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«  January 2010  »
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Main » 2010 » January » 6 » Earth and Solar System Blogs
6:53 PM
Earth and Solar System Blogs
Earth and Solar System Blogs
Sun glints seen from space signal oceans and lakes | Science Blog
... of water on Earth. These observations give scientists a way to pick out planets beyond our solar system (extrasolar planets) that are likely to have expanses of liquid, and so stand a better chance of having life. ... Seen from very far away, Earth looks like a blue dot. "But the blue comes from Rayleigh scattering in our atmosphere rather than from the oceans," says Nicolas Cowan, an EPOCh team member at the University of Washington. "That means that our planet ...
Science Blog -
NASA Space Information, Shuttle Launch, Moon and Solar System ...
By Information
NASA's Kepler space telescope, designed to find Earth-size planets in the habitable zone of sun-like stars, has discovered its first five new exoplanets, or planets beyond our solar system. Endeavour's STS-130 Mission ... Translate This Blog. Google-Translate-Chinese (Simplified) BETA Chinese Google-Translate-English to French French Google-Translate-English to German German Google-Translate-English to Italian Italian Google-Translate-English to Japanese BETA Japanese ...
NASA Space Information, Shuttle... -
KOLD Climate Community Blog: UA space project NASA finalist
By Michelle Germano
OSIRIS-REx's target asteroid is a time capsule from before the birth of our the solar system that records presolar history, the initial stages of planet formation and the sources of prebiotic organic compounds available for the origin of life. ... OSIRIS-REx also explores the hazards and resources in near-Earth space that are important for securing Earth's future. Detailed knowledge of the target asteroid can be extrapolated to thousands of carbonaceous asteroids in the ...
KOLD Climate Community Blog -
Poverty News Blog: A solar experiment
By (Kale)
A team of scientists conducted an experiment that looks at what improvement a solar powered drip irrigation system can have on farming yields in Africa. The researchers from Stanford University just published their findings in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. .... NASA's Kepler space - NASA's Kepler space telescope, designed to find Earth-size planets in the habitable zone of sun-like stars, has discovered its first five new exoplanets, . ...
Poverty News Blog - » Blog Archive » Why Time Travel is Also Space Travel
By Peter
At this speed, it takes around 1400 years for the Solar System to travel a distance of 1 lightyear, or 8 days to travel 1 AU.) …But what I really mean is that unless your going from "July 8, 2009 12:34:56 PM” to "July 8, 22500009 12:34:56″ ... There is no universal truth about the spatial distance between events which occurred at different times and thus no objective truth about which point in space at one time is at the "same position” that the Earth was at another time. ... -
A classroom in space | Marie Curie's Blog
By admin
The European Space Agency (ESA) is an international organisation responsible for co-ordinating the efforts of its member states in programmes designed to find out more about Earth, its immediate space environment, our solar system and ...
Marie Curie's Blog -
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green Careers, Renewable Energy Lease ...
By American Energy Conservation Group
A biology class will tell you that in addition to affecting climate and weather, sunlight provides the energy that sustains most life on earth. It also can be harness to provide heating, lighting and electricity. Solar power has become a . .... News and Finance. Financial blog ... A key development was when Vestas Wind Systems, the Danish wind turbine manufacturer, decided to make Colorado its major U.S. factory center. In 2007 it broke ground on a manufacturing plant for ...
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green... -
Wildlife, Travel and Nature Photography - Charlevoix, Michigan ...
By admin
Meanwhile, Mother Earth is starting to alter much more swiftly those elements on her surface that are to trigger her grand round of surface reconfiguration, and our planetologists are also reviewing what is going on in your solar system ...
Photographer, Photography - Charlevoi... -
The Liberty Voice » Web-Only Content » Avatar, the Movie
By sm
They speak of consciousness changing, ascension, DNA changes, and the like that are occurring today as Earth herself, along with the entire solar system, is ascending into the photon belt, the center of the galaxy, a space that is ...
The Liberty Voice -
2012: Discerning The Prophetic season, XIII « Pastor Kevin E ...
By pastorkj
Following the rapture there will be a time of Great Tribulation on the earth. A time so awful that Jesus said that there has been no time before, or any time after so terrible. In fact, the Bible says if those days were not shortened, no flesh would survive. ... In the time of the Great Tribulation acts of man, resulting in thousands of martyrs, and acts of God will combine to cause great disturbances in the world and solar system. ... Joel Rosenberg's Web Blog Site ...
Pastor Kevin E Johnson's Blog -
Green Earl Markets and Promotes Any Green Cause To 190 Countries ...
By American Energy Conservation Group
Solar thermal systems require valves substituted every 3-5 years and storage tanks substituted every ten years. Luckily, solar photovoltaic systems typically do not require maintenance, excluding a yearly cleaning of the solar panels. ... A biology class will tell you that in addition to affecting climate and weather, sunlight provides the energy that sustains most life on earth. It also can be harness to provide heating, lighting and electricity. Solar power has become a ...
Green Earl Markets and Promotes... -
Planet-hunting telescope unearths hot mysteries | Blog News Service
By Richard Dennis
NASA's Kepler space telescope has discovered five new planets beyond the solar system, the US space agency said Monday, just 10 months after Kepler launched into space to find Earth-like planets. (AFP/NASA/File) ...
Blog News Service -
Angel Tana: "Nothing is being spared by Prime Creator in ensuring ...
By indianinthemachine
At this time, the Earth is shining ever brightly and there is a great potential to increase that radiance even further, so we invite you to spend some time each day by going within and remembering that you are Creator here to Love the Earth and all upon Her back to the original blueprint at ..... As your Solar Angel, you are able to do this…now turn around and look back at the Solar System that you left a few moments ago and see and feel every Planet in that Solar System. ...
Planet-hunting telescope unearths hot mysteries | DigitalYarns ...
By Stephone
They are bigger and hotter than planets in our solar system, including dwarf planets. According to Jon Morse, head of astrophysics for NASA, the universe keeps making strange things stranger than we can think of in our imagination. ... The primary focus of the Kepler telescope's three-year mission is to find out how common other planets — especially Earth-like planets — are in the universe. To do that, it is scanning a small chunk of the sky, about one four-hundredth of ...
DigitalYarns Blogging Community... -
Adyesha -Desire For Knowledge » Blog Archive » Galaxy Exposes its ...
By Susanta K Beura
Such elements were necessary for life to form in our solar system. The On Demand Global Workforce - oDesk. Studies of the Small Magellanic Cloud therefore offer a glimpse into the different types of environments in which stars form. ...
Adyesha -Desire For Knowledge -
God's Word And Daily Devotion » Blog Archive » The wonders of ...
By admin
On November 18, 2052, you'll be able to peer through the evening darkness as those solar system neighbors "gather” in a tiny area of the sky. That remarkable juxtaposition of reflective spheres last sparkled the night sky on December 1 ... In effect, God says that His fixed universal laws, "the ordinances of heaven and earth,” have the same certainty as His promises to His covenant people. God's laws have governed the universe since its creation—and continue to do so with ...
God's Word And Daily Devotion -
Where will you be in 2012?: Third Time's The Charnel
By beauanderos
One theorizes that what we see now, orbitting 251000000 miles - or 2.7 AU (astronomical units), the distance from Earth to the Sun - is the remains of a planet. The Titius–Bode law is a hypothesis that bodies in some solar systems, ...
Where will you be in 2012? -
NASA International Space Station Shuttle Mission Google Earth ...
By SHELDON KALNITSKY - NASA International...
NASA International Space Station Shuttle Mission Science Technology Google Earth Mars Moon: Moon Rock Gains Traveling Companion for Historic Return to Space Get latest news on Solar System Universe Astronomy Milky Way Planet Satellite Space Telescope Galaxy. ... RECIPROLL Link. RECIPROLL- Link to me or follow me or post comments and it links back automatically, no matter how dull your blog is. (Send me an email, I loved to add your blogs.) ...
NASA International Space Station... -
Kepler scientists find five very hot planets - Institute for Study ...
By bloglist
Four of the newly detected planets are 1.3 to 1.5 times wider than Jupiter in our solar system, while the last one, dubbed Kepler-4b, is only about 0.6 times as wide as Jupiter and weighs only about 8% as much. Analyses of the stars around ... Launched last year, the $591 million Kepler eyeballs about 156000 stars within 3000 light-years of Earth for planets, according to a study in the upcoming Science journal. (One light-year is 5.9 trillion miles.) All of the planets, ...
Everyone's Blog Posts - Institute... -
Our Homeschool Journey: Blog Rearranging Phase 1
By homeschool101
I havent been on my blog to chat alot like I used to and some of my blogger regulars have breaked some here and there also. Later on I will add it back on but for now I am removing it. Few other thing I will do tom. ... Encyclopedia Sites - , NASA Site 4 Teachers & Kids, Hubble Telescope Site, Encyclopedia Britannica. - Sites On Space, Solar System & Galaxy -, Stardate, Download Google Earth, Google Sky, Space, NASA, Hubble Telescope, International Space Station ...
Our Homeschool Journey -
By hcurci
HANK CURCI HAS EVOLVED SILICON BASED DNA LIFE VIA CHEMOSYNTHSIS RATHER THAN PLANET EARTH PHOTOSYNTHSIS IN THE BEAUTIFUL CENTAURI GLOBULAR STAR CLUSTER, NGC5139 17000 LIGHT YEARS AWAY IN THE MILKY WAY GALAXY….. By hcurci ... They live off the Aurora Borealis solar wind nuclear particle stream propagated from their home star. This cosmic particle stream is a life giving system for them but a hostile ecosystem for carbon based DNA life forms such as we have on Planet Earth... -
Apathetic Lemming of the North: Exploding Star: Not, I Think, a ...
By Brian, aka Nanoc, aka Norski
"A massive, eruptive white dwarf star in the Milky Way — long overdue for its next periodic eruption — is closer to our solar system than previously thought and could threaten the Earth if it fully explodes millions of years from now. .... That doesn't sound like much, but each year, you get over a thousand posts a year on: America; Animals; Architecture; Art; Blogs; Common sense; Culture; Fun; History; Humor; Information technology; Photos; Science; Technology; ...
Apathetic Lemming of the North -
Outdoor Industry Association :: Media || Industry News || Ambler ...
"Focusing only on Earth would be irresponsible and geo-centric. One day we're going to land on Mars. It's simple solar system stewardship to get some recycle bins up there well in advance." You can learn more about Ambler's 1% for the ...
Outdoor Industry Association -
Sun Glints Seen from Space Signal Oceans and Lakes | Portal to the ...
In two new videos from NASA's Deep Impact spacecraft, bright flashes of light known as sun glints act as beacons signaling large bodies of water on Earth. These observations give scientists a way to pick out planets beyond our solar system (extrasolar planets) that are likely to have expanses of liquid, and so stand a better chance of having life. These sun glints are like sunshine glancing off the hood of a car. We can see them reflecting off a smooth surface when we are ...
PTTU All -
By riffenberg
2) Sustainable development of the earth, much like the UN's Agenda 21. 3)"The establishment of a world common monetary system.” (Quote from Georgia Guide Stone). 4) "Nationalization of all natural resources and equitable .... So, China went big into windmill and solar panel production, causing the media and other liberals to breathlessly swoon over this further evidence of the wisdom of us mandating the things even though all it proves is that China is not dumb. ...
Riffenberg's Blog -
Avial 'n' Rasam: Thiruvadhirai Kali and Kootu
By Sudha
I am not writing down the recipe here as there are a number of blogs and sites which already have them..and my recipe is nothign different (except for the oil part - I dont use it at all). ... Tamil scholar Kandasami Mudaliar said that Arudra star, if placed with in place of the Sun in our the solar system, would extend beyond the earth and touch Sevvai (Mars). The Aruda star is called Shiva Semporjyoti or Golden Red Flame due to its red brilliant appreance in the sky. ...
Avial 'n' Rasam -
Emily Fine's Blog! :D: My final TT essay
By Emily
[5] The most noteworthy difference between the Mayan religion and the Anasazi religion was that the Mayans strongly believed in multiple Gods, while the Anasazi believed in souls and spirits in the earth. Their sculptures and temples ... Their cycle consisted of a solar year of 365 days and was divided into 18 months of 20 days each. This was a very advanced system, and because of it, I do stand by the idea that Mayans were further ahead in advancements than the Anasazi. ...
Emily Fine's Blog! :D -
Robots and Vamps - RaV New Book Preview – January 5, 2010
By Matt
Carmen Dula and her husband have spent six years travelling to a distant solar system that is home to the enigmatic, powerful race known as "The Others,” in the hopes of finding enough common purpose between their species to forge a delicate truce. By the time Carmen and her party return, fifty years have been consumed by relativity-and the Earthlings have not been idle, building a massive flotilla of warships to defend Earth against The Others. ...
Robots and Vamps -
Greenhoof » Blog Archive » The world in 2020: China, the U.S., the ...
By Bryan
inhabitants of planet Earth will be poor and disenfranchised, but most will be workers (in either the formal or informal economy), many will participate in the political process in some way, and some will be entrepreneurs, labor leaders, teachers, .... systems, such as wind, solar, and biofuels. Despite the vast sums now being devoted to their development, however, they will still provide only a relatively small share of world energy in 2020. According to DoE projections, ...
Greenhoof -
Five New Planets Discovered by Kepler Telescope | VJ
By VJ Czar
Post thumbnail of Earth-like Fog Seen on Saturn's Moon Titan · Earth-like Fog Seen on Saturn's Moon Titan · Post thumbnail of What is the farthest planet in the Solar System? What is the farthest planet in the Solar System? ...
VJ -
10% of stars may host solar system ~ Dolphin Post
By Dolphin Post
Our solar system has far-flung gas-giant planets with small rocky worlds such as the Earth and Mars nearer the parent star. A four-year search has revealed just one star system with a similar pattern, instead of around eight as expected. That system, discovered in 2006, has two gas giants resembling Jupiter and Saturn. The figures only make sense if just a small number of systems - estimated at around 10% - are like the Sun's, say the scientists. ... I follow this Blog ...
Dolphin Post - » Blog Archive » Uncle Milton Space Explorer Pack: Remote ...
By James J.
Listen to the included audio CD to learn exciting facts about the moon and its unique relationship with planet Earth. Ages 6 and up Adult help recommended Remote Controlled Solar System MobileTM Motorized Planets with Light-up Sun An ... -
Welcome to EuroSCHOOL Nadiad ...: Kids Reading
By eurokidsnadiad
Solar System 3. Seasons (Collages) 4. News Paper Collage 5. Vegetable Painting Skits: Importance of Ramzan Chacha Nehru Innovative Learning at Euro School Guru Nanak and his Life Friendship ( A friend in need is a friend indeed) ... as they have an equal right to live on this earth). Field Trip: Fire station (in relation to the lesson The Fire Man) Subway (to know the working of a fast food joint as well as the. Importance of eating fresh vegetables) ...
Welcome to EuroSCHOOL Nadiad ... -
SOCIALIST TV: John Pilger: Obama and Empire
By Papillon
Advances in warfare sparked a race for rocket technology that has enabled us explore the furthest limits of the solar system. The search for oil and other resources has allowed us to plumb the deepest oceans and map out the ocean beds. We can split the atom, map the human .... And in place of this we need to establish a different global social system – a society in which there is common ownership and true democratic control of the Earth's natural and industrial resources. ...
New Spaceship,Rockets,Constellation,Satellites,Space Research ...
By Information
... large bodies of water on Earth. These observations give scientists a way to pick out planets beyond our solar system (extrasolar planets) that are likely to have expanses of liquid, and so stand a better chance of having life. ... One of EPOCh's goals is to observe the Earth from far away—in this case, about 11 million miles away—so that we know what an Earth-like planet would look like when viewed from our spacecraft. The images in these videos were collected when ...
New Spaceship,Rockets,Constellation,S... -
Mystical Musings: Photos from Space
By Skeeter451
15, 2009, by the Advanced Land Imager on NASA's Earth Observing-1 (EO-1) satellite. A small plume of ash and steam is blowing west from the summit. Dark-colored lava or debris flows from previous eruptions streak the flanks of the mountain. ... NASA's SOHO observatory took these series of shots of a comet getting just a bit too up close and personal with the sun. Comet goes in, but it doesn't come out. Oops. One less dirty snowball in the solar system to worry about. ...
Mystical Musings -
International Edubloggers Directory: Jeff Goldstein
By PDonaghy
Jeff Goldstein is Center Director for the National Center for Earth and Space Science Education. He oversees national education programs in the Earth and Space Sciences that reach entire communities. He also writes Blog on the Universe which is ... Jeff oversees the Voyage National Program which provides communities replicas (for permanent installation) of the Voyage model Solar System installed on the National Mall in Washington, DC, in front of the Smithsonian. ...
International Edubloggers Directory -
Bill Nye the Science Guy – 15: Earth Seasons 1/3 - The Technical Blog
By Administrator
Bill Nye science guy eyes education funny physics earth seasons winter summer spring autumn vernal solstice equinox orbit rotation sun solar system. Tweet This! Share this on · Share this on Reddit · Subscribe to the ...
The Technical Blog -
Aquachannel » Blog Archive » Calendars And How To Understand Them
By Owen Jones
A DAY: The Earth rotates at a fairly fixed speed about the imaginary line running between the North and South Poles named the Earth's Axis. The time it takes to spin once is called a 'rotation' and this takes just under twenty-four hours. ... A YEAR: All nine planets in our solar system travel around the Sun in almost perfectly circular routes called orbits. Each journey around the Sun is called a revolution and all the planets orbit around the Sun in the same direction. ...
Aquachannel -
Botanical Gardens » Blog Archive » What Could You Do To Postpone ...
By admin
As many people have stated in here, the Earth is not your luxury sedan where you can turn the dial to 75F and expect the temperature to remain constantly at where it is the most comfortable all the time. Climates change. ... Form a five year plan to convert the USA over 80% to nuclear power, create a mass transit system to get the country around and demand that all cattle be raised indoors to stop cow flatulence from destroying the ozone layer any further. ...
Botanical Gardens -
Category: Earth and Solar System Blogs around the World | Views: 3716 | Added by: Aries | Tags: Blogs, solar system, earth | Rating: 0.0/0
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