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Main » 2009 » December » 10 » Earth and Solar System
4:08 PM
Earth and Solar System
Earth and Solar System

ESA Exhibit Opens at COP15 | International Space Fellowship
By Rob Goldsmith
Today marks the official opening of ESA's exhibition 'Space for Earth, Understanding Climate Change from Space' at the UN Climate Change Conference,
International Space Fellowship -
Science Media Centre » Blog Archive » COP15 update – Island states ...
By Dacia Herbulock
12:00 – 12:30 New Technologies for Forest Monitoring -Ms. Rebecca Moore, Manager, Google Earth Outreach together with Government of Denmark Climate Change Kiosk – iSeeT@COP 15, Central Hall (Atrium). 14:45 – 16:15 – European Space ...
Science Media Centre -
NASA International Space Station Shuttle Mission Google Earth ...
By SHELDON KALNITSKY - NASA International...
Get latest news on NASA International Space Station Shuttle Missions Google Earth Science Technology Mars Solar System Universe Astronomy Moon Milky Way Planet Earth Satellite Space Telescope Galaxy ...
NASA International Space Station... -
December 27, 2004: The Day Earth Survived the Greatest Stellar ...
By Casey Kazan Daily Galaxy Editorial Staff
As the jets shoot into space, they strike gas previously shed by the star and heat it. That generates bright afterglows. The team believes the jet directed toward Earth contained an ultra-fast component just 0.4 of a degree across. ...
The Daily Galaxy: Great Discoveries... -
Space Based Solar Energy Deal Gets The Regulatory OK | New Energy ...
By Brian Westenhaus
Space based power offers enormous hope and potential. No fuel cost, no energy from earth sourced from plants, animals or people. One just has to get the equipment up there and make it work. But for Solaren, success might be fleeting. ...
New Energy and Fuel -
Practical Steps Toward a Quantum Propulsion Machine | Popular Science
By Clay Dillow
12/09/09 at 4:07 pm. now if we can create a larger version of this machine and an artificial sun we can proppel earth through space with the fixing of the complications of gravity and atmosperic pressure of course. link to this comment ...
Popular Science - New Technology,... -
The Liberty Republican: Wormhole, UFO, or Failed Rocket Launch???
By Steven M Nielson
To the untrained observer, images such as the ones above and below would lead one to believe that a UFO had been spotted, or that some earth or space based laser beam had opened a wormhole. Some Internet comments even suggested "next ...
The Liberty Republican -
Transformers Transforming Into Not-Rubbish? | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
By Alec Meer
There's also the fact that Gundam tends to take place mostly in outer space, where only battleships and people exist for scale. The Earth and Space Colony stuff is much more 'stompy'. I do think you'd enjoy the original Gundam, Vin, ...
Rock, Paper, Shotgun -
Japan taps new interstellar possibilities: Space Beer - The Appetizer
By Peter Saltsman
But here on earth, the launch of Space Barley is bound to inspire a whole new kind of space race – one that ends at the liquor store. There are only 250 six-packs available, each at a cost of 10000 yen (about CAD$120). ...
The Appetizer -
Email bridges the gap in Copenhagen | Business in General
By Jason Gallic
Working with the American Geophysical Union (AGU), the worldwide scientific organization advancing Earth and space research, Email Center Pro is provisioning its centralized, collaborative framework to accommodate the 700+ scientists ...
Business in General -
Tutorial: Create a live 3D-Earth with live clouds! -
Create a live 3D-Earth with live clouds! Our user Nooster wrote a cool tutorial on his blog. He shows uns how to generate a realistic 3D globe with clouds that have been snapped by a sattelite live from space! Enjoy ... -
Virgin Galactic's SpaceshipTwo Unveiled, Rechristened As The ...
By Noel
At that altitude, it will disengage from the mothership, firing its own rocket motor to launch into space. Carrying six passengers and two pilots, the commercial spaceship will fly 65 miles above the Earth at a speed of 2500 miles per ... | Anything and... -

The Era of Commercial Space Travel Begins
SS2 will feature cabin space on par with that of large executive jets, with numerous portholes to give travelers a unique look at Earth and space.
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Los Angeles Times
a giant leap for space tourism
Los Angeles Times
From there, a rocket motor will carry the craft the rest of the way to the edge of space -- about 325000 feet, or 60 miles, from Earth. ...
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Guy Adams: Green space travel? I don't think so
"We can put people into space for less carbon than, say, a flight from New York to LA and back. I think in time, we'll almost definitely get to zero. ...
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The empire strikes back against space invaders
New Zealand Herald
By Russell Baillie Invading Earth armies colonising other planets? Funny how similar ideas can end up in the same place - in this case Weta Workshop - but ...
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New images show Saturn's weird hexagon cloud
"The longevity of the hexagon makes this something special, given that weather on Earth lasts on the order of weeks," said Kunio Sayanagi, a Cassini imaging ...
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Sky Spy : Stay up late to view good meteor shower
Arizona Daily Star
... of space debris, tiny grains of sand or rocks left over from the beginning of the solar system. When meteors enter the Earth's atmosphere at high speed, ...
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Huffington Post (blog)
Space Shuttle Atlantis: Amazing Images From Space Mission (PHOTOS)
Huffington Post (blog)
The space shuttle Atlantis and its astronauts returned safely to Earth after a seven-day mission resupplying the International Space Station. ...
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Virgin Galactic hosts space travel meeting in Edmonton
... a commercial spaceliner offering tourists a cheaper chance to experience the thrill of weightlessness and view the splendor of the Earth from space. ...
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Los Angeles Times
WISE mission to broaden our view of space with infrared
Los Angeles Times
After being launched by a Delta II rocket, WISE will settle into orbit about 326 miles above the Earth's surface. The heart of the 9-foot-tall spacecraft is ...
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ESA exhibit opens at COP15
European Space Agency
ESA started the Climate Change Initiative by making full use of Europe's Earth observation space assets and working with international partners to exploit ...
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Is Space Tourism Closer to Reality?
Poder 360
A British billionaire has revealed a commercial "spaceliner” offering tourists the chance to experience weightlessness and view Earth from space. ...
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Japanese 'space beer' takes off with drinkers
Boffins say there are no differences between earth or space barley… bringing astronauts dreams of space station home-brew one step closer.
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NASA, DARPA Host Space Junk Wake-Up Call
For many years NASA has considered means to "remediate" the near-Earth space environment, that is, removing human-made flotsam from Earth orbit – at both ...
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Financial Times
Enterprise stakes out a place in space
Financial Times
... potential for Nasa to hand over responsibility for sub-orbital and low Earth-orbit travel to the private sector and to focus on grander space projects. ...
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First Monarch butterflies in space take flight
More than 170000 students between kindergarten and 12th grade and 2800 teachers are following the experiment on Earth, where they are comparing the space ...
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Hubble telescope spots oldest galaxies ever seen
The galaxies are about 13 billion light years from Earth, meaning they formed less than one billion years after the Big Bang - the massive explosion that ...
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Climate change 'Plan B' awaits if diplomacy fails
Sydney Morning Herald
Concepts in this field include deflecting the Sun's heat away from the Earth through space mirrors, scattering light-coloured particles in the high ...
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... engines fire into action, climbing 65 miles above the earth's surface. Space trippers will pay £121000 each for a two-and-a-half-hour ride. Picture:REUTERS.
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Far out! Japanese beer brewed from barley grown in space
The seedlings were kept inside the Russian Research Model of the International Space Station before they were brought back to Earth and harvested in May. ...
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Tucson in 5 ...
By Beth Blair Yuma may be the sunniest place on earth, but, with all due respect to that delightful patch of Arizona desert, there's a self-described ...
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Black Hole Found to Be Much Closer to Earth Than Previously Thought
Science Daily (press release)
... star's position as a consequence of the Earth's orbit around the sun (parallax shift). Peter Jonker from SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research ...
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Oral Deckard - Making Sense of Global Warming
Habledash (satire) (blog)
... space, and mops the floor with CO2's but. And when the temperature drops, the clouds fall as rain, once again letting sunlight in to warm the Earth. ...
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Old Metallic Clouds found in Interstellar Space
It seems from Earth the universe is created from carbon and oxygen but in reality the majority of the universe is made up of the first two elements in the ...
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Spring Reveals Saturn's Hexagon Jet Stream
The hexagon was hidden in darkness during the winter of Saturn's long year, a year that is equal to about 29 Earth years. But as the planet approached its ...
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Build the Space Elevator Above Volcano Thermals
Washington Post
In the center of the Second Floor ? its center of gravity ? would be a 3-foot-diameter tube that extends about a half mile back to Earth. ...
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Launch of French Spy Satellite Delayed
The Epoch Times
Its optical and infrared imaging systems can map the Earth's surface and military targets. Two other Helios satellites—which already operate in space—have ...
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New Star Found in Big Dipper
Alcor looks to be in the same position in the Big Dipper with another star, Mizar from the perspective of a viewer on Earth. In fact, both stars were used ...
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Strange 'Norway spiral' likely an out-of-control missile
New Scientist
"This spiral then got bigger and bigger until it turned into a huge halo in the sky with the green beam extending down to Earth." Speculation that it was a ...
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Dakota Voice
Shocker: Summit in Copenhagen Says Warming Due to Solar Activity
Dakota Voice
... that the recent warming on earth is due to solar activity. Professor Henrik Svensmark, a physicist at the Danish National Space Center in Copenhagen, ...
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Newly-discovered planet may not exist, astronomers say
USA Today
Two planned spacecraft, the A European Space Agency's GAIA spacecraft, and NASA's Space Interferometer Mission, are slated to use astrometry to detect ...
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World Science
Life on the Red Planet? Methane results boost hopes
World Science
9 in the research journal Earth and Planetary Science Letters. The team say their study will help NASA and European Space Agency scientists who are planning ...
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Pretty in Pink: Astronaut Family Shows Off New Daughter
ABC News
"You wish everyone on Earth could see the Earth from space, but they need to know this, touching your baby is even more inspiring, and it is here on Earth, ...
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Astronaut Balancing Act: Training to Help Explorers Adapt to a Return to Gravity
PR Newswire (press release)
... either returning to Earth or in the future adjusting to lunar or martian gravity. "In space, information from the sensory systems is different, ...
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Aerospace Modeling Software offers near-space environment analysis.
ThomasNet Industrial News Room (press release)
STK/SEET allows spacecraft designers, analysts and operators to assess the potential impact on space vehicles by modeling the near-Earth space environment. ...
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Students make contact with International Space Station
Salt Lake Tribune
6th grader Keagan Welcker asks NASA astronaut Jeffrey Williams " How do you get to the International Space Station and back to earth? ...
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';Follow the Methane' and Find Martian Life Experts believe that the gas may ...
The thinking went that, as they passed through the atmosphere, the space rocks got heated, and then released the gas. But a new scientific paper shows that ...
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Copenhagen climate treaty talks open with appeals for action
Los Angeles Times
Major cities including New York and Los Angeles will exhaust their landfill space in just a few years.” (Earth Right, Prima Publishing, 1990. ...
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Category: Earth and Solar System Blogs around the World | Views: 675 | Added by: Aries | Tags: solar system, earth | Rating: 0.0/0
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