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«  December 2009  »
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Main » 2009 » December » 29 » Earth and Solar System Blogs
5:17 PM
Earth and Solar System Blogs
Earth and Solar System Blogs
Build Your Own Solar Power System | Cables Romero Blog
By admin
Do you want to learn how you can begin building your own solar power system today? You can dramatically reduce your electric bill today to nearly nothing like.
Cables Romero Blog -
Reduce Bill » Blog Archive » Build Your Own Solar Power System ...
By admin
We are going to first discuss where you can find these "guides” to tell you step-by-step how you can be a pro level solar energy kit. You may or may have not heard of it, but it is called Earth for Energy, and has helped thousands of ...
Reduce Bill -
Science and Technology, Lifes Changing » Blog Archive » Consider ...
By admin
Consider the accidental occurrences in the formation of the solar system. These should be events that occurred after the solar nebula started to collapse. Pick two of them and discuss how the solar system would be different. How would that affect the development of life? ... The Moon might not have formed and become Earth's satellite, so our tides might not happen, or be alot different, weather patterns would be different, and the Earth might still be on a vertical axis. ...
Science and Technology, Lifes Changing -
The s8intcom Blogger » Arsip blog » Science, Politics and Global ...
and climate scientists have been misled by astronomers and astrophysicists so they have no real concept of recent Earth history in the solar system and they don't understand the real source of lightning and the electrical input to ...
The s8intcom Blogger -
The Diametric Revolution in Psychotherapy | Psychology Today
By Christopher Badcock, Ph.D.
Revolution/revolutionary derive from astronomy and specifically from the way planets revolve in the solar system: originally supposedly around the earth, but ever since Copernicus (1473-1543), around the sun. Indeed, historically, this was the ... Insights into the mind from autism have finally finished Freud by Christopher Badcock, Ph.D. Autistic savants may have previously unsuspected psychotic equivalents by Christopher Badcock, Ph.D. More of The Imprinted Brain blog ...
Blogs -
Will Future 'Avatar' Movies Focus On Pandora's Neighboring Moons ...
By Josh Wigler
"The planet in Pandora's sky is called Polyphemus and it's the primary for a system of moons, just like in our solar system, Jupiter has fifty some moons and they're discovering smaller ones all of the time," said Cameron. ... Welcome to the MTV Movies Blog, updated throughout the day with exclusive movie news, trailers, interviews and more. Our team of film experts joins with celebrity contributors - from Eli Roth to Judd Apatow - to ensure that when it comes to the ...
MTV Movies Blog -
Magnetic pole is moving from Canada to Siberia
By admin
IT Fanat blog. News, solutions, specifications ... Over the past 330 million years, it occurred 400 times and lasted for millennium. Materials on the topic: – coldest place in the solar system;. – ideal observatory – robotic station in Antarctica;. – Global warming "overthrows” the Earth. Posted in Hardware News |. « Release NVIDIA Fermi postponed until March 2010. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. ...
IT Fanat blog -
End of the World 20121221 » Blog Archive » prophecy history
By admin
AD 1988: The end of the Earth mainly by the panic selling 1970 book "Biblical prophecy: the disappearance of the great Earth” cause. The book explains the "Gospel” in a passage that the meaning of this passage was sent to save Israel's founding 40 years in us again. ... Causing panic in the end for another reason, it was suggested the solar system will pass through a mysterious and entirely imaginary space region, which is called photonic band (PhotonBelt). ...
End of the World 20121221 -
Morning Blessing 12.28.2009 - Windows Live
The solar system of which the Earth is a part is pulsing its way towards a Light of a different order my friends, changing everything and inspiring an evolutional leap that is natural within the great scheme of time in which universes are measured. I don't think I have to remind you that on the other side of the veil - in the unseen, just a breath away from ...!703E69F93221CFC9!2238.trak. Weblogs that reference this entry ...
Natural ♥ Person ♥ 777 -
muslims be honest; open mind and unbiased please; do you agree ...
By admin
i thought our solar system has 8 planets plus 4 dwarf planets ? Quran 24;45 "every creature … walk on bellies, two legs and 4 legs" 6 legged, 8 legged etc. ? Quran 37:6 "stars are in the lower heaven" what about other galaxies? .... You know,its very rude just to go trashing on someones religion becuz u think its all a would be kinda hard becuz u made such a big list of insults but:the earth didnt really take billions of years,God created it in just 6! ...
Random Blog -
December 28th: Life in Technicolor
By kortney.hogan
The Voyager probe, which was launched in 1977 and passed Jupiter and Neptune 2 years later, is only now, in 2007, exiting the solar system. It is the farthest human-made object from Earth, at a staggering distance of 9.6 billion miles, ...
365 Days of Astronomy -
ZetaTalk: Slow 270° Roll - Earth Changes and the Pole Shift
The true source of Planet X transit through our solar system. I am starting to get confused with so much information so I am going back to the basics. ... Since the Z's have said PX is "around" halfway from Sun to Earth RIGHT NOW, we are just about at that point. So my interpretation (as per my recent "More PX Math" blog) is that this is the point where the interaction between PX and the Earth is such that PX can no longer come ...
Latest Activity on Earth Changes... -
green solar – Latest green solar news – Electric rate that would ...
By Solar Sam
If you've been keeping up with my blog posts lately you'll know I've come to adding a few news posts from around the web on this subject. I've got a couple more today that are new and updated, so let me know what you think of em… ... Demand for solar energy systems in the state of Florida is on the rise. There are a number of highly qualified companies that specialize in the installation and maintenance of these systems. In order to determine which amongst these will be ...
Solar Panel Power -
'Avatar 2′ Will Investigate Pandora
By John Cooper
"We have some story ideas about how to branch out into other moons of Polyphemus and the Alpha Centauri A (ACA) solar system.” What about Earth? How about we show Neytiri what Jake's destroyed planet really looks like? "Actually, when I pitched this to 20th ... 53345 Responses for "'Avatar 2′ Will Investigate Pandora”. by_the_way says: ...
Reel Loop -
RP 7: Cool things the Greeks did in astronomy : Dot Physics
By Rhett Allain
This is a story of how the Greeks estimated the distance from the Earth to the Sun (an important idea in the development of the model of the solar system). I like this story because it is not too complicated. .... Post a Comment. (Email is required for authentication purposes only. On some blogs, comments are moderated for spam, so your comment may not appear immediately.) Name: Email Address: URL: Comments: (you may use simple HTML tags for style) ...
ScienceBlogs Channel : Physical Science -
The Perils of Planet-Hopping | Portal to the Universe
And here we live on the surface of one of the smaller gravity balls in our Solar System. XKCD has a wonderful illustration of this today (and click for full-size). The more massive and more compact your planet is, the harder it is to get off of. Something like the Moon, which is only about 1.2% of the mass of the Earth but 27% of the Earth's radius, is way, way easier to escape from than the Earth. To escape from the Earth's gravity, you need to reach a speed of 40000 ...
PTTU All -
OilDrum: Drumbeat: December 28, 2009 | WWWATTS: Drive Different
By Webmaster
Now an important part of that argument -- that most of the millions of gallons of toxic chemicals that drillers inject underground are removed for safe disposal, and are not permanently discarded inside the earth -- does not apply to drilling in many of .... (Bloomberg) -- German makers of solar panels will propose subsidy cuts for electricity generated from solar cells at a Jan. 13 ministerial hearing, Handelsblatt reported, citing industry members it didn't identify. ...
WWWATTS: Drive Different - The... -
TeleCommunication Systems says Marine Corps awarded it $8 million ...
TeleCommunication Systems gets $8M Marine contract. ... Simple Thoughts Blog - Java and Web Technologies .... February 2nd, 2009 BRUSSELS/SAN FRANCISCO - Academics and armchair explorers were as of Monday offered a unique insight into the world's seas through a new release of Google Earth, which now also features satellite imagery, photos and videos of the planet's oceans. The 5.0 version of the popular downloadable software was launched in San Francisco. Ramco Systems ...
Simple Thoughts - Java and Web Blog -
Stars Over Washington: Solar Return 2010 of the Inauguration 2009 ...
By jude cowell
But the collective has had a 2009 chocked full of Jupiter/Neptune's false hopes, speculations, grand schemes, imaginary dollars, and religious pufferies in vain attempts to soften or obfuscate our capitalist system's bumpy landing if not alter ... the secret hand of ultimate control, may successfully reach his goal (of complete totalitarian control in my book - you may disagree, yet astrologer Sybil Leek said that totalitarianism increases in the world as Earth heats up; ...
Stars Over Washington -
Close-up photos of dying star show our sun's fate « Xenophilia ...
By Xeno
Blog Stats. 1845792 hits ... About 550 light-years from Earth, a star like our Sun is writhing in its death throes. Chi Cygni has swollen in size to become a red giant star so large that it would swallow every planet out to Mars in our solar system. Moreover, it has begun to pulse dramatically in and out, beating like a giant heart. New close-up photos of the surface of this distant star show its throbbing motions in unprecedented detail. ...
Xenophilia (True Strange Stuff) -
A historic full moon will occur this New Year's Eve, a blue moon ...
By galaxy17
Holiday tidings come from NASA's Voyager 2 this week, offering a view of deep space beyond our sun's solar system. Now speeding through space at more than 34000 miles-per-hour, the 1977 space probe resides more than 8.3. billion miles away from the sun. ... Taken by astronaut William Anders from the Apollo 8 spacecraft, this December 1968 photo of Earth rising over the lunar surface would become one of the most famous images of the 20th century. Credit: NASA ...
Orbit 17 +++ Space and beyond -
A New Planet(s)? » » Astrology Around The Web
By Philip Sedgwick
About the Site · Apply to Blog ... The orbital data is rough as of yet and it is risky to form definitive conclusions about it until the body receives a minor solar system body number, indicating astronomers believe they have the orbital elements pegged. ... Evidently, the Kuiper Belt seeks to reaffirm previously diminished personality traits in the interest of shoring up souls and spirits weakened by participation in the relatively rough existence of life on Earth. ... -
Newest technology: The size of planets and stars, in a spectacular ...
By Stanley A. Weeks
If our Sun is already an authentic enormity compared with the minuscule Earth, what to say about the rest of stars that they win him for much: Pollux, Arturo, Aldebaran, Rigel … red and blue giant stars, to beastlier which. ... The apparent size of the galaxies, only visible with cameras; Scales of the solar system, good images; A hydrogen atom to scale and many pixels. Solar system to scale, also based on many pixels. The map of the universe, which tries to place our ...
Newest technology -
Moons Like Avatar's Pandora Could Be Found ( | Ideaion ...
By Reporter
FOXNews. This artist's conception shows a hypothetical gas giant planet with an Earth-like moon similar to Pandora in the movie Avatar. New research shows that the ... Moons like Avatar's Pandora could be all 5 news articles » ... Although life-bearing moons like Pandora or the Star Wars forest moon of Endor are staples of science fiction, astronomers have yet to discover any moons beyond our solar system. However, they could be science fact, ...
Ideaion News Press -
Gorilla Radio blog: Nanotech Grows Up: The Little Robots that Ate ...
By ape
Researchers are already predicting the advent of a portable computer capable of a trillion operations per second, photovoltaic paint that can be applied to buildings and roads at a cost of a few pence per square meter, and solar power generators of 1 terawatt (1000 gigawatts). ... He believes a terrorist attack by nanorobots or "grey goo” (self-replicating nanomachines) could destroy civilization in a few days, and he recommends creating a nanotech immuno-defense system. ...
Gorilla Radio blog -
Greening Your HVAC – Part I - Von Löwen Designs
By Lars
High energy efficiency systems include ENERGY STAR qualified heat pumps. Some heating systems are designed to provide both space heating and hot water; the heat source may be a boiler, furnace, solar water heater or heat pump. ... Because they use the earth's natural heat, they are among the most efficient and comfortable heating and cooling technologies currently available. For a current product list of ENERGY STAR qualified water-to-air and DGX model geothermal heat ...
Von Löwen Designs -
Discoveries - Researchings - Visions - Understandings ...
By Mind-In-Peace
This is the story of the message for creating balance on Mother Earth. It is the story of Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj, "The Wandering Wolf." He is a 13th generation Quiche Mayan Priest from Guatemala. He is also the President of the International Council of Mayan Elders. .... NASA 10th Planet Discovered. NASA 10th Planet Discovered 7.29.2005 - Astronomers have found a new planet in the outer reaches of the solar system. .... Following this Blog: ...
Discoveries - Researchings -... -
Our Homeschool Journey: Prayers Needed
By homeschool101
Matthew 18: 19-20 "Again I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them by My Father who is in heaven. "For where two or three have gathered together in My name, ... Free Blog Content ... MOON Teaching Sites -, Enchanted Learning Site, Phases of Moon, Rescources on Solar System, Learning The Moon - Activities, EarthSunMoon Learning/Game Site, About Moon, NASA Eclipse Site, Lunar Eclipse For Beginners ...
Our Homeschool Journey - Launches | Flames Rising Horror & Dark ...
By Flames
Fans of the role-playing game and those anticipating the film, may now find updates on the script and production status - and soon read blog entries from the producers and writers as well as casting choices. ... Earth has been destroyed and humanity stands on the cusp of a new age where humankind has merged with technology. This new transhumanity has colonized Mars and the solar system, though it remains divided between repressive hypercorp-backed regimes and ...
Flames Rising Horror Webzine -
Averting Climate Catastrophe []
By new illuminati
Another less comforting theory is outlined in The Serpent at the End of Precession,+ which states that the vast cycles of glaciation are a result of polar flips and earth tilts and occur whenever the solar system passes through the ... -
The Copenhagen Accord: A Big Step Forward « Your Green Ability
Energy to power the Waterpod will come from a hybrid solar/wind system. Related posts: Top 10 eco-building innovations Waterpod: sustainable, navigable living for the future Weirdest green building materials ... Earth to John Christy: Misleading for free is wrong, too. 111. Memo to media, blogosphere: Swift boat smearer Marc Morano has no credibility. He is unquotable and uncitable . 113. Exclusive analysis, Part 1: The staggering cost of new nuclear power 186. ...
Your Green Ability -
Conservatively Speaking » Blog Archive » December 28, 2009
By Richard Cochrane
It would be relatively easy to triple US nuclear power production while all alternative fuels (wind, solar, tidal, geothermal) does not now appear to offer anywhere near such potential at least in the forseeable future. ... Of course it also provides the heat making the planet's core molten and contributing to the habitability of the Earth. Because the innocuous dull gray metal (see photo inset) is the feeder fuel for nuclear weapons it also fuels the profits of ...
Conservatively Speaking -
Freshness Factor Five Thousand: The 2010 Gist: A New To-Do List
By Mraz
Even though my home operates on an array of Solar Panels, my participation online invites people to recharge, log in, and potentially ignore their own environment, sitting hunched over, morphing into a creature dependant on software updates . ... Please check back daily, lending your eyes, ears, and open mind to a loving transformation of our beautiful life on Earth. This is the only home we have and these are its only moments. I do believe in the power of possibility. ...
Freshness Factor Five Thousand -
Across the Universe « Scorpion King, the
By manuelcraig1973
Just another Blogs weblog ... Our planet Earth orbits the Sun once a year but our solar system as a whole also traverses an orbit in this section of the galaxy with a period of about 24000 years [26000 years]. ...
Scorpion King, the -
Solar Hot Water In Murcia, Alicante and Spain By Solar Energy ...
By admin
Solar Power Cost Savings Blog. Your source for DIY windmills and solar power cost savings ... huge benefits of investing in a solar hot water system, powered by solar energy. We install our powerful Solar hot water systems in Murcia, Alicante and Almeria in Spain. Solar Energy is abundant in these regions of Spain. Go to to find out more about our solar energy hot water systems. Our systems don't cost the earth! Duration : 0:9:48 ...
Solar Power Cost Savings Blog -
انجمن گفتگوی فری بلاگ » بایگانی وبنامه (وبلاگ) » NOVA Origins 2004
By dr.mohsen
Origins is a spectacular four-part miniseries, first presented on PBS's Nova, about the beginnings of the universe, our solar system, life on Earth, and the possibility of extraterrestrial life on other planets. ...
انجمن گفتگوی فری بلاگ -
Mercruiser Propeller » Gravity Hypothesis
By thailand
The earth will attract the baseball like a giant magnet and hold it tightly to its surface. One final thing to consider is how objects orbit one another without coming together. Examples would be the planets in our solar system or all ...
Mercruiser Propeller -
Maitreya's Vision by ; Mikehughes - The Path
By mikehughes52
The bulk of humanity who become Masters on this earth scheme go directly to the system of Sirius and some choose other cosmic paths that will take them far beyond the confines of our solar system along their chosen paths of service. ...
The Path - » Blog Archive » Getting Started With Solar ...
By andy
Up until now, incorporating a solar power system into your home's energy grid was viewed by many as an idealistic, uncertain, and overly costly project, but some saw it as the ideal solution. Nowadays, people frequently perform Internet searches for getting started with solar power, which makes it obvious that interest in solar is on the rise, and there are many with questions about what is possible in this cost-saving and earth-saving technology. ... -
Acoustic Prophecy - "Immortal" Music Blog » How Did Galileo's ...
By MetalMaster (admin)
How did Galileo's observations of sunspots help end the classical geocentric model of the solar system? a. They showed that a heavenly body was not perfect. b. They proved Earth revolved around the Sun. ...
Acoustic Prophecy - "Immortal"... -
Category: Earth and Solar System Blogs around the World | Views: 1682 | Added by: Aries | Tags: earth, solar system, Blogs | Rating: 0.0/0
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