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Main » 2010 » January » 4 » Climate Change or Global Warming Blogs
2:49 PM
Climate Change or Global Warming Blogs
Climate Change or Global Warming Blogs
The Irish Economy » Blog Archive » Sovereignty and climate change
By Richard Tol
He argues that there are so many externalities between nation states that countries should grant their sovereignty to a "new system for global decision making”. Bruton puts climate change forward as his main argument. ... Antropogenic Global Warming is a lie. But hey,. Pretenions this, pretensions that. Follow the money. Greg Says: January 4th, 2010 at 12:45 am. "And the 18th-century United States constitution insists on impossibly large majorities in the Senate to ratify ...
The Irish Economy -
Engineering Ethics Blog: A Rational View of Global Warming
By Kaydee
The title is not one to grab headlines: "Hubbert's Peak, the Coal Question, and Climate Change." But Rutledge, a highly honored mathematician and engineering professor, Fellow of the IEEE, former Caltech division chair, and all-around ...
Engineering Ethics Blog -
Some global warming quirks « Curly's Corner Shop, the blog!
By curly
... nor question whether or not freezing temperatures are a result of climate change, but another strange side effect of the political decisions taken in the face of the global warming onslaught on legislators is that we driving away ...
Curly's Corner Shop, the blog! -
Time for Action on Global Warming Front
By Ashok
However, the global warming has taken an alarming proportion now, as earthlings are threatened due to change in climatic conditions, while life-sustaining eco-systems are diminishing fast. ... In addition, we wish to understand the facts that are responsible or climate change and warming of the immediate environment of our earth's atmosphere. Therefore, it is essential that we achieve harmonious and collective consensus with regard t this issue, while summits like the ...
Custom Essay Blog From MasterPapers... -
global warming counter « Sen. Kevin Bryant: blog from the backbench
By Sen. Kevin L. Bryant
In an editorial State Senator Bryant alludes global warming is a hoax because of emails from a few climate scientists discussing the manipulation of their data. Science like other professions has individuals whose integrity and ethics are ... is a complex and serious issue which will require nations to work together in order to develop comprehensive and equitable solutions that ensure the sustainability of our planet. Richard Hilderman. Liberty. « blog on climate change ...
Sen. Kevin Bryant: blog from... -
The politics of climate change, the impossibility of conservatism ...
By Mark
One of the accusations frequently made by climate change deniers or 'skeptics' against those who would like to see concerted action taken to ameliorate the impacts of anthropogenic global warming is that of being somehow apocalyptic. ...
Larvatus Prodeo -
Biased BBC: A 'Climate Change' Smoking Gun?
By Robin Horbury
If you have any questions about the Comments system or the more technical aspects of the Biased-BBC blog then please check our Frequently Asked Questions here. This is an evolving document so please suggest any new questions by email. ... No mention of global warming at all, and none, of course of 'climate change' in its current loaded sense, because it had not yet been invented. According to Mr Bhaumik, Cherrapunji's woes are the result of mushrooming population (from ...
Biased BBC -
Firedoglake » Whole Foods CEO John Mackey Also a Global Warming Denier
By Blue Texan
no scientific consensus exists” regarding the causes of climate change;. No there is huge consensus the earth is warming. The poles are melting. We know the reason why greenhouse gasses and we know that reason won't stop in the future. We also know that if New Orleans does .... The FDL War Room features action opportunities, health care videos, phone banking campaigns, policy posts from the blog, and information on whip counts of Members of Congress throughout this fight. ...
Firedoglake -
Obama Admin Might Require Federal Agencies to Consider Climate
By Past Member
The Obama administration might issue an order to expand the range of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) to include preventing global warming, according to the Los Angeles Times. ... that the Obama administration is "poised to order all federal agencies to evaluate any major actions they take, such as building highways or logging national forests, to determine how they would contribute to and be affected by climate change, a step long sought by environmentalists. ...
Stop Global Warming -
More Spin Will Cause, Not Cure, Public Mistrust of Science ...
By Wesley J. Smith
The central lesson of Climategate is not that climate science is corrupt. The leaked e-mails do nothing to disprove the scientific consensus on global warming. Instead, the controversy highlights that in a world of blogs, cable news and ... I just do no buy into the whole anthropogenic global warming bit. I believe in evolution and the sciences. I do not believe that climate change is a legitimate science yet. There is SO much that could be causing the very slight rise in ...
Secondhand Smoke -
Global warming far worse then though : Web Frog
By screenquip
Global worming over climate change and its effects has doubled after the 2007 report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Since then, many of the 2500-odd IPCC scientists have discovered climate change is progressing ...
Web Frog - Top 10 global warming myths exposed
By iwishart
A local NZ monthly community newspaper published an opinion piece by one "Green blogger" Thomas Everth, known to frequent this blog, on global warming. He was kind enough to take a crack at me in dispatches and a reader brought... ... But as he didn't tell you, there's been no statistically significant warming at all over the past ten years, which is why one of the world's top climate scientists, Kevin Trenberth got so hot under the collar in the Climategate emails where ... -
Tom Nelson
By Tom
Global warming: Frost on the windowpane. But now, as I work through the emails that constitute the bulk of Climategate, and look at how flagrant was The Team's disregard for ethics, honesty and human kindness, as I read of their ... New Delhi: Global alarm over climate change and its effects has risen manifold after the 2007 report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Since then, many of the 2500-odd IPCC scientists have found climate change is ...
Tom Nelson -
Sort of Ignorant « Yet Another Atheist Blog
By stone1343
Furthermore, Nova has been a speaker at the Heartland Institute's International Conference on Climate Change where she is listed as one of several specialists on the issue of global warming. In 2009, she gave a presentation entitled, ...
Yet Another Atheist Blog -
Honoring Dr. Joe Abruscato: Ten Posts from 2009 Weblog: The Art of ...
By Jack Hassard
I've written a lot on global warming, climate change, and energy, especially as it pertains to the energy bills that are in Congress. This post introduces my readers to Dr. Stephen Chu, Secretary of Energy, who brings an inspirational demeanor to ... This is one of my favorite posts, which was prompted by a ping back from Michael Barton, who has a blog dedicated to all things Darwin. This film (follow this link to an amazing website) is soon to be released in the USA, ...
The Art of Teaching Science Blog -
The Hockey Schtick: Calculation of the effect of Trillion$ spent ...
By the end of this month, according to the Copenhagen Accord, all parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change are due to report what cuts in emissions they will make by 2020. Broadly speaking, the Annex 1 parties, ...
The Hockey Schtick -
With science journalism "basically going out of existence,” how ...
By Joe
The central lesson of Climategate is not that climate science is corrupt. The leaked e-mails do nothing to disprove the scientific consensus on global warming. Instead, the controversy highlights that in a world of blogs, ..... "All of them have been on the receiving end of climate change-related funding, so all of them must believe in the reality (and catastrophic imminence) of global warming just as a priest must believe in the existence of God”, Stephens wrote. ...
Climate Progress -
HazZzMat: Washington Post Gets Back in the "Global Warming" Fray
By Wonker, aka TerryP
The central lesson of Climategate is not that climate science is corrupt. The leaked e-mails do nothing to disprove the scientific consensus on global warming. Instead, the controversy highlights that in a world of blogs, cable news and ...
HazZzMat -
Enigin - 10 Years To Curb Climate Change : : Enigin Advice
By Enigin
Unless we manage to reduce the amount of carbon in the atmosphere in the next 10 years, our only option to try and fight global warming will be to resort to geo-engineering methods. ... Hi, my name is Chris Willey and a warm welcome to my Blog! I currently live in a small village in the south west of England called Mullion which I hold very close to heart as I was born and raised there. Not only that, but most of my immediate family are based there too, so it really is ...
Enigin Advice -
Waylon Lewis: John Mackey, Whole Foods CEO: I don't Believe in ...
By GreenNews
john mackey new yorker climate change global warming. John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods: "No scientific consensus exists" re Climate Change. I've been a big fan of Whole Foods's CEO ...
Humanitarian News blogs -
Nuclear power regains support at Seeker Blog
By Steve Darden
LONDON — Nuclear power — long considered environmentally hazardous — is emerging as perhaps the world's most unlikely weapon against climate change, with the backing of even some green activists who once campaigned against it. ... But around the world, nations under pressure to reduce the production of climate-warming gases are turning to low-emission nuclear energy as never before. The Obama administration and leading Democrats, in an effort to win greater support for ...
Seeker Blog -
Control of Climate Policies by Unaccountable Bureaucracies; The ...
By admin
via Telegraph Blogs Why would a Middle Eastern kingdom be funding a British Climate research business? Oman has just completed a massive investment in LNG, and developed and installed new CO2 removal technology in their process; ... The 21st century Goliath is Global Warming. It is a powerful six-legged monster. In no order of strength, those legs are: (1) The big money climate change scientists and their powerful institutions from governmental centers to Universities, ... -
Climate Change Fraud - Science: it's not rocket surgery
By Tim Blair, Daily Telegraph
From 2009: "Scientists say global warming's influence is visible and it could get worse within decades." This hit one or two buttons. Reader Adam sarcastically replied: "I'm going to take things one step further and disbelieve any scientist . ... Glenn asked: "What about posting a blog about the stupid things that journalists say?" I must look into that. "T of Australia", like many science boosters, chose to attack a rival faith: "For the most ridiculous statements ever, ...
Home -
La Greenga: COLUMN: Put price on carbon emissions now
By La Greenga
In the end, we'll pay for climate change one way or the other. So, let's put a price on carbon now, because our future is priceless. Louie Gilot is a former El Paso Times reporter. She writes the blog, ... Is Global Warming Real? Yes! In 2001, the (Nobel Peace Prize winning) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change gathered research from hundreds of scientists worldwide and came to the scientific consensus that 1) the world is warming, ...
La Greenga -
CATscience - Climate and Alternative Temperature science: IPCC ...
By crabsallover
... of fossil fuels, is warming the planet. Far from the debate being over, with this awareness the discourse on climate change has largely moved from one of questioning the science to disputing what ought to be done about the problem." ...
CATscience - Climate and Alternative... -
Humans are descendants of aquatic apes [As proven in Copenhagen ...
By panokroko
And there is money on the table: an initial promise of $10 billion a year, for three years, from developed countries to help poorer states mitigate climate change and adapt to it. ... According to most climate models, the commitments made in Copenhagen fall a long way short of what would be needed to keep global warming to 2°C. Still, it was widely held to be better than nothing—though, in the final moments, nothing nearly triumphed. .... Bleeding Edge Blog ...
Bleeding Edge Blog -
Fausty's Libertarian Blog: Good Reads
By (Fausty)
Pachauri: nose in the honey jar - "Climate change has become a multi-billion dollar commercial sector," proclaims the brochure from a leading finance house, and it is not wrong. Nowhere ar... 3 hours ago ..... It's late November and fucking freezing...Global Warming anybody? - I hadn't really given Global warming so much as a passing thought until our Socialist brethren attempted to have Climate Denial Classed As a Mental Disorde... 5 weeks ago. Psychiatric News ...
Fausty's Libertarian Blog -
Sweden Invades DC: WaPo Hails First Wave of 'Climate Pilots' to ...
By Tim Graham
The gap between American and European attitudes on global warming was on striking display during the recent U.N.-sponsored climate talks in Copenhagen. The Europeans had already decided to impose constraints on themselves and were willing to accept ... But the Swedes, who have made climate change a central pillar of both their domestic and foreign policy for more than a decade, are trying to speed things up. They've already done it in cities of their own such as Kalmar, ... - Exposing Liberal... -
» Beijing has coldest year since 1970 Dvorak Uncensored: General ...
By Cherman
we've been shoveling climate change here in the cleveland area for that pst couple of days… and for the rest of the week as all that cold air of climate change will be hanging around… # 7 Lou Minatti said, on January 3rd, 2010 at 8:13 pm. Yep, we shoveled some global warming last month in South Texas, and we'll be shoveling some more global warming later this week. Never in my lifetime has it snowed so much in South Texas or been so cold for so long. ...
Dvorak Uncensored -
Excited Delirium » Blog Archive » Why Prorogue Canadian Democracy ...
By admin
It also recommended that the gas be used to replace coal-fired electrical generation to control greenhouse gas emissions that have been linked to global warming and climate change. The three gas fields that the pipeline would connect ...
Excited Delirium -
Top 10 Forecasts for 2010 and Beyond | Britannica Blog
Radical methods of altering the planet may be the only way to prevent the worst effects of climate change. Geoengineering may be inevitable because, even if humans could instantly end all greenhouse gas emissions, global temperatures would continue to increase for the next 20–30 years, triggering feedback loops and more warming. Potential megascale geoengineering projects include sending space mirrors into orbit, sequestering carbon in the ground in biomass charcoal, ...
Britannica Blog -
nibras bawa: The Analog Cycle
By Nibras Bawa
This ad free, zero solicit, comment locked blog features unconventional marketing and business ideas for remarkable people. I write for CEOs, entrepreneurs, and anyone interested in changing the world. Thanks for coming by. ... Concerns of global warming and climate change have lead to a greener approach to business, pretty much like in the old days when there were less or no machines. In an age of all things digital, who dares mention analog by name? ...
nibras bawa -
Dr. Neil Frank on Climategate: "you should be steamed” « Watts Up ...
By Anthony Watts
I'd like to keep the politics out of it if at all possible – no Al Gore's, just basic physics and chemistry and why it is that so many on this blog are absolutley certain that CO2 or any chemistry is not the reason for the heating. .... What part of climate change from the beginning of the 14th to the end of the 19th centuries was induced by man? What's wrong with Global Warming? The dinosaurs didn't mind. Now the flipside: When was the last time you got frostbite? ...
Watts Up With That? -
Cempaka Eco Green: Climate change far worse than thought before
By Cempaka
Slimy, green and unsightly, seaweed and algae are among the humblest plants on earth, but a group of scientists at a climate conference in Bali say they could also be a potent weapon against global warming, sucking damaging carbon ...
Cempaka Eco Green -
Arsenal News » West Ham v Arsenal. Score, teams, and what happens ...
By Tony Attwood
The first 259 comments on a popular anti-Wengerian blog consist of variations on the theme of "Hey I'm second”. December: Untold Arsenal is investigated by the Office of Predictions, Eternal Verities and Prophecies. .... There is no debating Global Warming I mean Climate Change I mean whatever the politicians want to call it after they prophesied doom and gloom would happen already. Just look at how warm it is here! Expecting another 8 inches of snow…Too funny! ...
Arsenal News -
COMPASSIONATE CLIMATE ACTION: How Does One Address a Dictator?
Our so-called prime minister here in Canada (yes, the one that keeps winning us the Colossal Fossil award at climate change meetings) has decided to prorogue our parliament — again! (This is a "leader" who has .... will be what saves us ... compassion for all those who are the most vulnerable to the impacts of global warming, compassion for our children, compassion for all the children of all species, compassion for the rest of Nature. This is my gift to all life on this ...
Blair fails Philosophy of Science 101 – Pure Poison
By Jeremy Sear
Debunking it is worthwhile, especially when this faulty logic is used to justify doing nothing about climate change. Blair lists a bunch of things that have been mislabeled as science (like Marx's social theory) and a bunch of things ... Similarly, even if climate science turns out to be inaccurate in some way, the advice it is giving us is clear. Cutting emissions is essential for stopping global warming. So, the two premises I originally agreed to can now be appended: ...
Pure Poison -
Hall of Record: Movies Worth Watching
By Bruce Hall
Meet 'Al' Pachaurai: Global Warming In Name, But Is Greed The Real Game? - Read here, here, and here. Since the Climategate scandal and Copenhagen fiasco of last month, there have numerous blog postings and articles about the IPCC a. .... Gore said that if left unchecked, global warming could lead to a drastic change in the weather, sea levels and other aspects of the environment. And he pointed out that these conclusions are not his, but those of a vast majority of ...
Hall of Record -
Surferpags and the News - PickensPlan
Recent Harris and Washington Post-ABC polls show alarming drops in the percentage of the public that believes climate change is happening. "Climate Cover-Up: The Crusade to Deny Global Warming," by James Hoggan with Richard Littlemore ... blogs, and ideologically sympathetic mainstream media outlets that distribute and circulate contrarian information"; and (3) the talents and skills of those who lead the public relations push or ride the climate deniers' lecture circuit. ...
Latest Activity on PickensPlan -
CanadianSense: Michael Ignatieff: Impaired Vision
By CanadianSense
Top 10 global warming myths exposed - A local NZ monthly community newspaper published an opinion piece by one "Green blogger" Thomas Everth, known to frequent this blog, on global warming. He wa... 1 hour ago ... Relax Folks, It's Only Weather! - We have had it pounded into our heads that "weather" is not "climate" and that the "issue of climate change is settled", so I'm just going to show you the... 18 hours ago. Eugene Forsey Liberal ...
CanadianSense -
EFFin' Unsound » Blog Archive » New Year, Same Old Crazy
By Thehim
... he duped into believing his malarkey about climate change — is that neither he nor they have bothered to look into the work of the thousands of atmospheric scientists who have tried to inform us that global warming is truly a hoax. ...
EFFin' Unsound -
Cut Global Warming » Blog Archive » Nigeria : Fashola's Copenhagen ...
By admin
In the run-up to the recently-concluded Copenhagen Summit on Climate Change, in Denmark, the Governor of Lagos State, Mr. Babatunde Raji Fashola, was the subject of a rewarding skull session involving, amongst others, town planners, ...
Cut Global Warming -
Category: Climate Change and Global Warming Blogs around the world | Views: 321 | Added by: Aries | Tags: Blogs, global warming, climate change | Rating: 0.0/0
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