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«  January 2010  »
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Main » 2010 » January » 1 » Climate Change or Global Warming Blogs
5:46 PM
Climate Change or Global Warming Blogs
Climate Change or Global Warming Blogs
Tom Nelson
By Tom
2009: The year climate change and global warming activists would like to forget. Arguably 2009 was one of the most eventful since the manmade climate change theory was first put forth. The year started with the science seemingly 'settled' and a ... Scientists goosestepping after Gore | The SPPI Blog. From the Swiss weekly magazine Die Weltwoche * We are delighted to reproduce this recent translation of an interview with Dr. Richard Lindzen, Alfred P. Sloan Professor of ...
Tom Nelson -
The Big Picture » Blog Archive » Statistics: Scientific Consensus ...
By Barry Ritholtz
Barry, the number of scientists argument is a poor one, and it shows that there is no data to back up what those pushing their climate change/ global warming (the switch was made because there is no more global warming) agenda. ...
The Big Picture -
California Climate Law Faces Opposition - Green Inc. Blog ...
California's ambitious global-warming law is facing a campaign to keep it from taking effect. ... Share Your Thoughts On Climate Change ... Wise Law Blog. And the Award Goes To . ...
Green Inc. -
Global Warming Funnies: Demonstration Snowed Out » Secondhand ...
By Wesley J. Smith
These stories happen so often, they are called "the Gore effect” from the propensity of the weather to turn frigid wherever he appears to wail about global warming. A demonstration yesterday fizzled due to a blizzard. From the story: A downtown protest of the climate change talks in Copenhagen became a victim of Wednesday's snowstorm. "Not many people showed up because of the blizzard conditions,” said organizer Clea Major, an international studies student at the ...
Secondhand Smoke -
Rebellion Blog
By Old Rebel
Global warming protest cancelled by blizzard. This is up there with the old joke about the campus atheist club meeting next Tuesday night at 9:00, God willing -- except this joke's for real: "Not many people showed up because of the blizzard conditions," said ... Still, they chatted with a few passers-by during the commuter-hour protest near the Gateway, and explained that, blizzard aside, climate change is expected to bring chaos to the global climate, said Major. ...
A Western Heart: Global Cooling Squelches Global Warming Protest
By Eugene
Still, they chatted with a few passers-by during the commuter-hour protest near the Gateway, and explained that, blizzard aside, climate change is expected to bring chaos to the global climate, said Major. She called Wednesday evening's ...
A Western Heart -
Leveraging Global Warming at The Catherine Austin Fitts Blog
By solari
As you know, the (false) science of climate change is a lever for a new type of market; trading "permits” or "offsets” in carbon. First a permitted ceiling for the total burning of carbon is set. Then, people and companies can trade the ...
The Catherine Austin Fitts Blog -
Climate Change Fraud - 2009 climate change story of the year ...
By (Tony Hake,...
News first broke on blog site "The Air Vent” that thousands of emails and documents [download] from Britain's Climate Research Unit, University of East Anglia, had been leaked onto the Internet. From there word spread at ... The idea that the purveyors of the science could be corrupt at worst or at best had chosen to set the science aside to become advocates cracked the foundation on which the anthropogenic global warming theory was founded. Many are left asking: Can we ...
Climate Change Fraud -
Gummer goes on getting greener – Telegraph Blogs
By Geoffrey Lean
Gummer presumably wishes to spend more time as Chairman of Sancroft International who have, unsurprisingly, placed 'climate change' at the top of their expertise list. Money, money, money! Brian Tomkinson on Dec 31st, 2009 at 6:14 pm ... How to waste the rest of your life: campaign on global warming [unless like Al Gore you are going to make a fat profit out of the scam]. Still, when in about 10 years from now, Gore is booted unceremoniously off a cliff, Mr Gummer can ...
News -
Cut Global Warming » Blog Archive » College Students Pursue 'Clean ...
By admin
Nowadays students are not oblivious to the hazards of global warming. They are quite keen on pursuing a 'clean energy' career. Now the concern about climate change is stimulating more undergraduate students to show interest in science ...
Cut Global Warming -
Category: Climate Change and Global Warming Blogs around the world | Views: 407 | Added by: Aries | Tags: Blogs, global warming, climate change | Rating: 0.0/0
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