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«  December 2009  »
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Main » 2009 » December » 31 » Earth and Solar System Blogs
10:30 AM
Earth and Solar System Blogs
Earth and Solar System Blogs | The Flame Trench | Florida Today's Space Team Blog
By James Dean
WASHINGTON -- NASA has selected three proposals as candidates for the agency's next space venture to another celestial body in our solar system. The final project selected in mid-2011 may provide a better understanding of Earth's ...
The Flame Trench -
Science Literature - The Climate of Designer Earth
By David Tyler
The data source is the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE) which allows measurement of the heat energy emitted by the Earth. Solar energy drives the Earth's climatic system and the incoming radiation is that of a body with a ... The reason why I am sharing these thoughts is because making design inferences about the Earth's climate system is not a no-go area, and my previous blog explained the basis for a prediction: that negative feedback mechanisms predominate. ...
Science Literature -
Is The Big Bang A Cosmic Blunder? | LIMED – World News, Video, Blog
By admin
We do not yet understand how our solar system works in our time. We do not yet completely understand how our own planet, earth, works in our time. We do not yet understand how many living organisms on our planet work in our time. ...
LIMED - World News, Video, Blog -
Science and Technology, Lifes Changing » Blog Archive » What Do ...
By admin
What do you think? Is this solar system only home to one hospitable planet? Will we have to search light years away for the next planetary system in our quest to find other life forms? ... The atmosphere of Titan contains nitrogen and other hydrocarbon elements, similar to the atmosphere found on the Early earth. The surface temperature of Titan is too cool for liquid water, but t strong possibility exists that there are lakes of liquid ethane on this moon of Saturn. ...
Science and Technology, Lifes Changing -
Nap Time Rocks! » Blog Archive » Where's the Universe? a panel ...
By iris
M: where's southeast asia? me: on earth. M: where's earth? me: in the solar system. M: where's the solar system? me: in the universe! M: where's the universe? me: in God's hands! (thinking that I won…) M: where's God's hands? ...
naptimerocks -
Our heliosphere is affected by the interstellar medium
By admin
This flow of charged particles, the solar wind. It crosses the solar system and interacts with the magnetic field of the Sun and then clean with the magnetospheres of Earth and other planets. It then produces auroras, as evidenced ...
Space Pragmatism -
Entertainment World » Blog Archive » Looking For An Old "made-for ...
By admin
The Earth Star Voyager is a spaceship sent to another solar system to prepare it for colonization. Earth itself is horribly polluted, so the mission is vitally important. But as the departing starship gets under way, signs begin to ...
Entertainment World -
Tourism Enriches » Blog Archive » Can The Earth Become Far Hotter ...
By admin
The earth receives energy transmission from such as solar radiation every time and another space objects. And inside it inner core and living creatures activities will always produce and release energy too.Since the earth is relatively closed system it will be ... In my mind, although those all conversed to another kind energy such as heat or kinetics. It will still cause an unbalance in earth system such as earthquake or maybe in the end "The earth will be blown up”. ...
Tourism Enriches -
Beautiful Earth Group: The first solar-powered charging station in ...
By Mr. M
Company Beautiful Earth Group has created the first solar-powered charging station, installed in New York. à ¨ The American company specializing in wind turbines and photovoltaic panels and à ¨ already secured two firsts: the first ... The same CEO Lex Heslin admitted that New York is not likely the closest major à ¨ suited to such a system, because of the skyscrapers that overshadow many areas of the city, but the fact remains that a solution tion of that kind is very ...
Cars, Dreams, News -
Home Wind Energy – One Of The Green Energy Solutions | Fireplace ...
By outside_voices
Having a solar water heating system allows the sun to do the work to heat the water so that the electric or gas bill can go down and the other natural resources of the earth can be preserved. How It Works ...
Fireplace Screens Blog -
dailygreendiva: Geodesic Solar Molecules float in the sky to ...
By D.Dawnia Bell
The surface of the molecules is covered with PV cells that harvest solar energy and store it in onboard system. The generated electricity is beamed to the surface of earth in the form of microwaves , which is then reconverted back into ... When I created, my purpose was to use the blog as a platform to share information, with like-minded people who share my passion about living fabulously green, but more importantly I wanted to share with those who feel ...
dailygreendiva -
DOCTOR WHO: The Christmas Invasion « A Man. And His Blog.
By mralphafreak
And why did nobody on Earth notice a flying space ship in the solar system? And why did nobody of the aliens notice that planet Earth has civilized life on it? I know, I am nitpicking, but such things always confuse and irritate me. ...
A Man. And His Blog. -
New video reveals secrets of Webb Telescope's MIRI | Science Blog
Light at these wavelengths is blocked by water vapor in the earth's atmosphere and can only be efficiently observed using a telescope in space. A new video about the MIRI detectors is part of an on-going series called "Behind the Webb" ... The Webb Telescope will enable scientists to observe the formation and evolution of the first galaxies and the evolution of our own solar system, from the first light after the Big Bang to the formation of planetary systems capable of ...
Science Blog -
The Mommy Blog: Green Tip Tuesday - Going Solar
By newmami_rgv
newmami_rgv: My name is Cinella J. Reyes, Wife to Santos for 5 years, Mommy of two girls, Passionate about the Earth, Cloth Diapering and saving money. View my complete profile ... It is way cheaper than getting solar panels. Who: it was developed by harpiris Energy and is backed up by the U.S. Department of Energy. What is it: It is a solar water-heading system for homes in warmer climates. Where: It mounts ontop of your roof and stores water that is heated by the sun ...
The Mommy Blog -
The Science of Avatar (Part II) | The Intersection | Discover Magazine
The choice of putting Pandora on a moon in the real Alpha Centauri star system (the closest system to Earth) was neat since scientists are looking at moons for life. The radiation anticipated could be mitigated by superconductivity. Which brings me to… Those floating mountains. ... ..great thought went into the physics of the Pandora solar system, to the geology of the planet, to the plants and animals that evolved on the planet, and to the social structures of the Na'Vi. ...
Discover Magazine | rsslist -
Top 10 Green Cell Phones of 2009 | Pacebutler Blog
By Michael
Samsung's innovative Blue Earth phone is the first solar powered full-touch phone. Engineered to resemble a a flat and well rounded shiny pebble, Blue Earth green cell phone is made of PCM recycled plastic and is free from toxic materials ... The Elm and Hazel boasts of a highly efficient battery system, zero hazardous chemicals, and minimized packaging. Zeri Concept Phone. Zeri Concept Phone. My persona on Ikariam is KwisatzHaderach, so the Zeri green concept phone which ...
Pacebutler Blog -
D Acres Blog: Pre D acres Josh Bio
The class was my first exposure to Lester Brown's Gaia hypothesis of the earth as a living organism. One of the requirements of the class was a service project. I worked in opposition to a constitutional amendment that would have allowed discrimination ... Also offered during this time was a week intensive on solar dehydration and cooking. While there was class-work, the majority of our time was spent with on site tours and doing installations of renewable energy systems. ...
D Acres Blog -
Complications in Search of Alien Life: Full Review ...
By bruceleeeowe
If that rock was part of a debris field, like the asteroid belt in our Solar System, there might not be a clear path past all of them. Considering that it took many months to get up to that speed, stopping is NOT an option. Therefore, an impact with a solid rock, .... He would never have been on Earth, but he would definitely be an Earthling, and he would contribute toward the knowledge of people on Earth about that one alien civilization! .... Blog Stats. 40884 hits ...
Bruceleeeowe's Blog -
Halfway to Pluto! | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine
By Phil Plait
Astronomy | Today, December 29, 2009, the New Horizons Pluto probe crosses an arbitrary but psychologically important line: it is now closer to Pluto than it is to Earth.If. ... It'll become one of several other spacecraft we've sent out of the solar system itself, set to wander interstellar space forever. That is, unless one day we catch up to them ourselves. I imagine in a few hundred years they'd make fine museum pieces. Or maybe, if poetry still exists in humans all ...
Bad Astronomy -
Seeking the truth and the higher self.: ALL ABOUT 2012 - PART 1
By Rajat Mehta
The "thing” which is very important for all of us, currently present on Earth in this time which according to Gregorian Calendar is November 2008, is that the "ancients” had delivered a message through the Mayan Long Count Calendar ... On the same day, if we consider that everything stays "by default” or on the same track, our Sun will be at its solar maximum, and the ecliptic of our solar system will intersect with the Galactic plane, which also is called the "Galactic ...
Seeking the truth and the higher self. -
Subway State » Blog Archive » A Decade In Review
By A-Ron
A similarly large blackout occurs in England, stopping 60% of the tube system. A total solar eclipse is seen over Antarctica. California voters recall Governor Gray Davis from office and elect actor Arnold Schwarzenegger to succeed him. ... Live Earth Concerts are held throughout 9 major cities around the world. Track and field star Marion Jones surrenders her 5 Olympic medals she won in the 2000 Sydney Games, after admitting to doping. The Writers Guild of America goes ...
Subway State -
U.S. Renewable Energy Sector Outlook For 2009
By admin
While many economists, including the Congressional Budget Office, prefer the simplicity of a carbon tax, most observers believe that a cap-and-trade system is the most likely political outcome. ... One lingering complexity to be resolved is whether the accelerated tax depreciation (five years for wind and solar projects) would be refundable as well. On the one hand, this accelerated cost recovery represents a sizeable portion of the tax benefits that attract investors. ...
Building A Greener Earth -
End Time Scenario: North Magnetic Pole Is Shifting Rapidly Toward ...
This is because the solar system will be aligned to the galactic ecliptic plane and it will exert an enormous gravitational pull. This is not outside the realms of possibility. The earth has had crustal geographic pole shifts in the ...
End Time Scenario -
Revelation 7 thunders: are those the draconians orions we have ...
By SevenThunders
Or the rest 96% of the Earth will do it. Do not blind us that the Earth is one-world system. Not yet! And you are the next ones to be liberated after USA. We will deal with the dracos after their landing, sticking 100% to the Book of Revelation, ... Simple question that leads to inconvenient conclusions (some posted in this blog). Moreover, Japan, China and India all crashed probes on Moon in the last couple of months. For NASA is pretty obvious from the materials below , ...
Revelation 7 thunders -
Indonesia & Bali Tourism New » Blog Archive » Preserving and ...
By Bali Holiday
We should rely on the solar energy, since we have sunlight in plenty, 2. We got to fix our public transportation system, and cut down on the number of vehicles, especially the motorbikes, 3. We got to build wisely, and not construct ... His recent book One Earth, One Sky, One Humankind was released at the 2009 Parliament of World's Religions Convention in Melbourne. Source: The Jakarta Post. This entry was posted on Wednesday, December 30th, 2009 at 1:45 am and is filed ...
Indonesia & Bali Tourism New -
Anand Krishna's Writings » Blog Archive » Preserving and living ...
By Anand Krishna
We should rely on the solar energy, since we have sunlight in plenty, 2. We got to fix our public transportation system, and cut down on the number of vehicles, especially the motorbikes, 3. We got to build wisely, and not construct ... His recent book One Earth, One Sky, One Humankind was released at the 2009 Parliament of World's Religions Convention in Melbourne. Source: ...
Anand Krishna's Writings -
China Concrete Accessories: With "rare "is faced with conformity ...
By China Concrete Accessories
Rare rare-earth metal is called the " of the " of " gourmet powder of hi-tech industry, new material treasury of "21 century, add them in steely, pottery and porcelain, the characteristic meeting of these material produces very big change. On the military affairs, ... Rare metal science and technology is used at the military affairs, had brought flight of science and technology of world military affairs, for example the system of control and guide to missile. ...
China Concrete Accessories -
WHAT THE MAYANS CAME UP WITH? « Energy Realms's Blog
By energyrealms
Planet Earth will line up with the Galactic Center of our galaxy… as will all the other planets in our solar system. This happens every approx. 12500 years. At this alignment, energy will bathe our solar system via the black hole at ...
Energy Realms's Blog -
Asking the Wrong Questions: 2009, A Year in Reading: Best Short ...
By Abigail Nussbaum
I read only one non-genre collection this year, Jumpha Lahiri's Unaccustomed Earth, and though it was an excellent read and is highly recommended, no single story from it lingers strongly enough in my mind to make it onto this year's best short .... Robbie is a jazz musician who is hired to tour on one of the aliens' spaceships as it makes its round of the solar system, but things, of course, are not all they seem. There's a plot here that hangs together pretty well, ...
Asking the Wrong Questions -
Extra Oil Update 44: Prophecy In the News « SEVENTH SEAL LIBRARY
By bonnieq
Not even science has been able to prove life on other planets; although, that does not mean there are not other inhabited planets outside our solar system. But, if there are, it is of no consequence to us; for God would not allow them to visit our planet. .... Strongest earthquake ever recorded, so much so it knocked earth off its axis by one minute; and, there had never been a tsunami in the Indian Ocean, thus there were no alarms installed, as other seas are monitored. ...
Cool Infographics - Blog - Visualizing Gravity Wells - infographic ...
By Randy
The chart shows the "depth" of various solar system gravity wells. Each well is scaled such that rising out of a physical well of that depth - in constant Earth surface gravity - would take the same energy as escaping that planet's ...
Blog -
Atheist Ethicist: 2010: Getting Off This Rock
By Alonzo Fyfe
I envision a day when humans are collecting energy from the sun in space using space-based solar power stations, mining asteroids for their raw materials, smelting those materials in space, then shipping that material to earth. ... Yet, President Obama is not going to read this blog and I have no way of altering the course of the U.S. manned space program in the short term. That space program will probably be to do as little as politically possible. ...
Atheist Ethicist - Climate Change: The current state of ...
By PJ Park
Solar, wind, geothermal, wave, tidal, cellulose ethanol, etc connected to a safe climate future. Forest preservation connected with a safe climate future AND and easy lifestyle. Solar Power powering your lifestyle. ... They probably thought they were the bee's knees when they roamed the earth. We can try to make the earth last longer so our children can survive, so more generations can live on the earth, so humanity can survive for a longer period of time. ... -
seo comparisons | Blog @ 103rd Avenue
By admin
Provides a colorfully illustrated, fact-filled guide to our planet with informative comparisons of the significant differences between Earth and the other planets in our solar system based on position in relation to the sun, composition ...
Blog @ 103rd Avenue -
How to make Solar Panels at Home | How To Build Your Own Solar Panels
By admin
How to make Solar Panels at Home. – Earth For Energy Exposed Don't Dare Buy Earth For Energy Until You See This Shocking Review! Is Earth 4 Energy Real? 20 DIY Energy Guides Compared. ... heater help home homemade house how instructions kits live make manufacturer market money natural panel panels plant power renewable residential resources review save scam sell solar sun system technology transformers turbine turbines wind windmills work ...
How To Build Your Own Solar Panels -
Category: Earth and Solar System Blogs around the World | Views: 321 | Added by: Aries | Tags: Blogs, solar system, earth | Rating: 0.0/0
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