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«  January 2010  »
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Main » 2010 » January » 13 » Earth and Solar System Blogs
8:47 PM
Earth and Solar System Blogs
Earth and Solar System Blogs
The Real Truth About Earth 4 Energy – My Straight Talk Review ...
By Green Tipster
Thus, the Earth four Energy, $150 solar system that will "eliminate your power bill," can provide you less than $7 of electricity per month. It will in all probability manufacture a lot of like $two of electricity. ...
Going Green Tips Blog -
In Citi Unit, a Study in Why Size Matters - DealBook Blog ...
THERE IS NOTHING TO BIG TO FAIL as the Earth will one day fail too. IN THE SOLAR SYSTEM stars die every year, and Citibank is not a star but a bunch of clowns in a FINANCIAL CIRCUS. — FRANK JONES. 3. January 11, 2010 2:51 pm Link ...
DealBook -
Optimism in SF: Israel « The World SF News Blog
By lavietidhar
The books follow the adventures of two children, Yuno and Vena, as they stowaway on an Earth spaceship and then become involved in a series of adventures throughout the solar system, in which each planet is populated by different alien ...
The World SF News Blog -
Astronomically Large Numbers » Rob's Higher Ed BI Blog
By Rob Hale
As we all know, our little planet Earth exists in a solar system which is part of the Milky Way Galaxy. What isn't quite so well known is that this galaxy is around 100000 light years in diameter which is where the numbers start to get ...
Rob's Higher Ed BI Blog -
Gizmorama! » Blog Archive » Earthlike exoplanet evaporating near star
By editor
solar system, which used to be very massive, is now evap- orating. Read all the details on this interesting planetary happening including how big the planet may have once been and how big it is now in the second article. Until Next Time, ... of the earth and a volume 4.8 times Earth's. The rocky, volcanic planet takes 20.4 Earth hours to circle its sunlike star, located 480 light-years away in the constellation. Monoceros, a faint constellation on the celestial equator. ...
Gizmorama! -
Another dose of Martian awesome | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine
By Phil Plait
Astronomy | If someone woke me out of a sound sleep and forced me at gunpoint to say which is my favorite camera in the solar system, they'd probably have to shoot me. But. ... There is a crossover point (I forget the actual altitude at the moment) after which the Martian atmosphere is actually denser than Earth's (if "denser” is the right term for something that's nearly the vacuum of space). - Jack. 30. Jack Hagerty Says: January 11th, 2010 at 12:56 pm ...
Bad Astronomy -
Simostronomy: Carnival of Space #136: Simostronomy Edition
By Mike Simonsen
Collect Space has an interesting story of Moon rocks that have come to Earth from the Moon, traveled to the peak of Mt. Everest and will now end up in a plaque on the space station. ... Centauri Dreams, the blog about exploring the ways man will actually go to the stars, says one way we can go is to hitch a ride on a "cycler". We might use 'orbital cyclers' to get us around the solar system, or 'interstellar cyclers' to help us reach the stars, if we can just figure out ...
Simostronomy -
symmetry breaking » Blog Archive » Kepler space telescope finds ...
By Tona Kunz
NASA's Kepler Mission announced on January 4 the discovery of five new planets orbiting distant stars outside our solar system. The Kepler Mission, officially dubbed NASA Discovery mission #10, is specifically designed to survey our region of the Milky Way galaxy to discover hundreds of Earth-size and smaller planets in or near the habitable zone–where liquid water and possibly life might exist–and determine how many of the billions of stars in our galaxy have such ...
symmetry breaking -
Deep Space | logankrdg0910's Blog
By logankrdg0910
Space. There's a lot of it. It holds our solar system and we know very little of it. Beyond our solar system, very little satellites have ventured. I believe that there are more systems and probably other planets like earth. ...
logankrdg0910's Blog -
Celluloid Liberation Front: For All Mankind
By Celluloid Liberation Front
To celebrate the re-release on dvd of the documentary For All Mankind the Celluloid Liberation Front proudly welcomes a new collaborator to the blog, Colonel Muammar Gheddafi with his short story 'The Suicide of the Astronaut'. ... wealth - especially marine resources - and after approaching the members of the solar system, taking their pictures and despairing of ever finding or being able to sustain life, man returned to the earth, dizzy, nauseous, and fearing doom. ...
Celluloid Liberation Front -
Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor and the Law of Attraction
By admin
As for "slandering the dead guy” – Ptolemy was wrong about the earth-centered solar system. But that doesn't give either of us any right to say: "Ptolemy was stupid” just because we happen to have a well developed scientific theory on ...
Law of Attraction Express -
The Gold Puppy: Ambitions
By Reya Mellicker
Many astronomers (not all) now see the solar system this way: four rocky terrestrial planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars), four ringed giants (two gas giants: Jupiter and Saturn, two ice giants, Uranus and Neptune) and two belts of objects . .... The Gold Puppy. The Gold Puppy This blog was originally named after my dog Jake who passed away at the end of June, 2009. In this picture, he is sleeping peacefully. Can you believe how cute his head was? Still blows me away.
The Gold Puppy -
Second Life Blogs: EUREKA - The Destination Guide Blog: The Bell ...
Still, it serves well in visualizing stars seen from Earth, and where they actually might be placed out in space.” Maygray joined Second Life two years ago on the recommendation of his friend, and fellow Resident Kailrim Garrigus, who was also hugely influential in the building of The Bell ... Although web sites and other star-gazing programs can't display the stars in 3D like The Bell does, they can render distant galaxies, nebulae, and the planets of the solar system. ...
EUREKA - The Destination Guide Blog -
Water Purification is a Source of Life
By Georgia Solar
The earth just has a limited amount of water that has been re used for generations. It is estimated at about 326 million cubic miles of water of which 55 300 cubic miles are surface water. The oceans hold about 97,2% of all the water on earth. Fruit and vegetables contain a very high ... There are so many ways of purifying water and every person that sells the filter or purifier will tell you that the water purification system that their company produces is the best. ...
Solar in Georgia -
Green Terms Defined, courtesy of
Earthen flooring -- Earth that has been compacted with straw or other fibers and conditioned with various oils to form a hard surface. Fairly labor intensive, but relatively easy to repair and usually very low bodied energy and inexpensive ... Many homes and businesses are taking advantage of solar systems that not only make electricity but also heat water and interior environments. Learn more about solar panels >>. Green roof -- A literally green roof that's covered with ...
Jessica Taccetta's Blog -
SL Blog: The Bell of Firmament - SLUniverse Forums
By Blog Bot
There's some great open source planetarium software out there which can also render information about the stars, but only as we see them from Earth. But what if you wanted to get right into the thick of the action? What if you wanted to view the ... Although web sites and other star-gazing programs can't display the stars in 3D like The Bell does, they can render distant galaxies, nebulae, and the planets of the solar system. "Eventually I will add such features to the ...
SLUniverse Forums -
Venus Superior | Daily Astrology & Adventure by Eric Francis
By Len Wallick
A little over a month ago Richard Tarnas attached a comment to Eric's blog on the subject of fate versus free will. Among his cogent comments was the salient observation that astrology is Terra-centric. That's not because astrologers believe that the Earth is the center of the solar system or the galaxy or the universe. It's because that's where we are, every one of us, directly above the center of our planet. It makes sense, therefore, to start with that. ...
Daily Astrology & Adventure by... -
Criminalizing Criticism of Islam…..Geert Wilders Trial ...
By centurean2
As most readers know by now, Mr. Wilders is being prosecuted for making statements that are factually true, and for voicing opinions about Islam which are unremarkable by the standards of this blog, and which are based on the observable behavior of violent ..... This made it possible to work out the distance to Mars, and, by combining this with Kepler's laws of planetary motion, to calculate the distance from the Earth (or any other planet in the Solar System) to the Sun. ...
Centurean2's Weblog -
William Cody Bateman | Blog Post | William Cody Bateman
By William Cody Bateman
But the absence of oxygen would also mean the absence of an ozone layer, which is necessary to protect those same chemicals on earth's surface from harmful solar radiation. ... a relatively obscure study found evidence that a natural process called "cavitation,” which is very powerful at the microscopic level, had dramatically accelerated the decay rate of a radioactive element.4 The sun also altered the rate of radioactive decay in several measured nuclear systems. ...
William Cody Bateman -
Can Solar Panels Save You Money? | Handy Man Source
By Handy Man
A complete safety codes because of their weight, the solar panels often need to be connected to a support system of professional tetto.Installatori solar panels must have passed all the red tape and complex problems in a way that does not ... These include the 'hydrogen, hydropower, solar, wind and onde.L' Solar energy is one of the most generous supplies of energy as possible, we have here on Planet Earth. As the technology behind the solar panels work better in terms ...
Handy Man Source -
NASA International Space Station Shuttle Mission Google Earth ...
By SHELDON KALNITSKY - NASA International...
NASA International Space Station Shuttle Mission Science Technology Google Earth Mars Moon: A NASA Mission to Iraq Get latest news on Solar System Universe Astronomy Milky Way Planet Satellite Space Telescope Galaxy.
NASA International Space Station... -
"Mister” Sol's neighborhood « Clark Planetarium
By Robert Bigelow
Clark Planetarium Blog ... It left Earth back in January 2006. Now it is almost halfway between the orbits of Saturn and Uranus. When will it reach Pluto? Not until July 2015. Why so long? Pluto is "out there.” How "out there” is it? A scale model can help. ... For distances beyond the solar system, a light-year is one of the units of distance that are used. Although it is sometimes confused with a unit of time, a light-year is the distance light travels in one year. ...
Clark Planetarium -
Rose Law Group, Arizona Blog » Blog Archive » Gov. Jan Brewer's ...
With his last breath on this earth, this courageous man shouted a warning to his two fellow guardsmen. He saved their lives. He gave his own. Let's remember Staff-Sergeant Thomas Rabjohn. Let's remember his beautiful family. .... The components made by Jim's company are used by another Arizona company — Stirling Energy Systems to help generate grid-quality solar electric power. Joining us to help celebrate the co-location of their key supplier in Arizona is Jeff Collins ...
Rose Law Group, Arizona Blog -
This Week On The Space Show | International Space Fellowship
By Klaus Schmidt
The Quicklaunch breakthrough will result in costs less than $250/lb to propellant depots in Low Earth Orbit. These low costs will enable manned space exploration of our solar system in our lifetime. See: ... Jim McDade is a technology and science commentator and lecturer with numerous articles published in newspapers, blogs, and other media. Jim is currently the house "space expert for Alabama's "THE SOURCE” radio group, and a frequent columnist for ...
International Space Fellowship -
Greenhoof » Blog Archive » Obama seizes the energy opportunity
By Bryan
By 2011, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, P.L. 111-5, will double the generation of renewable electricity from the wind, sun, and earth. ARRA will also lead to energy efficiency retrofits in 1 million homes by 2012. .... significantly boost investments in wind, solar, and other renewable power, the Senate must include a more aggressive renewable electricity standard in its energy and global warming bill expected on the floor this spring. ...
Greenhoof -
Nuclear Reaction – A Greenpeace blog about nuclear power: Nuclear ... staff, BusinessGreen , Monday 11 January 2010 at 14:09:00 Konarka's lightweight and flexible solar cells could be used for everything from solar-powered clothes to building integrated systems Massachusetts-based solar ..... Nick Rau, Friends of the Earth's renewable energy campaigner, said the Government must do more to support green technology. "Plans to build thousands of offshore turbines are fantastic news – but the Government must do more to develop ...
Your Green Ability -
Endless | annaordg0910's Blog
By annaordg0910
We live on earth so why bother wasting time and money on something that most of the world won't even experience. I think it is important to know about the solar system. Through learning about other planets, we learn about earth too. ...
annaordg0910's Blog -
Scientists launch polar research «
By admin
More than 50000 researchers goal to find an answer during a large examine of how tellurian warming as good as alternative phenomena have been becoming different a coldest tools of a Earth – as good as what which equates to for a rest of it. ... Other projects embody a designation of an Arctic Ocean monitoring system, described as an early notice complement for meridian change, as good as a census of a deep-sea creatures which stock a bottom of Antarctica's Southern Ocean. ...
News Articles|Blog Articles|Video... -
Next Decade's energy mojo « Bleeding Edge Blog
By panokroko
Progress will be evident in the development of renewable energy systems, such as wind, solar, and biofuels. Despite the vast sums now being devoted to their development, however, they will still provide only a relatively small share of world ... Yet our planet Earth is actually undergoing far more profound changes than any individual energetic power or set of powers, no matter how strong. The Mojo of ever more intrusive realities of global warming, resource scarcity, ...
Bleeding Edge Blog -
What is Beyond Our Solar System? | samrrdg0910's Blog
By samrrdg0910
My favorite part of Earth science and just science in general is deep space. Most people think Earth is big, but compared to the rest of the universe, Earth is nothing. We are a planet in solar system, in a galaxy, in a universe, ...
samrrdg0910's Blog -
Calendar – Which Calendar? | Unique Article Wizard Article ...
By Owen Jones
A calendar can be created based on the lunar cycles; it creates a year of twelve months (the word 'month' is from the word 'moon'), but only 354 days, which is, eleven short of the time it takes the Earth to revolve around the Sun. ... Solar Calendar – The ancient Egyptians were the first people to employ a Solar Calendar, although it could justifiably be called a cosmological calendar. The new year began for them when Sirius, the Dog Star, the brightest star in the night ...
Unique Article Wizard Article... -
Obama's Ice Age in The New World Order « Ahrcanum "ahR-Kah-noom ...
By ahrcanum
Even NASA in researching Mars has determined, "We may have found an example of long-term climate change, analogous to Milankovitch climate cycles on Earth, on another object in the solar system,” he said. cassini/media/cassini-20091130.html via ... Email Subscription. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. ...
Ahrcanum "ahR-Kah-noom" > secret secrets -
The Search for Intelligent Life Beyond Earth | FreeMan
By FreeMan
Have you ever wondered if there is intelligent life beyond Earth? In a vast and uncharted solar system such as ours the existence of extraterrestrial life has always been a very real possibility. After all, our galaxy, the Milky Way, ...
FreeMan -
Solar Wind Reviews – Solar Energy − Earth 4 Energy Review – Learn ...
By admin
The best part is that you do not have to spend anywere near that much, you can assemble your own system for 0 dollars or less. And the best part is that you can get these plans from Earth 4 Energy, they are so easy to follow that anyone ...
Solar Wind Reviews - Solar Energy -
How did the earth form? « Cinda's Blog
By cnguyenphysics
Because of the occurrence of a supernova in another galaxy, the event altered the universe in the form of the creation of our solar system. Along with the sun and many other planets in our solar system, earth was formed 4.6 billion ...
Cinda's Blog -
Our Homeschool Journey: Free Printable Lacing Card Sites
By homeschool101
Free Blog Content ... Teaching The MOON, Teaching Day by Day - K-8, Teachers Blog On Moon teaching. - NASA, Hubble Telescope, Encyclopedia Sites -, NASA Site 4 Teachers & Kids, Hubble Telescope Site, Encyclopedia Britannica. - Sites On Space, Solar System & Galaxy -, Stardate, Download Google Earth, Google Sky, Space, NASA, Hubble Telescope, International Space Station .... Blogs I Follow - Click 2 View. Blogs I follow ... A Wise Woman Blog ...
Our Homeschool Journey -
Is There Anyone Else? | bellagrdg0910's Blog
By bellagrdg0910
We know little about what is even in our solar system, let alone what else might be out there. I think of it as being another line of planets, with a star, just like where earth is. I hope there is a small, rocky planet somewhere that ...
bellagrdg0910's Blog -
deep space exploration | marcinmrdg0910's Blog
By marcinmrdg0910
I think astronomers want to know about places beyond the solar system because first if we didn't all we would know would be about things in our solar system. We could find out places that are like Earth so if their was an end of world ...
marcinmrdg0910's Blog -
Curiosity leads to Discoveries | gracesrdg0910's Blog
By gracesrdg0910
As the most advanced species on Earth it is our duty to conquer our solar system but to leave our universe untouched. Deep in space dwells giant, gastric bodies. Scientist call them galaxies. Each of these galaxies is held firmly by ...
gracesrdg0910's Blog -
Should I try bedwetting? - ADISC
By MacGadget
Old 42 Minutes Ago. MacGadget. Newbie. Join Date: Jan 2010. Location: Earth, Solar System. Posts: 10. Threads: 3. Reputation: 0. Default Should I try bedwetting? ... Blog Entries: 8. Reputation: 147. Default ...
The How of the Where – The Siting of Your Home – Second ...
By admin
And third, yeah, your house touches the earth – that being the case – it's, at least, something to look into. Interestingly, this is where the NAHB's program suggests "establishing a knowledgeable team.” We would argue that should have ... Solar orientation is siting the home so that it uses the sun's warmth in the winter and that same sun light is reduced in the summer. These basic uses will impact your homes efficiency more than any mechanical system known can do – why? ...
Element -
Category: Earth and Solar System Blogs around the World | Views: 648 | Added by: Aries | Tags: Blogs, solar system, earth | Rating: 0.0/0
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