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«  January 2010  »
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Main » 2010 » January » 1 » Climate Change or Global Warming Blogs
5:33 PM
Climate Change or Global Warming Blogs
Climate Change or Global Warming Blogs
Top 5 Reasons to Be Hopeful About 2010 | Stop Global Warming ...
By Mike Gaworecki
There are now well over 15 million "Global Citizens for Climate Action” counted by the site. People from all over the globe are realizing that climate change is the greatest threat we face, and are committed to doing something about it. ...'s Stop Global Warming Blog -
Blogs @ The Charleston Gazette - » Coal and climate change: The ...
By Ken Ward Jr.
What caused the sea that was there to change into a desert? How can we all be so certain that Global Warming is real when the climate changes so dramatically even before man walk the planet? Do you also believe Al's hockey stick chart? ...
Coal Tattoo -
Triffids are recruited in the global warming debate – Telegraph Blogs
By Janet Daley
So was this designed to be yet another lesson in climate change awareness: don't let things go so far that you have to turn to an army of man-eating herbs to save you? Or was it a warning against taking drastic measures against global ...
News -
Newz Source » Blog Archive » Bill Nye on Global Warming and How ...
Climate change is the most serious thing. I'm all concerned about the mortgage and military situation overseas and the fact that the wealthiest country on Earth has a substantial population of poor people and people in prison. but ...
Newz Source -
Global Warming – Fact or Fiction? « Ukiah Blog Live
By Dave Smith
Is global warming the same as Climate Change? No, climate change is a broader term and refers to the long term changes in the earth's temperature either as a result of natural warming and cooling cycles of the earth, and a result of ...
Ukiah Blog Live -
Jurriaan Kamp: There Is Plenty Renewable Energy to Fight Global ...
By Jurriaan Kamp
Alternative Energy Voices Fight To Be Heard At Copenhagen (VIDEO). Special To The Huffington Post By Kate Willson of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists for The Global Climate Change Lobby series: Industry officials are. ... John Feffer: Crapshoot in Copenhagen. As the world converges on Copenhagen this week, what would be an appropriate place for the U.S. Congress to meet to discuss global warming? Crammed into a huge stretch SUV? ...
The Huffington Post Full Blog Feed -
Inhuman answers to global warming (Erin) - Crunchy Con
I've already been skeptical about some of the claims of the anthropogenic global warming side of the climate change debate. Now, it seems, that for some of the environmentalists wishing to set policy the key to getting rid of human-caused ... Nice blog too. The one thing we need in the Metroplex is more wooded areas. It has always sickened me to watch builders clear cut old trees around here to build new subdivisons and plant tiny saplings in the front yards. elizabeth ...
Crunchy Con -
By Dr Sean Gabb
I've become increasingly convinced that the BBC is part of an international conspiracy about 'climate change'. It isn't simply that the reporting is so biased; it's also because there seems to be a concerted effort to make sure that whatever so-called sceptics discover, for example over ... Possibly related posts: (automatically generated). Categories: British Media · Evil BBC · Global warming lies by greenazis .... Education. Brian Micklethwait's education blog ...
The Libertarian Alliance: BLOG -
Pat Dollard | Young Americans | Blog Archive » Holy Shit ...
By Erik Wong
The issue that I am particularly thinking about is "climate change” — or global warming as it was once called (until the globe stopped warming, about a decade ago). Recently the Financial Post in Canada published an article by Lawrence ...
Pat Dollard | Young Americans -
The Delaware County Daily Times Blogs: Spencerblog: Climate Change ...
By Spencerblog
The cover of Al Gore's new book, Our Choice: A Plan to Solve the Climate Crisis, features a satellite image of the globe showing four major hurricanes--results, we're meant to believe, of man-made global warming. ...
Spencerblog -
» Global climate change to increase vulnerability to HIV/AIDS of ...
By quotwantcaring
Global climate change to increase vulnerability to HIV/AIDS of people in developing countries. Climate change is the newest commination to the increasing HIV/AIDS epidemic worldwide, panelists said Wednesday at an HIV forum at the ...
Quotwant caring - Blog » Dec. 31 is Near: Please Consider a Year-End ...
By Ivan Chan
31 approaching, please consider making a year-end, tax-deductible donation to to fight global warming today! Through the environmental leadership and support of donors, in 2009: ... Blog» Climate... -
Tom Nelson
By Tom
[Farmers not buying into the global warming scam]. We had a great holiday week AgChat last night. Thanks to everyone who participated and made my life easy as the guest moderator. Our topic was climate change and there was no lack of ...
Tom Nelson -
AGU journal highlights -- Dec. 31, 2009 | Science Blog
In addition, the cool global temperatures during the past decade may appear to contrast with the warming expected due to human influence. To clarify the roles of human influence and natural climate variability, Perlwitz et al. use observed ..... Many climate models also assume that the airborne fraction will increase. Because understanding of the airborne fraction of carbon dioxide is important for predicting future climate change, it is essential to have accurate ...
Science Blog -
The American Spectator : Wikipedia Meets Its Own Climategate
By Tom Bethell
The issue that I am particularly thinking about is "climate change" -- or global warming as it was once called (until the globe stopped warming, about a decade ago). Recently the Financial Post in Canada published an article by Lawrence Solomon, ... Blog or Web Site. WordPress Web Sites 2 Shortened Links Linking to the page info 2 tweets tweet The American Spectator : Wikipedia Meets Its Own Climategate ...
The American Spectator and AmSpecBlog -
Israpundit » Blog Archive » Utopian new left just like old left
By Ted Belman
If truly understanding climate change were the main goal, there would be no hesitation to look at all the evidence of global warming. In the minds of many climate-change scientists, however, the top goal is not to understand the planet ...
Israpundit -
Squall Lines » Blog Archive » Fearing another voter backlash
By John Hood
... Panel on Climate Change was cherry-picked, grossly inflating readings for nearly half a century. Russians called for a complete re-evaluation of the global temperature record, upon which the global warming theory is based. ...
Squall Lines -
AgWired » Blog Archives » AgChat Wrap
By Chuck
Our topic was climate change and there was no lack of opinions on the subject as it relates to agriculture. I would characterize most of the comments to the following questions as being skeptical about the science behind the modeling ...
AgWired -
Yesterday, Senior AccuWeather meteorologist Joe Bastardi let loose with this stunning prediction on the AccuWeather premium web site via Brett Anderson's Global warming blog: What is facing the major population centers of the northern ...
Climate Shifts » Blog Archive » To Save the Planet, Save the Seas
By John Bruno
These healthy plant habitats help meet the needs of people adapting to climate change, and they also reduce greenhouse gases by storing carbon dioxide. Countries should be encouraged to establish marine protected areas — that is, .... CO2 Global Emissions. "> Current CO2 level in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels have accelerated globally at a far greater rate than expected over recent years. The average growth rate of carbon dioxide emissions ...
Climate Shifts -
Stating the Obvious: India now feeling the effects of global warming
By Stating the Obvious
This blog reviews the news from around the world and provides commentary on a range of current political and social issues. My interests include the climate change debate, political current affairs in Australia, the US and Britain, ...
Stating the Obvious -
2009—The PDA Year in Review | Progressive Democrats of America Blog
By Bryan Buchan
As the healthcare debate simmered on one congressional burner, climate/energy legislation was heating up on another. The PDA [Stop Global Warming/Environmental IOT ... was hard at work analyzing legislation and defining the PDA position on the best mechanism to use to tackle catastrophic climate change: [direct carbon pricing]. With an election year upon us, the likelihood of a bill passing in this term is ...
Progressive Democrats of America Blog -
Copenhagen: Triumph or Failure? « It's Getting Hot In Here
By Phil Aroneanu
It provided a focal moment, a frame through which we could explain to each other and to the global public the clear moral argument for taking action on climate change. Most polling data shows that we were incredibly successful in doing so, .... Phil has been a campus clean energy activist and helped organize Step It Up 2007, the largest national open source grassroots campaign to stop global warming. He is currently working on building an international movement, ...
It's Getting Hot In Here -
Final thoughts for 2009: Looking at deep time « The Standard
By lprent
Surprising effects happen, even when viewed from a perspective of knowledge of other deep time climate changes. We should be under no illusion as to the effects of global warming, natural or man-made. It will change the face of the ...
The Standard -
News Blog > Exploiting the coal face? -
By dill
2. alan_540 said... Global Warming... Climate Change... Uhhhh Its the Weather Stupid! Tulip Bulbs... That's all I'm going to say! Wednesday, December 30, 2009 07:40PM, Report Comment. Add comment. Username, Admin Password (optional) ...
House Price Crash News Blog -
"The tilting of the earth changes everything" - Earth Changes and ...
In today's blog, we post a video from Igloolik elder Japiti Palluq talking about the impacts of a tilted earth, and unpack the traditional knowledge and science on this issue. ... Indeed, Inuit observations seem tied to the technical science of long-term climate change, specifically the theory of the Milankovitch Cycles, which seem to predict natural planetary warming and cooling periods based on the position of the earth and its axis in relationship to the sun. ...
Latest Activity on Earth Changes... -
Lorne Gunter: Environmentalism is just the latest way to tell ...
By NP Editor
In the run-up to this month's Earth summit in the Danish capital, many "greens” were warning that if the world's leaders failed to reach a comprehensive pact to control climate change our planet was doomed within the century. .... It is unfortunate that that the way Gunter wrote some of his article it appears to lend some legitimacy to the argument for supporting the global warming hypothesis by reinforcing the notion that man can stop global warming by limiting carbon ...
National Post - Full Comment -
What are some questions and issues you want Climate Progress to ...
By Joe
I am a student researcher who had the fortune to attend the Climate Conference and talk with many people about climate change policy issues. One of these topics is the giant MRV dilemma developed countries (USA) have with developing ..... Really what I'm looking for is a global warming for dummies article. You can reference IPCC reports and peer reviewed published journal articles all you want, but by and large they are so far beyond the publics basic knowledge of science ...
Climate Progress - » Blog Archive » Now the election for the PB ...
By Mike Smithson
However the more surprising upshot of my one man straw polling campaign is the widespread contempt for the whole Global Warming/Climate Change eco-hysterical agenda. People on the left and right said to me - unprompted - how shocked ... -
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Their Motto: Barackalypse Now
By DougJ
Citizen_X. Most of them don't know the difference between weather and climate. It's become part of the seasonal change: every winter, it becomes impossible to discuss anthropogenic global warming in public. The discussion goes into ...
Balloon Juice -
Hot Air » Blog Archive » Cheney: Obama pretends we're not at war
By Ed Morrissey
To all you lefty, never had sex with that woman, Global Warming err… Climate Change err… Pollution… believers, Al Gore like scamsters, America Hating, low life, Government Suckers…. How did that Hope And Change Work out? ...
Hot Air » Top Picks - Interview on ClimateGate, Geoengineering, and Copenhagen ...
By Chris Mooney
These included the dysfunctional way in which our culture processes information about science in general, and about climate science in particular; the continuing stream of misinformation about global warming (particularly the bogus .... it's a "travesty” that "we can't account for the lack of warming at the moment.” As it happens, the writer of that October 2009 e-mail—Kevin Trenberth is a lead author of the 2007 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report. ...
The Intersection -
small dead animals: Y2Kyoto: French Carbon Tax Declared ...
By Kate
TG, you do realize that Anthropogenic Global Warming/Climate Change based on CO2 has been falsified already and proven to be a hoax, yes? Designing a future based on this HOAX/LIE as fact will be a disaster for any nation or individual. ...
small dead animals -
Blog Carnival #15: Dino Documentaries, Paleo Art Tips, Why ...
By Mark Strauss
They can even serve as able guides as we contemplate such pressing issues as global warming….and mass extinction.” Neck the Halls: "Ever since we started working on Sauroposeidon, Rich Cifelli and I dreamed of seeing the reconstructed ...
Dinosaur Tracking -
miss_s_b | Twice Ten for 2010
Both global warming doomsayers and deniers will use them as "proof" that climate change is/isn't happening. I will not have enough money to get another tattoo. Mat and I will, once again, fail to get around to getting married. ... Please note that any and all opinions expressed in this blog are subject to random change at whim my own, and not necessarily representative of my party, or any of the constituent parts thereof (except myself, obviously). ...
Jennie Rigg: older, but not necessari... -
I Wrote This Earlier This Year. It Needs To Be Published Again and ...
By Peter Grandich
While much of America's media has spent significant attention discussing the potential change in the world's climate, it has devoted little attention on a change that, unlike global warming, will leave little room for debate on the ...
Grandich's Blog -
Dems: 2010 election more important than death of Earth, which is ...
By John Knefel
one of at least a half-dozen Democrats who've told the White House or their own leaders that it's time to jettison the centerpiece of their party's plan to curb global warming.” ... Obama's disappointing showing at Copenhagen and Congressional Democrats who are willing to postpone the most important legislation of the new decade, ostensibly because of percieved political vulnerabilities, there is no institutional engine for action on climate change in our government . ...
Making a Mockery -
The Locust Fork News-Journal » Blog Archive » The Top Stories and ...
By Glynn Wilson
I find it hard to believe the global warming summit in Copenhagen didn't make any of the other top ten lists, since none of the other stories are going to matter by the end of this century if we don't start dealing with climate change ...
The Locust Fork News-Journal -
By banned
A Change Of Pace - Silly Billy Mili Vanilli I heard an interview on the radio with the stepfather of Peter Moore, the freed hostage, in which he called David Miliband a lia... 9 hours ago .... It's late November and fucking freezing... Global Warming anybody? - I hadn't really given Global warming so much as a passing thought until our Socialist brethren attempted to have Climate Denial Classed As a Mental Disorde... 4 weeks ago. Fuck You, Penguin ...
Banned -
Top 10 quirky science tricks for New Year parties « The Skeptical ...
By mattusmaximus
As many skeptics know by now, legendary skeptical trailblazer James Randi set off a firestorm last week with two Swift blog posts about global warming. His first post carried his strong suspicion that consensus science on climate change ...
The Skeptical Teacher -
Wildlife Promise: Top Ten Wildlife Stories Of 2009
By Kevin Coyle
Media coverage in 2009 focused on emerging threats to these bears as a result of climate change and their placement on the U.S. endangered species list. The news was mostly gloomy but a recent article looked at a recent article looked at how Arctic char may be a partial ... There was increasing media coverage throughout 2009 of examples of how global warming is having adverse effects on wildlife and plant species. These stories touched on pollinators, predators, and more. ...
Wildlife Promise -
Cut Global Warming » Blog Archive » Copenhagen climate conference ...
By admin
Copenhagen climate conference: global warming talks meltdown. December 30th, 2009 by admin. The "historic” climate change deal at the Copenhagen climate summit has descended into chaos after some developing nations rejected the plan ...
Cut Global Warming -
Category: Climate Change and Global Warming Blogs around the world | Views: 487 | Added by: Aries | Tags: Blogs, global warming, climate change | Rating: 0.0/0
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