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«  January 2010  »
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Main » 2010 » January » 18 » Earth and Solar System Blogs
5:50 PM
Earth and Solar System Blogs
Earth and Solar System Blogs
Tom's Astronomy Blog » Blog Archive » Doomsday Predictions; An ...
By Marian
The idea behind this one is that the sun has a "twin”, moving in an elliptical orbit which places it near the inner solar system every 25 – 30 million years, causing the Earth to be bombarded by comets and meteors. ...
Tom's Astronomy Blog -
Did you know? » All the planets rotate anticlockwise, except one
By txtface
All the planets in the solar system rotate anticlockwise, except one. Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise. Venus (radius 3760.4 miles) is similar to Earth (radius 3963.19 miles) in size and structure but spins very slowly; ...
Did you know? -
Astronomy & Cosmology,News & Press - A Blog by F.Intilla (WWW ...
The system is at about 130 light-years from Earth. The star has 1.5 times the mass of the Sun, and hosts a planetary system that resembles a scaled-up model of our own Solar System. Three giant companion planets were detected in 2008 by ...
Astronomy & Cosmology,News &... -
The Pluto library
By admin
Many viewers beheld which Pluto was blank from the models of the rocky, human planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, as well as Mars) as well as the gas giants (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, as well as Neptune). One aspiring 7-year-old sent the ... In 1931, Disney Studios declared Mickey Mouse's house pet puppy Pluto, sowing the seeds "for universe Pluto to embrace the turn of courtesy from the American open which distant exceeds the astrophysical stress in the solar system.” ...
News Contents|Blog Contents|Video... -
Seeking the truth and the higher self.: ALL ABOUT 2012 - PART 2
By Rajat Mehta
The other planets in our solar system are being affected too and they are also becoming hotter. Possibly because our solar system is getting closer to the galactic equator,from where trillions of electron volts are spewing out of the ... As stars and planetary systems including our own, approach this galactic plane, the gravitational influence increases, which disturbs the stability of each planet including Earth. ... FEEDJIT Live Traffic Feed. Feedjit Live Blog Stats ...
Seeking the truth and the higher self. -
Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2010 « – The blog ...
By Will Gater
They are: 'Earth and Space' (for 'earthly' landscapes with an astronomical object in them), 'Our Solar System' (for images of our Sun, the planets, the Moon, comets etc.) and finally 'Deep Space' (for pictures of stars, ... - The blog and... -
Is Pluto 'the Woody Allen of the solar system'? | Oregon Books ...
By Jeff Baker, The Oregonian
In Redmond, Wash., Alan Boyle followed the Pluto controversy closely on Cosmic Log, his popular blog. Boyle, the science editor for, works out of an office on the Microsoft campus. As a former editor at the Seattle Post- Intelligencer and the ... Pluto's mass is about 0.2 percent of Earth's. It's a long way away, and it's really hard to see. On the other hand. ... "What is Pluto's strange appeal?" Boyle said. "Why is it the Woody Allen of the solar system?" ...
Oregon Entertainment -
The importance of being landed | Garden Design And Landscape ...
By Christine
It collects energy from its surroundings using solar cells and small windmills. There is a system for collecting rain water and a system for solar heated hot water. A small greenhouse unit can be added to the basic living module, to provide a substantial ... Based on the nomadic culture of the Romani the project asks whether land ownership means some people have more right to stay on the surface of the earth than others. This question is fundamentally anthoprocentric. ...
Garden Design And Landscape Architect... -
Dog jacket uses solar power to charge mobile devices - Specs ...
By Mark Rollins
It's not the Blue Earth from Samsung and it's not LG's future solar phone but it's a solar phone n... Solar powered GPS by fTech. fTech has recently added a new GPS system to their catalog, this time being a solar powered device. ... Dog jacket uses solar power to charge mobile devices Cars of the Future Unveiled at 2010 North American International Auto Show Woods Loses Another Endorser in General Motors Related PostsToday on some of our other blogs:Team Fortress 2 for ...
Mobile Whack -
"The Black Cloud" - Could Life Exist in Clouds of Interstellar Dust?
By Casey Kazan Daily Galaxy Editorial Staff
In 1964, astrophysicists in Fred Hoyle's scifi novel, The Black Cloud, become aware of an immense black cloud of gas that enters the solar system. The cloud, moving to interpose itself between the sun and the earth, could wipe out...
The Daily Galaxy: Great Discoveries... -
Asteroid to pass Earth harmlessly Wednesday | Bad Astronomy ...
By Phil Plait
It's a probe the Nefelim are sending before their planet enters our solar system in 2012 :p. 33. Petrolonfire Says: January 13th, 2010 at 9:13 am. note what I titled this post… Asteroid to pass the Earth harmlessly Wednesday. Wait … an asteroid swallowed the ... that 2010 AL30 may be the "the Fregat upper stage from the Soyuz launcher used for Venus Express” launched in November 2005. ...
Bad Astronomy - / Science fiction and fantasy / Blog posts / Unravelling ...
By Jo Walton
To begin with, there's the gap between now (well, 2000) and the Earth of roughly 2050. A lot has happened—Russia's become communist again and conquered the EU, and everybody's fairly relaxed about it, except in England (the Former ... The saurs go around in gravity skiffs, which are flying saucers, and they look like those grey aliens from Roswell—but the saurs in the Second Sphere say they have no information about what any saurs in the solar system may have been doing. ... / frontpage -
Unbelievable News. Odd & Bizarre Things from Around the World ...
By Luke
Long story short: the Earth shared its orbit with a planet the size of Mars in the early days of the solar system. It hit the Earth and the ensuing collision blasts chunks of molten rock into orbit over the earth. Under its own gravity, ...
Unbelievable News. Odd & Bizarre... -
Anders Rasmussen Blog: Our tiny planet in our huge Universe
By rasmussenanders
Our earth is a pretty big place, yet planets such as Saturn and Uranus are much bigger. Jupiter, however, is larger than all the other planets in our solar system combined into one planet - now that is big. Compare Jupiter to our sun ...
Anders Rasmussen Blog -
Our Homeschool Journey: Workbox System Sites - What I will use!
By homeschool101 · Also if you are looking for ideas to use in the workboxes here is a site with a lot of ...
Our Homeschool Journey -
mise en scène.: Vision of Space
By ivane
But now, tiny unmanned exploratory spacecraft from Earth are moving, glistening and elegant, through the solar system. We have made a preliminary reconnaissance of twenty worlds, among them all of the planets visible to the naked eye, ... ivane: los angeles, California: A mode of self-expression, this blog unveils my innermost nerd, revealing an unfathomable knowledge of miscellaneous trivia and I hope for my readers, an additional insight to more substantial matters. ...
mise en scène. -
Save Energy on your Electric Bills - go OFF grid! | ArtCantHurtU
By jan
No matter what type energy source you choose both the wind and solar power systems can reduce your energy consumption by 80% or even eliminate your electric bills. ... For more information on how to build your own solar panels visit our Earth 4 Energy Review. Article Source: Blog Widget by LinkWithin. Share this on ...
ArtCantHurtU -
Will + Seb's Blog: Episode 9: Snowfall in the City Part 5
By Seb
"But sir, he's saved planets and stars and solar system's from the forces of evil,” Aikl replied. "I told you to kill him!” Lord Komanfdu roared, "I don't care what he's done before, he just stole some secret plans! Unless you want to loose your jobs, .... "And not only have they built this contraption, which is merged with an atmosphere converter,” Lord Komanfdu shouted over the noise, "But they sent a Plutonian to Earth using the machine! Then they realised I was onto ...
Will + Seb's Blog -
Doomsday Predictions; An Entertaining Addition To Your Wednesday ...
flooding the Earth with highly charged particles (photons), which knocks out all machines on Earth. Even the ones turned off. Mankind immediately reverts back to the Dark Ages, and society breaks down completely. PLANET X You've heard of this one: A large planet with an extremely elliptical orbit enters the inner solar system about every 3600 years and wreaks havoc with life. This "theory” has been debunked by every reputable discipline out there, so why does it keep ...
PTTU All -
How Do Solar Panels Work? - Truth is Treason
By Kevin Hayden
How do solar panels work? Basically, they convert energy from the sun into electricity. On any bright, cloud-free day, the sun projects some 1000 watts of energy on a square meter basis onto the earth's surface. ... The negative solar plate is "sandwiched” with the positive plate, and the plates are attached to wires that then lead out and connect to a battery system or appliance. The electrons released by the negative plate are attracted to the outer band of the positive ...
Truth is Treason -
The Lonely Note: Yeasayer - "O.N.E."
By Tae
Where its predecessor could generally be found someplace between Western and Middle Eastern influence, Odd Blood sounds almost like worldbeat for an Earth-like planet in a distant solar system. One of the album's songs that has found steady rotation for me lately is "O.N.E." "O.N.E." is like an '80s pop gem funneled through hazy reverb and tribal rhythms. ... About Us. Established in 2005, The Lonely Note is a music blog dedicated to all things rock and pop. ...
The Lonely Note -
Go Green Toolshed » Blog Archive » Home Wind Power Kits: How to ...
Home Wind Power Kits can help you save money and preserve your natural environmentThe definition of wind energy and wind power kitsHow is the wind, a variety of solar energy generated? the answer can be attributed to several reasons related ecology. ... This is because the uneven nature of the surface result of heating sun, the earth from unequal amounts. This warm air, being lighter follows a movement upward convection. This creates a groove in the lower atmosphere, ...
Go Green Toolshed -
THE QUANTUM AWAKENING « Palmtreelifestyle's Blog
By palmtreelifestyle
All the slight of hand that has presented itself over time will be seen naked and exposed in the blinding solar light thus creating new time lines that will usher earth into a place it has not been before. The fork in the road leads humanity in a new .... We are a portal of light within the Pleiadian Star System a crystalline beacon that allows you entrance into our place of space and time where light can bend and pulses knowledge and wisdom to all who enter our door. ...
Palmtreelifestyle's Blog -
OilDrum: Drumbeat: January 13, 2010 | WWWATTS: Drive Different
By Webmaster
Hopes for all the other alternative energy sources — solar, wind and wave — will only start to become realised when the oil price is consistently over about 150/barrel — and that day is presently far off. ... The mayor likened it to the Gold Rush, and many of the 200 residents of a town that once sold its name to a satellite television company were hoping to be next in a long line of landowners to strike it rich by drilling into the Texas earth. ...
WWWATTS: Drive Different - The... -
Simple Living: Glorious Sun Shine Down on Me
By Ben Tipton
They touch every living thing (except those funky looking sea creatures at the bottom of ocean and the mold growing in my refrigerator on that 2 week old burrito) on this earth. In addition every creature, ... People have worshiped it for eons and one could make the point that as humans gained more knowledge about our solar system, the sun was no longer a mysterious thing, so humans created "god" to replace what they could not explain. What is that common thread that ...
Simple Living -
First Direct Measurement of an Exoplanet's Light Spectrum Read ...
By admin
As astronomers begin detecting planets that are more and more like Earth, their task will be to determine if the planets are capable of supporting life. Now, ... The planet itself is an interesting object, unlike anything in our solar system. It is glowing from the heat of its creation, not just by reflection of its star. At 10 times the mass of Jupiter, it nearly reached the threshold to become a brown dwarf star. Instead, it's a smoldering planet, perfectly suited for ...
Pressalive -
Exclusive Duncan Jones Interview on MOON
By Michael Dance
What he had in his book was this kind of road map on how we would colonize and kind of spread across the solar system. And one of the first steps is setting up a lunar base. And one of the reasons you'd be able to do it, the financial ...But there's actually research going on with these things, and for whatever reason, Helium-3 exists in plentiful supply on the moon but is very scarce here on Earth. So it's a good motivator to get there. And NASA's working on it. ...
Movie Cultists -
Aquarius Papers - Global Astrology: The Solar Eclipse at 26 ...
By Robert
On Friday, 2010 January 15, an annular eclipse of the Sun is visible from within a 300-km-wide track that traverses half of Earth. The path of the Moon's antumbral shadow begins in Africa and passes through Chad, Central African Republic, ... If it conjuncts Jupiter, then it could show the ending of an old philosophy or belief system and open the gates to something far greater. It obviously affects the affairs of the house it falls in the same way. Given a Solar Eclipse ...
Aquarius Papers - Global Astrology -
jungle2jungle » Blog Archive » Night of the Comet
By sidneyhull1965
solar gravitational lunar 23. Asteroids, the Sun, planets, comets, and other objects form the ____. (1 point) atmosphere. gravitational system. solar system. Earth system. 24. ____ of the gaseous giant planets have ring systems. ...
jungle2jungle -
Psychic Mutant Superpowers 1981 – 2008 « Dr. Donald Ryles ...
By parabook
As humans on the surface of a spinning planet being exposed to solar and interstellar radiation, we are constantly swimming in energy fields. It would be a subtle but powerful biological trick to harness this energy. ... Stigmergy is the invisible system behind swarm behavior, where critters alter their environment to leave cues for other critters. There's no central planning, but the behavior that emerges will appear to be intelligently guided. .... Blog Directory ...
Dr. Donald Ryles-Paranormal,Alternati... -
SaltyVanilla » Blog Archive » Earth
By jish
for millions of years, earth is the only planet in the solar system that is habitable for humans. as the civilization develops, resources of this planet were also abused and polluted. as a result, the earth's lifespan is getting shorter ...
SaltyVanilla -
NASA set to try reviving frozen Mars lander « Space Toys Space News
By admin
(A Martian day is about 40 minutes longer than an Earth day, and a Martian year is about 687 Earth days.) In the extremely unlikely case that Phoenix survived the Martian winter, it is expected to follow instructions programmed on its computer. If systems still operate, once its solar panels generate enough electricity to establish a positive energy balance, the lander would periodically try to communicate with any available Mars relay orbiters in an attempt to ...
Space Toys Space News -
New Natural Gas Pipeline Proposals For U.S. West Cause Controversy ...
It's the kind of research that could undermine lots of what we've been told about the warming of the Earth being caused only by man-made greenhouse gas emissions. Except, of course, none of the world's top scientists suggest ... Ironhorse features a 153.9 kW DC system by Sun Light & Power with at total of 185 Mitsibishi photovoltaic modules and 32 Heliodyne Gobi 410 solar water heating collectors. The solar panels provide nearly all power necessary for common areas. ...
Your Green Ability -
Marketing Secrets - Guide To Marketing - Marketing Mission ...
By krish
Business Blog. Home · Business · Business Ideas · Business News · Career & Work · Economy · Finance · Legal · Marketing · rss · 0 · Quality and Customer Satisfaction – The Marketing Challenge. By krish on January 14th, 2010 ...
Business Blog -
Awareness of laws and principles of the metaphysical part 3 « http ...
By admin
Expressions of egocentrism indicate a distortion in the center of the solar plexus. An excellent result will be that altruistic polarization is in the chakras above the heart. What this means technically, Pranic Healing where God is .... Religious system have caused the people of the earth in their understanding of God has become weak." (1988:76). In fact, the religious fanaticism has people to blaspheme God every day led to his venerationIdols of false ideas and notions ... -
Strange Planet: The Avatar Effect: Viewers Long for Life on Pandora
By Dennis
Search This Blog. Loading. .... Plan C is an integral component of P.E.A.C.E. Inc's global peace work. ( It is a proactive project in support of the anticipated disclosure of Earth's historic relationships with a host of cosmic cultures. .... Click the solar cooker pic (above) for more details and ordering info, or click the 'Add to Cart' button below and start on your own path to freedom and 'Getting off the Grid'! A great family project, ...
Strange Planet -
Beyond | jackiemrdg0910's Blog
By jackiemrdg0910
I was wondering if that would have any impact on Earth besides the night sky changing. I think this is why we explore deep space, so we can see what is around us and if there is things outside of our solar system. ...
jackiemrdg0910's Blog -
In a first, astronomers snatch distant planet's 'fingerprint ...
PARIS (AFP) – Astronomers on Wednesday said they had made the first direct capture of a spectrum of light from a planet outside the Solar System, in what was a landmark in the search for extra-terrestrial life. The light was snared from a giant planet that orbits a bright young star called HR 8799 about 130 light years from Earth, the 14-nation European Southern Observatory (ESO) said in a press release. ... Visitors to my Blog. Locations of visitors to this page ...
The Great One's Blog... -
Apocalypse Soon? « Energy Realms's Blog
By energyrealms
Then, according to the doomsayers, the black hole will throw our solar system out of kilter. Lawrence E. Joseph, author of a book called Apocalypse 2012, says that supergiant flares will erupt on the sun's surface, propelling an ... by Greek astronomer Hipparchus in 128 B.C. He observed a slight difference between the solar year (the time it takes the earth to revolve around the sun) and the stellar or sidereal year (the time it takes the sun to realign with the stars). ...
Energy Realms's Blog -

Category: Earth and Solar System Blogs around the World | Views: 1042 | Added by: Aries | Tags: Blogs, solar system, earth | Rating: 0.0/0
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