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«  January 2010  »
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Main » 2010 » January » 6 » Earth and Solar System Blogs
6:38 PM
Earth and Solar System Blogs
Earth and Solar System Blogs
Weird Things » Blog Archive » Does Our Solar System Have 900 Planets?
By Andrew
Brown and Stern say that the Oort Cloud represents a more likely prospect for worlds the size of Mars or Earth. The Oort Cloud surrounds our solar system with billions of icy bodies at distances as far out as 50000 times the distance ...
Weird Things -
Irregular Times » Blog Archive » Creationist Fundamentalists Get ...
By Jim
... and choose their statistics and then write a silly book. Tags: afa, Alan Butler, american family association, christian, Christopher Knight, creationism, earth, fundamentalist, moon, solar system, sun, Tim Wildmon, universal facts ...
Irregular Times -
Gizmorama! » Blog Archive » Earth's moon gets down to -416F
By editor
LOS ANGELES - It gets colder on the Earth's moon than any other place in the solar system a man-made spacecraft has measured, U.S. scientists say. NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter has measured temperatures in the always-shadowed ...
Gizmorama! -
Spacecataz @ Box 1663: Good Internet Monday - Scale of the Solar ...
By spacecataz
I either stole it from Pharyngula or Bad Astronomy; I can't remember which (those are good blogs that you should be reading if you're not already.) It's the solar system correctly scaled. Be prepared to do some hardcore scrolling to find the planets. ... spacecataz: I'm a research scientist who studies the near-Earth space environment. I have a plethora of interests, ranging from pro sports to kite flying, programming to snowboarding. This blog focuses on space science, ...
Spacecataz @ Box 1663 -
By hcurci Just another weblog ... We on Planet Earth have no such fail safe planetary system to go to. At the end of our star's life, in about 4.5 billion years, the Earth and all of the planets in our solar system will perish in a fire ball of unimaginable cosmic violence. The Sun's final days of life will result in a dimly lighted small burned out cinder called a white dwarf that will aimlessly drift out in to the void of interstellar space no ... -
Planet hunting telescope unearths mysteries | Blogs about ...
By rpm
They are bigger and hotter than planets in our solar system, including dwarf planets. "The universe keeps making strange things stranger than we can think of in our imagination,” said Jon Morse, head of astrophysics for NASA. ... The primary focus of the Kepler telescope's three-year mission is to find out how common other planets – especially Earth-like planets – are in the universe. To do that, it is scanning a small chunk of the sky, about one four-hundredth of the ...
Blogs about Broadband, Technology,... - | The Flame Trench | Florida Today's Space Team Blog
By Mara Bellaby
NASA's Kepler space telescope found five new planets beyond our solar system, scientists announced today. The telescope is searching a field of more than 150000 stars for Earth-sized planets that could, possibly, support life. ...
The Flame Trench -
Across the Universe » Blog Archive » Takin' care of business
By Nathaniel
We're trying to give them an overview of how Earth fits into the larger environment of the solar system as well as how the local neighborhood fits into the Universe as a whole. The class is called The Violent Universe. ...
Across the Universe -
Makati Local » Blog Archive » Planet-hunter spots five worlds
By wynona
Nasa's Kepler Space Telescope has detected its first five exoplanets, or planets beyond our Solar System. The observatory, which was launched last year to find other Earths, made the discoveries in its first few weeks of science operations. Although the new worlds are all bigger than ... Nasa says that if the observatory were to look down at a small town on Earth at night from space, it would be able to detect the dimming of a porch light as somebody passed in front it. ...
Makati Local -
A Look Back at 09 « The Community Word
By Dale Goodner
The most Earth-like planet in the solar system, it appears to have had oceans and extensive land masses at one time, before a runaway greenhouse effect condemned it to hellish 860 degree surface temperatures beneath a dense atmosphere ...
The Community Word -
"Sons of Enoch” Chapter 3 « sons of thunder patron
By sonsothunder
... being with his father, Enoch, in doing what we will later see the book of Enoch to reveal as being taken to heaven and shown all the wisdom, and the secrets of the Earth, Sun, and the Solar system, as well as many other secrets of God and the creation of the Earth. ... I had originally intended for this to only be another 5-6 part Blog entry…but, as God would have it, apparently, this is getting deeper than even I had anticipated, and believe me, that was deep enough. ...
sons of thunder patron -
Earth too close to the Sun? « Clark Planetarium
By Richard
Clark Planetarium Blog ... Earth's eccentricity is 0.0167–a very small number. Venus and Neptune has the most circular orbits in the solar system (e=0.0068 and 0.0095 respectively). Pluto's eccentricity is 0.249–very high for a planet. Pluto's high eccentricity was a significant factor in the decades-long debate as to whether or not it should be considered a planet. Ironically, when the IAU (International Astronomical Union) decided on the definition of a major planet, ...
Clark Planetarium - » Blog Archive » NASA's telescope finds 2 ...
By admin
They are bigger and hotter than planets in our solar system, including dwarf planets. "The universe keeps making strange things stranger than we can think of in our imagination,” said Jon Morse, head of astrophysics on account of NASA. ... The primeval focus of the Kepler spyglass'session three-year mission is to provide without how common other planets — especially Earth-like planets — are in the universe. To do that, it is scanning a stolid chunk of the region of clouds ... -
Beth's Blog
By Beth's Blog
All Planets in our Solar System and our Sun are showing transformational changes in composition and magnetics. All 'Ancient-and-New Grids' are activating and will shortly demonstrate an unbelievable power by generating a 5D Crystalline and ... This second full moon in December was just the Cosmic boost which was needed to surge the Crystalline Earth Grid and Activate the Diamond Tetrahedrons inside Earth and open the StarGate as it had been open in ancient history. ...
Beth's Blog -
Cosmic Archeology: Chapter 12: The Search For The Tarot, further ...
By eanbardsley
Colonizing Mars would generate a massive industry that would create work here on earth in every sector, for everyone, and, it would all be paid for by the resources that are out there in the solar system. As Cabal says to Passworthy in ...
Cosmic Archeology -
The Turtle Moves: Musings on the second decade - Part 1
By vergere6
I thought I would write a series of blog posts (I don't know how many yet!) with my thoughts on the past, and how the legacy of the past will influence this new decade to come. The first part of my story begins in the 1970s. ... These probes were sent toward the outer solar system in 70s. They were to map the outer solar system, propelled by nuclear powered engines (with the help of a gravity-assist or two). Voyager II was on a longer and more curved trajectory, ...
The Turtle Moves -
the earth looks better from a star... - Goals, ahoy!
By pocket ♥
pocket. nineteen. aspiring japanese major. conquistador. artist. computer lab consultant. hates science but loves the solar system. loves love. district spelling bee runner-up. would rather be drinking tea. on a rainy day. with headphones. and stuffed animals. ... Start a non-personal blog 035. Practice my photography. 036. Learn how to take exceptional concert photographs 037. Host a bonfire. 038. Make 10 new friends [0/10] 039. Expand my hockey collection. ...
the earth looks better from a star... -
Clever Animated "Apples” Google Logo Honors Sir Isaac Newton on ...
By Vicki McClure Davidson
On religion, he noted, "Atheism is so senseless. When I look at the solar system, I see the earth at the right distance from the sun to receive the proper amounts of heat and light. This did not happen by chance.” Sir Isaac Newton .... There are plenty of liberal blogs and Obama-run media articles out there bashing Palin... post your hate-driven criticisms on one of those sites. My blog, my rules. Name (required). Mail (will not be published) (required). Website ...
Frugal Café Blog Zone -
Happy New Year 2010 « Lion Footwear Direct Blog
By admin
Some people believe this will cause the earth to wobble on it axis and cause all kinds of problems for our planet. It is said that the Mayans, many years ago, just up and left their cities and homes and disappeared and no one knows what ... The Mayans were very knowledgable about the planets and the stars and did everything according to how they viewed the movement of the solar system. The Mayans were a very mysterious people and it is going to be interesting to see how ...
Lion Footwear Direct Blog -
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green Careers, Renewable Energy Lease ...
By American Energy Conservation Group
News and Finance. Financial blog ... A key development was when Vestas Wind Systems, the Danish wind turbine manufacturer, decided to make Colorado its major U.S. factory center. In 2007 it broke ground on a manufacturing plant for wind- turbine ... Mapping tool similar to Google Earth for Windows. Must have the .NET Framework installed. ..... Gallery – is an open source project with the goal to develop and support leading photo sharing web application solutions. ...
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green... -
George F. Will: Out of catastrophe, renewal - Full Comment
By NP Editor
Or perhaps dust and water vapour had a "greenhouse effect,” holding in heat and cooking much life out of Earth. The discovery, two decades ago, of a bed of dinosaur fossils on Alaska's North Slope suggests that temperatures may have been ... by Newtonian physics and the deist idea of God as cosmic clockmaker, devised a constitutional system of separated powers, checking and balancing one another, mimicking what they considered our solar system's clocklike mechanics. ...
Full Comment -
Cosmic events for 2010 « technology cribb
By liquidcribb
21: Jupiter in opposition: The solar system's biggest planet is practically as big as it can get in the night sky, due to its position with relation to the sun and Earth. A medium-size telescope should bring out details in Jupiter's ...
technology cribb -
The Large Picture Blog: Kepler's First Five Exoplanets
By Edward
NASA's Kepler space telescope, designed to find Earth-size planets in the habitable zone of sun-like stars, has discovered its first five new exoplanets, or planets beyond our solar system. Kepler's high sensitivity to both small and ...
The Large Picture Blog -
Solar Electrical Training Guide – Read This Carefully !
By admin
If you've come across this page because you are looking for information on a solar electrical training guide, get set to be "enlightened”! I'll share several constructive tips on how you can set up a system to produce as much electricity as you need ... There's another aspect to this that i want to call to your attention – by using green energy you'll be doing your part to save the earth for all of its inhabitants. Enjoy FREE and UNLIMITED solar-based electricity…forever! ...
Do It Yourself Guide -
NIDUR SEASONS: 10 Great Non-European Achievers
By nidurali
Aryhabata contended, contrary to Vedic tradition, that the earth was round and rotated daily. In fact, many commentators later altered his text in order to cover up what they viewed as an error – the axial rotation of the earth. Some have argued that he supported a heliocentric view of the solar system, but others question how this can be extrapolated from his writings. Aryabata produced a highly .... Search This Blog=இந்த வலைப்பதிவில் தேட.. Loading. ...
Science Matters: CORE ASTRONOMY | WCVE Education
By Gray Miyashiro
CORE ASTRONOMY examines the key points in the development of astronomy — beginning with Greek astronomer Ptolemy's earth-centered paradigm to Copernicus' introduction of a sun-centered solar system and Newton's three laws of motion. ...
WCVE Education -
News Unfiltered: NASA's Kepler Space Telescope Discovers Five ...
The Becker-Posner Blog ... NASA's Kepler space telescope, designed to find Earth-size planets in the habitable zone of sun-like stars, has discovered its first five new exoplanets, or planets beyond our solar system. ...
News Unfiltered -
Test Blog: Re: [Global Warming] Re: Heat released by the ...
By End Time Seer
None at all...its just that even the small fluctuations of the solar cycle are huge compared to the total energy usage of mankind. Even at much higher usage it will be small compared to the 174 petawatts every hour the earth is getting from ... any heat is added to the system, it will increase the overall heat load. >> >> On 1/4/2010 11:22 AM, poitsplace wrote: >> >>> But that heat radiates away as it's created. I looked into that energy output (which is why I know we use ...
Test Blog -
Pirates! Man Your Women! » Blog Archive » A Living, Breathing ...
By Gypsy
I would not judge a poor, unmarried woman of nine children.. but I certainly do when they accept welfare, and think they have a right to do so.. they think they are merely on the earth to create more welfare cases! ... Name (required). Mail (will not be published) (required). Website. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. I don't think I'm alone when I say I'd like to see more and more planets fall under the ruthless domination of our solar system. -- Jack Handey ...
Pirates! Man Your Women! -
Cars That Run on Sunshine « California Lemon Law
By admin
Blog Menu. Search for: .... The Beautiful Earth Group, a solar and wind farms company started last year, has paired up with BMW and the mini, to build solar charging stations in the Red Hook, Brooklyn area. ... Their recent partnership with Envision Solar has allowed them to integrate their ChargePoint technology into a "solar grove” at Dell headquarters in Round Rock, Tex. This system provided 131000 kilowatt hours of electricity annually, and doubles as shade for 56 ...
California Lemon Law -
Beauty Shopping Blog » Researchers recalculate age of Solar System
By beautyshopping
Researchers recalculate age of Solar System. January 4th, 2010. Lead-lead dating is among the most widely used radiometric dating techniques to determine the age of really old things, such as the age of the Earth or the Solar System. ...
Beauty Shopping Blog -
Moon in Capricorn & Mercury in Virgo & Mercury Pluto Trine (August ...
By admin
Mercury with his winged feet moved swiftly among the gods, and the planet Mercury is the fastest moving planet in the Solar System. Therefore Mercury is associated with movement, transportation, and journeys, and by extension, ... SuggestionMoon in Capricorn and Mercury in Virgo, both are in earth signs. Here is such wonderful opportunity to balance our rational mind with the inner world of our feelings. Sitting down with my journal is my favorite way to tune in with ...
Education -
UrbanSurvival » Blog Archive » Santa, Gold, and P3
By George Ure
And now sign of what should be at least half a dozen sunspots here in solar cycle #24….until the sun kicks it up a notch, cool's the rule. Unless you're in the part of Australia where severe flooding is going on… draught then floods. ... As long as we're on 'earth changes' might as well mention that there's been some apparent recent 'locking up' of tectonic plates around the world, which reader Anthony Ring compiles from USGS data monthly and kindly shares with us: ...
UrbanSurvival -
- Edwardshowell's blog
By Edwardshowell
This useful resource contains a growing database of environment articles relating to renewable energy technologies, including solar, wind, and geothermal energy. The URL is: ... The Earth Day Network has updated its Urban Environment Report, which rates the environmental performance of seventy-two American cities, with a focus on populations that are more sensitive or susceptible to environmental, health, and social problems. ...
Edwardshowell's blog -
Space School » Blog Archive » Earth-Sized World Could Lurk in ...
Earth-Sized World Could Lurk in Outer Solar System. The possibility of finding a planet the size of Mars or even Earth is higher than ever with the launch of NASA's WISE telescope. Several prominent astronomers have said for years there ...
Space School -
Moon Art
By Mindy
... for earth & space science and science and technologyWhat's New: - Updated illustrations and photos- Updated art of solar system shows 8 planets and their orbits instead of 9- New Pluto book includes a list of other dwarf planets, ...
Living Colors Painting Modern... -
2009/10/11: a forward and backward look at America » AstroDispatch ...
By Stars Over Washington
A conjunction is simply the Great Cosmic Clock of our solar system starting over at a new degree (in a new sign from the last conj) and represents a fresh cycle of activity relating to each planet's principles, and to the essence of their combination of ... they will; and No, I don't believe that aliens in funky spaceships are knocking on Earth's door, yet upcoming eclipses will affect the natal chart of *Roswell, NM, as noted by Celeste Teal in her book, Eclipses); ... -

Category: Earth and Solar System Blogs around the World | Views: 2357 | Added by: Aries | Tags: Blogs, solar system, earth | Rating: 0.0/0
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