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«  January 2010  »
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Main » 2010 » January » 1 » Earth and Solar System Blogs
5:37 PM
Earth and Solar System Blogs
Earth and Solar System Blogs
Galactic Center calling Earth: Blue Moon signal; pick up please ...
By siderealview
In astronomical terms it is not a full (total) eclipse because earth's shadow (eclipse magnitude) will only reach 0.0763, but for us earthlings in the eastern hemisphere it will still be a singular sight. Solar system planets from outer ...
Siderealview's Blog -
Mercury- Messenger of the Gods (Planetary Series) | Athens ...
By Gary Riley
In our tour of the solar system, we should begin by exploring the innermost planet. A short distance from the inferno of our sun we find it, hurtling through space at 40 to 60 kilometers per second in its 88 day cycle around the sun. ... As we approach it we notice its similarity to a body much closer to Earth, our own moon. It too is heavily cratered, with no atmosphere (or only a trace of one) to protect its surface or erode signs of previous collisions. ...
Athens Learning -
Crystal Wave » Soluntra shares on the Blessings of 2010
By admin
They are holding the Light of the Diamond and threading it under the water and through the oceans and at Noon when I was to go to Awawakino Bay the sacred multi-dimensional doorway, New Earth, Golden Solar Disc, Sphinx, Pyramid vortex the codes .... the I am/we are/one doorway fully opened, the Great Central Starmap at the September Equinox anchored at the 13th Gate and December Solstice, the Earth and our Solar System and Greater Solar System all ready for the shift. ...
Crystal Wave -
Bith of the Universal Child « Iammaster144's Blog
By iammaster144
The ancient traditions held little bonfires of light all over the planet that kept the Earth from dying, just like the moon did, and other planets in our solar system and the universe. They were brave, and they held their traditions ...
Iammaster144's Blog -
Jon Kristian's blog: Merry Christmas!
By J.Krist.
Jon Kristian Fjellestad: Hamar, Norway. View my complete profile. My home on the planet Earth(seen from our moon) in a solar system in the Orion Arm in The Milky Way in The local group of galaxies ...
Jon Kristian's blog -
Some things never change : Pharyngula
By PZ Myers
Some of those Geocentrists have advanced degrees, Ph.Ds and so on. According to the bible, the earth is the center of the universe. That means the earth is the center of the solar system, galaxy, and universe. Religious nuts don't let facts get in the way. #10. Posted by: Zeno · Author Profile Page | December 30, 2009 2:54 PM. raven: The flat earthers are almost gone though. There are still a few. See? Progress! ..... Visit the Collective Imagination blog ...
ScienceBlogs Select -
The Messenger probe mapping Mercury
By admin
Mercury is a terrestrial planet like the Earth. It is closest to the Sun (and therefore difficult to observe, just before sunrise or after sunset of our star) and the smallest in the Solar System. Because it moves very fast in its orbit ...
Space Pragmatism -
News Summation in Anticipation of 2010 « Enleuk Lighthouse
By enleuk
A Blog commenting on Swedish and International News and Olds. ... The plankton became animals and plants over the next thousands of millions of years and meteories, climate changes and volcanic activity were the only things that threatened the life on earth during all these years as the magnetic field of the solar system and the solar wind, and the magnetic field and atmosphere of the earth protected life from most of the horrors, like radiation, from outer space. ...
Enleuk Lighthouse -
Figma Channel: Midsummer Nights » Astrobunny's Blog
By astrobunny
They said that there used to be two planets full of water in the solar system, they hit each other and became the Earth and the moon. Kagami: Woah. Interesting. Tsukasa: Then there was this one explaining the dark matter in the universe ...
Astrobunny's Blog -
Higher Ground | Blog: A New Year By Jerry Ousley
By † Higher Ground United ® © ™ †
It celebrates the completion of the Earth's orbit around the sun. We have made another revolution. I suppose that's something to celebrate considering that we have ridden this ball of rock and dirt all the way around a burning inferno a ball of ... All these things outer space, life, the weather, and the movement of galaxies and solar systems, take a backseat in our thoughts unless one of them directly affects us. To dwell on them and their dangers for very long can be ...
Higher Ground | Blog -
Haciendo Punto En Otro Blog
By Carmelo
In Ecuador, rights for "Pachamama” (Mother Earth) have entered into the Constitution. The report examines the institutions that shape cultural systems. Business has played the leading role in shifting cultures to center on consumerism, ... 5); To produce enough energy over the next 25 years to replace most of what is supplied by fossil fuels, the world would need to build 200 square meters of solar photovoltaic panels and 100 square meters of solar thermal every second, ...
Haciendo Punto En Otro Blog -
What is that cloud of interstellar material? Mystery at the edge ...
By galaxy17
Artist's rendering of the Voyager 2 spacecraft as it studies the outer limits of the heliosphere — a magnetic 'bubble' around the Solar System that is created by the solar wind. Scientists observed the magnetic bubble is not spherical, but pressed inward in the ... Taken by astronaut William Anders from the Apollo 8 spacecraft, this December 1968 photo of Earth rising over the lunar surface would become one of the most famous images of the 20th century. Credit: NASA ...
Orbit 17 +++ Space and beyond -
Newest technology: Leónidas 2009
By Stanley A. Weeks
As every year in these dates the trip of the Earth in his orbit about the Sun the ride to cross the area of the Solar system that covers the comet Tempel-Tuttle in his visits to this one, what provokes that in the nights it is possible ...
Newest technology -
Lifeboat News: The Blog » Ark-starship – too early or too late?
By Alexei Turchin
What are the chances that its computer network of the Ark will download the virus, if it will communicate with Earth? And if not, it will reduce the chances of success. It is possible competition for nearby stars, and faster machines ...
Lifeboat News: The Blog -
P-dog's blog: boring but important: Online reading assignment ...
By P-dog
"Learning about the planets in our solar system. I think it was interesting to learn how different they are from ours." "I really enjoyed the real photos of space incredible to think about the vast space that we live in. .... "The most confusing part of this course was really trying to imagine the stars, how big they are in relation to the earth, how hot they are in relation to anything we know (2000K--what does that even look like!) and so forth. This is space, less than ...
P-dog's blog: boring but important -
Water on the Moon, Ares I-X, Logistics on ISS – Future Aspirations ...
By Chris Bergin
Discovery was ultimately cleared for landing on September 11 and performed the second Boundary Layer Transition DTO (Detailed Test Objective) during her reentry into the Earth's atmosphere. Discovery and her seven member crew .... On November 13, the preliminary results of the impacts were released by NASA, and the answer to the age old question of whether water currently exists on other bodies in our solar system was finally put to rest. The answer was a resounding yes . ... -
Hatchomatic» Blog Archive » Ten things I think I think about Avatar
By admin
Sort of as if Earth orbited Jupiter. From all appearances, Pandora is close enough to the much larger planet that there should be extreme gravitational effects on Pandora. I mean, Pandora should be experiencing the sort of tidal forces that make Titan and Europa such interesting moons in our solar system. Yeah, geeky, I know. But still, it seemed such an obvious problem to me. Another obvious problem was the… Stereotyping: I couldn't help but find the oversimplification ...
Hatchomatic -
FIRST ECLIPSE OF 2010… « Living Moon Astrology's Blog
By livingmoonastrology
During this Eclipse the Sun will be conjunct Venus and the Moon will oppose it, enhancing the power of this phenomenon over our relationships, love life and value system. Both Sun and Moon will also be in aspect to Neptune in ... The next Eclipse is a Solar, Annular one, originating in Africa (Uganda), and passing through the Middle East, Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan and end at China's borders. This will be a more important astronomical event because of the Eclipse ...
Living Moon Astrology's Blog -
Traction Lobe: Report: Russia May Try to Deflect Asteroid With ...
By Alberto
Past studies have weighed using everything from nuclear weapons and solar sails to rocket engines, robotic swarms and old-fashioned paint to protect Earth from space rocks. Apophis has only an extremely remote chance ... "People's lives are at stake. We should pay several hundred million dollars and design a system that would prevent a collision, rather than sit and wait for it to happen and kill hundreds of thousands of people," Perminov said, according to RIA Novosti. ...
Traction Lobe -
Top 10 Green Cell Phones of 2009 - TELECOM GIFTZ
By cedric
Samsung's innovative Blue Earth phone is the first solar powered full-touch phone. Engineered to resemble a a flat and well rounded shiny pebble, Blue Earth is made of PCM recycled plastic and is free from toxic materials like BFR and phthalate. ... Michael Arms writes about green cell phones and other topics for the Pacebutler Recycling and Environment blog. You can donate, recycle, or sell used cell phones to Pacebutler Corporation, a US mobile phone refurbishing and ...
The Top Five Green Cars for 2009 | BNET Auto Blog | BNET
By Jim Motavalli
The New York Times' Jerry Garrett, who also made the Prius the top pick, praised its "50 miles per gallon fuel economy, more powerful engine, improved utility and new high-tech features, including solar roof panels that help cool the interior.” ... Add this new one to the list which includes the vehicles recent selection as Car and Driver's 10 Best. The newest award presented to the 2010 Ford Fusion Hybrid is the 2010 Earth, Wind, & Power Award for green car of the ...
BNET Blogs -
Living in the Romance Writing with a Twist World: Happy 2010!
By Susanne Marie Knight
In the year 2102, ambitious Jason Maverick is lead attorney for the richest man in the solar system, Reid Evver. Although Reid is only ten years older than Jason, he has everything Jason has ever desired. Except for now. ... And not just any wife; Flavia Gracchus is a drab Moon native who doesn't want to visit Earth almost as much as Jason doesn't want to escort her around to see the sights. But Flavia is Jason's new assignment. ... Search This Blog. Loading. ...
Living in the Romance Writing... -
Space Highlights in 2009 « Bill Housley – Science Fiction and ...
By Bill Housley
Masten Space Systems won the first place X-Prize in the Northrop Grumman Lunar Lander Challenge in November. They also announced that they are taking reservations to launch sub-orbital science and educational payloads from Earth, straight up and ..... NASA has selected three proposals as candidates for the agency's next space venture to another celestial body in our solar system. NASA Awards Contract For Fabrication Services To Hampton, Va., Firm December 29, 2009 ...
Bill Housley - Science Fiction... -
15 Reasons To Live For The Next 10 Years - utopia - io9
By Annalee Newitz
He's already won our hearts with his first web series, Dr. Horrible's Singalong Blog. As web series grow in legitimacy, and most people turn to their monitors to watch TV, we anticipate that this may be the smartest move Whedon has ever made. ... This mission, the first to examine the Vestas and Ceres up close, could help establish the asteroid belt as a massive rest stop for travelers in our solar system. 4. Synthetic life. Last decade, genome warlord Craig Venter ...
io9 -
10 Signs You Might Be Too Fat – The Sarcasmist
By The Sarcasmist
Mark's Gravatar Mark. December 30, 2009 at 3:02 pm | Permalink. You know your fat when you do a full turn and its your birthday again. You know your fat when you can play pool with the solar system. Reply. Mark's Gravatar Mark ... 20. You need Google Earth to take the picture for your drivers license. Reply. JDP's Gravatar JDP. December 30, 2009 at 5:08 pm | Permalink. 21. When your diagnosed with a flesh eating disaease and told you have 93 years to live. ...
The Sarcasmist -
Don't believe the lies, critically analyze!: Background Briefing ...
By (Kurt Rudder)
There was a rumour that the Chinese were going to restrict their export of rare earth metals. This was worrying news, because many of them are vital to several US military applications, like missile guidance systems. ..... Chinese internal demand is rising because they are trying to expand their green technology industry, wind turbines and solar panels. But there's an interesting twist: if you want to have the benefits of rare earths, you have to mine the uranium and ...
Don't believe the lies, critically... -
"Markets fail. That's why we need markets.” - Hit & Run : Reason ...
By Nick Gillespie
There are challenges to sending people across large distances in space, but get the Earth-to-orbit cost equation solved, and we'll see an explosion of activity. There are some pretty serious opportunities in the solar system if we can ...
Hit & Run -
Saving Africa!: SOME LIKED IT HOT….
By Cyberwitch
Welcome to this blog, which is an attempt to by-pass the serried ranks of the institutions that populate the development industry in Africa and to enable participants, both inside and outside the industry, of every colour, .... So why on earth should I do anything to encourage further catastrophic demographic growth in that country? The wide-eyed boy-child we saved, 20 years or so ago, is now a priapic, Kalashnikov-bearing hearty, siring children whenever the whim takes ...
Saving Africa! -
Cruisin in the Fusion: Does Ford's Latest Hybrid Earn its Green ...
Since nobody would read the Politico for substantive analysis, which is done infinitely better at a number of major media outlets and blogs, the only possible reason to read the Politico is for the political analysis. But why bother when that analysis is both so predictable and so influenced by ..... Blogroll. Earth Power System – A Manual for Constructing Solar Panels and Windmills. Favorite Sites. Earth Power System – A Manual for Constructing Solar Panels and Windmills ...
Your Green Ability -
Car Magazine » Blog Archive » Functional Ideas To Follow When ...
By Car Magazine
Solar power systems are becoming so common you can find one that works in just about any circumstance. One of the newest solar power deceives that is very popular is solar panels which are for use with your RV. They can really help you save money and be kind to the earth. There are a few different types of solar panels and it pays to look at your options before selecting one. RV solar panels capture light from the sun and use it to power the electrical systems of your RV. ...
Car Magazine -
3D TODAY: Gravity Wells
By Xea & Armand
This chart shows the "depth" of various solar system gravity wells. Each well is scaled such that rising out of a physical well of that depth in constant earth surface gravity would take the same energy as escaping from that planet's gravity in ..... 30 Web Design Blogs With Consistenly Good Content - There's a growing number of design blogs scattered around the web, each focusing on various aspects of design. This collection of 30 design blogs all have ... 1 week ago ...
Save the Planet with Samsung Blue Earth |
By admin
Now Samsung joins in the craze too with their very first solar powered smart phone that will be out in the market hopefully within the quarter. The literally blue colored smart phone will be called Samsung Blue Earth. Be Eco-friendly ... There's no news that leaked on what processor or operating system it will have but the phone has a read only memory (ROM) of 180MB which is quite small for a smartphone. But that can be expanded through a MicroSD card for up to 16GB. ... -
WMAP Reveals Neutrinos, End of Dark Ages, First Second of Universe ...
By Roy Wright
"A block of lead the size of our entire solar system wouldn't even come close to stopping a cosmic neutrino,” said science team member Eiichiro Komatsu of the University of Texas at Austin. ... The new WMAP data agree with that prediction, along with precise measurements of neutrino properties made by Earth-bound particle colliders. Another breakthrough derived from WMAP data is clear evidence the first stars took more than a half-billion years to create a cosmic fog. ...
Roy Wright's Informal Learning Blog -
CADRE Comments: Cards, Probabilities and the Anthropic Principle
Welcome to the Christian CADRE blog for the Christian CADRE website. The members of the CADRE maintain this blog for commenting on various items of interest to apologetics. We welcome input. E-mail us at ..... The design and care with which the laws of physics, the universe, our galaxy, our solar system, and the planet Earth were crafted suggests that God is caring and loving. He put in a lot of time in the design and creation of the universe so ...
CADRE Comments -
Category: Earth and Solar System Blogs around the World | Views: 313 | Added by: Aries | Tags: Blogs, solar system, earth | Rating: 0.0/0
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