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Main » 2010 » January » 4 » Earth and Solar System Blogs
2:51 PM
Earth and Solar System Blogs
Earth and Solar System Blogs
Universe and Solar System | ब्रह्माण्ड और सौर ...
By Ashish Saklecha
The Solar System is centred on the Sun. It consists of a star called the Sun and all the objects that travel around it. The Solar System includes : 9 planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto), ...
ऑनलाइन शिक्षा... -
Our Solar System | Vacuum Walker
By lanevo9mrgsr
Our solar system is a very big olympic ground. olympic. The planets, including our Earth, runs along the track on an endless marathon. And the centre of attention here is the Sun. Before we proceed, i'd like to clear one thing: ...
Vacuum Walker -
My Crazy Dream….. « serenity's blog
By serenitysblog
I can see Earth, the Moon, Sun, & the other planets. To my right I see a glowing planet. At first I thought it was another Sun, from another solar system. As I began to float towards it, I began to see that it was another planet! ...
serenity's blog -
Strange Fascination: The Three Earths
By blogspotter
I've spoken in previous blogs about my speculations that there is a God who is both fallible and finite. If you go back and look at some of my previous blogs, you'll see the overall bent. See these blog entries of mine: God Talk, ... At the inception of our solar system, FIF, being both fallible and pragmatic, created 3 potential Earths -- Venus, Earth and Mars. FIF had a measure of deterministic control over the path each would take, but (like fallible humans) wished to ...
Strange Fascination -
Science News: More to Solar Cycle Than Sunspots
By Paco Gil
Blog dedicated to news, innovations and advances in astronomy, anthropology, paleontology, geology, meteorology and cruxes of the science. ... "The fact that Earth can continue to ring with solar energy has implications for satellites and sensitive technological systems," Gibson says. "This will keep scientists busy bringing all the pieces together." Buffeting Earth with streams of energy. For the new study, the scientists analyzed information gathered from an array of ...
Science News -
The Sun | Marie Curie's Blog
By admin
Approximately 5 billion years old and just under 333000 times the mass of Earth, discover the enchanting story of the Sun, the heart of our solar system and.
Marie Curie's Blog -
Astro Space News 4 January 2009 « David Reneke
By Dave
I lately came across your blog and have been learning along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Respectable blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often. ..... The CU- Boulder-led mission would allow scientists to better compare Venus with other terrestrial planets — including Earth, Mars and Mercury — as well as planets recently discovered orbiting stars in other solar systems, said CU-Boulder ...
David Reneke -
happi go lucki: 2012??ALIENS??HAHA
By Zheng hao
If that happens, it is possible that the hyperspace has to adjust the suction force known as gravity and Electromagnetic force fields to keep the earth and the solar system intact. The biggest clue to what will happen comes from ...
happi go lucki -
The Year-Long Lunch Break: Dark mornings and eccentricity
By Lunchista
Lunchista is of course no stranger to the idea of eccentricity, and it turns out neither is planet Earth, or indeed any of the other planets. Typical diagrams of the solar system show them all filing dutifully around the sun in circles, ...
The Year-Long Lunch Break -
'Avatar': The Real-Life Science Behind the Fantasy | DigitalYarns ...
By linjun123
Real Tiger's Blogs, (25) .... Astronomers are still looking for planets like Earth – small and rocky – within the so-called "Goldilocks zone”: Not so close to its star that its life-giving water evaporates, yet not so fauggs outlet storer away that it freezes into ice. ... "All of the gas giant planets in our solar system have rocky and icy moons,” Lisa Kaltenegger of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Mass., told AP. ...
DigitalYarns Blogging Community... -
Joho the Blog » Almost complete first draft of Chapter 1
By davidw
We now know that the earth is not the center of our solar system, and we now know that it is older than six thousand years. It is now the task of individuals to weave new patterns. Only one human consciousness can do it. ...
Joho the Blog -
Wild About Nature: Nonfiction Monday: Planet Earth
By The Wild About Writing Trio
Is planet Earth really the best place to live? Let's find out! Please board the spacecraft to tour the other seven planets in our solar system. On this imaginary trip you'll be accompanied by two children and their dog as they try to determine what other planet ... About Our Blog. The Wild About Writing Trio: United States: We are writers and teachers, and we are WILD ABOUT NATURE! In this blog we will review nature related books and learn a bit about their WILD authors . ...
Wild About Nature -
Siskoid's Blog of Geekery: What If... Sgt. Fury Fought WWII in ...
By Siskoid
I get we attract the attention of a lot of aliens, because by 1943, the solar system is split into alpha and beta sectors (never mind that the planets must change sectors during their natural revolutions), and Earth has just been ...
Siskoid's Blog of Geekery -
"Avatar” and "The Red Book” « Great West Institute
By brookegw
If you haven't seen the film, this won't spoil it: It's set on Pandora, a planet similar to pre-historic Earth, but in some other solar system. It's the year 2154, and Earthlings have discovered a valuable metal—Unobtanium—and will stop at nothing to extract every ounce of it. Pandora's indigenous people, the Na'vi, are threatened because they've .... Email Subscription. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. ...
Great West Institute -
A Hypothetical Question « Evervigilant1's Blog
By evervigilant1
That our solar system is actually our view from the petri dish. Maybe we are a just a chemical reaction.. How would our creators view us? Are we harmful and should be tossed out? What our scientist may see as tiny organisms floundering around ... The Book of Genesis tells us that God created the heaven's and the earth in 6 days, created being the operative word. This thought may be alien to some. But, when you get down to the nitty-gritty of it , God is alien to us all. ...
Evervigilant1's Blog -
DbWorld » Blog Archive » [Dbworld] The 21st IASTED International ...
By admin
Solar Energy (SOE 2010). LOCATION. Nestled in the heart of the Canadian Rockies and spanning 6641 square kilometres of valleys, mountains, glaciers, forests, meadows, and rivers, Banff National Park is truly one of the world's premier destination spots. ... Earth System Modelling * Ecosystem Modelling * Freshwater Ecosystems * Hazardous Material * Hydrological Modelling * Marine Ecosystems * Meteorological Modelling * Mobile Source Emissions * Natural Resource Management ...
DbWorld -
AGAINST ALL OTHERS: Life Beyond Earth - Origin And Evolution Of ...
By Black Rainbow
5) Our Solar System: 6) Eratosthenes And The Round Earth Model: 7) The Library Of Alexandria: 8) A Short History Of The Universe: 9) Artificial And Natural Selection: 10) The Cosmic Year: ... Search This Blog. Loading... The Out Campaign: Scarlet Letter of Atheism ...
Jyoti Kothari: My photos selected in Google earth
By Jyoti
Paryushan blog is now shifted to Jain and Jainism blog - * *Dear Visitors,* I have shifted all posts of this blog to *Jain and Jainism blog* as this is more suitable and convenient name for the topics of this blo... Artificial Intelligence ... Vardhaman Gems ( have global client base. Business and franchisee inquiries solicited. Jyoti Kothari is also a Quality Management System (ISO 9000) Trainer, Consultant and Lead Auditor. ...
Jyoti Kothari -
Technology and the Bible | Jesus Lives!
By sage
A christian blog with a decidedly biblical perspective on the world and events around us. Look around, read, enjoy and feel free to comment. Interesting story, send us the info via our contact page. Subscribe by clicking here. ... Throughout the Bible's text there are highly specific and accurate statements regarding the laws of physics, the nature of our solar system, the planet earth, and its life forms that were penned centuries before this scientific knowledge was ...
Jesus Lives! -
Words to the Cosmos » Blog Archive » TSTiAE: Ch.2: "Cosmology”
By china
4 Systems at least of Faith, not a single system. The four systems of faith are: 1) Heliopolis – Iunu – creation of cosmic order was taught as the genesis of a divine ennead, or company of nine divinities. 2) Memphis – Men Nefer – a powerful, ... Solar Triad (Flux). Sopdet; Ra; Khepri. World of Ashkut (Fire). Memphis Triad (Articulation). Ptah; Sekhmet-Bast; Nefertum. Esna Triad (Construction). Neit; Khnum; Heka. World of Rostau (Earth). Heliopolis Ennead (Augmentation ) ...
Words to the Cosmos -
Mystical Musings: 2009 Year in Space
By Skeeter451
The ESA's Rosetta spacecraft performed its final gravity-assist flyby of the Earth on its way to study the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko to help scientists unlock how the solar system looked before the planets formed. What Comes Next? The Space Shuttle will retire and test flights of the SpaceX Dragon spacecraft will commence. This little capsule is reminiscent of the old Mercury, Gemini and Apollo space crafts, ... Promote This Blog! Add to Technorati Favorites ...
Mystical Musings -
DARWIN KILLED GOD: There are more stars than grains of sand on ...
By Human Ape
I started this blog on 11/29/2009 to write about evolutionary biology, Bible creationism, and Intelligent Design creationism. This blog is for creationists who are interested in understanding evolution. ... The truth is if our solar system disappeared, that would equivalent to one grain of sand disappearing from the Sahara Desert. Yet Christians think their Master of the Universe chose this one grain of sand for special treatment. Come on Christians. Grow up. ...
By Gazbom
Do anyone of you out there ever remember our governments, media or astronomers warning us of a comet 2 times bigger than Jupiter, (22 TIMES BIGGER THAN EARTH) heading on a collision course with our Sun? ... In february of 2003 a comet almost twice the size of Jupiter flew through our solar system. We were given an other chance, someone is taking care of us. we are floating in grace. 2003 February 24. Explanation: As Comet NEAT flared, .... Feedjit Live Blog Stats ...
Water on the Moon, Ares I-X, Logistics on ISS – Future Aspirations ...
By galaxy17
Holiday tidings come from NASA's Voyager 2 this week, offering a view of deep space beyond our sun's solar system. Now speeding through space at more than 34000 miles-per-hour, the 1977 space probe resides more than 8.3. billion miles away from ... NASA's New Horizons probe passed a key milestone today on its nine-year journey and is now closer to Pluto, its primary target, than it is to Earth. But it still has more than five years and more than 1.5 billion miles to [...] ...
Orbit 17 +++ Space and beyond - » 10 Alternative Sources of Renewable Energy
By listmaster
Solar energy systems can be either passive or active. In a passive solar heating system, a building captures and stores the Sun's heat because of the way it is designed, the materials it is made of, or the heat-absorbing structures it ... Geothermal energy is the natural heat generated in the interior of Earth and released from volcanoes and hot springs or from geysers that shoot out heated water and steam. Reservoirs of hot water and steam under Earth's surface can be ... -
Go Green With Solar Panels | Solar Trickle Charger
By admin
The solar panels are environment friendly and cause no pollution while producing the electricity. It also causes no imbalance to the eco system. The electricity generated by the solar panels can be used to power a whole lot of appliances. ... The solar panels produce no toxic gases or products in the generation of electricity and helps keep the environment clean and unpolluted. Using solar panels is the least we can do to protect our environment and make our earth a ...
Solar Trickle Charger -
Practice # 133: The Neuroplastic Universe « The Harried Mystic
By harriedmystic
"Positive neuroplasticity” is the capacity of the brain to regenerate functioning that has been impaired by stroke, the aging process, or as a consequence of other CNS ( Central Nervous System) diseases. ... Space as measured through distance and time collapse in matters of consciousness and its hologramic-like properties ( a reference to the notion of the Hologramic Brain);; The planets are the principal forces of gravitational influence within the solar system. ...
The Harried Mystic -
Greenhoof » Blog Archive » Top green stories of the '00s
By Bryan
The Day After Tomorrow turned climate chaos into a big-screen blockbuster. Musicians from Madonna to Miley crooned about the climate, and Live Earth made a spectacle of eco-music. Fashion, design, TV, art—they ... Van Jones and solar installersNot so long ago, the word "environmentalist” conjured upper-middle-class white people fixated on endangered critters and far-off wildlands. Oh, fine, it still does for a lot of people. But in the past decade, the movement has ...
Greenhoof -
The seven layers of the Earth's atmosphere « Tiigerr's Blog
By tiigerr
Lamps refer to the stars which, as we know, are located external to the earth's atmosphere and even external to our solar system. In addition, the closest star to us is 4.3 light years distant from us. When visualizing the galaxies in ...
Tiigerr's Blog -
Some Enjoyable Suggestions For An Awe-Inspiring Motion Picture To ...
By Mike Jones
Solar Crisis: Futuristic sci-fi thriller with Matheson leading a save the Earth mission to the sun to stop a solar flash from annihilating the world. Fine visual effects and exciting story in space harmed by world pranks of poor boy Boyle who ridiculously ... Tom Kubik is in fact Ron Chapman, and he is on trial in the military justice system for the killing of villagers in Latin America. Claire takes on the case but just what will she find out, as the facts are unraveled? ...
Charles Breaud's Blog -
ASHABUL KAHF, Nothing is impossible in this world If we are ...
By aliyatul_hikmah
The Qur'an states that the period of time these sleepers spent in the cave was three hundred years during which the calendar of their people was changed from solar to lunar and, as a result, the period of their sleep has increased to 309 ( lunar) years. ... The tenth verse tells us that those young people sought refuge in the cave from the existing oppressive system, which did not allow them to express their views, tell the truth, and call to Allah's religion. ...
Member Blogs | English, baby! Blogs -
A Page from Our Scrapbook: Sorry...
By Brooke
We both LOVE LOST. Ryan loves the solar system, reading and is back into trains. Rachael loves princesses but is not crazed yet, and "Puppy". Jack loves running, dancing, and 'playing' Leapster. View my complete profile .... I took you from the ends of the earth, from its farthest corners I called you. I said, 'You are my servant'; I have chosen you and have not rejected you. So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. ...
A Page from Our Scrapbook -
Spirituals..........: Vaseela: What it is basically
By Muhammad Behzad Akhtar
... the blessed object of any kind, the object used by special personalities, or places (i.e., some specified area or city etc), even the Sun, Solar System, Universe etc on which Allah has bestowed Respect and mentioned it as well. ... However if one denies the capabilities of other entities other than God, then he/she must also deny the capability of Sun to provide sunshine, or the capability of Earth to support the life, or the capability of own parents who supported ...
Spirituals.......... -
Nidur » Blog Archive » 2009 IN PICTURES – PART 1 ...
By admin
The moon passes between the sun and the earth, nearing a total solar eclipse, as seen in Changsha, Hunan province, China on July 22, 2009. Join smilingsmilers for Innovative Mails. 11.A girl displaced from her home by a huge tidal wave caused by Cyclone Aila, ... Demonstrators clashed with riot police and smashed bank windows in Britain's financial centre on Wednesday ahead of a G20 meeting in protest against a system they said had robbed the poor to benefit the rich. ...
Nidur -
Do you want an 'Avatar' sequel? : Film Gecko - A movie news and ...
By Jane Boursaw
And they basically set things up to do just that, with most of the humans returning to their ravaged earth and the Pandorans taking back control of their planet. And based on the impressive box office numbers at this writing – it's grossed $745 million worldwide — I'm ... "We have some story ideas about how to branch out into other moons of Polyphemus and the Alpha Centauri A solar system," said Cameron. Polyphemus is the gas giant planet that the moon Pandora orbits. ...
Film Gecko -
Was the Jewish religion based on the faith the heretic Akhenaten ...
By prydwen
banana;; Saturday, 02. Jan, 2010 @ 16:58:33. Even if Moses was an Egyptian (which I was brought up to believe in the '60's as almost an accepted fact as I was told it the 'finding him in the bullrushes' by a Pharoah's ... So in answer - yes there was an overlap but I don't think it is anything earth shattering and I don't think it changes our understanding of the Jewish faith much - other than underlining how 'new' is more usually 'newish' :) ...
Hope Child -
Brian Brown's Blog: [NWOWhistleBlowersPointZero] 2/3 CAN ONE ...
By Brian Brown, Ph.D.
The equator of the new gridlines is being made to line up close to the present equator, using the line of zero dip around the earth where a compass goes horizontal. He found that repairs are being carried out over the whole system. ... He believes something catastrophic did happen in our solar system, with the asteroid belt in a position were a planet should be in accordance with the regular amount of space between the other planet's positions from the sun. ...
Brian Brown's Blog -
Category: Earth and Solar System Blogs around the World | Views: 837 | Added by: Aries | Tags: Blogs, solar system, earth | Rating: 0.0/0
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