanding Controversy, Inaction and Opportunity” (Paperback) by Mike Hulme (Cambridge University Press, May 25, 2009). Buy from Amazon. WP Greet Box icon. Welcome to the CleanTechies Blog! If you are new here, you might want to subscribe ...
CleanTechies Blog - -
Eco Friendy Green Mattresses » Blog Archive » Enviro News ...
By admin
Inspirational video w/David Suzuki #green #climatechange #globalwarming #eco · Enviro News: Exploding Myths About Electric Cars (Marc Gunther's Fave Green Technology). #Cars #Green #climatechange ...
Eco Friendy Green Mattresses - » Blog Archive » Make a Year-End Gift to ...
By Tzeporah Berman
Leading the Charge – PowerUP is leading the charge of a new movement to address climate change, focusing on solutions that are realistic and within reach. Green jobs, green buildings, green vehicles. We believe that to combat global warming we ... Our blog has become a leading voice on global warming, solutions and climate politics for Canadians. With a great number of Canadians like you on our team who care greatly about what happens to our planet and future generations, ... -
Adaptation! | Strategies for Reducing the Impact of Climate Change ...
By Cheryl Pellerin
Climate change is already affecting ecosystems, industry, society, and health. Join our conversation as we explore the many ways individuals, communities and nations are finding to adapt to a steadily warming planet. ... The document didn't specify exactly how the world's developed and developing nations would keep global average temperature from rising beyond 2 degrees Celsius (35.6 degrees Fahrenheit) ― the limit the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says might ...
Adaptation! | Strategies for... -
Bob Radocy: Climate change threat from carbonated beverages ...
By Camera staff
Blogs for the Daily Camera newspaper located in Boulder, Colorado. ... The recent Open Forum by a savvy Boulderite regarding the potential, hidden global warming impacts of champagne are only the tip of the iceberg regarding the insidious threat from all carbonated beverages. Mathematical models reveal the real impact of this newly discovered source of carbon dioxide, the green house gas responsible for driving global warming. The models reveal that the average 12 ounce ...
Daily Camera: Letters to the Editor -
Thoreau's Legacy: American Stories about Global Warming ...
By Louise F. Deis
The main purpose of this blog is to communicate about useful resources for research in the Library & beyond. ... Tag Cloud. agriculture; chemicals; climate change; climate policy; conference; Copenhagen; database; energy; Environmental Protection Agency; EPA; EPA Libraries; global warming; open access; policy; renewable energy; report; science; sustainability; website; websites ...
Environmental Sciences Information -
Kevin Grandia | The Daily Mail's Distracting ChinaHack Theory
By Kevin Grandia
The Daily Mail is reporting that it might be, "Chinese hackers linked to 'Warmergate' climate change leaked emails controversy." The Mail's revelation came about after they tracked a convoluted trail of IP (internet Protocols) addresses, through to a, .... "Snow blankets London for Global Warming debate – first October Snow in over 70 years" ...
DeSmogBlog - Clearing the PR... - Global Warming News, Science, Myths, Articles's global warming center offers a daily blog of news related to the topic of global warming. An unbiased look at myths, articles, and anything related to global warming. ... All of this paleo climate data seems to beg the question of anthropogenic global warming. How can it be that earth warmed without the help of man? It's only our emissions. With a change in our energy habits, we can be back to moderate co2 levels several centuries later. ...
Global Warming -
Mother Nature Has Her Say | - main
By Phil Brennan
A case in point would be the aftermath of the Copenhagen conference on global warming, a gigantic hoax now known as "climate change” since it starting getting colder around what the superior class calls the fin de siecle - a Frenchified ... - main -
Tom Nelson
By Tom
The SPPI Blog. The correct scientific approach is to evaluate deaths and serious injuries or illnesses (known to statisticians as KSI) per GWh of electricity generated, for all methods of generation. Nuclear electricity is the safest, followed by natural gas, ... Monbiot's own headline on the article below reads: "This is bigger than climate change. It is a battle to redefine humanity". Global warming debate Part 4: A climate scientist responds to tipping points ...
Tom Nelson -
Inhale. Exhale. Whew. | Art21 Blog
By Nicole Caruth
Upon reading more about the UNCCC, I realized not only how large and multifaceted the discourse ("climate change” and "global warming” are umbrella terms for a range of environmental and social problems), but also how scientific. ...
Art21 Blog -
TFS Magnum: North Texas Snow? I Blame Global Warming!
By Zendo Deb
North Texas Snow? I Blame Global Warming! Or is it climate change? I forget. Snowy weather to revisit Dallas-Fort Worth Tuesday | North Texans are still talking about the Christmas Eve storm, which created ...
TFS Magnum -
Roger Pielke Jr.'s Blog: The "Consistent With" Fallacy: How Not to ...
By (Roger Pielke, Jr.)
In the case of global climate it might be a prediction of no temperature change or some linear fit to past trends. If the sophisticated method doesn't improve upon the naive baseline, you are not getting much value from that approach. .... We've already seen post hoc assertions that there could be as much as thirty years pause in global warming before "the trend" asserts itself. Since we're already ten years in to a flat trend, it's not surprising that some benighted soul ...
Roger Pielke Jr.'s Blog -
NBC Action Weather Blog : Tough Forecast...Snow Tonight?
By glezak
Whoever coined the term "global warming" is probably regretting it now, and it is now more accurately called "climate change". The fact that it gets cold and snowy in America during winter doesn't mean anything in that debate, ...
NBC Action Weather Blog -
Arctic could face warmer and ice-free conditions | Science Blog
Loss of sea ice could have varied and extensive consequences, such as contributions to continued Arctic warming, accelerated coastal erosion due to increased wave activity, impacts to large predators (polar bears and seals) that depend on sea ice cover, ... Global average surface temperatures during the mid-Pliocene were about 3°C (5.5°F) greater than today and within the range projected for the 21st century by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. ...
Science Blog -
Solar Could Generate 15% of Power by 2020, If US Ends Fossil Fuel ...
By Stacy Feldman
The solar ramp-up would also fight climate change. A 15 percent scenario would slash America's energy-related emissions by an estimated 10 percent, curbing national carbon dioxide output by 1.4 gigatons (1 gigaton equals 1 billion tons). To get there, however, ... Also vital is global warming legislation that creates a long-term price on carbon and a federal "renewable portfolio standard" that would ensure a chunk of the nation's electricity gets produced by green power. ...
Solve Climate: Daily Climate... -
Dave Barry's Blog: EMERGENCY
By Dave
Global climate change is ruining everything, and all we get out of the politicians is more hot air. Send them to Miami for the next hurricane and make them meet on the beach. Posted by: Ralph | December 29, 2009 at 08:39 PM ... Last week, I saw some signs on global warming at a zoo. Now, watching the snow outside in an area that usually doesn't get more than an inch of snow ever... Posted by: Kris | December 29, 2009 at 09:13 PM. Seems I broke the blog ...
Dave Barry's Blog -
» The Green Religion and ClimateGate: Interview With Steven Mosher ...
By Larry O'Connor
After days of review, Mr. Mosher realized the importance of the information he was sitting on, and he began the process of posting the information on various "Climate Change” websites and blogs. ..... Global warming, climate change, whatever name you choose to give it is merely a tactic once it is exposed for what it is the left will find another avenue to approach their ultimate goal which is one global govt with all people sub serviant to one world leader a global tax ...
Big Government -
Worst decade in 50 years? Not for the tree huggers! :: CityBlog ...
By Amy Kingsley
And forget global warming. That guy didn't even believe in basic biology. Before we get caught up in the good news, it should be noted that the UN summit on climate change in Copenhagen was an unmitigated disaster, with participants ...
CityLife Blogs -
Fausty's Libertarian Blog: Underwear bomber: A CIA ploy or ...
By Fausty
It's late November and fucking freezing...Global Warming anybody? - I hadn't really given Global warming so much as a passing thought until our Socialist brethren attempted to have Climate Denial Classed As a Mental Disorde... 4 weeks ago .... The UK Meteorological Office: slightly less reliable than tea leaves or cock entrails - One of my personal favourite Comedy Moments of 2009 came in the unlikely context of a BBC Radio 5 Live debate on climate change. ...
Fausty's Libertarian Blog -
The ruling is a severe blow for President Nicolas Sarkozy as the measure was one of his flagship initiatives to cut emissions of greenhouse gasses that fuel climate change. .... I am a global warming atheist. I don't believe one bit of it. That the earth's climate changes is undeniable. Only ignoramuses believe that climate stability is normal. But I see NO evidence to say that mankind has had anything to do with any of the changes observed -- and much evidence against ...
Dumbest College Degree Yet; Plus Berkeley Dumps Science (Science ...
By Debbie
Nope, it's not a study of Islam, or HAMAS, or fake Iranian "democracy for extremists” protestors, it's yet another trendy entree into the faddish fakery that is "climate change” and "global warming.” We already have real science. ..... Ah the ranters of the blog nation. I hope the folks who think global warming and green science are the ones left out in the cold when the **it hits the fan if we don't do something to prevent it. tony on December 29, 2009 at 11:39 pm ...
Debbie Schlussel -
» French "Supreme Court” Says No to Carbon Tax Dvorak Uncensored ...
By Cherman
I wish he and Dvorak would explain — because I've asked a dozen times with no response — why a scientist would try to make money by affirming climate change, when they could make ten times more money taking grants from big industry ... Your "friends” are in fact making a major killing off the green energy, global warming political movement. If it goes south they are out of work. They are discredited. They will be lucky to get jobs sweeping floors unless they can come up ...
Dvorak Uncensored -
Jacqueline Marcus: $360 Billion More For Military While California ...
By BuzzFlash
There are shortages of water due to lack of rainfall; the weather patterns are radically changing from man-made pollution known as the "Greenhouse Effect" (climate change). We Californians understand that global warming is not an ... - Progressive News... -
The Reference Frame: What would 1.5 °C of warming mean in Prague?
By Lumo
If you extrapolate the UAH climate record from the last 30 years to the following century, you will get something like 1.3 °C of warming. Let's generously call it 1.5 °C. Also, some people in the "fight against climate change" want to ... It means that the "catastrophic" change we have seen in the recent decade - namely no change worth talking about, as most Czechs realize very well - is exactly the same change that we can expect as a result of "global warming" in a whole ...
The Reference Frame -
World-O-Crap » Blog Archive » Apocalypso
By scott
Even though global warming has now been exposed as merely another scheme to steal money from the USA and its people, Obama traveled to Copenhagen and pledged $100 Billions to solving the, now admittedly unsolvable, manmade global warming issue. It can't be solved because mankind dos not control climate change. Well I hope DOS doesn't control it, because frankly I've forgotten all those old C: prompt commands. Obama and his fellow Marxists still plan to push the faux Cap ...
World-O-Crap -
The Rag Blog: Health Care Reform : Our Christmas Eve Present
By thorne dreyer
After Copenhagen : Lighting a Candle for Climate Change -- By Rabbi Arthur Waskow / The Rag Blog. At the leadership level, the Copenhagen climate summit was a dismal failure. But there was excitement among grassroots environmental activists that we must carry ..... Afghanistan Escalation : Footprint We Can't Afford -- By Harvey Wasserman / The Rag Blog. The Afghan War may now doom any chances we have to cope with global warming and health care reform in this country. ...
The Rag Blog -
California High Speed Rail Blog » 2009: The Year In California HSR
By Robert Cruickshank
... especially as it contributes to climate change, groups like the Planning and Conservation League believe that carbon emissions are just fine, that global warming is no cause for concern, and that the late 20th century model of ...
California High Speed Rail Blog -
Socialist Howard Dean: "cooperation” between European socialists ...
By Gary Shumway
The Global Progressive Forum is also sponsored by the Socialist International, whose U.S. affiliate, the Democratic Socialists of America, includes long-time backers of Barack Obama. ... His remarks came on the eve of the United Nations climate change conference in Copenhagen. Dean never used the words "world government,” but did declare that "We need a new institutional framework to govern, manage and monitor implementation.” .... 9 Blog Blidgets · Freedom & Liberty ...
Red Pills -
Was China the homeland of East Anglia hackers? | GreenTech ...
By Harry Fuller
It's all related.... If it's too hot, it's Global Warming and Human activity is to blame. "Quick, kill all cars and hand your wallets to smaller, poorer nations!" If it's too cold - it's Climate Change and Humans . ... Keep Up With The Latest In Document Management with The DocuMentor. Doc delivers the scoop on today's enterprise content management, printer maintenance, and all other issues related to document management. It's the DocuMentor Blog. Learn more >> ...
GreenTech Pastures -
Project Syndicate - Obama Undermines the UN Climate Process
I would like to emphasize at the start that all of us are on the same side of this issue: to create a global system of effective climate change mitigation and adaptation. I would also like to assure Angellight that I did not choose the title .... of Health If the world is to successfully mitigate global warming, we need the leaders of the world's largest emitters focused on the energy technology challenge. ...
Project Syndicate -
MoD orders automated driver training technology « Your Green Ability
Among his 14 climate change clients is the Gas Technology Institute, a research organization, and several natural gas-related firms that have recently begun to weigh in more heavily on climate change legislation, ..... German Environment Minister Norbert Rottgen talks to Spiegel about the failure of the Copenhagen climate summit, why neither China nor the U.S. can take the lead in the fight against global warming and Germany's role in the new world order. ...
Your Green Ability - » Blog Archive » The questions Dr Pachauri still has ...
In the wake of that acrimonious shambles in Copenhagen, ever more questions are now being asked not only over the validity of the science behind the belief that man-made CO2 is causing runaway global warming but about the methods being used to meet that ... In last week's Sunday Telegraph Richard North and I wrote an article revealing the worldwide business interests of Dr Rajendra Pachauri who, as chairman since 2002 of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, ... -
Anti-Capitalist Movie Avatar Partners With McDonalds for Corporate ...
By Mitchell Blatt
While James Cameron's Avatar contains many anti-capitalism messages in its global warming alarmist push, the film has made some big corporate partnership deals with companies like McDonalds. McDonalds has been running ads co-branding ... - Exposing Liberal... -
Alaska Governor Sarah Palin's Accomplishments: Why The Latest ...
By Gary
First they create a "crisis" in the name of the totally laughable claim of "global warming," then, they just so happen to have ready made solutions, and the promises of completely non-existent "green jobs" that will "grow the economy," if only we will allow them to ...... Global warmi - I mean "climate change" - Megan McArdle, writing here in *The Atlantic*, criticizes the "scientists" (scare quotes rendered necessary by their alleged reprehensible behavior) involv. ...
Alaska Governor Sarah Palin's... -
John R. Ehrenfeld: Biography
I have avoided commenting on the happenings around climate change for a couple of reasons. I know little about the realpolitik driving the myriad of interests and power groups. I do understand the science, unfortunately, ... thousands) of disciplines that populate university campuses and the methods by which we analyze problems and design solutions, doesn't map well onto the real world, especially for problems like global warming, terrorism, and pervasive hunger. ...
Sustainability by Design -
Cempaka Nature, Agriculture and Environment: Indonesia denies ...
By Cempaka
Global Warming / Climate Change. News, Subjects Related to Climate Change and Sustainable Development · Cempaka Eco Green. Health / Poverty. Health. Latest News .... Getting back to nature, the herbal way · Study finds marine ...
Cempaka Nature, Agriculture and... -
FDL Action » Libertarians on Establishment Demonization
By Jane Hamsher
I don't think libertarians have a good approach to dealing with issues that require collective action, such as climate change, food safety, sustainable agriculture policy, etc. I do think we agree on rooting out corruption in the system, ... The FDL War Room features action opportunities, health care videos, phone banking campaigns, policy posts from the blog, and information on whip counts of Members of Congress throughout this fight. » Visit the FDL Health Care War Room ...
Firedoglake -
New Paltz Journal II » Blog Archive » Rhinebeck High School ...
By Malone Vandam
Once the propaganda of global warmism is stripped away, along with the usual phalanx of informal logical fallacies that accompany it, there is really very little left. We have some warming, far from unprecedented or alarming, over the past century and a half. About "climate change” it can be said that, well, climate changes. It does not stay the same. If there is alarm, for instance, that some glaciers are receding, imagine what it would be like if they were advancing. ...
New Paltz Journal II -
Category: Climate Change and Global Warming Blogs around the world | Views: 377 | Added by: Aries | Tags: Blogs, global warming, climate change | Rating: 0.0/0
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