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«  January 2010  »
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Main » 2010 » January » 4 » Climate Change or Global Warming Blogs
2:40 PM
Climate Change or Global Warming Blogs
Climate Change or Global Warming Blogs
Climate Bill Bogs Down in Senate
By GlobalWarmingisReal
"Proponents note that the policy has some pretty compelling selling points, including the fact that it caps emissions, combats global warming, reduces pollution, helps create new jobs in a burgeoning sector, and lowers the federal budget deficit, all at the same ... Without a climate change bill in 2010, United States representatives will carry the same handicap—a recalcitrant legislature that could reject a global accord—to the next round of United Nations negotiations. ...
Global Warming is Real -
The Greatest Story Rarely Told - Dot Earth Blog -
Individuals 17 or under have grown up in a world where global climate change has always existed as a public concern. (The first climate treaty was negotiated in 1992.) So they don't find the ideas of global warming unusual or outside of ...
Dot Earth -
Botanical Gardens » Blog Archive » Vegetarians Vs. Carnivores ...
By admin
"It is estimated that 64% of global warming worldwide is caused by carbon dioxide, followed by methane (20%)….Animal agriculture accounts for a large part for the exhaust of methane, as this gas is released from the digestion of ruminants ... omnivores, not carnivores…and neither they nor vegetarians affect solar activity (the driving force of climate change). Randall E Says: 一月 4th, 2010 at 10:20 上午. How about this novel idea – what you choose to eat is your business ...
Botanical Gardens -
NVFBBLOG.ORG: Climate Change The Perfect Progressive Cause
By Doug Busselman
Subscribe. Blog Entry. Subscribe. NVFBBLOG.ORG: Climate Change The Perfect Progressive Cause ... As I'm wrapping up my read of Michael Lux's book, "The Progressive Revolution – How The Best In America Came To Be”, I'm coming to clearly understand the fundamentals of what makes Climate Change such a perfect cause to make it a top priority for their agenda. First, the issue of global warming is grandiose - on a scale that is world-wide. It's a crisis that is so large it ...
Open thread 1/2 | WE Blog | Wichita Eagle Blogs
By Rhonda Holman
Climategate may at least demonstrate that the concept of a scientific consensus with regard to global warming is nonsense. There may indeed be thousands of scientists contributing to the reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, but on any particular ... Doesn't HLP ever tire of copy/pasting these "articles” refuting global climate change? It is really sad when a person loses their life to an obsession. HLP. Posted January 2, 2010 at 7:26 am | Permalink ...
WE Blog -
Tom Nelson: How it all ends: Global warming fades into the background
By Tom
Mardell says "climate change" in the answer to his first question, as the 4th issue among 6 or 7 somewhere in the answer. But otherwise, a pretty good elimination of this nonsense from a top 2010 story. 3:10 PM, January 02, 2010 ...
Tom Nelson -
Plus ça change (Al-Ahram Weekly) « Your Green Ability
Posted in CO2, Carbon Footprint, Environment, Future Energy, Industry, Politics, Renewable Resources, climate-change, global warming, green, ocean, sustainable, wave | No comments .... If Revkin thinks he can debunk a blog post with some tweets, he is dead wrong. Tweets are too Lilliputian. I'd say he is transforming himself from journalist to blogger, but then lots of bloggers don't tweet, and frankly this episode has convinced me that it isn't something I want to do ...
Your Green Ability -
Climate Answers - Stephen Tindale » Blog Archive » Six Degrees ...
By Stephen Tindale
Below is an article by Mark, published in The Guardian newspaper in April 2009 and on his own website (see Climate change explained: the impact of temperature rises), and reproduced here with his permission. ... Another tipping point sees massive amounts of methane – a potent greenhouse gas – released by melting Siberian permafrost, further boosting global warming. Much human habitation in southern Europe, North Africa, the Middle East and other ... -
The CBC, Rex Murphy, and Putting Facts in Context | Political News ...
By Travis Martin
I returned to my favorite blog-site intending to write about the fortunate stupidity of Iranian Mullahs in further undermining their legitimacy this bloody. ... CBC: Keeping Canadian Voters Confused by Paying Rex Murphy to Spout Nonsense on Climate Change How can we expect Canadians to vote in an informed... Rex Murphy is a Denier because Global Warming Science Contradicts his Religion In a recent post, I pointed out that Rex Murphy... Tags: brian gordon, cbc, ...
Political News and blogs on Stephen... -
Annals of Global Warming: Warming in the middle troposphere ...
By Ed Darrell
This entry was posted on Saturday, January 2nd, 2010 at 3:44 pm and is filed under Clean Air Act, Climate change, Cost of Green, Global warming, Green Politics, Science, Technology, War on Science, climate_change. ...
Millard Fillmore's Bathtub -
Why journalists should not twitter, Parts 87, 88, 89 « Science News
By Joe
In fact, the study has very little to do with human-caused climate change. It "suggests” that the recent drought may be due to the Southern Annular Mode staying in the positive phase (a point which is disputed by others), ... The firestorms and heat in the south revived discussions in Australia of whether human-caused global warming was contributing to the continent's climate woes of late — including recent prolonged drought in some places and severe flooding last week in ...
zikkir -
Sustainable Winter Food: Maple Syrup | Sustainable Food |
By Katherine Gustafson
"Global Maple Sugar Crisis!" The Gothamist hollered. Quebec sugar producers reacted by upping their production limits and quotas and adding more producers to their rolls. US producers increased the number of taps; New York, for example, ... So is the industry in peril from a warming climate or is the booming 2009 season an indication that sugar maples are not so easily confounded? Seeing as how a major hallmark of climate change is disruption of weather patterns, and, ...'s Sustainable Food Blog -
Vepik Blog
By Vepik Blog
This paper contains the German claim of reducing global warming about 2 degrees compared to no industrialized times. Moreover, industrialized countries promise financial aid for climate protection for poorer countries – first 10 Mrd. ... ever every one of us is asked to take the responsibility for preventing climate change in our everyday life. Change starts bottom-up. By Isabel Blumberg. With the help of and Eingestellt von Vepik Blog um 12:07 ...
Vepik Blog -
Why journalists should not twitter, Parts 87, 88, 89 « Climate ...
By Joe
The firestorms and heat in the south revived discussions in Australia of whether human-caused global warming was contributing to the continent's climate woes of late — including recent prolonged drought in some places and severe flooding last week in ... If Revkin thinks he can debunk a blog post with some tweets, he is dead wrong. It's worse, apparently Revkin thinks he can debunk a fairly sizable chunk of science related to climate change in Australia in 140 characters. ...
Climate Progress -
Liberty News Central: A cold to warm a global warming alarmist's heart
By gurmeet
The great climate-change robbery ... As for the climate, you could take every dollar spent on "global warming" and blow it on internet porn, and the Earth's climate in 2050 will be pretty much what it would be anyway. Mark Steyn It's sad though that we have to receive our entertainment from an industry(Hollywood) that has ..... Enigmatic, c'est moi. Enigmatic, c\ · Visit to discover Indian blogs · Add to Technorati Favorites · Blog Directory · Blog Portal ...
Liberty News Central -
KANGE NGA KONA: Group promoting climate skepticism has extensive ...
By David Ulg Ketepa
The NIPCC's signature report, "Climate Change Reconsidered," disputes the notion that global warming is human-caused, insisting in its policy summary that "Nature, not human activity, rules the planet." Many of its assertions have been ...
Gene from Torrance asks……What is your stand on global warming and ...
By Pete
Official BLOG for Pete Kesterson For Congress. ... The Global Warming hoax (now called "climate change) is a danger to the global economy. The science simply does not back up the suggestion that we are destroying the planet through carbon emissions. This last decade the temperature actually decreased. The thought that you can trade pollution credits is simply just another government control that will profit a few while stifling economic growth. ...
Pete Kesterson For Congress -
Europe to Investigate the UN Over 'Pandemic' Scam ...
By bydesign001
PUMABydesign001's Blog. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the ... That scenario should sound familiar, as it's similar to 'global warming's' collusion between the UN's IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), 'green energy' corporations, and academic scientists. ...
PUMABydesign001's Blog -
Imagine Life Differently: New Year's Resolution (revisted ...
By A Siegel
Trained (by Al Gore and others) as part of The Climate Project and have given presentations to a variety of audiences on Global Warming and action paths to change our destiny. Challenged … ... Aided others develop arguments, for publication and otherwise, in dealing with Global Warming. Began working, as part of a team effort, with members of Congress and state legislators to turn blog-developed Energize America concepts into actual legislative action. ...
Get Energy Smart! NOW! - » Blog Archive » Could Gordon put the ...
By Mike Smithson
Yet, what do we find, that the entire global warming / climate change science is not science at all, but a series of scams perpetuated by people who, in the past would have probably been the keenest witchburners, the keenest communists, ... -
Perihelion! | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine
By Phil Plait
Basically the eccentricity of the earth's orbit is completely irrelevant from the point of view of global warming (discounting hemispheric albedo differences and more complicated dynamical processes), and anyone who tries to point this .... So shouldn't we then accept this reality and conceed that the myth of human Co2 causing climate change is busted? Where exactly am I wrong in my argument above? Do tell, no really, please do. It may be a short & simple argument but I ...
Bad Astronomy -
The Global Warming threat is analogous to the Y2K threat (Wizbang)
By Rick
This applies, in my view, to the towering seas, storms, droughts and mass extinctions of popular climate catastrophism. Such entertaining visions owe less to scientific climatology than to eschatology, and that familiar sense that modernity and its wasteful ... When the New York Times is publishing a piece comparing the Y2K bug to global warming, I believe it's safe to suggest that we've turned a corner. Al Gore, call your office. Crossposted(*). .... Follow this blog ...
Wizbang -
New Topics for the New Year? - Nicholas D. Kristof Blog -
When it comes to climate change they point at China as the main reason why the deal wasnt made. After that they show China as a human rights violator pointing out on Tibet and Uighurs. And I get it all, but I cannot help and wonder: is .... corruption in our government institutions, a la As Lawrence Lessig says, regardless of whatever pet issue we advocate for, such as health care, economics, global warming, this is an essential first problem ...
Nicholas D. Kristof -
Lawrence Solomon invites you to Ask The Deniers - FP Comment
By Lawrence Solomon
FP Comment is the blog of the Financial Post's editorial page. Terence Corcoran, Lawrence Solomon, William Watson, and Peter Foster challenge conventional wisdom on a variety of topics. ... Post's sensational series on scientists who buck the conventional wisdom on climate science. Written by Lawrence Solomon, the series profiles the ideas and the scientists who do not share the "consensus” United Nations' theories on climate change and global warming. Read them all. ...
FP Comment -
As part of his doctoral work, Matthias Huss used this unique range of measurements to examine how climate change in the last century affected the glaciers. The work was carried out under the supervision of Martin Funk, ..... I am a global warming atheist. I don't believe one bit of it. That the earth's climate changes is undeniable. Only ignoramuses believe that climate stability is normal. But I see NO evidence to say that mankind has had anything to do .... Dodge Blog ...
Canada a beacon in a troubled world « New Media Blog
Toronto Sun [Canada], by Salim Mansur Posted By: Liberty7- Sun, 03 Jan 2010 00:49:51 GMT The timing of China's entry as a global power at the UN Copenhagen conference on climate change was remarkable. ... China, together with India, Brazil and South Africa, put to rest the scam of man'made global warming. In doing this, they tore away another layer of U.S. President Obama's narcissistic preening. Tags: Breaking News, Current Events, Lucianne ...
New Media Blog -
Northern Gleaner: It's no longer just "WEATHER" - This is serious ...
By Gene Redlin
It's no longer just "WEATHER" - This is serious climate change and I'm starting to worry. Despite what the idiots proclaiming global warming are saying, the earth is freezing to death. All over the world. IT'S COLD It was cold all spring. ... It seems like there is a great deal of consternation on the part of some that this picture appears on my blog. That somehow it's a picture driven by lust. It's not. It's a piece of art patterned after Rosie the Riveter from WWII. ...
Northern Gleaner -
The Hockey Schtick: A Simple Refutation of an Enhanced Greenhouse ...
If anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions are warming the planet through an enhanced greenhouse effect, the Stratosphere should cool as the Troposphere warms. A plot of satellite data comparing the difference in temperature anomalies between the two layers however shows a slight decrease in greenhouse warming over the last 30 years. ... global monthly temperatures. global monthly temperatures ... Heliogenic Climate Change ... Search This Blog. Loading. ...
The Hockey Schtick -
The Steady Drip: Science Twisted to Serve Politics - The 'Science ...
By Aristotle The Hun
Too many people — in politics and in the media, as well as among those climate scientists who are promoting global warming hysteria — let the raw data on which their calculations have been based fall into the "wrong hands. ... who are ready to jump on virtually any bandwagon that will take them to the promised land, where the wise and noble few — like themselves — can take the rest of us poor dummies in hand and tell us how we had better change the way we live our lives. ...
The Steady Drip -
Monkeying With Interplanetary Systems « Culture of Life News
By emsnews
I warned the people who are sincere about pushing the global warming story (sorry, the 'climate change' name is stupid in this case) that they were doing this during a solar slow period which might last quite a few years. ...
Culture of Life News -
I See By the Snailpapers ...: > If the predictions of British ...
By dan
to the future, climate change and global warming are unstoppable now, > and the next 500 years will bring major changes to life on Earth as we > know it now. Billions of people from central and temperate regions ... "a modern-day climate Jeremiah" on blogs and websites worldwide. > Bloom, taking his cue from interviews with Lovelock, is predicting > that millions, perhaps billions, of climate refugees will flood Alaska > in the coming centuries, beginning around 2121 A.D. ...
I See By the Snailpapers ... -
Art of Facts: God created a world that is self regulating.
By James
We could increase the temperatures of just those cool parts without warming the tropics and increase the average global temperature a great deal. In fact, most climate measurements appear to show a greater warming trend at high latitudes than ... A creationist atmospheric scientist, Dr. Larry Vardiman, once explained to me why the secular experts are so afraid of "climate change”. They fear the atmosphere is unstable because of their theory of the Ice Age (one Ice Age for ...
Art of Facts -
No Airborne Fraction Of CO2 Increase In 150 Years « Unambiguously ...
By Adrian MacNair
William in Ajax Says: January 2, 2010 at 5:10 pm. So where's that scruffy character and his un-impeachable evidence of man-made global warming,…er..climate change,…er..climate instability, I think is the latest variation on the theme. ...
Unambiguously Ambidextrous -
Europe to Investigate the UN Over "Pandemic” Scam: by Jim Oneill ...
By steve
That scenario should sound familiar, as it's similar to "global warming's” collusion between the UN's IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), "green energy” corporations, and academic scientists. Both scams were intended to " redistribute the wealth” globally, while making the Global Elite, very, very rich. They get to wipe out the ... Email Subscription. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. ...
Stevex09 -
Countries talk phase-down of HFCs | Political blog
By admin
Reifsnyder said the world needs new chemicals that are safe for the ozone layer and which have little or no global warming potential. Only about 2 percent of the globe's climate-warming gases are currently HFCs, but the share is expected to ... Some developing countries also are worried about the cost of using alternatives to HFCs, he said, although under the Montreal Protocol rich nations usually pay for poor ones to change their technology when they promise to reduce or ...
Political blog -
lgstarr: It Didn't Start With Climategate
By lgstarr
The most important document in the history of the anthropogenic global warming movement was the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's Second Assessment Report, which was published under the auspices of the United Nations in 1996. ...
lgstarr -
Truth Movement Australia » Blog Archive » French Revolution ...
By Phil
... to combat carbon emissions and hence "global warming”; and that the exemptions would cause the levy to fall disproportionately on gasoline and heating oils and not on other carbon emissions, thereby breaching the principle that ... This entry was posted on Saturday, January 2nd, 2010 at 4:50 pm and is filed under Climate Change, Environment, Political. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your ...
Truth Movement Australia -
A New Year's Resolution For Scientists: Engage More With The Media ...
By DrDavidKroll
The central lesson of Climategate is not that climate science is corrupt. The leaked e-mails do nothing to disprove the scientific consensus on global warming. Instead, the controversy highlights that in a world of blogs, cable news and ... the bleating by Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck that took one or two statements out of context from among 1073 e-mails and a million words, claiming proof of a massive global scientific conspiracy to manufacture climate change warnings. ...
Better Health -
Economist's View: ''Scientists Need to Speak Up''
By Mark Thoma
The central lesson of Climategate is not that climate science is corrupt. The leaked e-mails do nothing to disprove the scientific consensus on global warming. Instead, the controversy highlights that in a world of blogs, cable news and ... The precise ways in which scientists should change their communication strategies vary from issue to issue, but there are some common themes. Reticence is never a good thing, especially on a politically fraught topic such as global ...
Economist's View -
Obama's Elite Power Base | Joel Kotkin
By Joel Kotkin
One place where the priorities and class interests of the cognitive elite coalesce most has been on "climate change.” In contrast to manufacturers, farmers, or fossil-fuel firms, investment bankers, software companies, and university ... This often makes them slow to recognize shifts in grassroots opinion on such issues as the health plan or global warming. That risks continued erosion of support from many hard-pressed middle-class voters around the country more concerned ...
Joel Kotkin -
The Connolly Column: Green Theology and Depopulation
By Craig
Concern for the human component in climate change (however unjustified) is approaching the level of hysteria – and now sin. "A casual attitude toward global warming ought to be viewed as a sin," says James Nash, director of the ...
The Connolly Column -
Native Unity: 'Navajp Preference' Does Not Apply At Peabody Coal ...
By BobbieoAZ
She cited the issue of global warming. "Some people are skeptical about that. It doesn't take a medicine man, it doesn't take a genius to realize we are in this climate change. Look at the drastic weather patterns. We are in trouble. The trend today is the Western ... News Blog - American Indian Report - AIR BLOG THE BUFFALO POST - Missoulian Montana's Native News Blog about Native People And The World We Live In. ...
Native Unity - Photoblog » When The Wind Blows
By Kev
With all eyes on Copenhagen, Denmark recently for the ”climate change” world summit – (NOT) …I think it would be appropriate to mention the weather here and how it directly influences, challenges, and effects us as photographers. ... The recent past (extremely dry) summer here on southern Vancouver Island, along with the current global warming trend and now familiar related erratic weather conditions, news reports, etc, once again reminded me of this close personal ... Photoblog -
The Washington Monthly
By Steve Benen
But in November, the same McCaskill said tackling climate change legislation may need to be pushed off indefinitely, because, "After you do one really, really big, really, really hard thing that makes everybody mad, I don't think anybody's excited about doing .... Up to a month ago Global Warming was a non issue on my radar. It's convoluted and involves the NPT and geopolitics but I was convinced U.S. foreign policy was irrational...not the first time I'd noticed that. ...
Political Animal -
Category: Climate Change and Global Warming Blogs around the world | Views: 351 | Added by: Aries | Tags: Blogs, global warming, climate change | Rating: 0.0/0
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