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«  January 2010  »
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Main » 2010 » January » 18 » Earth and Solar System Blogs
5:40 PM
Earth and Solar System Blogs
Earth and Solar System Blogs
Asteroid or Space Junk? Object Makes Close Pass by Earth Wednesday ...
By admin
UPDATE: The Solar System Dynamics website now says the object is an Apollo-type asteroid, which are Near-Earth asteroids that have orbits which cross the Earth's orbit and pass approximately 1 AU or less from Earth. ...
Space Toys Space News -
A Minimum of Maximum Concern
By Matt
logo for Blog of the American Meteorological Society. Tuesday 12th January 2010 | Blog of the American Meteorological Society ... Some of the effects of the minimum are fairly clear to scientists: the amount of cosmic rays entering our portion of the solar system is greater than normal, and Earth's ionosphere has shrunk. The solar minimum at an extreme: a spotless sun on July 1, 2008. The debate is instead partly about the effect of the minimum on Earth's ...
The Front Page -
Weird Science v.1 » First Thoughts | A First Things Blog
By Joe Carter
In their search for a planet that looks like Earth — comfortably bathed in sunshine in a pleasant solar system where life would be easy come easy go — astronomers keep turning up the strangest things. ...
First Thoughts -
The Discovery Enterprise: Mystery Object approaches Earth
By Ralph Buttigieg
Join blog and leave a comment ... It will appear moving through the constellations of Orion, Taurus and Pisces, according to NASA's Solar System Dynamics website. Posted by Ralph Buttigieg at 2:30 PM ...
The Discovery Enterprise -
Earthlings to Witness Near-Miss by Mysterious Space Object ...
By ZombieHunter
On Wednesday, the object called 2010 AL30 will fly by Earth at a distance of just 80000 miles (130000 kilometers). That's only one-third of the way from here to the moon that. ... However, the consensus seems to be that it's a natural inhabitant of our solar system, passing safely through our neighborhood, providing asteroid hunters with an interesting target to study. Comments. Admin's note: Participants in the discussion of this weblog entry should note the site's ...
Drudge Retort: ZombieHunter's blog -
The Konformist Blog: PARANOIA: The Conspiracy Reader, Volume 1
By Robalini
He speculated: "It is quite possible that a probe arrived in our solar system when our radio transmissions had not yet begun .… the earth could have been the target of a messenger probe as recently as a few decades ago, but even then we ...
The Konformist Blog -
5 New Exoplanets Discovered | Portal to the Universe
The Kepler space telescope, specifically used to find rocky worlds like Earth outside our solar system, has discovered 5 new worlds. The goal of the experiment is to find Earth-like planets in the "habital zone" -- the area in which ...
PTTU All -
War for Science: Answering Creationist Claims (Part 9b - Evidence ...
By Darren Wong
This blog is dedicated to refuting superstition, pseudoscience, and religious fundamentalism through science and reason. ... During the subsequent Apollo missions and the Soviet' Union's Luna missions, many moon rocks would be taken home for research (plus those that fell to Earth as meteorites), and they all point to one thing: the Solar System is, at the very least, 4.5 billion years old. The rock samples from the Moon range from 3.16 billion years old for the basaltic ...
War for Science -
Nuclear Reaction – A Greenpeace blog about nuclear power: Nuclear ...
Sean Penrith, executive director of the Earth Advantage Institute , a non-profit based in Portland that certifies green buildings, recently published a list of ten green building trends to watch in 2010. .... Expect to see ongoing major cost reductions in solar thermal power. There is no known lower limit on the cost of reflecting sunlight, and ongoing innovation in mirror systems will continue to drive down cost, using commodity materials in new combinations and ...
Your Green Ability -
PAK-MODEL: Neptune
By azeem
Although Neptune is a huge planet, it is not visible from Earth without the use of a telescope because it is so far away. Named for the ancient Roman god of the sea, Neptune looks blue from the Earth. The planet was discovered with a ... All other large satellites in the solar system revolve in the direction of their planet's rotation. Scientists believe that Triton might have formed as an independent planet but approached Neptune too closely and was captured by the gas ...
A Renewable Energy Plan For 2030 | Going Green Tips Blog
By Green Tipster
Solar cells use the sun to generate electricity, wind power is obtained from the kinetic energy of the wind, bioenergy is extracted from plants and geothermal energy is energy from the earth. Every of these different energy ... There's no single answer for our future energy system. The future energy economy can consist of the many renewable energy technologies employed in combination -- wind, solar, geothermal and fuel cell energy. The technology to accomplish this is ...
Go Greener Tips -
Earth and Environmental Sciences: Week 7 January 4th-8th, 2010
By Mr. Smith
Monday. Prepared for the Solar System Scale Lab. Tuesday-Thursday. Worked on Chapter 29 packets and completed the Solar System Scale lab. Friday. Journaled on "The Monster of The Milky Way". Posted by Mr. Smith at 7:53 AM ...
Earth and Environmental Sciences -
Akashic Record Player: Scripture, Karmic Debt, and Past Lives
By Linda Howe
So everything on planet Earth, or even everything in the solar system? I'm assuming that if this is happening here, it must be happening everywhere in the solar system. So basically, you are saying that there is a kind of – for ..... Please send your questions to and I'll do my best to answer your question in the next blog post. (Please note that answers will be in the blog so they can help everyone in their work--I'm not promising a personal response. ...
Akashic Record Player -
100 Best (Free) Science Documentaries Online | Online Universities
By Site Administrator
Learn more about life on earth, from the earliest cells to the evolution of humans, from these documentaries. The Four-Winged Dinosaur: Watch this film to learn how one of the earliest ancestors of birds may have been able to fly. .... Crude: The Incredible Journey of Oil: Here you'll be able to learn where oil comes from and how it gets from there into your car. Space. Explore the solar system and beyond with these great space-focused documentaries. ...
Online Universities -
Alien Dust Makes Up Nearby Protoplanetary Disk - Maria Dim's Blog
By stcnews
While searching for possibly inhabitable worlds close to our solar system, researchers found a very alien protoplanetary system some 500 light-years away. The dust making up the disk surrounding the star at the center of the system ... To make matters even more interesting, the team in charge of the investigation also learned that the disks lay inside the terrestrial planet zone, which is an area around the star HD 131488 that is heated to the temperatures found on Earth. ...
Maria Dim's Blog -
Mustang Adventures: Space
By Mrs. Kahler
Mustang Adventures. This blog shares the adventures of the students in Mrs. Kahler's class. We will use this blog to share our activities, learning opportunities, and growth as a class. Enjoy! ... As we learn about the planets in our solar system we have discussed how Pluto is now considered a "dwarf planet", so we have had to adjust some of our songs and chants to reflect eight planets instead of nine. We have also discussed how it is important to learn about Pluto even ...
Mustang Adventures -
Botanical Gardens » Blog Archive » Is There A Problem With Nuclear ...
By admin
Biofuels should be used more in conjunction with nuclear power and where feasible solar, wind and hydropower. This would limit the use of fossil fuels. Then carbon sequestration of taking gaseous CO2 and converting it into solid minerals ... Currently he is working on designing cooling systems. He says that new cooling systems don't have those problems. He did say that putting a new cooling system on a reactor that is already up and running is so expensive and hard to do ...
Botanical Gardens -
John Coleman's Daily Blog, | Climate Realists
By Co2sceptic
It is the magnetic activity of the sun which is central to Svensmark's theory of galactic cosmic ray modulation, which may affect cloud cover formation on earth, thus affecting global temperatures. As the theory goes, lower magnetic activity of the sun lets more GCR's into our solar system, which produce microscopic cloud seed trails (like in a Wilson cloud chamber) in our atmosphere, resulting in more cloud cover, resulting in a cooler planet." ...
Climate Realists -
Spotting Betelgeuse | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine
By Phil Plait
Betelgeuse, R Doradus, Rigel, Aldebaran & the solar system:,_and_smaller_-_antialiased_no_transparency.png. I grew up slurping over these kinds of illustrations in .... Wikipedia says (citing an EarthSky podcast) that when Betelgeuse goes kaboom it will be brighter than the Moon in Earth's sky. However, it will still be a point source, right? I'm trying to imagine what this'll look like. ...
Bad Astronomy -
NASA International Space Station Shuttle Mission Google Earth ...
By SHELDON KALNITSKY - NASA International...
NASA International Space Station Shuttle Mission Science Technology Google Earth Mars Moon: NASA to Check for Unlikely Winter Survival of Mars Lander Get latest news on Solar System Universe Astronomy Milky Way Planet Satellite Space Telescope Galaxy. ... Switzerland; the universities of Copenhagen and Aarhus in Denmark; the Max Planck Institute in Germany; the Finnish Meteorological Institute; and Imperial College, London. View my blog's last three great articles. ...
NASA International Space Station... -
Sense Seduction: Patrick Geryl & Dr. Paul LaViolette
By Daria
Translate This Blog ..... Paul explains that astronomical and geological evidence indicates that the last major superwave impacted our solar system around 12000 to 16000 years ago, and produced abrupt changes of the Earth's climate. ...
Sense Seduction -
Fredley on Whidbey: It's been a year!
By fredley
This Blog is about building our new home on Whidbey Island and life along the way. Our designer and builder is our son, Brad Hankins. This small 870 sq. ft. home is made up of 3-buildings and will incorporate sustainable building practices, including solar ... Although our cabinets are still unfinished, as is our solar system, we are more than comfortable. Living here is easy, especially since it forced reduction in stuff. We're living smaller, and with fewer possessions, ...
Fredley on Whidbey -
Time to forceextensivey overthrow Mugabe «
By admin
BLOG.THEOPCA.COM ... A plan of siege would engage widening as good as deepening targeted sanctions opposite system of administration department officials as good as office building a bloc to make them. Beyond that, Zimbabwe's southern African .... First, simple scholarship tells them which CO2 molecules trap appetite from a solar-heated earth as good as forestall a deviation behind in to space. And second, a story of meridian over millions of years shows a stroke of ...
News Articles | Blog Articles... -
Lucifer Rising ~ By Philip Jones « ~ THE GUNNY "G" BLOGS ONLINE ...
By Gunny G
The New Age Sun God is called the `Solar Logos` or `The Word` thereby blasphemously counterfeiting the Biblical Jesus Christ. In her book, `Rays and Initiations`, Alice Bailey reveals this Solar Logos as Lucifer himself. ... A large part of their belief system is the concept of the Sun weakening and the world dying, then on the Winter Solstice the Sun God Lucifer is reborn and warms the Earth. To the Ancient Latin people's, Lucifer was the Sun God, father of Aradia and ...
Annular Solar Eclipse of January 15 2010 - Astronomy News
Solar eclipses occur when the moon is between the sun and the earth, obstructing some of the sunlight and casting a shadow on the earth's surface. Those finding themselves in the middle of this shadow will see a total or annular eclipse ...
Astronomy News -
David Richardson » Blog Archive » Global Warming
By David Richardson
My gut feeling is the earth naturally goes through some periods when it is cooler, and other cycles when it is warmer. Also, I do suspect that some people stand to make A LOT of money if we go along with everything the global warming crowd says. And, let's be honest here, ... I do not want to see my children and future grandchildren, inherit a planet labeled as "the dump of the solar system” because we were reckless and stupid with our natural resources. ...
David Richardson -
"Sons of Enoch” Chapter 5 « sons of thunder patron
By sonsothunder
Regardless of whether 2012's alignment of the Sun with the Dark Rift of the Milky Way is actually, as according to science as well as the Mayan calender a result of a 26000 year Cycle of the Solar System or not, most agree that there is something very unique, and awe-inspiring to its timing, as well as to its possible meanings to us here on Earth. Just to clarify why I believe that the ... Blog Stats. 914 hits. Blog at | Theme: Pressrow by Chris Pearson.
sons of thunder patron -
Beyond What The Eye Can See | elainasrdg0910's Blog
By elainasrdg0910
Beyond our own solar system, in deep space, there is much unknown. Scientists explore deep space and beyond our solar system because the want to understand things about the Earth and our solar system by looking at other systems and to ...
elainasrdg0910's Blog -
Russian Communists: Ban Avatar! | FP Passport
By Joshua Keating
... traitor and maniac quickly discerned itself in Cameron's film – according to the plot, Venezuela has already been invaded, Chavez is killed, and the hordes of G.I. break out into the Solar System, burning everything in their path. ... If any of them are reading this -- in Avatar earthlings are portrayed as imperialists, who have subjugated earth and turned it into a sterile planet that needs to rob other planets a la the aliens in Independence Day ...
FP Passport -
How Does Solar Energy Work And What The Costs Are — Build-a-Home Blog
By Build a Home Blogger
Indeed, a well-documented reference manual will ease the process of putting in a solar power system. To learn how to earth 4 energy, visit this site: energy 2 green. Learn the secrets to getting your ex back into your arms… ...
Build-a-Home Blog -
Obamacare: The Epicyclical healthcare plan | Washington Examiner
He tried to make the earth the center of the universe and ended up drawing all sorts of curlicue orbits and zigzag patterns for the sun and stars: Epicycles. Well that's what Obama and Congress are trying to do by taxing so-called &qu. ... But for now, I tell you what: let's put the sun at the center of the solar system and see what happens. In other words, why tax Cadillac plans when you could simply equalize our tax code--which currently privileges "job-based" health ...
Examiner Opinion Zone -
weapons for standard power
By vsda2008s
Uploading your avatars. As an edublogs user you have a blog avatar and a user avatar; Upload a blog avatar here and a user avatar here ... belongs to the level of civilization. as the strongest and civilized, need to grasp the space layer technique. according to the space layer of technical inventions laser cannons, a space gun down as the solar system that could destroy a small galaxies. laser cannons and space for the whole, strong power of the universe, ...
huaer01 -
Joel's Monastery: LDS Gospel Doctrine Class - Old Testament #3
By rameumptom
While mankind has speculated concerning planets outside our solar system, we've only begun finding them in the last 20 years. Our galaxy has 100-300 billion stars in it. There are multitudes of galaxies, estimates are over 100 billion .... Unlike most of the rest of Christianity, LDS do not believe God created the earth from nothing (creation ex nihilo). Rather, we believe God formed the earth from matter that already existed. In Moses 2:2, we see that the earth is, ...
Joel's Monastery -
The Future of NASA | Thinker
By Thinker
can write upside-down, and the zero-gravity training system. The vacuum. cleaner was originally a great tool for astronauts in outer space. It is now a very. helpful tool for cleaning our homes. The pacemaker is a form of life-support on ... In the future, telephones with picture screens, much like those used to. see astronauts in space with, will become common on Earth. Rooms with no. gravity may become a part of amusement parks. More solar-powered energy ...
Thinker -
Making The Case Against Extra-Terrestial Visitation...
it pushes against the earth's electrostatic and electromagnetic fields. The electricity comes out of the transformer at the high voltage end and goes by wire through the ceramic hull to the wide end of the metal sheet. The electricity jumps out on and flows ..... If we are in possession of this knowledge and it is advanced technology we would have used it already to travel threw space to explore our solar system ourselves, don't you think? We would already have walked the ... -
The End of the World « Word revealed: Lois' blog
By lois4ljc
We cannot imagine this. For it is speaking of what we know as the solar system. Heavens being plural. "…and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.” ...
Word revealed: Lois' blog - » Blog Archive Beneath the Tree of Heaven ...
By Editor
The Seven T'ang, the ruling dictatorship of the solar system, is weakened by the birth of a special child, and the forces of rebellion and change are spreading from the mega-cities of Earth to a secretive, planet-wide conspiracy on Mars ... -

Category: Earth and Solar System Blogs around the World | Views: 467 | Added by: Aries | Tags: Blogs, solar system, earth | Rating: 0.0/0
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