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«  January 2010  »
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Main » 2010 » January » 9 » Climate Change or Global Warming Blogs
7:49 PM
Climate Change or Global Warming Blogs
Climate Change or Global Warming Blogs Blog » It's Cold Outside! Is Global Warming Over?
By Paul Burman
People confuse weather with climate – it is nearly impossible to link any single weather event to global warming – hot or cold, catastrophic or normal – there are just too many factors at play. So one cold streak doesn't disprove global ... Blog» Climate... -
Scientists unmask climate change doubts as corporate-paid b.s. ...
By John Grooms
This blog item comes to you from our colleague Will Moredock, former CL news writer, and now a columnist for the Charleston City Paper: In his movie, An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore mentioned almost incidentally that the fossil fuel interests had set out to create a program of ... Anyone else find it funny that once the temperatures stopped going up, even as millions of tons of carbon dioxide were released into the air, that "global warming” became "climate change”? ...
theCLog -
99% of climatologists agree global warming is manmade | MNN ...
By Shea Gunther
This is what scientific consensus looks like- the vast majority of the scientists who spend their lives studying the climate agree that climate change is happening and that it's because of us.
All MNN Content -
Global Warming Hysteria: Declining Poll Numbers From a Rational ...
By Wesley J. Smith
That works in autocratic societies. But we are still free. Unless the global warming alarmists change their ways, the public's support for fighting "climate change” will continue to deflate like a tire punctured by a nail. ... Tweets that mention Global Warming Hysteria: Declining Poll Numbers From a Rational Public » Secondhand Smoke | A First Things Blog -- January 7th, 2010 | 1:22 pm. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Vince Humphreys and Wesley J. ...
Secondhand Smoke -
EPA Cracks Down on Smog | Stop Global Warming |
By Cameron Scott
The EPA had previously projected that climate change would worsen smog, which is generally a summer phenomenon. In and of itself, the new regulation will likely not have a significant effect on greenhouse gas pollution. But if the hundreds of counties ... Author. Cameron Scott is a Editor. Most recently, he was Green Communities Manager at SFGate (San Francisco Chronicle), where he continues to write The Thin Green Line blog. He's also worked at Mother Jones. ...'s Stop Global Warming Blog -
Rolling Stone Attacks 'Climate Killers' 'Derailing Efforts to Curb ...
By Julia A. Seymour
Those who know that the "GlobalWarming/ClimateChange" movement is based on lies, fraud, & greed, can't stop until the entire movement is dead & buried. We should also push for those who are carbon profiteers to be investigated for ... - Exposing Liberal... -
Damn Global Warming - It is killing people!
By Neiman
Say Anything Blog ... Scientists say man-made climate change does have the potential to cause more frequent and more severe weather extremes, such as heat waves, storms, floods, droughts and even cold spells. But experts interviewed by ...
Say Anything: Reader Blogs -
CIA Diverting Resources from Spying on Terrorism to Tracking ...
By PoliJAM
"If you really want to understand where al-Qaeda and other bad guys are going to move next, one of the things you to have to understand is climate change.” For the sake of argument, assuming that 'global warming' is real – which it is not – even if the temperature ... PoliJAM Blog Politics, US and World News, Breaking News & More PoliJAM Blog can be contacted at PoliJAM, LLC. Close. Social Web; E-mail.; Digg; Furl; Netscape; Yahoo! ...
PoliJAM Blog -
Micky's Muses...from the Antipodes: Global warming ? Bollocks !
By Ayrdale
Why this blog? ...because the greens and others say the science of "global warming" is settled.... ...and, as Bertrand Russell observed; "Much of what passes as idealism is disguised hatred or disguised love of power. .... Such discrediting will come about when fears of dangerous climate change abate. Such fears are fragile, as slight global warming if it indeed occurs, would be positive for humanity rather than negative. The collapse of the fear of climate change will ...
Micky's Muses...from the Antipodes -
Chris Mooney, Author of Unscientific America, Talks at COP15
By Thomas Schueneman
Chris Mooney, author of "Unscientific America" is interviewed at the COP15 climate conference by ... Chris co-authors the blog The Intersection, which received the Scientific American 2005 Science and Technology web award, saying that "science is lucky to have such a staunch ally in acclaimed journalist Chris Mooney." The following video is an interview of Mooney by FORA,tv at the COP15 climate ... Updates by Email: Subscribe to Global Warming is Real by Email ...
Global Warming is Real -
Pajamas Media » Bast: Understanding the Global Warming Delusion ...
By Joseph Bast
Because the emails were written by leading scientists who edit and control the content of the reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Climategate has caused the scientific case for global warming to come ...
Pajamas Media -
Weasel Zippers: Expert Liars: 'Cold Snap' Doesn't Disprove Global ...
Expert Liars: 'Cold Snap' Doesn't Disprove Global Warming... Al-gore. Climate Change Kool-Aid...Good to the last drop... Beijing had its coldest morning in almost 40 years and its biggest snowfall since 1951. Britain is suffering through its longest cold snap since 1981. And freezing weather is gripping the Deep South, including Florida's orange groves and beaches. Whatever happened to global warming? Such weather doesn't seem to fit with .... Blog powered by TypePad ...
Weasel Zippers -
BlueOregon: Coast Guard: climate change brings new responsibilities
From the blog "War is Boring" —. Global climate change is changing the patterns of ice coverage in the Arctic. For nations with polar territory, this change represents a danger, and an opportunity. Maritime forces are at the ... $1 billion for a single Coast Guard cutter to work in the new Arctic; multiply that cost by however many cutters, and other responses programs, global warming will require, and the cost to reduce carbon outputs will start to look like a bargain. ...
BlueOregon -
Millions Pray for Global Warming as Cold Spell Grips the Planet ...
By Carey Roberts
For global warming protesters, the week was a total downer. A University of Utah "scream-in” for the failed Copenhagen climate conference had to be ... ... "It is a well-known fact that powerful vested interests and those opposed to action on climate change are working overtime to see that they can stall action for as long as possible,” he blustered. And what of pesky rumors that Pachauri stood to take in millions if proposed fossil fuel surcharges took effect? ...
MND: Your Daily Dose of Counter-Theor... -
How Long Will the Cold-Snap Last? ~ Washington's Blog
By George Washington
That raises an interesting question: even if we are projected to have C02-induced global warming in the future, will the current cold snap - if it continues for another year or so - change the long-term climate trend? Print this post ...
Washington's Blog -
- Bishop Hill blog - An interesting take on a climate poll
By Bishop Hill
Given that the reliability of the predictions from climate models is the chief evidence for the global warming hypothesis, this is, as Bast notes, a very surprising set of opinions for climatologists to hold. Comment Post a comment ...
Bishop Hill -
What proves global warming's a threat? Oh yeah… - Orange Punch ...
By Mark Landsbaum
Climate change is natural. The model, with an eye-opening graph, is presented in the October 16 pdf at … This model predicted the ongoing temperature decline trend. ... A model that can actually account for temperature change based on natural phenomena!! Isn't the hallmark for science the ability to predict? Why doesn't it concern the global warming crowd that they can't produce models that predict current ...
Orange Punch -
Questioning the Climate Change Establishment | The Spectator
By Rod Liddle
I may introduce a new feature on this page later today, a public service blog, in which Marcus Brigstocke tells us what the weather is going to be like every day, so that we can plan our picnics, football games, etc. Watch this space. ... Nor should we forget, particularly now that the warmists are telling us that our current weather is caused by global warming (!), that we have been regularly advised in the past few years that snow is a thing of the past. ...
Spectator Live -
Warren Buffett: Climate Killer? | Mother Jones
By Josh Harkinson
Over at Rolling Stone, Tim Dickinson has published a list of 17 "polluters and deniers who are derailing efforts to curb global warming." Topping his list is a rather unconventional choice: Obama advisor and Oracle of Omaha Warren Buffett. ... Dickinson's list of 17 "climate killers" is a good read for anyone who wants to get up to speed on the right wing's hit squad. And for a more targeted rundown of people who are pusing climate change skepticism, check out our Dirty ...
MoJo Blogs and Articles | Mother Jones -
Wall Street Journal guide to climate change
By Bob Weeks
In The Climate Change Climate Change: "Steve Fielding recently asked the Obama administration to reassure him on the science of man-made global warming. When the administration proved unhelpful, Mr. Fielding decided to vote against ...
Voice For Liberty in Wichita -
BBC - Richard Black's Earth Watch: Conservation contemplates the ...
The blog of Richard Black, environment correspondent for the BBC News website. ... These shifts provide an accelerating impetus for the recent rapid Arctic climate system changes, perhaps shedding light on recent arguments about a tipping point of global-warming-forced climate change in the Arctic.' What does the panel think of this? :- Can this be dusted under the carpet by the denialists? That's one lumpy carpet. ...
BBC Blog Network -
What If We Create a Better World For Nothing? — GreenMonk: the blog
By (Tom Raftery)
One of my goals in 2010 is to help move the sustainability debate beyond Global Warming. Global Warming or Climate Change is still arguable – while other environmental impacts and issues are not. Its surely time for sustainability ...
GreenMonk: the blog - :: Tribe's environmental fight
By Robyn Jackson
On one side is Joe Shirley Jr., president of the Navajo Nation, who rejects the notion of climate change even though he recently won an international award for environmentalism. On the other are environmentalists opposed ... Skrelunas noted a study issued this spring by Jayne Belnap, a scientist with the U.S. Geological Survey, which says global warming is expected to increase temperatures in the Four Corners area 10 degrees by 2100. Already, Belnap reports, drought has ... -
Liberal Conspiracy » Iain Dale appoints himself arbitrator of blogs
By Sunny H
Who died and appointed Iain Dale the arbitrator of how blogs should behave? A few weeks ago Dale published a blog-post titled 'Oxford is Cool', which continued in a series of ill-informed posts spouting global warming denialism. .... Remember the whole 'Global Cooling' story he tried to push? Even the climate change deniers in the US don't try that any more. 5:54 pm, January 7, 2010. 6. pagar. The same general definition, or under the name female hysteria, came into use ...
Liberal Conspiracy -
Research at York » Blog Archive » Math prof receives grant to ...
By maupatt
Recently awarded a $100000 research grant from the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), Zhu will conduct a two-year research project, "Modeling and Risk Assessment of West Nile Virus Transmission Under Global Warming”, as part of PHAC's Pilot Infectious Disease Impact & Response Systems Program ... "Part of the pilot project is related to seeing how climate change will affect the virus in Ontario,” says Zhu, a professor in York's Department of Mathematics & Statistics. ...
Research at York -
'tis a bit nippy, guvnah! | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine
By Phil Plait
In before 'cold weather disproves climate change!!!' 4. Naked Bunny with a Whip Says: January 7th, 2010 at 12:32 pm. My boyfriend over there in the UK certainly hasn't been too glad of it. The entire country keeps closing down because they are having ..... Enough weather over a long enough does make climate. Besides if the weather was unusually hot rather than warm, I find it hard to believe the Anthropogenic Global Warming believers wouldn't be shrieking "Global Warming! ...
Bad Astronomy -
The Arctic seems to be warming up – 1922 | I Hate Al Gore
By admin
Unfortunately, it is an uphill battle because most of the real science is discussed in hard-to-read scientific journals and most of the bad science is easily accessible on Web pages, blogs, and other forms of mass media. .... I Hate Al Gore I wish the earth WERE warming it would save a Posted by root 15 minutes ago ( May 31 2009 new little ice age instead of global warming the climate change we should really worry about is the next ice age which ...
I Hate Al Gore -
Metro Birmingham schools, utilities ramp up for winter storm ...
By Erin Stock -- The Birmingham News
"There will be no maps, crawls or cut-ins during the game," Spann wrote on his weather blog. "All our coverage will be handled via our digital channels and the web. Meanwhile, Alabama fans in Pasadena for the game will be under mostly ... If you know how to research the subject on a computer or in a library, you'd know "global warming" isn't defined just simply as having cold winters. Instead, it is a steady climate change over many years. A decrease of an average of one ...
Breaking News from The Birmingham News -
If Copenhagen was not a climate change epiphany for Western leaders, they will never be able to envisage a practicable global strategy to reduce global warming. Any strategy has to protect the capacity of poor countries to eradicate ... You should find evidence for all of them appearing on this blog from time to time: Greenies are the sand in the gears of modern civilization -- and they intend to be. The Greenie message is entirely emotional and devoid of all logic. ...
The Shrinking American Car Fleet - Green Inc. Blog -
Nevertheless, the peaking of the American car fleet – by far the world's largest – has significant global and domestic implications, Mr. Brown said. For the embattled American auto industry, which sold between 15 million to 17 million cars annually between 1994 and 2007, ... The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change has made available all of the important documents related to the climate summit in Copenhagen -- including a final draft of the accord. ...
Green Inc. -
Sunway University College Blog: Sunway students "shout” on the ...
By Sunway University College
They joined citizens, scientists and world leaders in 177 countries who took to nearby streets, mountains, parks, and reefs on the same day to demand strong action on climate change, in what was the most participative day of environmental action ... "Sometimes our parents and politicians say youth just don't worry that much about global warming,” said Don Lin, a Sunway VU student from Taiwan. "I think we've proven—around the world—that there's no issue we care more about. ...
Sunway University College Blog -
The greatest threat of the 21st century: not AGW but Eco-Fascism ...
By James Delingpole
The climate change debate, the linking of climate change and global warming – is it a left wing conspiracy as Nick Minchin says to deindustrialise the western world? TONY ABBOTT: I think certainly there are some people whose agenda is ...
News -
Geary Behavioural Economics Blog: Climate Change in Ireland
By Alan Fernihough
Brendan Walsh's recent Irish Economy blog post has encouraged me to investigate the issue of climate change myself. The major drawback of Prof. Walsh's data is that it only extends back as far as 1958. ... He finds no warming trend for Dublin. Same comment as on Alan's post. I'm not sure what we learn from pulling out small geographical regions like that. Though some of the commenters defend this as a useful exercise for understanding Irish-specific policy issues. ...
Geary Behavioural Economics Blog -
Have We Thrown Our Clean Renewable Energy Babies Out With The ...
By Linda Anselmi
Wouldn't we be better served by agreeing to put aside the global warming/climate change debate for the moment and focus on reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and strengthening our energy security with a clean, renewable energy foundation that ... Thank you all for purchasing our advertised products. We defray blog costs solely through sales and donations. Please click to Amazon via our blog. We choose products ranked high by customers, with free shipping and on sale. ...
Just in Time for Winter : CJR
By Curtis Brainard
The Observatory has commented numerous times on the confusion in the media between short-term weather patterns, like the current cold threatening Florida's strawberry crops, and long-term climate trends such as global warming. ... "For all of their differing agendas, the outfits have one thing in common,” Homans writes, "they have all realized that, however improbably, the future of climate-change policy in the United States rests to a not-insubstantial degree on the ...
Darwin (AGW) Awards vs. The Tragedy Of Cold-Related Deaths « The ...
By omnologos
There is something enormously serious about climate-related deaths. Compared to that, the misadventures of True (AGW) Believers getting themselves and others in trouble for almost no reason at all, well, those become laughable indeed. ... I am perfectly sure if we had tens of thousands of excess deaths during a hot summer in the UK, even the rocks would be yelling out about the perils of Global Warming. But since those people are dying because of the cold, one might have ...
The Unbearable Nakedness of CLIMATE... -
The Washington Monthly
By Steve Benen Posted by: coral on January 7, 2010 at 6:18 PM | PERMALINK. I wonder what would happen if we called it "Global Climate Change" instead of "Global Warming. ...
Political Animal -
Tom Nelson
By Tom
Thursday, January 07, 2010. Global Warming Hysteria: Declining Poll Numbers From a Rational Public » Secondhand Smoke | A First Things Blog. Increasingly, the governing class seeks to push the governed where they don't want to go. That works in autocratic societies. But we are still free. Unless the global warming alarmists change their ways, the public's support for fighting "climate change” will continue to deflate like a tire punctured by a nail. ...
Tom Nelson - » Blog Archive » How About A Iguanasicle?
By BigFurHat
Forecasters said wind chills could drop to near zero at night in some areas.” What's missing from the AP report, however, is any mention of "Global Warming” or "Climate Change.” Read the rest at Chicago News Bench ... -
CleanEnergy Footprints » Archive » Dead scientists vs TV ...
By John D. Wilson
Here's a question: Who do you trust more to explain climate change science, a dead scientist or a TV weathercaster? Real Climate writes about the 1950s-era scientist who attempted to forecast the impact of global warming pollution on ...
CleanEnergy Footprints -
Be Veg! Go Green! Save Our Planet: Species increasingly ...
By SupremeMasterTV
Species increasingly jeopardized by global warming. In listing the top most threatened species for 2010, World Wildlife Fund (WWF) experts in Scotland, United Kingdom have included some well-known animals such as polar bears, ... All of these species are at greater risk than before due to climate change and related deforestation as well as illegal hunting. With Scotland having declared an ambitious 42% emissions reduction goal for 2020, WWF Scotland Director Dr. Richard ...
Be Veg! Go Green! Save Our Planet -
The Big Chill | MetaFilter
By Artw
Divergances of the gulf stream are not so much evidence of climate change as things that if you have been paying attention to the possible results of climate change should make you say "oh shit". ..... It's clear that us not doing anything about climates change won't be the fault of the deniers, sheer inertia on the part of people who actually believe in global warming does the job of preventing action just as well, but that doesn't mean that they are not a resource that ...
MetaFilter -
The Daily Suppository: Bend over and say "Ahhh": Elephantiasis ...
By Paua
The thoughts of a medical student cranky about bad science, especially that of Anthropogenic Global Warming. This blog exists for all those things the author is thinking (very loudly) on the subject, but is constrained from saying ... Even the WHO managed to get all the way through a lymphatic filariasis fact sheet without once mentioning climate change or global warming. In fact, in an almost scary display of rationality, they mention in the first paragraph that: ...
The Daily Suppository: Bend over... -
The BRAD BLOG : 'Green News Report' - January 7, 2010
IN 'GREEN NEWS EXTRA': Climate activists jailed over anti-coal statements; Experts: Cold snap doesn't disprove global warming; Science confirms that blowing up mountains harms mountains; 'Silk' organic soy milk not organic anymore; Japanese project to turn CO2 into natural gas; Whole Foods CEO steps in it again, says 'no scientific consensus exists' on global climate change .... PLUS: 7 Energy Efficient Gadgets that Could Be 2010 Game-Changers . ...
Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner: The green gadflys - Full ...
By NP Editor
He also contributes research to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with Al Gore for sounding the alarm on global warming. If you met Caldeira at a party, you would likely place him in ...
Full Comment -
NC Media Watch: State Senators Hear Cap-and-Trade Caveats
By Russ
Craig Miller writing at the KQED Blog: The dark underbelly of cap-and-trade was somewhat exposed in a four-hour hearing today before the Senate's Select Committee on Climate Change and AB-32 Implementation. AB-32, of course, is shorthand for California's ... hearing today before the Senate's Select Committee on Climate Change and. AB-32 Implementation. AB-32, of course, is shorthand for California's Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, which mandates a carbon trading ...
NC Media Watch -
Fighting change | BlueNC
By Foxtrot
To me, the biggest difference between the Republican party and the Democratic party is their view of change. As I peruse various blogs around cyberspace, Republican posters holler and scream at nearly every instance where the Democratic ... Climate change/global warming has been proven to exist by science and is universally believed to be a threat to human existence. Democrats are attempting to initiate the change necessary to reduce man made contributions to this threat ...
BlueNC - Where North Carolina... -
Category: Climate Change and Global Warming Blogs around the world | Views: 2842 | Added by: Aries | Tags: Blogs, global warming, climate change | Rating: 0.0/0
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