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«  December 2009  »
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Main » 2009 » December » 28 » Earth and Solar System Blogs
4:20 PM
Earth and Solar System Blogs
Earth and Solar System Blogs
Earth 4 Energy by tigerbeef
By tigerbeef
As I browsed Internet pages, I came across one of the best manuals to give me the right foundation on building my own solar system. Thanks to Earth 4 Energy, I am now paying an electricity earth 4 energy at less than half of my usual ...
My Blog by tigerbeef | English,... -
Science and Technology, Lifes Changing » Blog Archive » Why Is ...
By admin
What event/condition made Planet Earth the only inhabitable one? Is it because of its distance from the sun? Why do all the other planets in the solar system have totally different and uninhabitable atmosphere/ environment than that of ...
Science and Technology, Lifes Changing -
North Magnetic Pole Is Shifting Rapidly Toward Russia! « Socio ...
By mosesman
Socio-Economics History Blog. Socio-Economics & History Commentary ... This is because the solar system will be aligned to the galactic ecliptic plane and it will exert an enormous gravitational pull. This is not outside the realms of possibility. The earth has had crustal geographic pole shifts in the past before. The bible indicates that during the end times there will be geologic upheavals and quite obviously points to astronomical effects on the earth. ...
Socio-Economics History Blog -
Coogan\\\'s Bluff » Blog Archive » Mission to Mars
By oscarrussell1978
With current technology, it would take months to get to Mars and years to escape the solar system. If we're going to do any serious exploration of space, either manned or with probes, this seems like the first thing we'd need to improve! ... The problem with nuclear is that it has no capability of taking off from earth because the specific impulse is too low to even lift the engine. Its overwhelming advantage is the very long time that it can provide that impulse for a ...
Coogan\\\'s Bluff -
By lindajbrown
Unknown Forces were hovering around. Not to save us, but to keep this particularly infectious contagion of a Third World War from spreading into the solar system. Earth would have proven to be a malignancy. As a planetary civilization, ...
Anniversary of a cosmic blast | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine
By Phil Plait
Five years ago today — on December 27, 2004 — the Earth was attacked by a cosmic blast. Using a magnetar that distant & that massively deadly to attack our little pale blue speck in solar system seems a bit like a major case of overkill to me! ;-) .... Post Published: 27 December 2009 Author: admin Found in section: Unbelievable Crap [...] 43. Derek Says: ...
Bad Astronomy -
I Want To Buy Solar Power System For My Home, What Are The ...
By admin
I want to buy Solar power system or Wind Energy System for my home, What are the recommendations? If somebody has used it , please tell me about it. need a. ... SB Says: December 27th, 2009 at 9:41 am. You might want to consider checking out one of the best alternitive energy sites on the internet. It explains the whole process. solar power, wind power. organicf Says: December 27th, 2009 at 9:57 am ... Search Blog. Search for: ...
Web Design Resources -
City Lakes Real Estate Blog©: Is Schiller Right About Trills & GDP?
By Ross Kaplan
The same way that Ptolemy "solved" the problem of the earth seeming to rotate around the sun, perhaps? (He came up with increasingly tortured models that placed the earth at the center of the solar system). ...
City Lakes Real Estate Blog© -
Chris Howker Illustration: Better late than Never
By Cj Howker
It is universally presumed that life needs water to survive and planets need water to sustain life which, based on Earth's placement in our Solar system makes it the perfect place... almost too perfect. We are comfortably sat in this ...
Chris Howker Illustration -
December 27th: The Protestant Galileo
By kortney.hogan
These laws expanded on the idea of Copernicus that the Sun, not the Earth was the center of the solar system. Copernicus and Galileo had conflicts with the Catholic Church. Kepler was a Lutheran and did not have the same troubles. ...
365 Days of Astronomy -
Digg Post Blog: Digg / upcoming
By bobwilliams
Blog is Our Energy: The scientific facts about Earth. Posted: 27 Dec 2009 05:56 PM PST. We have long lived on Earth. The only planet - from the 9 planets that are members of the solar system - is known to qualify for life, ...
Digg Post Blog -
The strange orbit of the exoplanet HAT-P-7b
By admin
Generally, it is a good strategy to try to understand the links between the emergence of life on Earth and properties of our solar system to determine if the architecture it is common or is otherwise except in the 'Universe. ...
Space Pragmatism -
West Seattle Blog… » Congratulations to 3 West Seattleites: Honors ...
Super congratulations to Alice for being a Solar System Ambassador – Alice has already done amazing things here in West Seattle and this recognition is wonderful and appropriate. More Solstice skywatches and more night-sky starwatches. ...
West Seattle Blog... -
Watermill Life « Eslam Nawara's Blog
By Eslam Nawara
A solar system some where in the galaxy explodes, collecting black hole sucking total random asteroids and you get to see a new sun. A collision happened on the face of the earth billions years ago creating a suffocating dust layers was ...
Eslam Nawara's Blog -
< Spiritual Traditions - News >: The Hierarchy - NOTE
By vitalcoach
We have already dealt with the subject of the founding of the Hierarchy upon earth, and we saw how it came to be, touching likewise upon certain crises which have occurred, and which still affect events in the present time. ... They are the full flowering of the intelligence, having achieved in an earlier solar system that which man is now striving to perfect. In earlier cycles in this system they began to demonstrate intelligent love, and from the standpoint of the ...
Just South of North: Voyager has apparently found why there's a ...
By Brandon Hansen
So I was unaware of this, but apparently the Solar System is going through the interstellar cloud known as "The Local Fluff" but it's like really hot and dangerous. Not something you want Earth floating around in. ... Just South of North is an epic blog written by two guys, Casey Knopik and Brandon Hansen. Since our lives are more pathetic than the fifth Rocky movie, we've dedicated a large chunk of our time to discussing our weird love for Northwest Sports, the outdoors, ...
Just South of North -
Aliens and Us Blog » Blog Archive » Betty Hill's Star Map
By admin
It suggested that the search for extra solar planets was targeting M class dwarf stars, which, of course, include those known as Red Dwarfs. It mentioned that seven of the ten closet stars to Earth were dwarfs. Here's what struck me. ... In other words, astronomers involved in the search for extraterrestrial intelligences believed that two of the stars in the Atterberg interpretation were likely candidates for planetary systems and intelligent life. ...
Aliens and Us Blog - » Blog Archive » The Opposite of a Baby Boom
By admin
He has a burning disgust for coal mining, and finds carbon-based fuels inefficient and dangerous, not only to humans but also to earth as a self-regulating system. He has frequently warned that renewables are insufficient to meet our ... In contrast to renewable advocates Amory Lovins or Senator Hillary Clinton, Lovelock sees little value in the immediate future for either solar or wind energy programs, and has harsh words for them, writing, "It will fail and bring ... -
Global Traffic 5000 » Blog Archive » BUILDING AMERICA WAKE UP ...
By jeramiaha
Global Traffic 5000 -
What is the most profound true statement there is? - Being Human
By jaskaw
From this grandiose beginning we start to explore our solar system and our earth and finally the evolution of humans. Bill Bryson tells also the personal stories of many of the scientists who have discovered the things that we do know now. .... The content of this website belongs to a private person, is not responsible for the content of this website. Show trackback address. Hide trackback address. Enter this code: *: The Captcha image ...
Being Human -
New York plugs in first electric car solar charging station ...
Sustainable energy company Beautiful Earth Group has this week unveiled New York's first solar-powered electric vehicle (EV) charging station, which will allow the firm to recharge its electric MINI E using zero carbon energy making it ... It added that an integrated battery bank will stores electricity and ensure that the system can provide power 24 hours a day. The move comes in the same week as London Mayor Boris Johnson announced plans to install 25000 electric car ...
Solar Energy Directory -
- Masters of the Universe – « Life and Times
By wordwon
It will be another hundred or so years before any human will venture outside our own solar system if then. Some masters of the universe we are. There are millions of galaxies. Billions of stars. Multi-billions of planets and yet we are ... If God were to have given us the whole story of how He created the universe and how He created man, the Earth and all that inhabits it, well guess what, it would take a library to hold all the volumes necessary to explain it all and ...
Life and Times -
Roey Rosenblith: Over Detroit Skies
By Roey Rosenblith
I smiled at him in some sort of attempt to make him believe that everything was normal, he smiled back at me, seeming to be blissfully unaware that his short time on Earth could soon be coming to an end. .... I wonder if I had ever had the opportunity to meet Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab and talk shop with, discuss the agro-processing devices and small solar lighting systems ... supply chains and accessing rural markets ... that he might have seen that at least this American ...
Terrorism on The Huffington Post -
TIME and SPACE: The HAARP project and the risk of a geophysical war
By Paul Dolea
Earth's magnetic field is a natural shield against solar wind and other cosmic radiation or very high energy particles. Due mainly solar explosions, structure field lines can be stronger perTurbata appear electromagnetic storms. ... As on date 13martie 1989, a strong magnetic storm caused the collapse power distribution system in much of the United States and southern Canada for almost nine hours. Serious damage induced current appears due to long pipelines to transport ...
Reason and Resistance: With Another Security Failure; It is Now ...
By Jeffrey Palaferri
Perhaps the most obvious, as lucidly put together by Willis Eschenbach (see McIntyre's blog Climate Audit and Anthony Watt's blog Watts Up With That ), is the highly disturbing series of emails which show how Dr Jones and his ..... Kepler Shows Exoplanet Is Unlike Anything in Our Solar System. The Kepler Space Telescope, which launched earlier this year to find Earth-like planets elsewhere in our galaxy. The ultimate quest to find other planets that support life will ...
Reason and Resistance -
Our Homeschool Journey: Rearranging!
By homeschool101
Free Blog Content ... Teaching The MOON, Teaching Day by Day - K-8, Teachers Blog On Moon teaching. - NASA, Hubble Telescope, Encyclopedia Sites -, NASA Site 4 Teachers & Kids, Hubble Telescope Site, Encyclopedia Britannica. - Sites On Space, Solar System & Galaxy -, Stardate, Download Google Earth, Google Sky, Space, NASA, Hubble Telescope, International Space Station .... Blogs I Follow - Click 2 View. Blogs I follow ... A Wise Woman Blog ...
Our Homeschool Journey -
Science of God « Cydonia Mensae
By James McConnell
I entitled this Blog post "Science of God” and not "Science of Gods” for the sole reason that I'm more interested in the Judeo-Christian "version” of God than the polytheistic nature of Eastern religions and philosophies. ..... Those against this type of thinking ask why only our planet is "fine-tuned” for life in the Solar System- why only have one planet that can harbour life? Why not make other planets fine-tuned? However, while I think it's easy judge the show, ...
Cydonia Mensae -
Book Review and Rant | Matt's Blog
By Matt
On a diagram of the solar system to scale, with Earth reduced to about the diameter of a pea, Jupiter would be over a thousand feet away and Pluto would be a mile and a half distance (and about the size of a bacterium, so you wouldn't ...
Matt's Blog -
On the 3rd day of Christmas my true love sent to me... : Highly ...
She has a Ph.D. from Oregon State University and is now an assistant professor at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. What the heck does 'Highly Allochthonous' mean? Blog Facebook Page · Ye olde blog ... If you're feeling fancy, you can even set up an active control system that will automatically account for changes in the ambient field: both natural changes due magnetic fields of the sun and moon, and the solar wind, interacting with Earth's magnetosphere, ...
Highly Allochthonous -
Al Gore's Logical Fallacies of Global Warming « Gadget's Blog
By texan2driver
[1] Changes in solar radiation correlate more closely and for a longer period of history with temperature changes than do Gore's graphs of CO2. As well, "While major greenhouse gas H2O substantially warms the Earth, minor greenhouse ... Note how he and other liberals intend to "solve” the problem: they propose a tax on carbon emissions as well as a global system of "cap-and-trade” on hydrocarbon usage. In plain language, these measures amount to a redistribution of wealth ...
Gadget's Blog -
Michael Pollan, "Deep Agriculture” (MP3 audio), Longnow Foundation ...
By daviding
First a post-modern food system should be "resolarized.” Right now it takes 10 calories of fossil fuel to manufacture 1 calorie of food on average, and 55 calories to produce 1 calorie of beef. If any industry should be solar-based it ...
Media Download Queue --> Coevolving... -
Egyptian initiation
By Carolyn Harris
Ra-Horakhety), and rejects all possible netherwordly interpretation by eliminating the Duat and bringing the sky on Earth, namely in Akhetaten, Akhenaten's City of the Aten. This is the Solar economy pushed to its limits. ..... mysteries began to feed on the hopes of individuals with universal speculation and sought to overcome the chilling isolation of man in death, this was for a long time more a complement than a dangerous rival to the Greek system." ...
The New World Order Library -
Infinite Euphoria (Mixed By Ferry Corsten) | Download Music ...
By js
Enigma - Le Roi Est Mort, Vive Le Roi! (2:41) 12. Armin van Buuren Feat. System F - From The Heart (4:29) 13. System F - Cry (Unplugged) (3:58) 14. Above & Beyond Feat. Zoe Johnston - No One On Earth (Gabriel & Dresden Mix) (5:20) ... The available tracks on this blog should be considered samples only. The tracks and/or mixes available serve as promotion for the artist and we urge our readers to delete all downloads within 24 hours. If you enjoy a song, please support the ...
Download Music, Download Songs,... -
Not only did they prevent debate and replace peer review with a perverted system that allowed only a small network of like-minded colleagues to examine – and applaud – their work. They also excluded, denounced and vilified ..... Surely even a crazed Greenie mind must see that the sun's influence has not stopped and that reduced solar output will soon start COOLING the earth! Unprecedentedhttp://AntigreenBlogspot Com200912MoreWarmistPseudoScienceCo2htmlhttp://Antigreen. ...
bandidas » Blog Archive » Apocalypse Now
By marvinrodriquez1966
Many religions mention the apocalypse ending in fire, which would make sense with the earth entering the sun or massive ball of energy and heat in the center of the galaxy. Many apocalypse theories mention things such as satellites and planes crashing to the ground. ... I think that the sheer volume of 2012 questions will cause the "discover." button to implode and begin a chain reaction that forms a black hole, destryoing the solar system. Mr. Derp!!! | Nov 22, 2009 ...
bandidas -
Annual Report on Lamu Marine 2008-2009 | Lamu Marine Conservation
By lamumarine
Two of the most endangered sea turtles on earth nest in the Lamu archipelago: the Green Turtle and the Hawksbill Turtle. In 1992, Carol Korschen of the Peponi Hotel started a project to protect them. Today the Lamu Marine Conservation .... Seacology have provided some infrastructure for the taking off stage of the project eg moorings for boundary demarcation and anchorage, snorkeling gear, solar inverter system and communication equipment in exchange for demarcation and ...
Lamu Marine Conservation -
Obama Has Subverted Our 4th Amendment Rights
By Hawaiian Libertarian
Of course, the conspiracy theories will move to one solar system government at that point. AfOR December 27, 2009 at 10:04 am. @ Rebel. I am not looking forward to anything of that sort. But if I have to chose between two evils, I will take the lesser one and for now, Islam seems a far better .... I already wrote several blog posts explaining why Men's News Daily is failing the men's rights movement by alienating potential supporters with unrelated partisan politics. ...
The Spearhead -
Another Ship Of The U.E.G Fleet « Xfozzboute's Blog
By xfozzboute
This ship was built by the NASSA (North American States Space Administration) to be the first ship to leave our solar system. And it did so only by accident while engaging it's engines an explosion ripped a hole in spce pulling ... The first use of this Jump engine will return the Columbus and her crew to Earth escorted by two Ships of the Royal M'Aangan Navy. Shortly after these incidents the United Earth Government is formed and the M'Aangan become it's greatest ally. ...
Xfozzboute's Blog -
Solitary Nocturnal Elation: Science , the beauty of humanity PART 1
By dave
This post or this series of posts ( depending on the extent of my annoying yet irrepressible - verbosity) , unlike some of the posts on this blog , has come out of necessity , it is born out observation , and the sheer and utter ..... The earth has been through, asteroids, solar flares, continental shifts and various other calamities, yet it is perfectly fine and has been for billions of years. Yet due to our sordid arrogance , we assume that plastic , among other things ...
Solitary Nocturnal Elation -
Reality vs. Hype and Greenwash - My Journey to Understand the ...
Biofuels are the indirect use of solar energy packaged into plants by the best solar-panel technology that has ever been invented, and it is far easier to grow green power than to build nuclear plants, dam our waterways and put windmills on our ... More than anything, carbon offsets will allow rich countries to burn ever more fossil fuels under the "clean development mechanism” of the Kyoto Protocol, the system that sets the values, in terms of tons of carbon equivalent, ...
Reality vs. Hype and Greenwash... - » Blog Archive » Microsoft WorldWide Telescope v2 ...
By admin
Sources of photographs is the Hubble SpaceTelescope and about 10 are located on the surface of the Earth's telescopes. Community programs can travel throughout the galaxy, seen planets in the solar system, as well as to observe the sky ... -
Mobile Suit Gundam 00: Season 1, Part 1
By Mayuri Kurotsuchi
The year is 2307 A.D. and the Earth's reserves of fossil fuels have been depleted. Humanity has then developed a plan for nearly half a century to capture solar energy through a large tower/solar power regeneration system that extends ...
Cheap Gundam for sale! -
Were just as Cruel as any God ; When we try to teach a Hard Lesson ...
By Jupiter
All Blog Posts · My Blog · Add a Blog Post ... Here is something for you to digest: Why is it that your scientists have overlooked the obvious when they insist that alien beings cannot travel to earth from a distant system? ... Upon finding such, they could then install this ark in a distant orbit, build bases upon various solid planes in that solar system, and proceed to patiently manipulate the chosen civilizations to develop a suitable technological infrastructure. ...
Everyone's Blog Posts - 2012Connect -
Global Warming Means We Need To Be More Eco-friendly |
By admin
If you're upgrading your plumbing system or improving your bath room, install low flow taps, valves, and washers. Shut off faucets when not in use. Neutralize your carbon footprint. This leads to the earth's temperature to rise. ... I recently read a Home Made Energy review which was about a product that details the way to build your own alternative energy system. This product covers both solar electricity generation as well as wind turbine technology. ... -
Bookdrawer Blog: Start the New Year off with Making a Residual ...
By Craftdrawer
It will help you to work smart not hard. If you are in need of a good web host here are some good choices... Green Web Hosting - Earth Friendly Solar Powered and Wind Energy. TRUE GRID Hosting. Schedule a FREE Demo TODAY! ... It is the only all-in-one step-by-step system of process-and-software that delivers thriving businesses. No other purchase is necessary. Everything is included... brainstorm, research and pick the perfect niche; build a site that works (attracts free ...
Bookdrawer Blog -

Category: Earth and Solar System Blogs around the World | Views: 610 | Added by: Aries | Tags: Blogs, solar system, earth | Rating: 0.0/0
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