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«  January 2010  »
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Main » 2010 » January » 6 » Climate Change or Global Warming Blogs
6:36 PM
Climate Change or Global Warming Blogs
Climate Change or Global Warming Blogs
Hot Weather Convinces Media of Climate Change; Cold Weather ...
By Julia A. Seymour
But when record heat was in the news global warming got the blame. NBC highlighted melting glaciers in Peru on Dec. 8 and declared that "climate change is to blame." That story cited United Nations claims that the decade might be the ... - Exposing Liberal... -
Sunway University College Blog: Amir's art exhibition with a ...
By Sunway University College
Amir's emotion-touched paintings, depicting how the world would look as a result of global warming, attracted Gloria Jeans to support the art exhibition as a climate change-themed one. The timing of the exhibition was deliberately ...
Sunway University College Blog -
Too cold in Peru? Blame global warming. | Washington Examiner
Climate change campaigners and development NGOs say that the failure of Copenhagen has signed the death warrant for hundreds of thousands of the world's poorest and that a quarter of a million children will die before world leaders meet again to try to thrash out another ... Michael Goldfarb has an excellent investigative blog post up at our sister publication, the Weekly Standard. You should read the whole thing, but the bare-bones is this: Tara... —Timothy P. Carney ...
Beltway Confidential -
InvestorGeeks » Blog Archive » Prediction 2010.5: The Year We ...
By Christian
Prediction 2010.5: The Year We Missed a Climate Change Opportunity. Christian 4 January 2010 35 views No Comment. Yesterday a business colleague asked me what we here on this side of the pond think of the global warming scandal. ...
InvestorGeeks -
Brendan Demelle | Whole Foods CEO John Mackey Also a Global ...
By Brendan Demelle
Mackey, "a vocal libertarian, an orthodox free-marketer, an admirer of Milton Friedman, Ronald Reagan, and Ayn Rand,” spoke candidly with The New Yorker's Nick Paumgarten about his climate change denial. Whacky Mackey reveals that one of the books on his nightstand is "Heaven and Earth: Global Warming—the Missing Science,” a skeptic screed authored by Australian climate denier (and director of three commercial mining companies) Ian Plimer. According to The New Yorker: ...
DeSmogBlog - Clearing the PR... - » Blog Archives » Farm Bill – Ag Economy; and ...
By Keith Good
"Davis knows about climate change. His point is not to debate the pros and cons of whether global warming exists but to say it would be far more effective just to focus on reforms in energy policy. And that means finding alternative ... -
Hot Weather Convinces Media of Climate Change; Cold Weather ...
When a heat wave hit the US in July 2006, CBS "Evening News" consulted Pew Center on Global Climate Change's Jay Gulledge. "The average global temperature is getting hotter due to global warming," Gulledge told CBS. In a Cosmo magazine style ... What is Conservative Blog Watch? The purpose of this site is to have a quick snapshot of news coming from the conservative blogosphere. We are hoping to save you the time it takes to find where the pulse of conservatism is at. ...
Conservative Blog Watch -
Campaign For Liberty — Climate Change Believer Criticizes Cap and ...
As I discussed it in October, we can understand why people would be skeptical of the global warming hysteria, when it seems like it's more tailored toward taxing, regulating and controlling people in their private lives, ...
Campaign For Liberty Blog -
Moonbattery: Global Warming? Give It Up
By Van Helsing
"Global warming" is perhaps the wrong term to use, "climate change" is more fitting, as some parts of the world may in fact get drastically colder, while other parts of the world may get warmer. Not that any of this means I'm going to ...
Moonbattery -
AMERICAblog News: Whole Foods CEO is big climate change denier ...
By John Aravosis (DC)
One of the books on the list was "Heaven and Earth: Global Warming—the Missing Science,” a skeptical take on climate change. Mackey told me that he agrees with the book's assertion that, as he put it, "no scientific consensus exists” regarding the causes of climate change; he added, .... Limbaugh Loves Unionized Socialist System - This post on SEIU's blog about Limbaugh's stay at unionized hospital in the socialist "foreign exotic place" is a good read. 1 hour ago ...
AMERICAblog News -
Daily Referendum: Climate change my arse - CO2 and Indonesian Peat ...
By Daily Referendum
Climate change my arse - CO2 and Indonesian Peat Fires. I've just come across a great post over on Bill O the Wisp's blog: GreenFudge is broadly a pro AGW blog. i.e. they support the theory of man-made global warming. ...
Daily Referendum -
Hot Air » Blog Archive » No rise in atmospheric carbon fraction ...
By Ed Morrissey
One correspondent says that it doesn't change the fact that we're still dumping carbon into the atmosphere, where it could cause global warming. However, if the ratio of CO2 in the atmosphere hasn't changed in 150 years, then the CO2 ... This is an important claim, because so far only about 40% of those emissions have stayed in the atmosphere, which has prevented additional climate change. This study re-examines the available atmospheric CO2 and emissions data including ...
Hot Air » Top Picks -
Big Lizards:Blog:Entry "Neil Frank Rains on the Gorbasm Parade”
By Dafydd
Now that Copenhagen is past history, what is the next step in the man-made global warming controversy? Without question, there should be an immediate and thorough investigation of the scientific debauchery revealed by "Climategate.” ... Since Frank retired such a long, long time ago -- back in 2008 -- it's fair to conclude that he's totally out of touch with modern Gorospheric Global Climate Change. I can still remember how that last consensus made me smile; ...
Big Lizards -
- Edwardshowell's blog
By Edwardshowell
The survey shows that while most scientists believe that humans are the cause of global warming, about half of the public disagrees, and 11 percent does not believe in climate change at all. These differences in scientific knowledge and ...
Edwardshowell's blog -
Can sustainable urban design and landscape architecture help ...
By Tom Turner
He said the film is 'broadly accurate' but listed nine inaccuracies; A landscape approach to urban design can do more to combat climate change than Al Gore can imagine. We can and should: use all roofspace: for vegetation, gardens, ...
Garden Design And Landscape Architect... -
Carbon Planet - Carbon Footprints » Blog Archive » It's official ...
By Dave Sag
Increasing global mean temperatures derived from instrumental measurements are consistent with other independent indicators of climate change, such as reductions in sea-ice and snow cover, and record high global sea levels. ... minimum) temperature data above and below set thresholds, there are clear upward trends in the number of hot events and downward trends in the number of cold events (over the period 1960 to date), consistent with the background of global warming. ...
Carbon Footprints -
From Cap and Trade to Carbon Farming - Freakonomics Blog -
But it also serves as a presidential prod to Congress to pass a climate-change law. No matter how you feel about global warming, greenhouse-gas emissions are not going to go unregulated. I suspect Obama ultimately nudged the EPA because ...
Freakonomics -
Tom Nelson: Global warming world tour cut short due to cold and ...
By Tom
Anonymous said... of course, fly around the world, cycle a little, all in the name of climate change...let's put out the fire with gasoline....people are such morons......what was the carbon footprint of copenhagen?? fool, all of them ...
Tom Nelson -
Jack's Climate Quest: Update
By Jack of Kent
This Blog represents a sincere attempt by a layperson to make sense of the global warming and climate change debates. I am not aware of having preconceptions in these debates. I want to see just how far a layperson can actually form an ...
Jack's Climate Quest -
Solar CITIES Water Heaters, Biogas Digesters Help Cairo Poor; Face ...
By Andrew Burger
<small><br /> <a href="">Solar CITIES Water Heaters, Biogas Digesters Help Cairo Poor; Face Uphill Struggle for Adoption</a> ... Select Category, Global Warming News, Climate Science, Climate Change and Business, Climate Change and Politics, Climate Change Deniers, Environmental Protection Agency, Energy Policy, Editorial Rants ...
Global Warming is Real -
Israeli Renewable Energy — Why Israel, Why Now? | CleanTechies ...
By Green Prophet
Increased sensitivity to global warming. Israel's population density and its location at the edge of the desert make it especially vulnerable to climate change; according to the Israeli Ministry of Environmental Protection, Israel has ... About the CleanTechies Blog. The latest news and trends across the CleanTech space, from clean energy and green building over finance and legislation to sustainable transportation and the environment. CleanTechies offers industry ...
CleanTechies Blog - -
First up to challenge EPA on CO2: Big Beef | NewsWatch: Energy ...
"...uncertainty surrounding humans' contribution to climate change..." Among climate scientists -- you know, the people who actually KNOW what they're talking about regarding global warming -- the jury is in, the science is sound! We MUST act now to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide and methane we are pouring into the atmosphere! Posted by: 42 at January 4, 2010 05:26 PM. CO2 and other greenhouse gases to be dangererous substances that needed .... Search this blog ...
NewsWatch: Energy -
Biomass Briquette Plant Opens in Cambodia - Green Inc. Blog ...
"Climate change and global warming are serious issues these days,” said Yohanes Iwan Baskoro, Cambodia country director for Geres. The factory, Mr. Baskoro said, "will save about 1600 tons of greenhouse gas emissions from entering the ...
Green Inc. -
The penguins are suing Obama | Current Green Blog
By Leah Lamb
"The Department of the Interior failed to meet the December 19, 2009 legal deadline to finalize the listings of seven penguin species that are threatened by climate change and industrial fisheries. ... Instead of protecting penguins and taking meaningful steps to address global warming,” said Shaye Wolf, a biologist with the Center for Biological Diversity, "our government is dragging its feet while penguins are marching toward extinction.” ...
Current Green Blog -
The year climate science caught up with what top scientists have ...
By Joe
That's no surprise to anybody who has talked to leading climate scientists in recent years, read my book Hell and High Water (or a number of other books), or followed this blog. .... "The Copenhagen Diagnosis” warns "Without significant mitigation, the report says global mean warming could reach as high as 7 degrees Celsius by 2100.” NOAA stunner: Climate change "largely irreversible for 1000 years,” with permanent Dust Bowls in Southwest and around the globe ...
Ethiopian Review -
Micky's Muses...from the Antipodes: Happy 2010 !
By Ayrdale an unashamed fan of Anthony Watts, and his blog "Watts up with That ?" A climatologist, meteorologist and genuine Greenie, Anthony Watts will be seen in due course as the main U.S. torch bearer for climate common sense. .... Such discrediting will come about when fears of dangerous climate change abate. Such fears are fragile, as slight global warming if it indeed occurs, would be positive for humanity rather than negative. The collapse of the fear of climate change ...
Micky's Muses...from the Antipodes -
If any of your idiot friends still believe in AGW, make them read ...
By James Delingpole
I thought – 'what a good idea', until the islamic apologist Ducky arrived touting ad nauseam a link to his confounded boring, moronic blog, and that New Year's resolution went out the window – into the snow and ice that Britain's 'mild' winter is .... "No matter if the science of global warming is all phony, climate change provides the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world”. Christine Stewart, former Canadian Minister of the Environment ...
News -
No mention of global warming at all, and none, of course of 'climate change' in its current loaded sense, because it had not yet been invented. According to Mr Bhaumik, Cherrapunji's woes are the result of mushrooming population (from ..... You should find evidence for all of them appearing on this blog from time to time: Greenies are the sand in the gears of modern civilization -- and they intend to be. The Greenie message is entirely emotional and devoid of all logic. ...
The year climate science caught up with what top scientists have ...
By Joe
That's no surprise to anybody who has talked to leading climate scientists in recent years, read my book Hell and High Water (or a number of other books), or followed this blog. Still, it is a scientific reality that I don't think .... As a scientist, I fully accept that global warming is real, serious and a grave threat. I started teaching the science of climate change in the early 1980's, and it is easy to demonstrate the reality of global warming to science students. ...
Climate Progress -
The Chilling Effect | cooling heated rhetoric on global warming ...
By Frosty the Know Man
Story takes aim at commercial aircraft's alleged role in climate change; Got Alarmism? Religious leaders are divided on global warming; Interesting read: "…in our time the scientific skeptics and dogmatic religionists have switched ...
The Chilling Effect | cooling... -
Collide-a-scape » Blog Archive » Collide-a-scape >> Climate Refugees
By Keith Kloor
We can say that global warming will exacerbate these pressures and greatly increase the pace of migration, but it's hard to attribute any single event—or single migrant—to man-made climate change. Joanna's story opens a necessary window ...
Collide-a-scape» Collide-a-scape... -
The American Spectator : Henny-Penny Meets Cosmic Rays
By Peter Hannaford
Qing started he was studying the formation of the ozone hole, not global warming. The data showed him that CFCs, which were once widely used as refrigerants, conspired with cosmic rays to cause both the ozone hole and warming. ... Us: They are, when it comes to global cooling. Last September, at a UN conference in Geneva, Mojib Latif, a leading climate modeler and a member of its Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, said in a speech that the Earth has been cooling ...
The American Spectator and AmSpecBlog -
The Energy Collective | 5 Reasons to be hopeful about 2010
By Richard Graves
This guest blog post is from Mike Gaworecki, who writes at, Greenpeace USA, and worked out of TckTckTck's Fresh Air Center during the Copenhagen climate summit. Despite the epic failure o. ... This gives us another tool with which to combat global warming. The climate bill passed by the House of Representatives would actually strip this regulatory capacity from the EPA, however, while the Senate bill so far does not. But still, I think the endangerment finding ...
The Energy Collective -
theClimateers » Here's to Healthy Growth in 2010
By Valida
Generally in my blogs, I throw a set of bullet-points in right about here with my thoughts on the next steps. To be honest, I'm still a little lost and I don't have a strong background in organizational psychology to make up for it. ... With the urgency of the need for global action on climate change weighing over us, it is easy to feel like climate work must always take priority. But hey, there's still going to be work to be done after Mexico City, no matter how great ...
theClimateers -
Fausty's Libertarian Blog: Climategate: Lord Monckton on the Alex ...
By Fausty
Lord Monckton implores Americans to bombard their representatives with anti-climate change treaty phone calls and emails, just the way they did before the Copenhagen summit, to prevent this bill from taking further root. ..... It's late November and fucking freezing...Global Warming anybody? - I hadn't really given Global warming so much as a passing thought until our Socialist brethren attempted to have Climate Denial Classed As a Mental Disorde... 5 weeks ago ...
Fausty's Libertarian Blog -
Another week of GW News, January 3, 2010 : A Few Things Ill Considered
By coby
Canada's lead climate-change negotiator told senior officials that a walkout by some countries at global-warming talks in Thailand "certainly happened," even as their boss was on TV denying the account, a newly released document shows. ...
ScienceBlogs Channel : Physical Science -
Happy New Year, It's 2030! | REALNEO for all - Rhoda's blog
By Rhoda
In my last C&L post on climate change, I 'predicted' (if that's the right word) that at the current rate of global warming/global dimming by 2030, global temperatures could rise more than two degrees, twice as fast as previous models ...
Rhoda's blog -
Refugees United Blog » Blog Archive » » Environmental Refugees ...
By Helene
Like the rest of Bangladesh, Dhaka is also extremely vulnerable to climate change: It is just a few meters above sea level and is regularly hit by cyclones and floods. The environmental group WWF recently rated it among the megacities most vulnerable to the effects of global warming, after Jakarta and Manila. As many as half of the people in Dhaka live in shantytowns and slums, says Atiq Rahman, a climate change researcher and executive director of the Bangladesh Center ...
Refugees United Blog -
FarmPolicy.Com | Keith Good
"Davis knows about climate change. His point is not to debate the pros and cons of whether global warming exists but to say it would be far more effective just to focus on reforms in energy policy. ... at The Hill's Energy and Environment Blog on Saturday that, "A few days ago, I noted that ClearView Energy Partners' analyst Kevin Bookdoesn't buy the conventional wisdom that the sour economy has dealt a blow to prospects for climate and energy legislation in 2010. ...
Cotton Feed -
Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion: What If This Were the Warmest Winter?
By William A. Jacobson
While reporting the fact of record cold, the mainstream media is largely silent in attempting to draw any conclusions as to "climate change." To the extent the mainstream media does draw conclusions, it is the heads we win, tails you lose type ... You don't understand global warming. From Scientific American: "Cold winter doesn't mean global warming is over" ...
Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion -
The CEO of Whole Foods... | Slog | The Stranger, Seattle's Only ...
By (Dan Savage)
I always think of that anytime I hear or read of a smart person who calls global warming or climate change a hoax. Posted by Matt from Denver on January 4, 2010 at 12:29 PM. Comment by Matt from Denver on January 4, 2010 at 12:32 PM 33 ..... It's the title of the blog post that brought the word 'hoax' into the story. The quote from Mackey on the subject is that there is "no scientific consensus" regarding the causes of climate change (which is obviously true). ...
The Stranger, Seattle's Only Newspaper -
Shivering cold, possibly freezing this week
Funny how the weather scammers went from global cooling, to global warming, to climate change. And when the data, and the hockey stick wouldn't support the theories they needed to support " GLOBAL EXTORTION ' with all the productive ...
Ken Kaye's Storm Center -
Red hot China | The Economist
By admin
Jan 4th 2010 4:02 GMT. Jer_X, don't you know? The extremes will become more extremist! That's why they talk about "climate change" now instead of "global warming." CO2 can create extremely low temps as well as extremely high ones. It's the theory that explains everything from flat tires to broken bed springs. ... About Free exchange. In this blog, our correspondents consider the fluctuations in the world economy and the policies intended to produce more booms than busts. ...
Global Warming & Creationism: Yet Again « The Sensuous Curmudgeon
By The Curmudgeon
In recent weeks we've been writing about the twisted union of creationism and global warming, with advocates of the former celebrating in imagined triumph as some cracks — serious or not — have been appearing in the facade of global warming . ... phenomena like a rogue wave accurately with their models without irrefutable hard satellite data to help correct their mistakes, how can they possibly be trusted to forecast future climate behavior on suspect "altered” data? ...
The Sensuous Curmudgeon -
The Incas Make a Comeback - mailloux's blog - RedState
By mailloux (Profile)
Nature is sometimes referred to as "The Gaia Hypothesis”; or for the reductionist adherents of the Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) cult, the "Earth” or just the "environment” will do quite nicely. No matter what moderns call it, ... Upon the release of their annual performance report for 2008-09, Executive Director Gill Greer stated that IPPF would like to expand into areas like population dynamics and climate change. Gill Greer intends to steer IPPF into the AGW cult ...
RedState -
Category: Climate Change and Global Warming Blogs around the world | Views: 533 | Added by: Aries | Tags: Blogs, global warming, climate change | Rating: 0.0/0
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