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«  January 2010  »
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Main » 2010 » January » 1 » Earth and Solar System Blogs
5:49 PM
Earth and Solar System Blogs
Earth and Solar System Blogs
NASA International Space Station Shuttle Mission Google Earth ...
By SHELDON KALNITSKY - NASA International...
NASA International Space Station Shuttle Mission Science Technology Google Earth Mars Moon: Five Tips for a Space-Smart 2010 Get latest news on Solar System Universe Astronomy Milky Way Planet Satellite Space Telescope Galaxy. ... RECIPROLL Link. RECIPROLL- Link to me or follow me or post comments and it links back automatically, no matter how dull your blog is. (Send me an email, I loved to add your blogs.) ...
NASA International Space Station... -
(untitled) « Phil's Blog
By Smoke And Mirrors
The calibration signal is changing, and the solar system, and the entire galactic system. But for us specifically on earth, third rock from the sun, is experiencing an awakening of its caterpillar. The caterpillars are starting to come ...
Phil's Blog -
NASA Space Information, Shuttle Launch, Moon and Solar System ...
By Information
NASA Space Information, Shuttle Launch, Moon and Solar System, Earth, Univers, Aerona. NASA Space Information, Shuttle & Station,Moon & Mars,Solar System, Earth,Universe, NASA Space Missions, Aerona ... Translate This Blog. Google-Translate -Chinese (Simplified) BETA Chinese Google-Translate-English to French French Google-Translate-English to German German Google-Translate-English to Italian Italian Google-Translate-English to Japanese BETA Japanese ...
NASA Space Information, Shuttle... -
Nature's Blog: The Earth Year
By Robert Folzenlogen
When viewed from the perspective of our galaxy, a year becomes even less significant as a period of time; it takes somewhere in the neighborhood of 230-250 million years for our solar system to orbit the center of the Milky Way. ...
Nature's Blog -
2009 « the Air Vent
By Jeff Id
Whether it is global warming, cooling, dimming or just plain seasonal deviations, it is apparent that whoever or whatever created the earth and solar system was a poor engineer. It was all messed up and requires Obama and the United Nations to fix it. ... De Vivar. said. December 31, 2009 at 7:56 pm. Just a good site and searing truth seeking, sham merchants, scamsters and BSers, beware Jeff is waiting…….. . Great Blog, warmest wishes for the New Year! ...
the Air Vent -
Sydney Observatory – news and views on astronomy from Sydney ...
By irma
This was a huge discovery because until then it was considered that Earth was the centre of the Solar System, the centre of the universe – that everything moved around the Earth. ... You can also order it online (there is an additional postage fee) from or directly from the blog,, where there is a banner at the top-right which takes you directly to the order form for the Australian sky guide. ...
Sydney Observatory - news and... -
Propel Earth Initiatives » Blog Archive » Could Glowing Walls ...
By Jamie
Because the wallpaper requires such low amounts of energy, it can be powered by solar panels or batteries. Lomox believes that the technology could also be used to illuminate road signs or barriers where there is no means of electricity. ... TOMI(ES) Confirms Breakthrough Healthcare Technology (press release) Irv Kraut, Industrial Hygienist and TOMI(ES)' Director of Environmental Services said, "TOMI(ES) Ultra D Rapid Disinfectant System is the breakthrough ...
Propel Earth Initiatives -
By hcurci Just another weblog ... The sun fires of it's nuclear furnace and, voila, we have a life giving solar system. On Earth, simple life forms began to appear like blue green algae then more complex plants to finally, after some four billion years of evolution, we find humans, tigers, whales, and a total of nearly half million species of life on planet Earth and all of this came from a pile of space dust, junk and debris…..what an ... -
Numinous Ubiquity: the future
By Numinous Ubiquity
... back in your time, things like what i am writing, which are known as "blogs”, did not exist, nor did this thing known as "the internet”, which is the place where i put all these words that i wrote in the future. yes, you are living .... but it would still be tragic to kill them all through preemptive warfare! and i doubt any moon that would form around earth would be capable of supporting life, either... so we would end up with a solar system in which the only planets ...
Numinous Ubiquity -
Science Oxford Online » Blog Archive » Our Sun's *Ultimate Fate*
By Science Oxford
Astronomers have a pretty good idea of what will transpire: the sun will swell to a size so large that it will swallow every planet out to Mars in our solar system. Don't worry, though, this won't happen for another 5 billion years. But now , astronomers have been able to watch in detail the death of a sun-like star about 550 light-years from Earth to get a better grasp on what the end might be for our Sun. The star, Chi Cygni, has swollen in size, and is now writhing in ...
Science Oxford Online -
Astronomy Kids Games | Welcome to Arnie's Astrostuff Blog
By admin
Discover the unique attributes of each planet in our solar system. Follow the latest news about UFOs and the quest to communicate with other life forms. Survey the methods and instruments used by modern astronauts and learn how t. ...
Welcome to Arnie's Astrostuff Blog -
Revelation 7 thunders: The crust of the earth will split in many ...
By SevenThunders
interstellar cloud of supernova: NASA Voyager detects the solar system is traveling inside. the galactic plane hotter than expected, possible supernova cloud... ... Simple question that leads to inconvenient conclusions (some posted in this blog). Moreover, Japan, China and India all crashed probes on Moon in the last couple of months. For NASA is pretty obvious from the materials below, that the probe did not ...
Revelation 7 thunders -
Are We Nearly Doomed Yet? Part 1. « Alex Cull: My Articles and Reviews
By alexjc38
Life on Earth might be instantly exterminated when the solar system enters a violent Gurnning-epsilon particle storm in 2035. What are Gurnning-epsilon particles? I don't know, I just made them up on the spot. .... I intend to make Are We Nearly Doomed Yet? a regular feature on this blog (once a year, perhaps, or twice yearly?) Obviously, however, I might forget or lose interest. Or a giant asteroid could actually strike the Earth over the next few months, in which case ...
Alex Cull: My Articles and Reviews -
OilDrum: Drumbeat: December 31, 2009 | WWWATTS: Drive Different
By Webmaster
The gas giant planets of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are largely composed of hydrogen and methane which indicates that crude petroleum feedstock is abundant in our solar system. Thus there is some reason to think that some of ... Worldwatch looks back at this year in environmental news, picking the most notable stories posted to Eye on Earth over the past 12 months. China Won't Set Solar Power Prices Soon, Securities News Says (Bloomberg) -- China may not set the ...
WWWATTS: Drive Different - The... -
Exoplanetary Thoughts for 2010 | Portal to the Universe
Gliese 1214b is roughly 6.5 times as massive as Earth, orbiting an M-dwarf some forty light years from our Solar System. You'll recall we discussed this one in terms of possible study of its atmosphere. Abundant Small Worlds ...
PTTU All - Article & News Blog
By CSW Editor
Picture this: The fastest man-made object ever built, the Pluto-bound New Horizons probe, ripping through space at around 31000 miles per hour – about 40 times the speed of sound – is now about 1.527 billion miles from Earth, closer to Pluto than home! This astonishing distance has been ... This craft will be the first to sail by Pluto, the planet or dwarf planet or plutoid, and on to the other objects lurking in the Kuiper Belt on the outer fringes of the solar system. ... Article... -
Build Solar Panels – Is it Really Worth it? | Free Solar Power
By admin
Subscribe to this blog. Subscribe to full feed RSS · What the? RSS?! Subscribe Via Email. We respect your privacy. Build Solar Panels – Is it Really Worth it? By admin On December 31, 2009 Under free solar. Now that it is possible to build solar panels for your own home relatively fast, discover if the effort is really worth your while. Is it just a fad or something that is truly good for the earth and beneficial for you. Share and Enjoy: ...
Free Solar -
James McGrath Morris: Trying to Save Water When the Law Says Waste It
By James McGrath Morris
As the kind of fellow who came of age around the time of Earth Day I worry constantly about how much we waste. Living here in a region whose annual rainfall is what New York City gets in a couple of months, water--or the lack of it--is an inescapable worry. ... Our mutual domestic system has the legally enshrined right to draw 29.5 acre-feet per year. (The fact that we measure water in acre feet already tells you a lot about the arcane nature of water politics out here. ...
The Huffington Post Full Blog Feed -
What If There Was No Greenhouse Effect? « Roy Spencer, Ph. D.
By Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D.
Eventually, the surface and lower atmosphere would warm until the rate at which infrared energy is lost by the Earth's surface to space would equal the rate at which sunlight is absorbed by the surface, and the whole system would settle ...
Roy Spencer, Ph. D. -
Out of catastrophe, renewal | The Stump -
By Syndicated columns
... what they considered our solar system's clocklike mechanics. Today, we know there is a lot of play in the joints of the Constitution, and that every 40 million years or so asteroids of more than half a mile in diameter strike Earth. ...
The Stump -
You Should Know Before You Shop Green
By Georgia Solar
Products or materials that are described as being sustainable contain materials that do not deplete the Earth of its resources and is easily replenished. There are many common types of materials that are considered sustainable: ... The device is placed behind the retina and is essentially an array of mini solar devices. In addition, the system utilizes is an external video camera that captures images, a pocket pc to process the video feed, … ...
Solar in Georgia -
Space, Google To Dominate 2010 In Tech -- Technomaly
By nick
The mission will also unveil more news of Titan's small, unpopular sibling Enceladus; which could have greater implications than any celestial body in the solar system. Researchers have found evidence of "complex organic chemicals” on ... It could also change how blogs are done, a mobile phone with Google Wave could update a site immediately. Citizen journalists, bloggers and online social butterflies should keep an eye on the project and fight for that invite in 2010. ...
Technomaly -
The Monolith Monsters are taking over the world! : Pharyngula
Posted by: Jeff Martin | December 31, 2009 1:25 PM. Here is some geo and some evo. When meteor crash into Earth, they create amino acids. Likely meteor strikes on the early Earth created the building blocks for life. .... I'd guess that only individual dust grains may have extra-solar origin, on the basis of the energy needed for a collision fragment making it out of the solar system entirely is so much higher than for it just leaving the gravity well of it's origin ...
Pharyngula -
Science-fiction science: How long could you survive inside a ...
By Maggie Koerth-Baker
Applying Earth science to science-fiction scenarios might not be easy (or particularly necessary) but it sure is fun. Here, fans take the cutting-open-a-furry-beast-and-using-its-carcass-as-an-emergency-blanket scene from The Empire Strikes Back and ..... Superfluid and super conductor, Jupiter's core puts out more heat for it's solar system of moons than it receives from the sun, and it'll probably do that far after the sun burns out if it's still in the solar system. ...
Boing Boing -
The View from Arizona: The End of the '00 Decade
By Andrew Meeusen
Whether or not global warming is a real event or just a well-explained hoax, I don't think anyone could deny the fact that moving away from oil and coal toward electric, wind, solar, or nuclear energies and dissipating the hold the Middle East has over us and our pocketbooks is a good ... It might not be much, and I may never be noticed for my work, but come Hell or high water, I plan to do something to undo the complete travesty that 2000-2009 has made of planet Earth. ...
The View from Arizona -
The Midnight Sun « The Ratel Motel
By ratelmotel
... and the situation is actually that the Earth is hurtling away from the Sun, it's night all the time and apparently we'll pass beyond our star's influence within two or three weeks. Screamin' outta the solar system, baby! Vroomvroom! ...
The Ratel Motel -
How To Make A Solar System Mobile – Save Thousands Each Year ...
By admin
If you are in the process of researching the subject of how to make a solar system mobile, just take a look at what i have to say on the subject - it will. ... Eco Frienldy talk, from news to tips… Green Categories: ... make a solar system mobile, I want to share the news that, fortunately for us, an experienced renewable energy expert is willing to share his knowledge on how to fabricate solar panels and start reaping the cost-effective and earth-friendly ... -
Cost-cutting Nasa eyes new ventures
By roshan
The explorer would descend through the carbon dioxide-rich Venusian atmosphere, landing on the planet's surface in the hope of gathering evidence that could explain why it is so different from Earth, despite being close in size and space. ... The first mission will fly by Pluto and its moon Charon in 2015 and then a target in the Kuiper belt, at the outer reaches of the Solar System. "These three proposals provide the best science value among eight submitted to Nasa this ...
The Oil Drum | Drumbeat: December 31, 2009
By Leanan
Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately) Earth, where we happen to live, is one of the four *ROCKY* planets in our solar system, the other three of course being Mercury, Mars and Venus. ... I hope you can post frequently about your experience or maybe even start a blog about it. Just curious though, and I suspect I already know the answer, based on your saying: "that you can't stomach it any more", how receptive exactly are construction management students and auto ...
The Oil Drum - Discussions about... -
Cempaka Global Hotspots: North Korea calls for end to hostility ...
By Cempaka
A statement carried in major newspapers said Pyongyang also wanted "a lasting peace system on the Korean Peninsula". In response, a US State Department official said North Korea should show its good faith by returning to six-party talks on its nuclear programme. ...... He became intrigued with all this when he was working for Phillips Petroleum in the late 1970s and noticed that the magnetics of the earth were at their lowest point in 2000 years ...
Cempaka Global Hotspots - » Blog Archive » Solar garden lighting is economical ...
By tatridai
They may also get damaged during the excavating of the earth for planting, etc. In such cases, repairing the damaged cables will involve additional expenditure. Solar garden lighting: Solar Garden lighting removes all the drawbacks of conventional process of lighting. Solar system of lighting does not require any cabling work. In fact, it does not require any conventional electrical connection. All lighting points are independent. The lighting points can be rearranged to ... -
Solar Panels – How to Build CHEAP Solar Panel for Home | DIY Solar ...
By admin
Solar power is a very good source of power because it is renewable, environmental friendly and free. It would be a very nice idea to have a solar power system at home. However, due to the high setup cost ($2000 or more), not many people would .... December 31st, 2009 at 7:43 am. Thank u for great … Thank u for great idea about free solar energy for home. It's very interesting for me. comment number 13 by: timnelson55. December 31st, 2009 at 7:43 am. Does this 'Earth 4 … ...
DIY Solar Now Blog -
They show that the classic concept of the glass greenhouse wholly fails to replicate the physics of Earth's climate. They also prove that a greenhouse operates as a "closed” system while the planet works as an "open” system and the ..... And the basic fact presented in the paper -- that solar output has in general been on the downturn in recent years -- is also amusing to see. Surely even a crazed Greenie mind must see that the sun's influence has not stopped and that ...
Catha For Council Blog » UAV wih Tube Launched Expandable Wing
By admin
... up as it arches slow down and return to earth the relative wind slows down and the spring loaded wing pops into place and then it has altitude, and can glide trickle charging the battery and using solar to keep the motor going. ...
Catha For Council Blog -
Limitless Affordable Energy without Climate Changes | Hot news and ...
By kvadra
Technologies for converting nuclear heat and solar energy into electric power, liquid transportation fuels, and heating gases are not available. Accelerated development efforts must be initiated immediately for closing these inexcusable gaps. The US has the resources, ... The only way to reverse the escalating growth of carbon dioxide emissions and their accumulation in the Earth's atmosphere is by stopping all emissions as soon as economically and politically feasible. ...
Hot news and articles blogging -
NASA Chooses Three Finalists for Next Space Mission | 7ele Tech News
By 7ele
The space agency does have three possible choices in mind and will decide sometime after 2010 whether to send an unmanned probe to the moon, Venus or an asteroid in our solar system. Three competing scientific programs will receive about ... The challenge of this mission is building a lander that can withstand Venus' harsh atmosphere long enough to collect samples, analyze them and transmit the information back to earth before succumbing to the intense heat and pressure. ...
7ele Tech News -
Category: Earth and Solar System Blogs around the World | Views: 496 | Added by: Aries | Tags: Blogs, solar system, earth | Rating: 0.0/0
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