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Main » 2010 » January » 11 » Climate Change or Global Warming Blogs
8:50 PM
Climate Change or Global Warming Blogs
Climate Change or Global Warming Blogs
Atolls on the Front Lines | Stop Global Warming |
By Cameron Scott
... island that sits just a hair above sea level. The Maldives and Tuvalu have suddenly been thrust into the spotlight because climate change -- specifically rising sea levels... read more of this post, Atolls on the Front Lines, at Change. org. ... Author. Cameron Scott is a Editor. Most recently, he was Green Communities Manager at SFGate (San Francisco Chronicle), where he continues to write The Thin Green Line blog. He's also worked at Mother Jones. ...'s Stop Global Warming Blog -
Global Warming Hysteria: UN Scientists Call About Face ...
By Wesley J. Smith
Among the most prominent of the scientists is Professor Mojib Latif, a leading member of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which has been pushing the issue of man-made global warming on to the international ...
Secondhand Smoke -
Climate Literacy » Blog Archive » Teachable Moment
By mccaffrey
Right on cue, those dismissive of climate change use the recent cold snap in North America as clear evidence that warming isn't happening. A case in point: a column in our local paper, the Daily Camera, by Charlie Danahar, who in his January ... What does seem clear is that these oscillations have nothing to do with global warming, or, for that matter, global cooling. For one, they're not new. And this winter's cold has not been global. Santa, by North Pole standards, ...
Climate Literacy -
Pragmatik · Actually, it's called CLIMATE CHANGE.
By Johnny
For one, that term is dated. Okay, it's called "Climate Change” now most people who pay attention and worry about it. We call it that because stupid people, every winter, say, "Oh, so much for Al Gore and his global warming. ...
Pragmatik -
Now we are in a "mini ice age” that proves global warming « Don Surber
By Don Surber
Because they are one in the same. Global cooling proves global warming. Professor Mojib Latif, a leading member of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, told the newspaper: "A significant share of the warming we saw from ...
Don Surber -
The SovereignLife Blog » Global Warming: Defeated By Reality
By David
And when you look at global warming (or climate change as it's become known, probably since some in that camp feared global warming may not eventuate!), it not difficult to discern the hand of politicians and their lackeys – scientists ...
The SovereignLife Blog -
Shoo's Blog: The State of Climate Knowledge
By shoo
As many who believe in the whole Climate Change agenda will point out, there is a huge wealth of research that supports the global warming hypothesis. As I will show, almost all of it is hot air. Receding glaciers: yes, glaciers are ...
Shoo's Blog - Global Warming News, Science, Myths, Articles's global warming center offers a daily blog of news related to the topic of global warming. An unbiased look at myths, articles, and anything related to global warming. ... Based on climate data from 1950 to the present, scientists built three global climate models to predict the effects of climate change in the next century. Unlike coastal areas, the northern Rocky Mountains can't rely on the ocean to help regulate its temperature, which explains why ...
Global Warming -
Bering Strait influenced ice age climate patterns worldwide ...
While the findings do not directly bear on current global warming, they highlight the complexity of Earth's climate system and the fact that seemingly insignificant changes can lead to dramatic tipping points for climate patterns, ... Although the Pacific cooled by an equivalent amount, it did not have vast ice sheets that could be affected by the change in climate. Over thousands of years, the Greenland and North American ice sheets melted enough to raise sea levels and ...
Science Blog -
Som Post » Blog Archive » Cognitive Disconnect: Cold Equals Warming
By Alan Caruba
The collapse of the recent Copenhagen Climate Change Conference in the midst of a huge blizzard that hit that city and much of the northern hemisphere should mark the end of the huge fraud of "global warming.” ...
Som Post -
Nature's Blog: Weather, Climate & Conservation
By Robert Folzenlogen
Of course, temporary weather patterns have little to do with the long term climate change and global warming always receives more attention in the midst of a long, hot summer. While there is little doubt that Earth's climate is warming ...
Nature's Blog -
Climategate – Gordon Brown Is The Biggest Danger Britain Faces ...
By toryaardvark
Then Ethiopia suggested that the answer to Climate Change was global socialism, Brown and Sarkozy lost all control and leapt to their feet in total ecstasy to support the idea. All pretence was now gone the real agenda was always wealth ...
The Tory Aardvark's Blog -
The central question for 2010: Will anti-science ideologues be ...
By Joe
Of course, outside of DC, action on global warming had been exceedingly bipartisan. The governor who has done the most on climate action is, arguably, California's Arnold Schwarzenegger, a Republican. Others leaders have included Republican governors like New York's George .... and for anyone who can stand to hear what US farmers are saying about crop failure, government, and climate change, you can follow their comments here: Blogs/ BlogHome.aspx? ...
Climate Progress -
Tim Hedges' Blog: Climate (all) change
By Tim Hedges
No, what I was thinking about as I read this was what a bunch of pillocks so many people are going to look if it turns out the anthropogenic global warming shtik is a complete nonsense. David Cameron, Ed Milliband, the entire Liberal ...
Tim Hedges' Blog -
Botanical Gardens » Blog Archive » What Happens To The Carbon ...
By admin
Global Warming is a con. Climate Change happens all the time. We only have written data about our weather going back 200 years. I remain a true British sceptic in all things and don't believe a word being spun to me, especially not by ...
Botanical Gardens -
Haciendo Punto En Otro Blog
By Carmelo
One of the books on the list [of what Mackey was reading] was "Heaven and Earth: Global Warming-the Missing Science,” a skeptical take on climate change. Mackey told me that he agrees with the book's assertion that, as he put it, ...
Haciendo Punto En Otro Blog -
Clay Naff: Can Science Rescue Religion? | News Feeds Blog
By admin
We cannot even hope to meet the challenges of climate change if the public refuses to take the threat seriously. Maddening though that may be, global-warming denial amounts to a single tremor amid tectonic shifts in civilization. ...
News Feeds Blog -
Tom Nelson
By Tom
Bone chilling temperatures have gripped much of the country, and the Halifax-Charlotte County Chapter of the American Red Cross urges everyone to be safe and prepare as much as possible. Flashback: Red Cross claims global warming as top humanitarian concern. The International Federation of the Red Cross has released the results of a survey on climate change, saying it is now the top humanitarian concern. ... Search This Blog. Loading. ...
Tom Nelson -
USS Neverdock: Climate change: the true price of the warmists ...
By Marc
Climate change: the true price of the warmists' folly is becoming clear - Telegraph. As in any scandal - follow the money. "At last, in all directions, we are beginning to see the terrifying cost of that obsession with "global warming...
USS Neverdock -
Roger Pielke Jr.'s Blog: Climategate: Glantz versus Chase
By Roger Pielke, Jr.
It`s a good faith challenge to the climate skeptics who are using "climategate" (also called "emailgate") to discredit the science of climate change, though they cannot discredit the impacts of a changing climate on people today and ... BUT , i have come to believe in various ipcc findings about global warming. i know the naysayers and later called skeptics (and now a.k.a. deniers). my concern is how to get back to objectivity -- AND civility --- on the part of both sides. ...
Roger Pielke Jr.'s Blog -
A reader writes: "I am a frequent reader of your Blog and tried to access it from computers in internet cafes while in the UK last summer. Your site, Greenie Watch, is censored in the UK from public computers such as libraries, internet cafes, ..... Of course one winter's unexpected savagery does not in itself disprove any theories of man-made global warming, as the climate change gurus are hastily pointing out. Steve Dorling, of the University of East Anglia's school of ...
Hey Al—'Frostproof, Florida' Forecast: 22 Degrees |
By Mark Finkelstein
While I agree with you, we all must keep pushing to kill the whole "GlobalWarming/ClimateChange" movement once & for all. Like all things lib/progressive, they never die, but just get repackaged & come back again. ... - Exposing Liberal... -
Die Klimazwiebel: A student is asking ....
By Hans von Storch
Human activities contribute to global warming – Yes, the major human influence on global warming is through the emission of so-called greenhouse gases (GHGs), in particular carbon dioxide, which accumulate in the atmosphere und remain ... If the current climate protection policy would have been successful in initiating a policy, which would really limit the change of global mean temperature to 2oC (relative to pre-industrial conditions; of which 0.7oC have already taken ...
Die Klimazwiebel -
Age shall not wither them « Nick Baines's Blog
By nickbaines
Asked what were the most threatening issues facing humanity today, he mentioned 'global warming', but then went on at length about the 'over-population of the earth'. He bemoaned the decline in European populations and commented that the ... I might have read too much into his considered responses, but it occurred to me that 'climate change' is becoming the easier debate in which to engage. The changing weather systems make it easy to talk about climate change (whatever ...
Nick Baines's Blog -
The central question for 2010: Will anti-science ideologues be ...
By Joe
Of course, outside of DC, action on global warming had been exceedingly bipartisan. The governor who has done the most on climate action is, arguably, California's Arnold Schwarzenegger, a Republican. Others leaders have included Republican ... "Research into climate change has involved thousands of different scientists, pursuing many separate lines of independent inquiry over many years. The case for a global deal is still strong and in many aspects, such as the daily ...
Ethiopian Review -
Climate Hoaxers And Extortionists Quietly Slunk Home After Their ...
By Marc
As often seems to happen around big "global warming events”, Copenhagen was hit with extremely cold weather during the "climate conference,” including a blizzard on December 17…in a country which hasn't had a white Christmas since 1995. ... And the most (in)famous chart in the climate change debate, Michael Mann's "hockey stick,” has been proven wrong both in its underlying math and in its wildly faulty predictions of ever-increasing temperatures. ...
Chandler's Watch -
YID With LID: Here Comes The Mini "Ice Age"
By Sammy Benoit
Until they do, it is just plain nonsense to redesign our economy and cause continued hardships in anticipation of a man-made global warming trend 30 years from now when the ocean currents change again. Any push toward climate change ...
YID With LID -
Environmentalism "uber alles”? « The Bovine
By thebovine
"No matter if the science of global warming is all phony… climate change provides the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.” – Christine Stewart, former Canadian Minister of the Environment ... The complexity and the technical nature of many of today's problems do not always allow elected representatives to make competent decisions at the right time.” – Club of Rome, The First Global Revolution. Quotes above are from the Windfarms blog. ...
The Bovine -
Wildlife Promise: NWF's Larry Schweiger Visits Yellowstone
By Miles
Schweiger outlined the overwhelming evidence that thousands of peer reviewed scientific reports have documented on climate change, and showed startling images from around the world representing the toll global warming has already taken ...
Wildlife Promise -
small dead animals: The Sound Of Settled Science
By Kate
It is valid to critique the entire idea of catastrophic global warming and it is also valid to doubt man-made global warming and even man-made climate change. It is also fine (and even commendable) to argue against the statist .... waiting on the blog owner to release my calculation. anyway Brent dont call me as a geophysist to do a time structure. your numbers dont add up. Posted by: cal2 at January 10, 2010 9:19 PM. Meanwhile Bagdad Bob Gibbs there in the white house is ...
small dead animals -
The Whited Sepulchre: My final post on the Global Warming Scam ...
By (The Whited Sepulchre)
I have only one question, a question I've asked in the comment fields of this blog dozens and dozens of times: This imminent disaster we're supposedly facing.....Will it be a cold disaster, or a warm disaster? ... Among the most prominent of the scientists is Professor Mojib Latif, a leading member of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which has been pushing the issue of man-made global warming on to the international political agenda since it was ...
The Whited Sepulchre -
Could Al Gore's Global Warmng "Hot Air” Theory Quell The Freeze In ...
By Mike Russell
2) The climate models that predict catastrophic global warming also result in a net heat flow from atmospheric greenhouse gasses to the warmer ground, which is in violation of the second law of thermodynamics. Essentially, any machine which ... The German physicists prove that even if CO2 concentrations double (a prospect even global warming advocates admit is decades away), the thermal conductivity of air would not change more than 0.03%. They show that the classic ...
Jetsetting Magazine -
Sumin's journey of life: Vegetarian diet saves the planet
By Min
If human beings do not take action, climate change will lead to serious consequences. Global warming has been called humankind's "greatest challenge" and the world's most grave environmental threat, and science shows that one of the ...
Sumin's journey of life -
Fausty's Libertarian Blog: Terrorism goals: Problem, reaction ...
By (Fausty)
It's late November and fucking freezing...Global Warming anybody? - I hadn't really given Global warming so much as a passing thought until our Socialist brethren attempted to have Climate Denial Classed As a Mental Disorde... 1 month ago ... Awaiting the Berlin Wall moment - I was hugely taken with a piece by Brian Micklethwait in the under-rated * Samizdata* blog (via WFW). It compares the current state of the "climate change" ... 20 seconds ago. Evening Standard - News ...
Fausty's Libertarian Blog -
United States has cooled at a rate of 11 degrees per century since ...
By Cato Uticensis
Filed under: Climate Change, Global Warming — Cato Uticensis @ 5:43 PM Journal Home Page. For all you global warming alarmist you might want to reconsider your position. The United States and the world has cooled at a rate of 11 degrees ...
American Conservative Values Journal -
Frozen Al Gore blowing hot air in Fairbanks protest sculpture (video)
By Cao
Making fun of Global Warming with a sculpture of Al Gore in Fairbanks Alaska. Suntimes: FAIRBANKS, Alaska — Another two-ton ice sculpture of former Vice President Al Gore is back in front of a Fairbanks liquor store. "Frozen Gore” is a dig at Gore's beliefs about climate change. The first statue – seen in the above video – went on display last year. This year's version is hooked up to the exhaust of a pickup truck to make it appear Gore is spouting hot air. ...
Cao's Blog -
Return to Small Farms Could Help Alleviate Social and ...
By Max Ajl
Beyond the excellent effects on local economic development, one half of the seemingly intractable global warming problems, small farms are a big piece of the other half of the problem, too, because small farms cool the planet, both literally and by drawing down ... Obama Still Wants 'Comprehensive' Climate and Energy Bill (The Hill). A senior administration official reiterated that the White House wants Congress to approve combined climate change and energy legislation. ...
Solve Climate: Daily Climate... -
Mann-erisms: Where did we get that idea? « Watts Up With That?
By John A
Mann points out that the hockey stick is not widely seen as a smoking gun implicating human activity in global warming. And it was not the giant graph used in Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth. That was a graph of the carbon dioxide component ...... Aynsley was also involved in the United Nations IPCC, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change fourth report as one of their expert reviewers. It is quite damning of Michael Mann and Schmidt. The trabscript can be viewed at ...
Watts Up With That? -
EU Referendum: Awaiting the Berlin Wall moment
By Richard
A sign of the times is two of today's newspaper articles on global warming. One is from the left-wing orthodoxy of The Observer which is desperately trying to convince us that 2010, despite the cold, could very likely be the hottest ... Then a member of the University of East Anglia Climatic Research Unit, he now heads the British Council's climate change programme, with the Orwellian task of indoctrinating "younger generations" in 60 countries with the mantras of the ...
EU Referendum -
ConservativeHome: Sunday 10th January 2010
By ConservativeHome
The current cold snap, we were told with the aid of the BBC – itself facing an inquiry into its relentless obsession with "global warming” – was just a "regional” phenomenon, due to "natural” factors. No attempt was made to explain why the same ... And this is the body on which, through its Hadley Centre for Climate Change and the discredited Climatic Research Unit, the world's politicians rely for weather forecasting 100 years ahead. .... Subscribe to this blog's feed ...
ConservativeHome -
Its Time To Prepare For Another Dalton Minimum — News & Society
By admin
Still, global politicians prepare to dramatically increase the cost of energy in a dubious attempt to save the world from man-made global warming. There is no political preparation for a colder climate outcome even though the current lack of activity of the sun may ... He has also provided business consulting support for insurance organizations and start up businesses. Visit his website at or his daily blog at ...
Article Collections -
Doc's Talk: Is the CIA Supposed to Hunt Bin Laden or Polar Bears?
By GS Don Morris, Ph.D.
Obama has erased "the words "Global War on Terrorism” to the benign "Man Caused Disasters”. Global Warming, or the more all inclusive term of "climate change,” is thought to be more serious than terrorism, so in the eyes of Obama, diverting all ..... today his week long "dart board" analysis of HR 3200, the ObamaCare bill on the House. Selecting random sections of the law to analyze each day this week on his blog Legal Insurrection, he discovers gobbledygook (my word). ...
Doc's Talk -
Art, Freedom & Happiness: Whne Dems MAke Racist Remarks... they ...
Lies About Climate Change and the Truth based on facts! Global Warming Petition We urge the United States government to reject the global warming agreement that was written in Kyoto, Japan in December, ..... Acting White BLOG Why is it that the state of Massachusetts has such few blacks? Black Pop 494.190 / % 06.0% I would think being the state of Edward Kennedy, hailed as a hero of civil rights and Black issues they would have done more to ...
Art, Freedom & Happiness -
WaPo Blogger Wants Weather Served With A Side Order Of 'Climate ...
By papundits
The one good thing you can say about Andrew Freedman's "Cold weather in a hot climate” entry at the Washington Post's Capital Weather Gang blog (HT James Taranto at the Wall Street Journal's Best of the Web) is that he's at least not hiding his bias. ... Posted in America (USA), Climate Alarmists, Climate Change, Environmental activists, Fanatics, Fear-mongering, Global Warming, Liberals, Lily-Livered Liberals, Limp-Wrist Liberals, Media Mind Manipulators, Power Hungry, ...
zikkir -
Category: Climate Change and Global Warming Blogs around the world | Views: 315 | Added by: Aries | Tags: Blogs, global warming, climate change | Rating: 0.0/0
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