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«  January 2010  »
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Main » 2010 » January » 6 » Climate Change or Global Warming Blogs
6:51 PM
Climate Change or Global Warming Blogs
Climate Change or Global Warming Blogs
Government Approaching Climate Change as Security Issue | Stop ...
By Cameron Scott
If there's a political meme that sells in this country, it's national security. I mean, Americans are willing to go forego bathroom trips in the final hour of flights even though the explosives wou... read more of this post, ...'s Stop Global Warming Blog -
Copenhagen, Climate Change, China, and Ogaden | PoliticalArticles.NET
By James Opiko
"We bring to the attention of our readers, an archive of opinion, news, and analysis on the issue of Global Warming, which is currently being debated in Copenhagen under the auspices of the UN Framework Agreement on Climate Change. .... blog traffic exchange Socially Responsible Investing - Ways Your Money Can Fight Climate Change Over at Co-op America, they have a great article up about socially responsible investing that includes seven big ways that your money can help ...
PoliticalArticles.NET - Blog -
Looking to the heavens: climate change experiments | Marie Curie's ...
By admin
I recommend this set of articles to secondary-school science teachers looking for a full set of didactical materials to address the complex topic of climate change, global warming and energy resources. The style is plain enough for ...
Marie Curie's Blog -
Climate Shifts » Blog Archive » Yes, it's really cold-No this isn ...
By John Bruno
"Hot Weather Convinces Media of Climate Change; Cold Weather Ignored”. From 2003 heat wave that killed thousands, to melting Peruvian glaciers the news media find examples of global warming. The news media constantly misuse extreme ...
Climate Shifts -
Proof of global warming « Don Surber
By Don Surber
I showed this one to my wife Don, but she said that I still had to shovel…darn! Libtard says: January 5, 2010 at 2:56 PM. Ha ha, you imbeciles. It's not global warming; it's climate change. And global warming is responsible for it. ...
Don Surber -
The British National Party — BlogClimate Change Fanatics ...
By BNP News
Climate Change Fanatics Shocked as New Scientific Paper Reveals Zero Atmospheric Carbon Increase. snow-london-2009 The pseudo-science of man-made global warming has received another blow — and we're not just talking about the brutal ...
The British National Party -
BBC - Andrew Neil's blog: I did warn you
Visit the blog of the BBC's Andrew Neil. ... I've used 1999 as the starting point because 1998 temperatures were boosted by the non-global warming El Nino effect -- otherwise we'd be talking about a drop over 11 years). .... My view is that climate change is always happening and always will, and there are many good reasons to recycle, and reduce pollution. But this carbon trading scheme - dominated by fraud - and the quasi-religious hysteria as well as phony gravitas from ...
BBC Blog Network -
Som Post » Blog Archive » Watch Frank Capra's 1958 Film on Global ...
By TreeHugger
frank-capra-film-global-warming.jpg Yes, there were movies being made about climate change as early as the 1950s. Dave Roberts has a great column in Grist today about the short memory we have in American political culture, ...
Som Post -
Copenhagen – a new framework for climate chaos? « ThinkOrSwim (the ...
By Joseph Curtin
According to Climate Action Tracker, an independent science-based assessment of pledges: "the emission commitments and pledges put forward by industrialized and developing countries shows that the world is headed for a global warming of ...
ThinkOrSwim (the Blog) -
HazZzMat: Nostalgic for "Global Warming"?
By Wonker, aka TerryP
Has anyone else noticed that the environmental con-artists have changed their slogan from Global Warming to Climate Change. This way when their warming "science" is debunked and the environment actually cools, they can say that it's the ...
HazZzMat -
The cool down in climate polls - FP Comment
By NP Editor
FP Comment is the blog of the Financial Post's editorial page. Terence Corcoran, Lawrence Solomon, William Watson, and Peter Foster challenge conventional wisdom on a variety of topics. ... Under the auspices of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Copenhagen opened with 170 nations clamouring for attention amid growing public doubts about the validity of global warming theory. Increasing uncertainty shows up in yesterday's poll numbers. ...
FP Comment -
Progress Ohio | Dave Harding's Blog: It's Cold in North America ...
By Dave Harding, ProgressOhio
Sorry to the cliimate change deniers around Ohio, but Bradford Plumer explains why the recent cold snap in North America doesn't disprove global warming: Even though the 2000s were the hottest decade on record, there were a lot of ...
Community Blogs at ProgressOhio -
Federal agencies may have to consider climate before they act ...
By grassam
Federal agencies may have to consider climate before they act. The Obama administration may issue an order that would expand the National Environmental Policy Act's scope to prevent global warming. The move could open up new avenues to ... The White House is poised to order all federal agencies to evaluate any major actions they take, such as building highways or logging national forests, to determine how they would contribute to and be affected by climate change, ...
AFS Blog -
Climate claim falls foul of advertising regulator - Short Sharp ...
By Shanta Barley
A science news blog from Heading - NewScientist ... Australia's weather agency suggests global warming (whatever the cause) has support from the data. http:// This update on the IPCC report addresses many of the illogical and incorrect claims by people posting 'denialist' propaganda. I challenge you to read the entire report. We have at the moment a very large ...
Short Sharp Science -
Being Part of the Change: Letter sent of to the Adver
By Jenni Miles, Swindon Green Party
It's not because I haven't been doing anything, it's the opposite, I've been doing so much I haven't had time to blog about it! Anyway, there will be posts on Wi-Fi, Copenhagen and various other important topics soon but, in the mean time, ... "Greenland was green" and "It warmed before 1940 when CO2 was low” or "Animals and plants can adapt to global warming" arguments. A large number of ancient mass extinction events have been strongly linked to global climate change. ...
Being Part of the Change -
EGRU-blog » Adaptation of forests to future climate is slow but ...
By Anna
This entry was written by Anna, posted on 5.1.2010 at 19:52 , filed under In press and tagged adaptation, boreal forests, climate change, evolution, forestry, global warming, growth period, management, natural selection. ...
EGRU-blog -
Climate change scepticism will increase hardship for world's poor ...
By Fabian
Writing on today, Rajendra Pachauri, the chair of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, also dismisses suggestions that he is personally profiting from policies to tackle global warming. ... -
Verus Carbon Neutral » Blog Archive » How do you spell "consensus”?
And, finally, among scientists who have published over 50% of their recent papers on climate change, 97.4% agreed that human activity is a significant contributing factor to global warming. Does this sound like consensus to you? ...
Verus Carbon Neutral -
Obama Orders CIA To Re-Direct Intelligence Gathering Resources To ...
As terrorists continue to infiltrate America, the Obama Administration is tasking some of our nation's most elite intelligence-gathering agencies to divert their resources to environmental scientists researching global warming. ... They further question if it a possible avenue to renew climate change subterfuge already plaguing some of these scientists. "This is another example of President Obama not taking terrorism seriously,” said Deneen Borelli, a fellow with the ...
Say Anything -
Too cold in Peru? Blame global warming. | San Francisco Examiner
Climate change campaigners and development NGOs say that the failure of Copenhagen has signed the death warrant for hundreds of thousands of the world's poorest and that a quarter of a million children will die before world leaders meet ...
Beltway Confidential -
Hot Air » Blog Archive » Great news: CIA watching the ice melt
By Ed Morrissey
The Obama Doctrine: the Global Warming Climate CHANGE hoax takes precedence over the security of the nation. Melting ice means more to this buffoon than exploding terrorists. And the fools in the intelligence community are dying to ...
Hot Air » Top Picks -
Global Warming Freezes Planet | The Great Illuminator
By The Windy City Windbag
I don't know about you, but I thinking that those do-gooders in Copenhagen, snowed in at the time no less, should be concentrating on something more pressing than their struggle against some mythical global warming beast… regardless of ...
The Great Illuminator -
The Unchained Goddess - Climate change, Climate science, Science ...
One fact of climate change not widely recognized even by environmentalists is just how long ago the basic science and implications of the greenhouse effect were established. Victorian scientists were fascinated by the ice ages, ...
TerraPass Footprint -
Western Lakes Warming Up Rapidly | KQED's Climate Watch
By Gretchen Weber
Some lakes in Northern California and Nevada are warming twice as fast as the surrounding air temperature, raising concerns that climate change may be affecting aquatic ecosystems more rapidly than terrestrial ones, according to a ... "The significance of this study is that across the western United States these very different lakes are displaying signs of warming. It's not just a Tahoe issue, it's a regional issue. And in all likelihood, it's a global issue,"said ...
KQED's Climate Watch -
NC Media Watch: Should KQED's Climate Watch become another Real ...
By Russ
Russ Steele KQED is the National Public Radio Station in San Francisco and has a blog on climate issues. Most of the post support AGW. I have been posting comments on KQED's Climate Watch Blog, giving readers the other side... ... The AGW crowd just cannot stand to discuss the facts of global warming and climate change, so they resort to removing public access to the facts. I have had some interesting and productive exchanges with the scientist who's studies are often ...
NC Media Watch -
Doc's Talk: COP: Global Warming – A Cruel Joke on Society
By GS Don Morris, Ph.D.
Global Warming is a joke – a sad, costly and penalizing one. Like many stories that change with the telling, the hydrocarbon pollution tale mysteriously added Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) to its script. The greenies who pulled off this ... Thirty-One thousand climate scientist (over 9000 with PHDs) dispute man-made global warming, and in a December, 2009 publication German physicists explain just how enormous this fraud really is. Yet the media and the politicians ...
Doc's Talk -
Spying on Icebergs Instead of Terrorists? Obama Program Diverts ...
By bydesign001
PUMABydesign001's Blog. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, ... Former vice president and current climate change entrepreneur Al Gore began lobbying for its renewal in 2008. It now reportedly has the strong support of CIA Director Leon Panetta. 'Given the very real threat posed by terrorists, ...
PUMABydesign001's Blog -
Copenhagen agreement fails UN processes and the planet « without ...
By withoutyourwalls
The president has wrecked the UN and he's wrecked the possibility of a tough plan to control global warming. It may get Obama a reputation as a tough American leader, but it's at the expense of everything progressives have held dear. ... But the only change today's agreement brings is a greater risk of dangerous climate change. And the only hope that flows from Copenhagen stems not from the president's hollow pronouncements but from the birth of a diverse global movement ...
without your walls -
Top 5 Things in 2009 That Brought Veganism Closer to our ...
By Hope Bohanec
1) Animal Agriculture Causes 51% of Global Warming. A new study called Livestock and Climate Change reveals that animal agriculture releases over half of all human-caused greenhouse gas emissions. The co-authors, Robert Goodland and ...
IDA Blog -
BBC - Richard Black's Earth Watch: Arctic roots of 'upside-down ...
By Richard Black
The blog of Richard Black, environment correspondent for the BBC News website. ... Changing global warming to climate change and then saying that any extreme weather is explainable as a consequence of CC is becoming increasingly laughable. There's 30000 scientists signed a petion saying they dont agree with the AGW theory, so where is this consensus we keep getting rammed down our throats. Complain about this comment. 10. At 3:30pm on 05 Jan 2010, David Blake wrote: ...
Richard Black's Earth Watch -
Carswell… thinkspoorly « Left Outside
By leftoutside
So why do we have to put up with such an infantile discussion on climate change? Well maybe Carswell thinks he's being funny. Below is a joke, notice how the below made you laugh, and the above did not. That is how you can tell it is not ... Eh, off-handed one-line comment on a blog, not really worth much analysis. I could even see a environmental advocate making the exact same comment with a sarcastic tone, acknowledging that global warming is more complicated than just ...
Left Outside -
Fausty's Libertarian Blog: Timothy Geithner and Hank Paulson ...
By (Fausty)
'GLOBAL WARMING' HAD TO BE SWITCHED TO 'CLIMATE CHANGE' For instance, temperature measurements made from weather balloons and satellites since the late 1950s show no atmospheric warming since 1958. Averaged ground-based thermometers ...
Fausty's Libertarian Blog -
Tom Nelson
By Tom
One of the books on the list was "Heaven and Earth: Global Warming—the Missing Science,” a skeptical take on climate change. Mackey told me that he agrees with the book's assertion that, as he put it, "no scientific consensus exists” ...
Tom Nelson -
GEOENGINEERINGWATCH.ORG: Feb 18-22 Conference in San Diego to ...
By labvirus
"If we keep emitting greenhouse gases with the intent of offsetting the global warming with ever increasing loadings of particles in the stratosphere, we will be heading to a planet with extremely high greenhouse gases and a thick ... We know also that CO2 and sunlight affect Earth's climate system in different ways. For the same amount of change in rainfall, CO2 affects temperature more than sunlight, so if we are to try to correct for changes in precipitation patterns, ...
Understanding Government » Blog Archive » Polar Bear Espionage
By Matthew Blake
The New York Times' William J. Broad has an interesting report about climate scientists utilizing CIA spy equipment to study climate change. The program was around during the Bill Clinton administration but shut down during the Bush administration. ... For example, the use of this information seemingly cannot be used to, say, persuade more U.S. Senators and voters about the realness of global warming. Instead, climate scientists (who are mainly culled from academia by the ...
Understanding Government -
Hands off China » Blog Archive » Morning Star letter on Copenhagen
By admin
China does take climate change seriously, but it correctly rejects accusations from some of the world's largest contributors to global warming that it is "holding the world to ransom.” Dick Maunders Axminster ...
Hands off China -
ontd_political: John Mackey with the climate change deniers, well ...
By I didn't get a lot in class, but I know it don't..
This was hardly a radical view, and yet in the gathering heat of the health-care debate the op-ed, virally distributed via the left-leaning blogs, raised a fury. In no time, liberals were organizing boycotts of Whole Foods. ..... One of the books on the list was "Heaven and Earth: Global Warming—the Missing Science,” a skeptical take on climate change. Mackey told me that he agrees with the book's assertion that, as he put it, "no scientific consensus exists” regarding ...
ONTD: Politics -
Warming causes extreme cooling! And black is white] More HERE ECONOMISTS PONDER HUMAN ADAPTATION TO CLIMATE CHANGE As scientists struggle to predict exactly how global climate change will affect our environment, economists are grappling .... You should find evidence for all of them appearing on this blog from time to time: Greenies are the sand in the gears of modern civilization -- and they intend to be. The Greenie message is entirely emotional and devoid of all logic. ...
Middle East Opens First Carbon Dioxide Recovery Plant ...
By Environmental News Network
"In this way, the company has started to contribute towards preserving the environment by reducing global warming and preventing climate change.” The technology will help reduce carbon dioxide emissions responsible for climate change and will ... About the CleanTechies Blog. The latest news and trends across the CleanTech space, from clean energy and green building over finance and legislation to sustainable transportation and the environment. CleanTechies offers industry ...
CleanTechies Blog - -
Richard Littlemore | Hilarious Conspiracy Movie Features Lesser ...
By Richard Littlemore
A Jesse Ventura conspiracy theory video, warning that "global warming is a plot by a powerful cabal out to extort, tax and control you and every one of us," features an incompetently disguised Dr. Timothy Ball playing the part of a scientist ... Lately, these fringe players have turned their efforts to creating confusion about climate change. This PR campaign could not be accomplished without the compliance of media as well as the assent and participation of leaders in ...
DeSmogBlog - Clearing the PR... -
Articlegeek, The best articles collection in the world Blog ...
Global warming and climate change is big in the news at present, and calls for a more sustainable way of living are being directed at consumers at every level. It has become common practice to recycle household waste, sorting through ...
Blog Catalog Blog Directory -
Botanical Gardens » Blog Archive » Yesterday I Asked About Global ...
By admin
Every serious global warming scientific study discusses increased solar radiation, and the carefully measured data. In the past it was a main factor in climate change. These days, it's only about 10% of the problem. ...
Botanical Gardens -
Category: Climate Change and Global Warming Blogs around the world | Views: 435 | Added by: Aries | Tags: Blogs, global warming, climate change | Rating: 0.0/0
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