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«  January 2010  »
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Main » 2010 » January » 4 » Earth and Solar System Blogs
2:34 PM
Earth and Solar System Blogs
Earth and Solar System Blogs
Last Door in the Planetary Society Advent Calendar: Earth, again ...
The Planetary Society Blog. By Emily Lakdawalla ... Prometheus Day 27: Prometheus. Voyager 2 color view of Ariel Day 28: Ariel. Rhea in natural color. Day 29: Rhea. Tempel 1. Day 30: Tempel 1. Uranus Day 31: Uranus. Crescent Earth Jan 1: New Earth. Each day in December I posted a new global shot of a solar system body, processed by an amateur. This is the last one. Click on the links above to open the other doors in the planetary advent calendar! ...
Planetary Society Weblog -
Top Seven Points to Emphasize on 2012 End of Earth · The Review Blog
By admin
The entire planets in the solar system will face a new age. • On this day we enter into a new century according to the Gregorian calendar. • Sun touches the lowest point of the orbit. • Polar shift is expected to happen on this ...
The Review Blog -
Tom's Astronomy Blog » Blog Archive » Happy Birthday, Ceres
By Marian
Spectral analysis of Ceres has shown some very interesting indicators for iron-rich phyllosilicates, making it the third object in our solar system discovered to have carbonates (the other two are Earth and Mars). ...
Tom's Astronomy Blog -
Fusion in the Universe: when a giant star dies… | Marie Curie's Blog
By admin
So far, all observed supernovae have been a long way from Earth, but what would happen if a closer star became a supernova? Fortunately, supernovae are fairly rare, with only one supernova every 50 to 100 years in an ordinary spiral galaxy like the Milky Way. The last supernovae observed in the ... More evidence of a recent and local supernova explosion is the Local Bubble, a cavity 300 light-years wide in the interstellar medium where our own Solar System is located. ...
Marie Curie's Blog -
DIY Solar Hot Water Heater | Fireplace Screens Blog
By outside_voices
Energy from the sun is also known as solar radiation hitting the earth. By harnessing this source of energy with a solar hot water heater enables you to generate energy in the form of electricity and hot water. ... Electricity and gas boosters - While the sun can provide sufficient energy to provide you with plenty of hot water for most of the year, there may be extended periods of cloudy, cold days where your system may need a helping hand. ...
Fireplace Screens Blog -
By hiram1555
Does that include everything that makes up the solar system? The planet earth? If so, what shall we expect? What kind of solar system will we have after the destruction of the present one? Think over these things. "We must get down to the facts so that we can recognize them when they are presented to us. But you never questioned the first teacher. .... Listen to Hiram's1555 blog presents: "The Star and Crescent Report”. Listen to Hiram1555 on Blog Talk Radio ...
Hiram's 1555 Blog -
Solar Panel Heating System | Lounge Interior . com
By Alan Wonnacott
Why on Earth would someone wish to install a solar cell heating system in their home? There are lots of reasons in truth. Installing solar heating in houses has considerable ecological advantages and as well decreases the CO2 emissions ...
Lounge Interior . com -
Cosmic rays are more powerful …
By admin
Located at 1.5 million kilometers, the ACE satellite (Advanced Composition Explorer) since 1997 turns around the Lagrangian point L1 system Earth - Sun. It continuously scans the surrounding environment to study the solar corona, ...
Space Pragmatism -
unfit blog - Seasons and Calendars
By admin
The Mayas were very knowledgeable in astronomy, they had a very accurate calculation for the orbit of earth circulating the Sun. In their calendar system, they recorded the period of earth movement and lunar eclipse, as well as the orbital superimposition and synchronization of other planets. In fact, the astronomical knowledge of the Mayas has transcended far beyond the solar system.” In two different cultures there is the possibility of two beginnings of the year. ...
unfit blog -
muslims why do you think the quran is the word of god when it has ...
By admin
i thought our solar system has 8 planets plus 4 dwarf planets ? quran 71;15/16 "moon in the midst of 7 heavens" this is false, the moon is the nearest natural object to us, so is NOT in the midst of stars stars are much further away ... Quran 15:19 "And the earth We have spread out (like a carpet); set thereon Mountains firm and immovable" 1st this extension sounds flat. a better metaphor for a round earth is a ball 2nd mountains don't prevent earthquakes ...
Random Blog -
Free SF Reader : Free Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror: Leigh ...
By Blue Tyson
There is a Galactic Union out there, and races involved in this organisation do come into contact with Earth and the Solar System. In fact, in All the Colors of the Rainbow Mintakan weather engineers on Earth have a violent encounteer ...
Free SF Reader : Free Science... -
India's Online Teaching Blog | ऑनलाइन शिक्षा ...
By Ashish Saklecha
Copernicus: (1413-1543) A prominent astronomer of Poland who discovered the "Solar System”. Cornforth, John Warcup: co-winner of the 1975 Nobel Prize in Chemistry is a deaf professor. He is an Australian living in England. His chief distinction is mapping out ..... Verne, Jules: (1828-1905) French science-fiction writer was author of "From the Earth to the Moon” published in 1865. The book carried a more or less accurate prediction of the launching and flight of Apollo -8. ...
ऑनलाइन शिक्षा... -
On A Loose End: Universe In A Year - Carl Sagan
By taps
08 Sep - Our Sun Formed 09 Sep - Our Solar System formed 12 Sep - Earth formed 13 Sep - The Earth's moon formed 20 Sep - Earth's atmosphere formed 01 Oct - First life form appears on earth 07 Oct - Earliest fossils ...
On A Loose End -
Nepal Circle « Rajib Paudyal's Blog
By rajibmp
If there are some vacant government position and the government issues a certain quota system for some caste then what shall a normal citizen do if he doesn't belong to that caste? That's not the rights for ... Thus, I compare this situation with the small circles, what if earth had 12 moons? The dark period of solar eclipse shall occur very often and we may not enjoy the day light as we are doing now. Thus these small circles have made the life very hard for all Nepali. ...
Rajib Paudyal's Blog -
Darren Straight's Blog » Blog Archive » Top 10 Search Keyphrases ...
By Darren Straight
planets solar system, 48, 4.3 %. vtunnel, 20, 1.8 %. disable ease of access, 19, 1.7 %. desperate dan, 19, 1.7 %. qq, 13, 1.1 %. remote desktop authentication certificate, 12, 1 %. straight blog, 10, 0.9 % ...
Darren Straight's Blog -
"Learn Solar Installation” Guide – Save Thousands Each Year !
By admin
It seems like only yesterday, plugging your home to an independent solar power supply system was seen as an undertaking that was out of the reach of most people, yet for many it remained something to aspire to. ... in the field of renewable energy has discovered a simple method for you to fabricate solar panels and start reaping the cost-effective and earth-friendly rewards of solar power with low-cost and easy-to-find materials and a simple method for assembling them. ...
Do It Yourself Guide -
Metal Sound » Blog Archive » Annual Feng Shui cures for 2009
By paramoz
It is the Solar Calendar which is used in Xuan Kong (Time-Space) Feng Shui, commonly referred to as Flying Star (Fe Xing) Feng Shui, that determines the important feng shui adjustments that are needed as the earth's magnetic field shifts at the ... That's right, Barack Obama is an Ox. He was born in 1961, the Year of the Metal Ox. As the second animal sign in the Chinese 12-sign system, Oxen are diligent, stoic, and hard working – an abundant harvest reflects one's ...
Metal Sound -
Dana's Site - 50 Things we know now that we didn't know this time ...
Its existence defies all expectations about what the edge of the solar system might look like. Fisher's response: "We thought we knew everything about everything, and it turned out that there were unknown unknowns." ... The calmest place on Earth is on top of an icy plateau in Antarctica known as Ridge A, several hundred miles from the South Pole. It is so still that stars do not twinkle in the sky because there is no turbulence in the atmosphere to distort the light. ...
Dana's Site -
Rosenbush Cafe » Blog Archive » Rabbit, Rabbit: New Year, New ...
By Henry Rosenbush
No end of the world esthetics, not a dollop of histrionics that the human (choke) race (choke again) might finally leave the Planet Earth for the darkness of mass graves as the global trannie aborts the 3/4 useless fuck-sticks, ... That is where the goodness comes into our briefest of existence in the solar system. Time is too short to manifest destinies in negativity. Who needs more hateful cretins whose only problem is themselves, rather than the hordes of others they ...
Rosenbush Cafe -
The Rag Blog: Harvey Wasserman : A Blue-Mooning, Baby-Booming New Year
By thorne dreyer
As that happens we can eliminate fossil and nuclear fuels, replacing them with the Solartopian technologies that really work, including solar, wind, sustainable biofuels, geothermal, ocean thermal, tidal, wave, current and other forms of renewables not yet conceived. .... The Future is Now : Mother Earth and Our Great Green Leap -- By Harvey Wasserman / The Rag Blog. We must make corporations serve the people if we are to restore organic sustainability to the Earth. ...
The Rag Blog -
Revelation 7 thunders: Obama family to see 'Avatar' in the last ...
By SevenThunders
Do not blind us that the Earth is one-world system. Not yet! And you are the next ones to be liberated after USA. We will deal with the dracos after their landing, sticking 100% to the Book of Revelation, the Book of Life. ... Simple question that leads to inconvenient conclusions (some posted in this blog). Moreover, Japan, China and India all crashed probes on Moon in the last couple of months. For NASA is pretty obvious from the materials below, that the probe did not ...
Revelation 7 thunders -
Edible food forests – gourmet eateries of the future | Earth-Based ...
By Pierre Soleil
For example, the vast majority of solar energy captured by natural forest food webs ends up going to rot. We can capture some of this energy for our own use by growing edible and medicinal mushrooms, most of which prefer shady conditions. ... They plug the primary nutrient leaks from the soil and energize a networked system of plants, soil organic matter, soil organisms, and soil particles that gathers, concentrates, and cycles nutrients conservatively. ...
Earth-Based Living For The Future -
. A Book every Six Days .: 2009 – A summary
By Scriptor Senex
First of the Earth's Children series bringing the Stone Age to a credible adventure story as Cro-Magnon Man interacts with Neanderthals. So far the series runs to five volumes and I eagerly await the sixth. The interval between each book is a demonstration of the .... So great are the implications of the discovery that, for the first time, men are sent out deep into the solar system. But before they can reach their destination, things begin to go wrong. Horribly wrong. ...
. A Book every Six Days . -
Common Sense Atheism » The Consequences of Naturalism
By lukeprog
Our sun will explode, wiping out the solar system, in about 5 billion years. The entire universe will die in a slow heat death after that. Contra-causal free will does not exist. The first discovery is earth-shattering for most people, ...
Common Sense Atheism -
Solar Lighting » Blog Archive » Solar Energy For Homes
By keithraymond1973
"We have to wait and waited 76 years, but an innovative company has finally pushed a solar solution. The sun provides enough energy to earth in one hour to all the needs of our power supply for 365 days and then some. But currently solar power supplies less than 1% of our ... The average homeowner would pay $ 40000 to convert their home solar-generated electricity, plus homeowners are responsible for the installation, maintenance of the solar system, and always welcome. ...
Solar Lighting -
Solar Lights » Blog Archive » Solar Installation
By dennisespinoza1987
It's easy to not only at home, but your swimming pool with the ball giant orange ball, never the show not to face, even if behind the clouds or on the other side of the earth heat. ... I am currently building a cabin on Anderson Iceland in Washington State and trying to look for a solar system not only me my hot water, but all power. If you do not want to take care of the installation, you can use a solar water heating system at home from anywhere from $ 300 – $ 1500 U.S. ...
Solar Lights -
Mobil Mewah: Citroën
By (admin)
"Some of the infrared energy radiated by the sun is soaked by the earth and later released as radiation for hours after sunset. Nanoantennas can take this energy with higher efficiency than the conventional solar cells." ... The windscreen is embedded with transparent solar cells while the side as well as the bottom body panels are covered with plastic nano sheets. The opening system of the car is similar to an aircraft cockpit, with doors that can retract into the body ...
Mobil Mewah -
A New Year, A New Look, and New Endings and Beginnings « The Caera ...
By The Exoteric Legacy of A Woman
... dealing with the odds of something from outside of this atmosphere coming in (since Earth must still be recorded as round [no proof otherwise yet] and Pluto no longer measuring up to established criteria as a planet in our solar system) , ... Once that's been established, then all of these other New Year's get thrown into the mix…and yes, this blog has a new look on New Year's Day! I think the proper term would be "paradox” when it comes to how I tend to view these ...
The Caera Kirsch Collection -
Roundup: 2010 Predictions for Cleantech « Your Green Ability
Measurements show that the oceans are rising and becoming more acidic, while the Earth's average temperature was higher in the past decade than at any time in the past century. .... POWERHOUSE Solar Shingle #7: Efficient Modern Home Built for $70k #8: The Sage Sets a LEED Platinum Record #9: LEED Platinum RainShine House Finished in Georgia #10: A New Company Launches Simple DIY Rooftop Solar Clover System Truth be told, six of these stories came from reader tips/emails. ...
Your Green Ability - » Blog Archive » Who Needs Electricity From ...
By andy
It could be "all the rage” today to jump on the bandwagon and need to use replenish-able energy to help save the planet, but in reality, how do you use the earth's renewable resources and save cash on our own energy costs? ... Solar electricity is an example of the finest and most trustworthy replenish-able energy sources available. The difficulty most amateur environmental soldiers find is that the cost of professionally installed solar power systems is way outside their ... -
EYE OF THE UNIVERSE: 9 Astronomy Milestones in 2009
By chetan.N
Two of the biggest exoplanet discoveries to date occurred in 2009, as planet hunters took first steps toward finding Earth-like planets outside our solar system. Both cases involved spotting distant worlds passing in front of their parent stars, rather than merely inferring the existence of planets based on the gravitational wobble that they cause in parent stars. First, astronomers confirmed the first rocky world spotted in orbit around ... Search This Blog. Loading. ...
Mr Iannone the Science Guy: ANIMALS
By Mr. Iannone the Science Guy
Search This Blog. Loading. .... It takes 8 minutes and 19 seconds for light to travel from the sun to earth. 6. Saturn's rings are made of ice and rocks. Animals 7. Skunks can shoot their bad-smelling spray only about two yards, but you can smell it up to two and ... Take a vacation on the hottest planet in the solar system - Venus. At over 800 degrees, it is hotter than Mercury because the clouds and abundant carbon dioxide hold in most of the heat received from the sun. ...
Mr Iannone the Science Guy -
Category: Earth and Solar System Blogs around the World | Views: 954 | Added by: Aries | Tags: Blogs, solar system, earth | Rating: 0.0/0
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