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«  January 2010  »
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Main » 2010 » January » 4 » Climate Change or Global Warming Blogs
2:30 PM
Climate Change or Global Warming Blogs
Climate Change or Global Warming Blogs
Climate Shifts » Blog Archive » Solar cycles and global warming ...
By John Bruno
There is a good article at Climate Progress about the role of solar cycles in climate warming. The intensity of the sun has been relatively low, which mutes the effects of greenhouse gases on global warming. .... Rick MacPherson; "Ove Hoegh -Guldberg's new blog Climate Shifts is a welcome addition to the online coverage of climate change and coral reefs. Ove is one of the world's top experts on the subject; his 1999 paper on climate change and coral bleaching helped bring ...
Climate Shifts -
Go Green Toolshed » Blog Archive » Top 10 worst effects of global ...
Yes, there's still debate about how fast or how much global warming there will be. But news flash for MLPrice: like evolution, the "debate” over climate change is over and now only exists in the imagination of people like you, ...
Go Green Toolshed -
Global Warming Clearinghouse: 01 Jan 2010 Articles and Interesting ...
By CoRev
Lying With Headlines About the Climate - Atheism, Religion, Atheists, Climate Change, Global Warming, Energy Transition, Drug War, Atheism, Atheist Blog. ... However, some studies have suggested that the ability of oceans and plants to ...
Global Warming Clearinghouse -
Tom Nelson
By Tom
The central lesson of Climategate is not that climate science is corrupt. The leaked e-mails do nothing to disprove the scientific consensus on global warming. Instead, the controversy highlights that in a world of blogs, cable news and talk radio, scientists are poorly equipped to communicate ... Due to this acceleration of climate change, the time line in which to act before calamities hit, and before climate change increasingly escapes our control, is extremely short. ...
Tom Nelson -
Can humans "fix" the climate? | GreenTech Pastures |
By Harry Fuller
Categories: Blogroll, Kyoto Protocol, air pollution, climate change, conservation, energy, engineering, environmental health, fossil fuel, global warming, green tech, law & politics, nuclear power, ocean, petroleum, renewable energy, .... Keep Up With The Latest In Document Management with The DocuMentor. Doc delivers the scoop on today's enterprise content management, printer maintenance, and all other issues related to document management. It's the DocuMentor Blog. ...
GreenTech Pastures -
Why do deniers think the earth is cooling? « Science News
By John Bruno
Ron questions the precautionary principle and the application of it to climate change on his blog (see our post on this here). Further he suggests that his readers go here for "real information on issues pertaining to climate change... The global temperature for 2007 was the coldest in a decade and the coldest of the millennium … which is why 'global warming' is now called 'climate change.'” – Climatologist Dr. Richard Keen of the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic ...
zikkir -
Resolution 2010: Walking the walk | MarineBio Blog
By Joni
Those of us who believe that climate-change is a real and serious threat need to work harder to build momentum toward action on this issue by global political leaders. We can't continue to allow the powers that be to hem and haw until the situation reaches crisis level and it's too late. ... With the extra time I'll have without the ~hour-long commute, I'm going to stay up on the latest information about global warming, and share it in this blog and on MarineBio. ...
MarineBio Blog -
Climate Gate – All the manipulations and lies revealed 171 « UD/RK ...
By sophiaalbertina
Well for starters, according to the SEJ website, he's very keen on pushing, as well as his own organisation's climate change guide, another publication that seeks to influence and underpin journalists everywhere. It's called the CRED Guide: The ... So the Warm Mongering Thompson WANTS to use transient ”weather” patterns to ”prove” a whole planet climate scare on man-made Global Warming. Oh — but how about the RECORD FRACKIN' COLD WEATHER?? Ah, well, that's to be ignored. ...
UD/RK Samhälls Debatt -
Big Lizards:Blog:Entry "In Theory, It Ought to Be a Theory, <em ...
By Dafydd
This looks like my list of the "top four flaws" in the theory of Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW). Those are that it's not catastrophic, it's not anthropogenic, it's not global and it's not warming. But it IS a theory. Well actually, it's not even a theory -- at ... It is not falsifiable, as "climate change" can mean a climate that is warming, a climate that is cooling, or a climate showing unusual stability, each of which thus becomes "evidence" for AGCC. ...
Big Lizards -
The Bullshit Observer: Climate Crisis: Consensus Vs. Deniers
By Todd
I get a lot of visitors to The Bullshit Observer from people who type "global warming bullshit" into their favorite search engine. The way the search engine algorithm works is thusly: since the name of the blog is "Bullshit Observer" and I write about the man made ... The motivation of the climate change deniers is far more easy to explain. They are either resistant to change and pro-business (meaning pro-consumption) or well-compensated by people who are those things. ...
The Bullshit Observer -
The Left's End Times | Blog | Blog Archive
By Blog-Editor
Their chicken-littleism, preaching, and rants about global warming (or climate change, or whatever else they think helps sell the goods) is never portrayed as such — not, of course, by themselves or by a pliant establishment media. ... Blog -
It Didn't Start With Climategate | Liberal Whoppers
By Blog Feed
Friday, January 1st, 2010 | Posted by Blog Feed ... The most important document in the history of the anthropogenic global warming movement was the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's Second Assessment Report, which was published under the auspices of the United Nations in 1996. This report was the principal basis for the Kyoto Accord which was signed in 1997, and for the nonsense that has been inflicted on the world's elementary school students ever since. ...
Liberal Whoppers -
Endangered Species: the Good News and the Bad News | Animal ...
By Stephanie Feldstein
Rather, these are species who are directly, and lethally, affected by global warming. In other words, these nine animals and one plant are joining polar bears as the poster children of climate change. In the arctic, ringed seals join ...'s Animal Welfare Blog -
new research findings two: Control of Climate Policies by ...
By concerned heart
He directed department funding and resources into studying global warming, but only to prove the hypothesis. I realized what was going on years ago when they spent $300 million on a computer incapable of simulating global climate or climate change. ... EC deliberately excluded Canadian climate experts – something that continues to this day. Although climate change became political the unaccountable bureaucrats at Environment Canada controlled it. ...
new research findings two -
The NY Times starts 2010 pushing the same damn disinformation ...
By Joe
Thinking young people don't read the Times; it's obviously corrupt, so they go to blogs, The Guardian, and here. The rest of us need to do the same. Sam Spade says: January 1, 2010 at 2:07 pm. Louisiana is first on the list of the .... Somehow I think that we're just now seeing the tip of the nutjob crazyland iceberg from the global warming/climate change deniers and their supporters. Just wait until health care reform is passed (and signed by Obama) in a few weeks and ...
Climate Progress -
Britannia Radio
By Britannia Radio
Bound by a vow of silence which might have something to do with this and this (see pic above, plus pages 55 and 107), a certain newspaper article and a blog called EU Referendum. Plus I have had a newspaper piece to write ... which with luck ... So writes Miles Costello for The Times, adding to the steady drip of MSM propaganda to reinforce the proposition that "climate change" – i.e., global warming – is a serious problem. Yet the source of this information is Munich Re, ...
Britannia Radio -
Burt Rutan on Global Warming « the Air Vent
By Jeff Id
He did pretty well for a guy without a climate blog – hehe. But it doesn't take an open conspiracy for people to realize who pays the bills. Why can't it be what it is, a government paid advocacy of a preferred position which expands government ... It doesn't mean that if you change your position you get power and money, it means that if you start with a certain position you get power and money. When do we start to look at the possibility that people aren't being honest ? ...
the Air Vent -
Eco Club at Sri Krishna College | C.R. Jayaprakash blogs on Media ...
By Jayaprakash
There is a wide chain of interlink between deforestation, pollution( due to increase in number of vehicles),global warming ultimately leading to adverse climate change. The speaker gave us the information that only India has 'six cat ...
CR Jayaprakash -
RealClimate: Unforced variations 2
By gavin
comment#1, huh?, there are plenty of climate scientists in Australia that do suspect warming is causing the big dry, by intensifying the sub tropical ridge and altering rainfall patterns. See the South Eastern Climate Change Initiative: ...
Comments for RealClimate -
The coming climate panic? «
By Joe
This decade will largely determine whether humanity gets on the path to a low-carbon economy fast enough to avert catastrophic climate change. And the single biggest obstacle to action today is the same as it's been for two decades ... I have made a different argument in my book and on this blog — if you hate government intrusion into people's lives, you'd better stop catastrophic global warming, because nothing drives a country more towards activist government than ...
zikkir -
The Sietch Blog » Year In Review 2009
By The Naib
The pace of global warming will began to accelerate as feedback loops intensify. The arctic will be ice free this summer, or damn close. The northwest passage should once again open next summer. 5. Obama will (hopefully) make renewable ... China and the USA will come to some legally binding agreement on climate change gasses. 4. The economy will continue to sputter, look for bright spots in the renewable energy and efficiency market. 5. The mid-term elections will leave ...
The Sietch Blog -
By Aqua Blog Maven
Federal agencies may have to consider climate before they act. Posted by: Aqua Blog Maven on January 1, 2010 at 8:45 am. From the Los Angeles Times: "Reporting from Washington – The White House is poised to order all federal agencies to ... and be affected by climate change, a step long sought by environmentalists. Environmentalists say the move would provide new incentives for the government to minimize the heat-trapping gas emissions scientists blame for global warming. ...
Aquafornia -
is one of many senators telling their party leaders or the administration to give up on legislation to curb global climate change. "I am communicating that in every way I know how," Sen. Landrieu says in a Politico article. .... I am a global warming atheist. I don't believe one bit of it. That the earth's climate changes is undeniable. Only ignoramuses believe that climate stability is normal. But I see NO evidence to say that mankind has had anything to do with any of ...
The NY Times starts 2010 pushing the same damn disinformation ...
I have made a different argument in my book and on this blog — if you hate government intrusion into people's lives, you'd better stop catastrophic global warming, because nothing drives a country more towards activist government than scarcity and ... At some point, even climate change becomes teenager obvious: "Well, Duh, Dad! Look around you!” When the psychology of in-your-face warming gets combined with a shocking climate event—something like Hurricane Katrina on ...
Your Green Ability - » Blog Archive » Bangladesh, Myanmar 'worst-hit' by ...
By admin
COPENHAGEN (AFP) Bangladesh, Myanmar and Honduras were the countries most severely affected by extreme weather events from 1990 to 2008, according to a climate change risk study published on Tuesday. ... The so-called Global Climate Risk Index aims at giving a pointer of a country's vulnerability to violent weather events stoked by global warming. It is derived from a basket of factors, namely the total number of deaths from storms, floods and other weather extremes; ... -
Microsoft Debuts Environmental Atlas of Europe : TreeHugger
Images from the Environmental Atlas of Europe via the Microsoft Environment blog. From shipping routes opening up through the ice of the Baltic Sea to a massive plankton bloom off the coast of Ireland, from diminishing reindeer herds in. ... Eyewitness Accounts of Warming "The atlas stories, told by eyewitnesses across Europe, can help people understand how our world is changing as a result of climate change and -- through examples of positive actions taken by governments ...
TreeHugger -
Is there any evidence? « JoNova
By JoNova
As CO2 is not being helpful as a bad guy in the atmosphere, the tack will change. Global Warming – became Climate Change when no warming occurred. Now the threat will be OA which we will be told is happening too FAST for nature to adapt and evolve. ..... It is noted this blog thinks there is no evidence of higher climate sensitivities with an atmosphere of higher levels of C02 say at 500ppm. Therefore to assert there is no support is patiently false and misleading. ...
JoNova -
Prats in Power: Spare change we can believe in
By Shibby
However, Shibby reserves the right to change, delete, or otherwise manipulate any content that may be considered part of this blog. Feel free to use images, text, videos and anything else from this blog on your own publications and creations. ..... It's late November and fucking freezing...Global Warming anybody? - I hadn't really given Global warming so much as a passing thought until our Socialist brethren attempted to have Climate Denial Classed As a Mental Disorde . ...
Prats in Power -
Was the Decade a Dud? - Tonic
By Tonic Staff
A spin on the term "weblog," which was born in 1997, blogs have proliferated to the point of Web dominance — changing the way we inform, entertain and gather online. The blogosphere has opened up a new door for self-expression where users once felt ... power plant global warming By now, few can argue that climate change isn't real and isn't man-made. Scientists tell us that if we don't get our act together and reduce our collective carbon footprint drastically by 2050, ...
News at -
Liveblogging Arlington's Political Dorkapalooza | RootsWire
By Blue Virginia
I emailed Lowell yesterday & asked, "So do you think I should live-blog the Arlington County Board meeting, or would people not be interested?" He basically answered, Meh, not like there's anything else happening on New Year's Day. The dorks carry the day! ... (The Green Miles tangent: Debates in the media are always focused on whether scientists are wrong on the low end of global warming, that climate change might not be as bad as predicted. What if scientists are wrong ...
Featured States News -
Hall of Record: Cold Continues
By Bruce Hall
SEARCH BLOG: GLOBAL WARMING Somewhere there is global warming, but it is not in the Great Lakes area of the United States... at least for almost two years. 2009 averaged 2.2°F below normal and that was a continuation of 2008 weather. ..... Methane Level Growth "Accelerating"? Fortunately, Climate Alarmists Wrong Again In 2009 - Read here. The climate alarmist scientists have made every effort during 2009 to hype global warming and climate change scares. ...
Hall of Record -
Lustig's Letter: 11 December 2009
By Robin Lustig
I could, of course, have saved myself some embarrassment by asking about "climate change”, rather than "global warming”. Trouble is, at least in Chicago, no one seems to know what you're talking about. And while we're on the subject of ...
Lustig's Letter -
Extreme Weather Disasters intensify
By alansmth857
In generalrising frequency of extreme weather events due to climate change and global warming. The annual report mentions the Red Cross, 2008, that all over the world in the last ten years the number of weather disasters have increased ...
Saga Home Insurance -
Science at War « OJB's Blog
By ojb42
This means that religious people have been able to present as many anti-science lies and propaganda as they like but science has not replied. The same has happened to a lesser extent in the political areas such as global warming. ... The situation hasn't been quite as successful with the political aspects of climate change where the "ClimateGate” fiasco has increased suspicion of science (and rightly so although its far from being a genuine reason to doubt climate change) ...
OJB's Blog -
John Nash's Beautiful Mind and You | Psychology Today
By Len Fisher, Ph.D.
It is something that we should all know about - a Catch-22 logical trap that can damage relationships, foul up society and even block our efforts to resolve important problems like global warming. .... We saw it acted out in just this way when the stories about negotiations at the Copenhagen climate change conference began to emerge. The tragedy unfolded in full as each nation remained determined not to commit to the economic sacrifice that reducing carbon emissions would ...
Blogs - » blog » archive » Psychic predictions for MMIX and MMX
By Dave archive » C of E Christmas Day hypocrisy; archive » Three questions for people who doubt climate change; Liberal Conspiracy: UK science community statement on global warming; Psythor: Twitted ...
The blog of Dave Cole - | Blogs | Huckleberries Online | New Year's Day Wild ...
Hmoff that is interesting. I had not seen that… my guess is we'll start hearing a lot more about climate change in th enext few weeks whe Congress reconvenes … it'll be the jobs bill, then financial reform and then cap-n-trade… ... Have you seen this item regarding the global warming argument? Comments?…” Rather strange, I had read about the Knorr study back in November, and sure enough, science daily referenced it back on Nov. 9th: ... Huckleberries... -
New Year, Happy New, Websites Breaches, Breaches Copyright ...
By Sloane Rangers
One of the things blogs need to do in order to continue a long life is to adapt and change, so in the coming week expect some changes now that it's nearly five years since I have started this blog :-)Watch this. ..... a merry new year the now, so as not to miss it.2009 has been an amusing year—full of vindications and "I told you so"s from those of us who insisted that our lords and masters were on the fiddle, just like the climate scientists—so it's not been too shabby. ...
British Blogs -
The 2010 RedState predictions thread. - Moe_Lane's blog - RedState
By Moe Lane (Profile)
Climategate will continue to discredit so-called Global Warming/Climate Change, but billions in taxes will still be spent trying to defend this unscientific Ponzi scheme. Developing countries such as India and China won't lift a finger ...
RedState -
Category: Climate Change and Global Warming Blogs around the world | Views: 366 | Added by: Aries | Tags: Blogs, global warming, climate change | Rating: 0.0/0
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