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«  January 2010  »
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Main » 2010 » January » 7 » Earth and Solar System Blogs
9:23 PM
Earth and Solar System Blogs
Earth and Solar System Blogs
First Earth-like planet spotted outside solar system likely a ...
Rocky planets -- Earth, Mercury, Venus and Mars -- make up half the planets in our solar system. Rocky planets are considered better environments to support life than planets that are mainly gaseous, like the other half of the planets ...
PTTU All -
Sunspots Still Missing. Update on Solar Cycle 24 | The Agonist
This makes sense, because less radiant heat is reaching the earth if the sun lacks sun flares, and if the solar wind that pulses through the solar system is more subdued than normal. While scientists agree it makes sense for earth to be ...
The Agonist blogs -
The s8intcom Blogger » Arsip blog » How Science Works: Are There ...
That could help solve a persistent mystery about the solar system. Hundreds of long-period comets have been catalogued, and their numbers had suggested that the outer Oort Cloud might contain about 40 times as much mass as Earth...
The s8intcom Blogger -
GUEST BLOGGERS » Blog Archive » Happy birthday! In your lifetime ...
By Ellen Wallace
Cruising Toward Hercules: Our solar system, carrying Spaceship Earth along as a free passenger, moves within our Constellation, which we call "The Milky Way”, in the direction of the stars and planets comprising the Constellation ...
Most earthlike exoplanet started out as a gas giant | Science Blog
"The first planets detected outside our solar system 15 years ago turned out to be enormous gas-giants in very tight orbits around their stars. We call them 'hot Jupiters,' and they weren't what astronomers expected to find," said Brian Jackson at NASA's Goddard Space ... The researchers also show that regardless of whether CoRot-7b started life as a Saturn-like gas giant or as a rocky world, the planet has probably lost many Earth masses of material since its formation. ...
Science Blog -
Nearby T Pyxidis Supernova Could Destroy Life on Earth « Armoredd
By peterwatson
Doomsdayers and 2012 blog-keepers, take note. Astronomers at this week's American Astronomical Society meeting revealed that a massive white dwarf star in the throes of multiple nova is much closer to our solar system than once thought. ...
Armoredd -
NASA delves into history of most earthlike exoplanet - SmartPlanet
By Larry Dignan
Fifteen years ago NASA detected the first planets outside of our solar system. Most of these planets were gas-giants orbiting stars. Now "Earth-sized objects” hold those similar orbits. In a statement, NASA details its target: ... He was most recently Executive Editor of News and Blogs at ZDNet. Prior to that he was executive news editor at eWeek and news editor at Baseline. He also served as the East Coast news editor and finance editor at CNET ...
Smart Takes Blog RSS | SmartPlanet -
The Middle Star « Apple Bazaar Blog
By macinger84
The sun is fourth largest, of our solar system. It is 12000 times earth's size. The sun is 17 light years away from earth (149.6 million kilometers). Although it is seen as yellow, the surface is actually white. The radiant energy takes ...
Apple Bazaar Blog -
Kids of the Future
By Keith
You and I are earth bound; we're not going anywhere. But perhaps our kids or grandkids will find a home on the moon or on mars. Maybe their kids will extend themselves beyond our solar system. Sounds crazy, but not to me. .... I also have other, more trivial interests, such as martial arts, social networking, running, and languages. However, for the purposes of this blog, the former are really the most relevant. So please, read on and enjoy yourself.
Almighty Dad | A stay at home dad blog -
Earth Day Network Blog » Green Schools Coordinator Joins Earth Day ...
By Earth Day Network
Josh is excited and looking forward to solidifying Earth Day Network's role as a leader in the Green Schools movement. Whether through large-scale light bulb switch outs or applying for solar panels for energy like Byron Thomas (see 12.18. 09 blog entry), ... The need for a change is real, and Josh is thrilled to be in a position to make a difference in the school system. For the 40th anniversary of Earth Day, Josh will be helping to coordinate 40 school greenings. ...
Earth Day Network Blog -
Newz Source » Blog Archive » Astronomers predict discovery of ...
"All of the gas giant planets in our Solar System have rocky and icy moons. that raises the possibility that alien 'Jupiters' will also have moons and some of those may be Earth-sized and able to hold onto an atmosphere,” she said. ...
Newz Source -
My 15th Blog, A Possible Paradox.(A work in Progress)
I wondered how many times these crafts have visited Earth I wondered if these crafts had been to the moon or to our planets in our solar system or even to planets we had yet to discover outside our solar systemMy mind was filled with ...
MischiefMakerStudio -
Suki Series Tech: First Earth-like planet likely a burning ring of ...
By Suki
It could be even more volcanically active than Jupiter's moon Io, which has more than 400 volcanoes and is the most geologically active object in our solar system, the researchers said in a release. Spotted by the Kepler telescope. ...
Suki Series Tech -
Please note that like many others on this blog site I believe we need our plans in place THIS YEAR but have chosen the website name to denote that it's purpose is how to survive/live FOLLOWING the pole shift which I ... Comment by Steve G on November 19, 2009 at 9:36pm: Karen--To elaborate on the map posted by Gerard, the theory posed on Zeta Talk is that PX acts like a "magnetic bully" which as it flies outward from the inner solar system and above the ...
Latest Activity on Earth Changes... - :: To Infinity Ward and Beyond (the Skybox)
By newton64
Either half of the Milky Way has disappeared, and the remaining half has increased in brightness about a thousand-fold; or the Solar System has been suddenly and violently flung into a distant nebula. ... Now, I'm no expert when it comes to Earth's magnetosphere, nuclear detonations, or electromagnetic interactions in general, so my feelings regarding the aforementioned nuclear blast and subsequent EMP are gut feelings at best, backed up by about 20 minutes of internets ... -
Realty Solutions: Tax Credits for Solar Water Heaters
By Gabby Tyer
In general, solar water heaters can be used anywhere as long as your roof gets direct sunlight for most of the day. The rooftop collectors should face south. A direct system makes sense in warm climates where temperatures don't fall .... Gabby Tyer: is locally owned and operated Portland Real Estate Company, founded in 2002 with highly experienced agents. Specialties include residential homes, commercial, hotels/motels, multifamily, REO, EcoBroker and Earth Advantage. ...
Realty Solutions -
NASA's space oddity: a fluffy foam planet « Space Toys Space News
By admin
Home · Space Blog Answering and Asking the Tough Space Questions · US Space News ... This week at an astronomy meeting in Washington, the lead scientist for a new NASA space telescope announced the discovery of five more ” exoplanets” far beyond our own solar system, and expressed optimism that his team is on a path to finding an Earth-sized planet in an Earth-like orbit in the near future. But the new trove of data from the telescope, named Kepler, ...
Space Toys Space News -
Going green in the coldest place on Earth « Your Green Ability
Aspen is increasing its energy efficiency and reliance on renewable energy by installing solar energy systems. And Massachusetts resort Jiminy Peak installed a 1.5 megawatt wind turbine that generates 33 percent of its electricity demands. ..... Latest Green Posts: M&S ushers in new era of green insurance 5 minutes ago; Latest Green Posts: Nuclear Reaction A Greenpeace blog about nuclear power: Nuclear News: Life in a radiation zone ...
Your Green Ability - / Science fiction and fantasy / Blog posts / Religion and ...
By Teresa Jusino
I did a sixth grade independent study project on the solar system, with which I included a play I wrote called Earthlings on Mars, a Wrinkle in Time-inspired adventure where an Earth family moves to Mars because the father's job ... / frontpage -
El Nino Effects, Space/Energy News
By jloew
In other news, there is a star in our neighborhood capable of producing a supernova explosion big enough affect earth by sending deadly gamma rays our way. Sounds like something the world-wide apocalypse prognosticators would like weigh in on. ... Solar-powered drip irrigation systems lead to less food insecurity in Africa. This is great news because many people are predicting fresh water to be the resource that the world goes to war over. I don't believe it precisely ...
WAOW Weather Blog -
Professor Astronomy's Astronomy Blog: Wrapup of Day 2 of the ...
By Professor Astronomy
Yesterday, day 2 of the 215th meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS) was yet another exciting day, with new results from both Earth's backyard and the most distant known reaches of the Universe. ... None of these results were new announcements, but since few astronomers read a lot about the inner Solar System, many of us learned quite a bit. The basic story of water on Mars starts with the Tharsis Bulge, a huge accumulation of basalt (lavas like the Hawaiian ...
Professor Astronomy's Astronomy Blog -
After 50 Years, UK Ministry Shuts Down UFO Unit « Derren Brown Blog
By Phillis
Yeah, I'm sure there must be intelligent life out there somewhere – it's a big universe – but if they're not living in this solar system, then they're thousands of light years away. So unless they're a species that is capable of living for a thousand years, they're not going to be able to reach earth in a space ship in order to abduct random people (which, as an intelligent being able to fly thousands of light years in less than one life time, you have to admit, ...
Derren Brown Blog -
Washington Elementary's Science Blog: Science The Week of January ...
By Miss Klim
4th graders- Solid Earth: We are learning more about rocks including make observations about them, measuring them and learning about the minerals that are inside. 5th graders- Water Planet: We are continuing to learn about the solar system and gravity. We are also starting to learn about evaporation and how evaporation affects our planet. Donations needed: The science class needs the following materials for several upcoming experiments: -Several bottles of vinegar ...
Washington Elementary's Science Blog -
The Self Spinning Solar Globe | Solar Feeds News And Commentary ...
This system along with the earth's magnetic field helps provide it with the torque to spin around. Suspended in a clear liquid in a clear shell made out of acrylic, the globe is free from any disturbance. The acrylic shell can be moved 360 degrees leaving the globe in place. ... "Top 5 European Solar PV Markets to Look For in 2009-2010" Report Released, PC's Solar Photovoltaics Blog. Chinese Solar Firms Will be Most Profitable This Year (TSL,FSLR,STP), Green Chip Stocks ...
Solar Feeds -
Follow-Up Observations Highlight Uncertainties in Exoplanet ...
By Sabir Semerkant
The exoplanet business is booming, with astronomers rolling out newfound planets outside the solar system seemingly every week. There are now more than 400 candidates, or proposed planets, in the extrasolar planet catalogue, ... At a meeting of the American Astronomical Society, mission scientists unveiled five hot, massive planets discovered by Kepler, a space telescope that should in the coming years be able to turn up potentially habitable, Earth-like worlds. ...
Sabirism. Sabir Semerkant - Official... -
Civil Eats » Blog Archive » Kitchen Table Talks: Urban ...
By naomi
Happy New Year and welcome back for more Kitchen Table Talks, the monthly conversation series about the American food system. Many thanks to all of you who participated in our discussions in 2009 and we look forward to a fruitful and ... a tent in his 1250 sq. ft. backyard in the Sunset; using rocket stoves and solar ovens; consuming less than five gallons of water a day; and relying on an outdoor shower, greywater system, and a composting toilet to save and reuse water. ...
Civil Eats -
Annual Feng Shui For 2009 « crystal report
By moxzox33
Before the beginning of the solar system, the 4th New Year in February, cleans all treatments, as Wu Lu (pumpkin), Pi Yao (dragon-headed four-winged Stilt), bells, and many remedies for the money last year. There are some doctors who heals all ... How Fire Earth Blog, if you have a fireplace in the north, it is recommended that it should be in 2009. If there is a bed or a desk in this area 's apartment or room, whether you move the bed or on the desk of an industry best. ...
crystal report -
Self-sufficient Amphibious Garden 'Physalia' To Clean European ...
By Naresh
Presenting a double pneumatic membrane with smooth photovoltaic solar cells on the roof, this aquatic system also includes hydro-turbines underneath its hull to turn fluvial stream energy into hydroelectricity. ... which marks the space of oxygen and light under the pneumatophorous lens, the "Fire Garden” that is a protecting underwater lounge and the "Earth Garden” which is dedicated to international researchers analyzing the aquatic ecosystem covered by the vessel. ...
The Design blog -
By jonathanturley
I am so happy to hear you are an early adopter of solar. The sun is, after all, where all "local” energy comes from – be it the materials of the Earth itself or flora upon which we fauna feed. Thank you for pointing out that important technology. ... If you understood complex system, which you don't despite numerous discussion on the topic here between the scientifically literate and our resident professional scientist, you'd know what a tipping point is and how a natural ...
Energy 2010 and the Next Decade « Bruce Bley's Blog
By linkbley
As a result, many feel that there will not be any further earth shaking restrictive legislation imposed in 2010 and hopefully, there may be some rational rethinking regarding energy. Last year we saw: ... That's what this decade of 2010 is going to be about; incorporating energy system efficiencies and transitioning away from carbon based fuels. It is going to require the cooperation of everyone. It is going to be a tough sell. Cheap, abundant energy is ingrained in every ...
Bruce Bley's Blog -
IRELAND 3rd Key Stage: happy new year 2010!!!
By Gina
This 2nd term 5th and 6th level have lots of things to do!!! On this term we are going to participate on fonix 2010. We are going to learn two new lessons of science... 5th level-> solar system 6th level-> the earth. I hope that you will like! ... Blogs list. Science CLIL · Thursday, 19th november -Dublin- - Today on class... - We watch the skeleton the video - We review all the bones that we have on our skeleton, because we studied on "medi natural" in catala. ...
IRELAND 3rd Key Stage -
planckscaleblog: TGIF Part 5: Time
By John Lunn
We define a year as the time it takes the Earth to rotate around our sun. But that isn't the only motion and velocity we experience. The Earth spins on it's axis, it sails around the sun, the sun revolves in our local star group, ... We say a billion years like it means something measurable outside the spinning of this sphere at this time in this solar system. Unfortunately, inflation, like dark matter, may or may not be a convenient add-on tool but it begs the question ...
planckscaleblog -
100 απίθανα εικονικά ταξίδια - 100 Incredible & Educational ...
By Ser
Take a virtual tour of the Earth's moon here. A Virtual Journey into the Universe. Click through the planets in the solar system to learn about each. Note that this tour is a bit dated and still considers Pluto a planet. ...
Serfarontas -
Save Massive On Your Electricity Bill – Choose Green Power | MY ...
By anything goes blog
You owe it to yourself: Save cash on your bill, save the earth, and even get some come back on your investment quickly, (plus get a bonus from the Department of Water and Power!) Begin thinking seriously about changing your costly public power association and replace it with a safe, green, utterly independent power system. If you want to Save big, simply go green. To learn how to self made solar energy, ... Hi there, this is my first blog. I hope you like it. ...
MY "Everything" Blog -
arkee_titan: Starting the New Year January 6, 2010
By arkee_titan
We returned last week from our travels (YandA report on blog) and on Saturday night participated in a. demonstration against the siege of Gaza. We were as effective as usual, i.e. not at all, but we continue to try. ... within a singed whisker of the same fate in 1633, for arguing that the sun (and not the Earth) was at the center of the solar system. He was saved only because he was already famous, had good friends in high government places, and agreed to recant ...
arkee_titan -
Edges Of Using Solar Power Energy – Its Environmental, Economic ...
By Build a Home Blogger
Conjointly you will be eligible for internet metering and government funded rebates, making the cost of putting up your own solar power system low, which is one in every of its tax benefits. Earth four Energy is a DIY manual that ...
Build-a-Home Blog -
Economists, Asteroids and Dinosaurs « Transformations LLC Blog
By Chandrashekar Tamirisa
... even though saying so could be both heartless and ironical because it would be similar to watching the earth blow up from a distant planet in a solar super nova to analyze its physics, appears to have motivated the profession to reflect more ... What may be valid within a pre-defined set of system constraints may not perform as expected once the boundary conditions change. What may be valid per se, may not be valid in its larger context. This is also the problem with ...
Transformations LLC Blog -
Letters Have No Arms !: LHNA's Best of 2009 Pt. 2 (50-1)
By Eliza K.
I listened to it at home, I listened to it on buses, I wrote about it on this blog, I posted lyrics from it as Facebook status updates. My Body's a Zombie for You was the first song from the album I fell in love with, ... "The easy way to learn the planets of the Solar System." Now, come on children, let me hear you sing: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus and Neptune and Pluto...and Pluto!!! (And hey - if these guys say Pluto is a planet, ...
Letters Have No Arms ! -
Category: Earth and Solar System Blogs around the World | Views: 2277 | Added by: Aries | Tags: Blogs, solar system, earth | Rating: 0.0/0
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