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«  January 2010  »
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Main » 2010 » January » 7 » Climate Change or Global Warming Blogs
9:21 PM
Climate Change or Global Warming Blogs
Climate Change or Global Warming Blogs
Microsoft vs. Global Warming -- Redmond Channel Partner
Barney's Blog. Blog archive ... There are more important issues to tackle then this Global warming thing. "SCOFFER" your right, these folks now call it "Climate Change" because they can't back up their claim that the earth is getting warmer when we see cold temperatures as we are seeing now so they say lets call it climate change because it isn't really staying or getting warmer consistantly. Hey,Al Gore, it looks like the Polar caps wont melt this year-What a bunch of ...
Blogs -
Environment Writer: Ignore the Record Cold; Global Warming Is ...
By PJ Gladnick
While climatologists would say weather isn't necessarily an indication of climate, it has been in the media, but only when the weather could be spun as part of global warming." Login or register to post comments ... - Exposing Liberal... -
Socioeconomic Impacts of Global Warming are Systematically ...
By jeez
For 2100 and 2200, net GDP per capita is estimated assuming that (a) GDP per capita in the absence of global warming will grow per the IPCC SRES scenarios and (b) adjusting it downward to account for the costs of climate change per .... The more I delve into climate science and blogs, the more I am convinced that AGW alarmism is bogus and current "official” climate science a joke…However, I do not understand why the club de Rome doomsday prediction should be put in the ...
Watts Up With That? -
Adaptation! | Strategies for Reducing the Impact of Climate Change ...
By Cheryl Pellerin
First, it's important to note that climate change is already having an impact on temperature and sea level. In the 20th century, average global temperature rose by 0.740 degrees C (1.3 degrees F) and sea level, because warming water ... Adaptation to Climate Change Team at Simon Fraser University in British Columbia, Canada: Adaptation to Climate Change Team, Simon Fraser University in British Columbia, Canada; Climate Feedback: A climate change blog from ...
Adaptation! | Strategies for... -
Finally BBC asks: are we maybe a bit biased on 'climate change ...
By James Delingpole
The extract from Newsround is very much in accord with how Climate Change/Global Warming is taught in school, and I find it very frustrating. It is not science, and it does our children no favours to pretend that it is. This is clearly a case of ... I don't expect anything from that Beeb enquiry, there are too many vested interests, such as profit to be made from selling scare stories to schools … Great find, yaosxx, and thanks for putting it up in your blog, James. ...
News -
Global Warming Clearinghouse: 06 Jan 2009 Articles & Interesting ...
By CoRev
YOU say I am one of "those who argue that climate change does not represent a global market failure". Yet it is only recently that opinion sufficient to ... Burning the biosphere, boverty blues (Part I) Energy Collective (blog) ... This time in the winter is another proven point the reason the environmentalists left the term "global warming” and started using "climate change”. I would bet all of Americans are loving coal fired power plants due to the fact that the other . ...
Global Warming Clearinghouse -
The Irish Economy » Blog Archive » Cool Dublin
By Brendan Walsh
"but the lack of evidence for warming in Dublin surely merits more attention than it receives in Irish discussions of climate change”. umm ya. It's ~Global Warming~ not the local weather around the the Northside of Dublin. ...
The Irish Economy -
Hannity, Ever Wrong, Says CIA Is Diverting Resources For Climate ...
photo via flickr Did you know that the CIA is distracted by climate change and is diverting resources on global warming that should be spent on counter terrorism? It's true. Ask Sean Hannity and ExxonMobil.
A Green Living Blog -
The Mercury Blogs: Talking Politics with Tony Phyrillas: So much ...
By Tony Phyrillas
Cold weather holds nation in icy grip. Where's Al Gore and his climate change disciples? We're headed for another Ice Age, you idiots!!! Labels: Global Warming, Randy Bish Cartoon. posted by Tony Phyrillas at 1:55 PM. 0 Comments: ...
Talking Politics with Tony Phyrillas -
Even the Staunchest Supporters of Global Warming Scam Forced to ...
By Alan Orfi
It only became Climate Change when it became apparent nature wasn't cooperating with the Global Warming shtick. Why do you think it's called Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) and not Anthropogenic Climate Change? Al Gore's so-called settled science links CO2 to warming, not cooling. That's why AL Gore says the Earth has a fever, rather than a chill. Rather than embarrass yourself further, why don't you take your head out of the sand and learn what .... Follow this blog ...
Wizbang -
Extreme climate and the vulnerability of least-developed countries ...
By pcamill
One debate becoming more prominent is the extent to which developing nations will bear the brunt of climate warming impacts and their ability to adapt to change. A few years ago, I saw a talk by Thomas Schelling (Nobel laureate in ...
Global Change -
Shelbyville Times-Gazette: Blog: Global warming: Yes or no?
There is no denying that we are experiencing climate change. The problem with the over-politicized Global Warming is that a role in this phenomenon is attributed to humankind and that only a change in our behavior can reverse it. ...
David Melson -
Investor Survey Finds Asset Managers Fail to Weigh Climate Change ...
By Matthew Berger
A large percentage of major asset managers still don't consider climate risks in their investments decision-making and don't believe climate change is financially material to investing, a new survey from the institutional investor group .... chairman of the U.S. Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, says there's still no consensus on a cap-and-trade system but strong desire in both houses to pass other energy-related bills that would help curb global warming. ...
Solve Climate: Daily Climate... -
Letters Blog | The Australian
By Sam Dusevic
Now Christopher Monckton ("Open letter to Mr Rudd: your misguided warming policies are killing millions”, Commentary, 6/1) would have us believe that it is much more cost-effective to adapt to climate change than to try to stop it. .... fanciful alarmist information from people who wish to enhance their political position or make fortunes or gain fame - or all of these - by grossly misleading the people over global warming, climate change or whatever the latest name is. ...
Letters -
Malaria Spreads in Kenya Due to Global Warming | Malaria Watch ...
By Ben Brophy
Search the Blog ... The Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) has found a concrete link showing how climate change is affecting malaria rates. Global warming could potentially exacerbate the current malaria problem. Researchers from the UN project that an additional 400 million people could be exposed to malaria by 2080. In the study by KEMRI, which was funded in part by the Department for International Development (DFID) and the Canadian International Development ...
Malaria Watch: The Malaria Policy... -
Dick Wolff's blog: Russian Roulette with the grandchildren
By Dick Wolff
Unfortunately, when it comes to global warming/climate change, opinions without evidence, knowledge and understanding are just noise. Unfortunately, the science involves collecting vast amounts of data from many different fields of ...
Dick Wolff's blog -
Pajamas Media » Global Warming as Climastrology
By James Lewis
The good news for 2010 is that the climate fraudsters are on the run. The bad news is that they are hoping against hope that the sheriff's posse won't catch 'em. Because the real reason for "global warming” is now clear beyond any ... Tony Blair, whose Labour government in the UK helped put the fraudocrats in place at Hadley CRU, actually had the immortal gall to say in Copenhagen, "The world must take action on climate change even if the science is not correct. ...
Pajamas Media -
'Frozen Gore' sculpture spouting hot air fuels global warming ...
"Frozen Gore" is a dig at Gore's beliefs about climate change. The first statue went on display last year. This year's version is hooked up to the exhaust of a pickup truck to make it appear Gore is spouting hot air. ...
New Media Blog -
Steve Janke: Empowering tax-supported local media to peddle ...
By NP Editor
In particular, this group has a curious idea of what "balanced" reporting means when it comes to global warming alarmism: Climate change could be the biggest story of the twenty first century, affecting societies, economies and .... would even the playing field, since I would be surprised if an organization openly skeptical of the global warming theory would earn a charity designation. National Post. Read more from Steve Janke at his blog, Angry in the Great White North ...
Full Comment -
Maryland Weather: Two to four inches by Friday AM possible - Sun ...
By Frank Roylance
Hi Frank, I know you've had multiple comments about global warming and our cold weather, but you might want to talk to your colleagues at the Sun, who seem to be fueling this type of ignorance and on the Be More Green blog nonetheless! ... There is no Global Warming, its the course of Natural changes planet earth is going through. Posted by: Yani | January 6, 2010 1:54 PM. Global climate change and, yes, overall warming does not mean no more cold days or no more snow. ...
Maryland Weather -
Hindsight — The Most Newsworthy Events of 2009 – The Gospel ...
By Albert Mohler
Whether discussing the Bible, theology, church history, books, or culture, the TGC blog exists to promote gospel-centered ministry for the next generation. And more than merely a mouthpiece of TGC, this blog is meant to be read in community . .... Of course, the event itself became the focus of intense controversy over the scientific arguments related to global warming and climate change — controversy fueled by leaked e-mails that demonstrated scientific malfeasance among ...
The Gospel Coalition Blog -
Roger Pielke Jr.'s Blog: An Inconvenient Democracy: A Guest Post ...
By Roger Pielke, Jr.
Freeman Dyson is strongly critical of Hansen's climate-change activism. "The person who is really responsible for this overestimate of global warming is Jim Hansen. He consistently exaggerates all the dangers. ...
Roger Pielke Jr.'s Blog -
Climategate: 01-06-2010
By admin
Unlike the Climate-gate charlatans at the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia, Wolfgang Knorr of Bristol's Earth Sciences Department followed the data where it led instead of trying to manipulate it to "hide the decline” in global ... One correspondent says that it doesn't change the fact that we're still dumping carbon into the atmosphere, where it could cause global warming. However, if the ratio of CO2 in the atmosphere hasn't changed in 150 years, ...
Liberty's Army -
Global Voices Online » Brazil: 2009 Green Retrospective and COP15
By Diego Casaes
Excerpt. Almost one month since the United Nations Climate Change Conference, bloggers discuss still; as well as criticizing its outcome, year-end-blog-retrospectives mention the event as one of the most important of 2009. ... The only positive thing we can take from COP15 is the short-term $30 billion fund that will be paid by rich countries to those who have suffered the consequences of global warming (Bangladesh and some islands of the Pacific, among others… ...
Global Voices Online -
David Miliband has learned a lot since last June. Then,...
I was expecting some answer that told me you can have severe winters within a pattern of global warming, with reference to some climate change model analysis which allowed for adverse variations within the assumed pattern of warming. ...
Spectator Live -
Alaskans build "Frozen Gore” sculpture as global warming critique ...
By Ryan Underwood
Just another Blogs weblog ... The two-ton "Frozen Gore” sculpture isn't exactly a tribute. It's a tongue-in-cheek critique of Gore's vocal belief in man-made climate change, complete with hot air pouring out of his mouth. Local businessmen Craig Compeau and Rudy Gavora contracted the piece from award-winning sculptor Steve Dean and say they'll keep erecting one each winter until Gore accepts an invitation to discuss the global warming issue in Fairbanks. ...
In Session: Tennessee Politics -
Noosa at boiling point | Sunshine Coast News | Local News in ...
THE war of words over global warming will come to the boil in Noosa when the high priest of climate change sceptics, Lord Christopher Monckton, visits. ... or some of his words from the copehnagen blog "It is exactly this species of tyranny that the UN would like to impose upon the entire planet, in the name of saving us from ourselves" - he's raving mad he claims he was barred from the copenahgen summit - and attacked by police. ... The... -
Silencing the climate deniers: A cautionary tale from LinkedIn ...
By James Hrynyshyn
Over at Linked In, the professionally oriented social networking service, there's a discussion group called "Climate Change - I care!" Most of its members are those who share a concern for what anthropogenic global warming is threatening .... Practice doing this on blogs, message boards and the like. People will be better convinced by calm knowledgeable folks voicing easily retrieved facts than the yelling crazies. There's another reason to let them in - it kills the view ...
ScienceBlogs Channel : Environment -
Take the weather with you | Marie Curie's Blog
By admin
One of the predicted impacts of climate change is global warming: warmer air temperatures mean that thunderstorms are more likely to form, and tornadoes are formed in thunderstorms, where air starts moving in a circle. ...
Marie Curie's Blog -
AGW Scaremongering Today: Climate Refugees : Stop The ACLU
If the predictions of British scientist James Lovelock are any guide to the future, climate change and global warming are unstoppable now, and the next 500 years will bring major changes to life on Earth as we know it now. ... Nor can she fathom the ideas of a former Alaskan resident named Danny Bloom who bills himself as "a modern-day climate Jeremiah” on blogs and websites worldwide. Bloom, taking his cue from interviews with Lovelock, is predicting that millions, ...
Stop The ACLU -
Awards Daily's Oscar Countdown--Watching Oscar 24/7 » Blog Archive ...
By Sasha Stone
I'll be the guy in the back with the video camera. I thought CO2 stimulated plant growth. We need global warming. Climate always changes you morons. Gold Derby nuggets: Can Mariah Carey top herself at PCA? | 'Avatar' & six … ... Indeed. And whole populations of different species have met their demise due to climate change. But how many species with the knowledge of this create conditions under which they obliterate themselves with climate change? ...
Awards Daily's Oscar Countdown -
- Bishop Hill blog - No more democracy
By Bishop Hill
... the challenges of climate change head on. We are in a state of war. In order to pull the world out of its state of lethargy, the equivalent of a global warming "nothing but blood, toil, tears and sweat" speech is urgently needed. ...
Bishop Hill -
BBC - Nick Robinson's Newslog: Mandelson to back Brown's budget ...
BBC Political Editor Nick Robinson's blog, a blog about what's going on in and around politics. ... NOW Global warming. First it was the ozone layer which miraculously closed itself up. Then Global warming which they hurriedly called Climate change. Global Freezing more like. I remember many winters such as this. And many summers when we sweltered. I am still here. England is still here. Europe is still here and the flipping world is still here. Trust Labour? ...
BBC Blog Network -
Hot Air » Blog Archive » Guess who's still alive?
By Ed Morrissey
Gordon Brown also said the earth would die by now due to global warming/climate change. txag92 on January 6, 2010 at 3:07 PM. The way things are going, that's probably the only way we'll ever get rid of Megrahi. ...
Hot Air » Top Picks -
That Washington Post Piece on Science Communication and ...
The central lesson of Climategate is not that climate science is corrupt. The leaked e-mails do nothing to disprove the scientific consensus on global warming. Instead, the controversy highlights that in a world of blogs, ...... What are all the causes of global climate change? How much have we contributed? Those are questions. Not denials. what is denied is that Al "I invented the Internet” Gore knows anything substantive about the significant forces and the earth's ...
Discover Magazine | rsslist - » Blog Archive » Gore On Ice
By BigFurHat
Link: Fairbanks Daily News-Miner Two Fairbanks businessmen are still so annoyed by former Vice President Al Gore's stand on global warming that they have commissioned another "Frozen Gore” ice sculpture for display in front of a liquor store. ... Businessmen Craig Compeau and Rudy Gavora say they'll commission the sculpture annually until Gore comes to Fairbanks to debate climate change. "Before we start carbon taxing … let's try and educate ourselves,” Compeau said. ... -
"The Punch" seems to be intended as the "intellectual" (and hence generally Left-leaning) blog of Do you reckon if Sea Shepherd captain Paul Watson was roaming the streets of Melbourne in a high-tech armoured car .... When it comes to global warming, Obama feels that "as the world's largest economy . America bears our share of responsibility in addressing climate change." Therefore, America must pay for the "financing that helps developing countries adapt, ...
Save the Planet! (from freezing)
By Dale Hurd
Boy, aren't you glad the Copenhagen Climate Summit flopped? Just think how much colder it would be if that gathering of brilliant minds had actually saved the planet from global warming. Kidding. But are you thinking what I'm ... They and their minions in Big Media and education want you to know that your bum is freezing because of climate change. They instruct that if we could only stop the earth from warming by reducing carbon dioxide emissions, ... Search This Blog ...
Hurd on the Web -
Tom Nelson
By Tom
Monckton on Andrew Dessler's Post | The SPPI Blog. The water vapor feedback, if it had been anything like as big as the UN and Dr. Dessler would have us believe, should have caused a massive increase in global temperature. ... First, they called it "global warming”. Then they noticed there had been no warming for 15 years, and cooling for 9, so they hastily renamed it "climate change”. Then they noticed the climate was changing no more than it ever had, so they tried ...
Tom Nelson -
Matthew Yglesias » Baby, It's Cold Outside
By myglesias
And I'm certainly not going believe another CAP blog as evidence. The climate change folks are going to have to start from scratch to build a case, but now credibility is going to have to be based on science not "consensus”. .... What happened to "global climate change"? Yes, the overall change resulting from the rapid increase in greenhouse gases is a net global warming, but "change” better reflects the fact that there will be considerable geographic and temporal ...
Matthew Yglesias -
Stavins on Another Copenhagen Outcome: Serious Questions About the ...
By Joe
What is particularly striking about involving 196 parties in the discussion of international climate change policy is the reality that just 20 of them account for about 90% of global emissions! The second problem – again, .... This appears to be another of those pesky paradoxes: the best way of avoiding the warming that threatens the small nations could well be to exclude them (and other minor emitters) from the strategy sessions. If the major emitters have trouble ...
Climate Progress -
Parliament misses the mood – again | John Redwood MP
By John Redwood
There is no open thought on your side about man-made climate change (previously called global warming). I suspect that if you had asked your own shadow minister the same question you would have got exactly the same response. ... What I particularly like about this blog is how we actually get to hear about what is said in Parliament, and how it goes down. The mainstream media seem to have no interest in this, and much of the blogosphere likewise. Bravo JR! ...
John Redwood -
Food 2030 – The new British government food strategy and What does ...
By Pennythoughts
The report stresses the impact that climate change and an increasing global population will have on food production and the environment and outlines the steps necessary to address this urgent challenge. .... My husband regularly makes soup and wonderful, heart-warming soup it is. He gave some to one of the meals-on-wheels clients and she loved it so much, she was rationing herself. Fortunately, we have tubs of it in the freezer, readily available on a cold, blustery day, ...
Pennythoughts Blog -
Category: Climate Change and Global Warming Blogs around the world | Views: 550 | Added by: Aries | Tags: Blogs, global warming, climate change | Rating: 0.0/0
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