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«  January 2010  »
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Main » 2010 » January » 9 » Earth and Solar System Blogs
7:52 PM
Earth and Solar System Blogs
Earth and Solar System Blogs
The Return of Nibiru or Planet X: Interview with Bob Dean « Ralph ...
By Ralph Metzner
On its previous incursions into the solar system, according to Sitchin, it triggered major perturbations – so there are many possible scenarios being discussed of literally earth-shaking developments affecting all life on Earth, and human civilization. Of course, anyone who has been paying attention knows that the changes ... Sign up for an Email Subscription to this blog. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. ...
Ralph Metzner's Blog -
How the Earth survived birth | Science Blog
Mac Low is presenting this research at the upcoming American Astronomical Society meetings in Washington, D.C. on January 6 with a press conference on the following day (January 7 at 10:30 am: "Spicing up the solar system. ...
Science Blog -
No, a nearby supernova won't wipe us out | Bad Astronomy ...
By Phil Plait
The mention of the binary system is why I believe it was the same claim, with the 'documentary' claiming the Earth (Solar System) is in the direct line for a GRB (as I recall….) from the final explosion. (I know… .... So this is what all the fuss was about when I was on the "WISE first light” thread ( ) the other night. If you're curious here 's my response to a question about it back then : ...
Bad Astronomy -
Latest science news » Blog Archive » Super-Earth 'began as gas giant'
By BBC News | Science & Environment | World Edition
Super-Earth 'began as gas giant'. The smallest known planet outside our solar system started its life as a Saturn-sized gas-rich planet, researchers say. This entry was posted on Thursday, January 7th, 2010 at 2:58 pm and is filed under ...
Latest science news -
Good Times with Mo: The Blog - Blog Entries - Astronomers On The ...
By Mo Twister
At the annual American Astronomical Society conference this week, each discovery involving so-called "exoplanets" — those outside our solar system — pointed to the same conclusion: Quiet planets like Earth where life could develop ...
Good Times with Mo: The Blog -
Ed Colmar's Blog: Earth and Technology
By Ed Colmar
I believe as a race, we have to grow beyond this planet (and solar system) if we are to survive. Ultimately, the sun will destroy us if we don't. Last night, I was reading Bill Mollison's "Permaculture A Designer's Manual" and in the ...
Ed Colmar's Blog -
He's got a lot of nerve: George Will commits science wankery of ...
By Tom
on cosmic scales of space and matter-density…which led him somehow to solar system dynamics…which led him to the divinely ordered (sic) glories of the federal constitution and the very profligate divinity that achieves change in creation through ... In a few billion more years or so — maybe a hundred, perhaps fewer "generations” of asteroid-strike mass extinctions, following Will's assumption — we may be sure that both Constititution and life on earth take a final bow. ...
The Inverse Square Blog -
My MagniWork Review | Home Improvement Blog
By Alex Bhaswara
If you're thinking about purchasing solar and wind power system from a big name company, I'm extremely relieved that you've found my blog because not only will my story shock you, it'll almost certainly save your utility bill as well ... It is estimated that this exact technology will be used by every major energy company before the year 2020 The system uses magnetic energy, one of the most abundant, simple, and powerful energy sources on earth, and converts that energy ...
Home Improvement Blog -
Evolution news: We are the eyes of Gaia
By eduardo blasina
At the annual American Astronomical Society conference this week, each discovery involving so-called "exoplanets" — those outside our solar system — pointed to the same conclusion: Quiet planets like Earth where life could develop probably are plentiful, despite a violent universe of exploding stars, crushing black holes and colliding galaxies. NASA's new Kepler telescope and a wealth of new research from the suddenly hot and competitive .... Search This Blog. Loading. ...
Evolution news -
cite:Nibiru and the Anunnaki_FROG SPACE
By 蛤蟆盒子
In fact, it is a planet from another solar system and the star that was the sun of its solar system has been extinguished. Nibiru was never visible from the Earth but the star which was the centre of Nibiru's solar system was visible in ...
earth friendly landscapes: BATTLE OF THE SOLAR BRANDS
By Rama Nayeri
Each make/model of solar panels have their unique characteristics which allow them to produce more or less power in different environments. By adding Enphase Micro Inverters to each solar panel and connecting the system to the internet .... This blog is my attempt at promoting earth friendly landscape designing and general rants about different landscape events n things in Southern California. My goal is to change the S. Cali landscape one earth friendly design at a time. ...
earth friendly landscapes -
Astronomy Kepler | Welcome to Arnie's Astrostuff Blog
By admin
If a small asteroid is found to orbit te Sun on the same orbit as Earth, the asteroid's orbital period will be: A. About the same as Earth's. B. Much greater than Earth's. C. Much smaller than Earth's. ... Copernicus first theorized that the Sun was the center of our solar system, but it took the work of Johannes Kepler to prove it. Learn why the universe is expanding and meet modern astronomers who gauge the likelihood of life "out there.” Joesph Priestley initiated the ...
Welcome to Arnie's Astrostuff Blog -
NASA Discovers Five New Planets | Palscience
By (Qossay Takroori)
Many new planets discovered by Hubble telescope in the past few years, but the new telescope launched only last year – Kepler observatory – found its first five new planets outside of our solar system. ... rise to both the stars and their planets,' said Kepler's principal investigator William Borucki. The scientists also found many other "objects” that they are not sure what they are yet, and still analyzing and investigating their properties. Blog Widget by LinkWithin ...
Palscience - State Of The Art Science -
La Femme Is Sacred: Shakti, Universal Cosmic foundation and pre ...
LA FEMME IS SACRED is a blog dedicated to the true essence of the feminine as she was personified, revered and venerated in the ancient ages . Here you will find links to interesting articles about women concerning their role in history, .... The Earth, Gaia ''Mother Earth'', receiving that energy to then distribute abundantly, because creation is a system based on reciprocity… Water receives Light Rays, the earth receives solar energy, Hence Water and Earth figuratively ...
La Femme Is Sacred -
Paradigm Shift for the Common Man: 2010
By Michael A. Melton
Well, lately, I have read that President Obama is not interested in, or does not want to disclose the truth regarding the alien presence here on Earth, and around our solar system, and, of course, the galaxy. My feelings are "Who needs ...
Paradigm Shift for the Common Man -
History Of Solar Energy | Cheap Hotels Go
Solar energy solutions has been nearly in some form otherwise a new intended for thousands of long time. Regular numerous modern day solar system creations have become decades old. Yet, they are yet to definitely not fulfilled each promise many .... Does anyone know where on earth i can grasp a infant tortoise contained by phoenix? Drive into Scottsdale, find your method to Shea and 64th street. Drive North. There's a house right ... Guaranteed Winter Sunshine Holidays ...
Cheap Hotels Go -
Q&A: Google's Green Energy Czar - Green Inc. Blog -
On the concentrated solar side, we've invested in two companies: eSolar and BrightSource, both of which are working on power tower platforms where a field of swiveling mirrors reflects sunlight toward a central tower with a receiver. ... Enhanced geothermal is based on the idea that pretty much anywhere on earth, if you drill deep enough, it's hot. If it's hot enough and you have the right kind of rock, then you inject water and cycle that water through the system, ...
Green Inc. -
Concentric Clothing Concepts - » Blog Archive » Chakra Breathing ...
By admin
By holding your breath for this short time, you allow the Universal Energy that is in your lungs to affect your whole body by recharging your circulatory system. This chi energy will then work its way through your whole being thus making your aura ... Concentrate on your solar plexus as you breath in, and you will feel this area rising if you are doing the technique correctly. Hold your breath for five seconds and this will draw the universal energy into the solar plexus ...
Concentric Clothing Concepts -
Important Information about Geothermal Heating and Cooling ...
By admin
The underground loop draws excess heat from the house and allows it to be absorbed by the Earth. The system cools your home in the same way that a refrigerator keeps your food cool – by drawing heat from the interior, not by blowing in cold air. ... Residential Geothermal Tax Incentives. 30% of total GHP system cost. Credit limited to $2000 for 2008. No limit to credit amount for 2009 to 2016. Can be used to offset AMT tax. Can be combined with solar and wind tax credits ...
Air Cooled Heat Exchangers -
400 Years After Galileo Spotted Them, the Moons of Jupiter Are ...
By Eliza Strickland
The discovery dealt a death blow to the Ptolemaic understanding of the universe, in which all planets and stars were believed to orbit the Earth. For, as Galileo wrote in his treatise, "our own eyes show us four stars which wander around ... Europa is one of the most interesting places in the solar system… There is a prophetic warning about Europa. Heed it and attempt no landings there. 3. AJ Says: January 7th, 2010 at 5:30 pm. what garbage is Chester Knarl saying? ...
80beats -
Our Homeschool Journey: Great Blog On Daily Grammer Lessons
By homeschool101
MOON Teaching Sites -, Enchanted Learning Site, Phases of Moon, Rescources on Solar System, Learning The Moon - Activities, EarthSunMoon Learning/Game Site, About Moon, NASA Eclipse Site, Lunar Eclipse For Beginners, Eclipse & Moon ...
Our Homeschool Journey -
supra-shoes » Blog Archive » supras, Philippine News ...
By ttyz23434
Ampatuan rival Meteor showers expected this January Longest solar eclipse to be seen January 15 Slain journalists' widows hit VIP treatment for Ampatuans Slain journalists' kin to seek Ampatuan transfer to QC jail 5 new planets discovered US overhauls ... jim greco, terry kennedy,SIDE POLITICS Arroyo: Other districts got more in pork barrel supportTeodoro allies ?moving heaven and earth? for win in 2010PNP, AFP validating over 100 private armies MORE SPECIAL REPORTS ...
supra-shoes -
Space Hack [Game Download] | Games N Toys
By Fan Liverpool FC
In the distant future mankind has no choice but to move beyond our solar system. Every available planet has been fully colonized. With population growth out of control, the only option is to seek new frontiers. ...
Games N Toys -
Living a simple and green life
By (Dafthermit)
Turn your home into its very own power system buy solar, wind and above all be creative and we will leave behind a wonderful clean home called EARTH.. another benefit NO MORE WARS OVER OIL. No country will ever be able to hold .... We are Mel & Andy this wee blog is to tell you about our attempt to live a more simple but happier life away from the ratrace. We choose to leave bricks & mortar behind and decided to buy a secondhand bus ( £900 )and convert it ourselves ...
Theblackbus -
Chemistry 01-07-10 (Thur) | Coach McGaha's Science Blog
By admin
In two new videos from NASA's Deep Impact spacecraft, bright flashes of light known as sun glints act as beacons signaling large bodies of water on Earth. These observations give scientists a way to pick out planets beyond our solar system (extrasolar planets) that are likely to have expanses of liquid, and so stand a better chance of having life. […] Copyright © 2010 Coach McGaha's Science Blog. All rights reserved. ...
Coach McGaha's Science Blog -
Rhetoric & Rockets
By Bartacus
I might use the blog here as a way to track my progress as well, but writers are notoriously shy (and rightly so) about sharing rough drafts, so the most I might say is what I've been up to or what sorts of sources I'm using to educate ... Kepler was designed specifically to locate Earth-like planets in other solar systems. It's a marvelous, heady time to be alive--so many wonders to discover!--stay tuned. Also from the NASA PAO, a notice that a moon rock collected by ...
Rhetoric & Rockets -
Synch Whole: I looked, and there before me was a white horse....
By A Few Shots to Shaman
Not yet, it is said, to have walk the Earth. However like Jesus there have been many through recent, and not so recent, times claiming to be he. As mentioned Shree Veera Brahmendra Maha Swami claims that a certain alignment of the .... This is thought by the Mayans to be of the utmost importance, the ball quite simply represents the Sun or our solar system, the hole is Galactic Center. The ritual was very sacred and the winner, although this has been disputed as well, ...
Synch Whole -
Go Green – DIY Solar & Wind Power For Free Electricity In Your ...
By Build a Home Blogger
I hope you enjoy this report and I welcome all comments regarding getting the earth into 'inexperienced mode'. SOLAR & WIND POWER ENERGY DIY PROJECTS. Imagine a future where each nation is energy self-sufficient. ... But, several solar & wind merchandise don't seem to be designed to supply the electricity required for home supply. They cost fortunes and are only usable in the corporate world… DIY Solar & Wind energy power systems are designed for the house and are really ...
Build-a-Home Blog -
The New Paradigm in Healing Newsletter | Winter 2010 | WARREN KING ...
By Warren King
Sugar Addiction. I have a very informative blog post about the addictiveness of sugar. You can read the full article via this link: SUGAR ADDICTION. ... A black hole with the mass of earth would be smaller than a golf ball. A black hole with the mass of the entire galaxy would be 10 times wider than the solar system. How Many Galaxies? The average galaxy is a colossal island of 100 billion stars, although much larger and smaller galaxies are known. ...
How the Earth was Created « Sydney's Physics Class Blog
By sweisbach
First, the solar system needed to be formed before earth could exist. The solar system was formed by a rotating cloud of interstellar gas and dust, called a solar nebula. It is not known for certain, but some force caused the solar ...
Sydney's Physics Class Blog -
Nuclear Reaction – A Greenpeace blog about nuclear power: Nuclear ...
In addition, The Osprey has SmartSun Glass doors and windows, Energy Star appliances, on-demand hot water, closed cell foam insulation and SIS panels (R 24 walls, R 29 floor, and R49 ceiling), and a dual-zone ductless HVAC system. .... Nevertheless, solar updraft has been a nonstarter in the world of utility-scale power. A 50-kilowatt research prototype was built and successfully operated in Spain for several years in the mid-1980s, but the technology has not been proven ...
Your Green Ability -
Category: Earth and Solar System Blogs around the World | Views: 362 | Added by: Aries | Tags: Blogs | Rating: 0.0/0
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