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«  December 2009  »
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Main » 2009 » December » 28 » Nature and Environment Blogs
4:23 PM
Nature and Environment Blogs
Nature and Environment Blogs
Good COP15 / Bad COP15 or Wonderful, Wonderful Hopenhagen...
By Joe Smith
In doing so, the environmental movement have presented themselves with a communications headache. The tactic of throwing the rhetorical kitchen sink at COP15 was ill-judged, and has left plenty of work to do to regain public and political ... The fourth reason this was more Good COP than Bad COP is derived from precisely its chaotic nature. The news reports of 10 hour queues for delegates confirm an almighty foul up on the practical side, and the heavy policing was more ...
Science, Technology & Nature Blog -
Southern Rockies Nature Blog: Why Donald Duck Wore Pants
By Chas S. Clifton
High Country News blogs. 4 days ago. NewWest Network. 2 days ago. Odious and Peculiar. 3 days ago. Pueblo Mountain Park Environmental Center. 6 days ago. Rozewolf's Weblog. 1 week ago. Rural Chatter: Birds, Nature and Environment ...
Southern Rockies Nature Blog -
Cooler Choice Environment » Blog Archive » Delta sees brighter ...
By Ornadamneteot
ATLANTA (AP) — Delta Air Lines Inc. expects the improving revenue environment to continue in the months ahead, though sales of premium seats remain pressured.
Cooler Choice Environment -
RTSea Blog: keeping an eye on Nature: Loggerhead Turtles ...
By RTSea
RTSea Blog: keeping an eye on Nature. A blog that explores the concerns and issues regarding our precious ecosystems. .... Environmental Activism Blogs - Blog Catalog Blog Directory · My Zimbio · Nature Blog Network ...
RTSea Blog: keeping an eye on Nature -
NCR Form Printing Is Environment Friendly |
By Hema Mahesh
This is due to its helpful attributes including the environmental friendly nature. NCR forms printing are reasonably priced and can be used in most of the areas of a business organization in producing top quality duplicates essential in ... -
In Memory of Maryanne Amacher - Opinionator Blog -
Maryanne was of course in a class by herself — yet, while hermetic by nature, she was always ready to share her deep interests in the science of the brain, hearing, acoustics, biology and inexplicable mystical phenomena with anyone ... caring and loving caress of her environment as a form of sacred musical ground, its people and its eternal hums, every joy, every precious moment of conscious living, of drunken abandon and fantastic confabulations — became their gospel. ...
Opinionator -
AFL-CIO NOW BLOG | Ironworker Creates Sportsmen's Oasis for 911 ...
By James Parks
But despite his adversity, Sferazo is actively working to build a top-rated wildlife and nature program in Maine, which he is opening for hunting to veterans and first responders with disabilities. ... With help from friends and colleagues, Sferazo, who holds an environmental sciences degree, planted organic matter to replace the washed-away topsoil. Then he added flora, wintergreens and other winter food sources for deer and other browsers like moose and the snowshoe ...
Entertainment World » Blog Archive » How Do Movies Such As The Day ...
By admin
global warming is one way of saying messing up the environment. I would say human's actions cause disturbances to nature, especially the cold environments. in day after tomorrow, they break the glacier which cools the ocean and changes ...
Entertainment World -
Argentina Mining's Blog | Latest news on Mining in Argentina: Mega ...
By Paola Rojas
By its nature, forward-looking information involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause our actual results, performance or achievements, or industry results, to differ materially from those expressed or ... risks related to environmental regulation and liability; political and regulatory risks associated with mining and exploration; and other risks and uncertainties related to the Company's prospects, properties and business strategy. ...
Argentina Mining's Blog | Latest... -
Epstein: Why the Reid Bill is Unconstitutional at Seeker Blog
By Steve Darden
[1] Many legislative uncertainties remain, but its key characteristics seem fixed in stone, and they highlight the radical nature of this legislation. Senator Orrin Hatch has long urged that the legislation is unconstitutional for its ... [ 2] In plain English, the Reid Bill assumes that health-care administration, which is always costly, can be done cheaply even in the new legal environment, so cheaply in fact that these health-insurance rebates kick in whenever insurers' ...
Seeker Blog -
The Unsuitablog » Blog Archive » The Copenhagen Communiqué: A ...
By keith
Apart from the very obvious nature of Hopenhagens attempt, as has been shown in previous posts on this blog, there have been some less obvious campaigns. One that caught my eye recently is 'The Copenhagen Communiqué', which has recently ... However, this aim is neatly covered up with environmental rhetoric, with noble-sounding statements on limiting temperature increase to 2 degrees Celsius, helping poorer nations adapt and limiting deforestation elsewhere in the text. ...
The Unsuitablog -
Sources of Advice About the Cost of Hearing Aids - Frederic ...
By Frederic Bruce
Frederic Bruce's blog ... This time frame allows you sufficient time to give the hearing aids a fairly comprehensive test in a number of environmental circumstances ( as an example, at home, watching TV, chats, sounds of nature, and so on. ) to determine whether you need to keep them. Even if it seems like a great deal on the surface, fight the enticement to buy a hearing aid that's not accompanied by a money-back testing period. The latest feature hearing aids can get ...
Frederic Bruce's blog -
Evangelicals Can Support LGBT Rights, Too | Gay Rights |
By Michael A. Jones
It's not a sin to be gay or act in accordance with your nature." Now that's a radically refreshing view of evangelical theology. Is it one that's catching on? Maybe, at least according to Jennifer Vanasco. Earlier this year, the editor of ... "The 'New Evangelicals' think that their churches should focus on poverty and improving the environment. In 1987, 73 percent of white evangelical Protestants thought that a teacher should be fired for being gay," writes Vanasco. ...'s Gay Rights Blog -
Newz Source » Blog Archive » Protest in Guangzhou: Why would you ...
as a testament to the increasingly daring nature of Chinese citizens, people have come out in mass to voice their vehement dislike of a recent government policy. Considering China's harsh treatment of large scale public protests and the potential ... So far, our favorite image is the iconic protester wearing a gas mask and holding a sign that says "Oppose garbage burning, protect the environment instead.” Click the jump for an incredible live stream of the protest. ...
Newz Source -
What's Wrong with Sea World? A lot! - VegBlogger - a vegan ...
By Jacqueline Bodnar
VegBlogger is an ethical vegetarian / vegan writer's blog, featuring posts on restaurant and product reviews, humane education, ethical vegetarianism, ethical veganism, green living, raising vegetarian children, animal rights, .... My husband is a vegetarian, and together we are raising two vegetarian children. I am also a freelance writer and am passionate about vegetarianism, humane living, and environmental issues. My mission is to inform, inspire, and combat apathy. ...
VegBlogger - a vegan / vegetarian blog -
American Daughter Media Center - Front Page » Blog Archive » Obama ...
By Nancy Matthis
His is one of about 550000 names in the Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment database, known as TIDE, which is maintained by the U.S. National Counterterrorism Centre and was created in response to the Sept. ...
Front Page -
weekly astrology blog for 12/28-1/3 » ...
By inHarmony Astrology
A diverse and constantly updating source of astrology-themed content, Astrodispatch is edited by Elsa P, astrologer and author of ElsaElsa - The Astrology Blog. To reach the editor, please visit our contact page. ..... is an infusion of deep unconditional love of a spiritual nature into our relationships and more importantly with ourselves. this aspect occurs in the wee hours of the morning so pay attention to your dreams for symbolism and messages from the unconscious. ... -
Travis Bradberry: <em>Self-Awareness</em> - Author interview ...
By Wayne Hurlbert
Travis Bradberry: That discussion is a rather outdated one, so Self-Awareness proceeds with the understanding that we now know how much of our behavior is dictated by genes and how much by our environment. ... Both nature and nurture have run their course, so you're only going to benefit from getting to know your personality and increasing your self-awareness. How important is personality in determining our lives and career choices? ... Blog Business Success Radio ...
Blog Business World -
Turtles' Christmas Journey Tracked By Scientists « ReefCI's Blog
By Reefci
Noelle and Darwinia are members of the world's largest nesting population of leatherback turtles, but their environment is threatened. The waters around Gabon are increasingly subject to industrial fishing and oil exploitation, particularly from nations ... The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) lists leatherback turtles as critically endangered globally, but detailed population assessments in much of the Atlantic, especially Africa, are lacking. ...
ReefCI's Blog -
The Prepaid Economy Blog: Savings Circles
By Meena Kadri
Yet after talking with a number of women I came to realise that they provide a local savings mechanism in which community participation creates a social pressure to save within a trusted environment with no transaction fees. ... The widespread and trusted nature of bishi schemes have indeed evolved into a number of more complex community run micro-finance models, some of which even intersect with more formalised banking. Merits and demerits aside – bishi highlights the ...
The Prepaid Economy Blog -
The System? It's You! | Conservative Blog Watch
By Power Line Blog
Crowley concluded by questioning, once again, the seemingly reactive nature of Homeland Security's approach to the threat of terrorism. Once again, Napolitano failed to get the point: CROWLEY: Secretary Napolitano, let me ask you. ... NAPOLITANO: What we are focused on is making sure that the air environment remains safe, that people are confident when they travel. And one thing I'd like to point out is that the system worked. Everybody played an important role here. ...
Conservative Blog Watch -
World of Ecology: The Beginning of the End
By lynds
I am particularly curious about nature; especially plants - after all, they are very successful at dominating the world and we couldn't do without them! Therefore you will find my ecology blog heavily skewed towards discussing plant-y issues. Another focus of the blog is on fire ecology. Currently, my PhD research explores the many curious strategies of plants to survive in a bushfire-prone environment. Bushfires can wreak havoc on human society, yet the way in which many ...
World of Ecology -
Iranians' green revolution refuses to wither and die
In a graphic indication of the personal nature of the protests demonstrators have begun to compare him to the Umayyad Caliph Yazid who was responsible for Hosseins death in AD680 and is a symbol of cruelty and moral corruption in Shia Islam . ... We can all change the way we drink – by drinking pure, natural water that is good for our health, our pocket book, and our environment. No miracles. Just common sense backed by Dr. F. Batmaghelidj's years of research and ...
CJO's Avenger212 » Blog Archive » Hackable Drones, Crumbling Empire
By Rowan Wolf
... irrational hatred that motivated the World Trade Center attackers, one must understand the social and cultural environment in which they lived and the modal personality traits that make them susceptible to engaging in terrorist actions. ” ... Dr. Andrew Marshall, the Director of the Defense Department's Office of Net Assessment, defines RMA as "a major change in the nature of warfare brought about by the innovative application of new technologies which, combined with ...
CJO's Avenger212 -
Birdbooker Report 98 : Living the Scientific Life (Scientist ...
By "GrrlScientist"
The Birdbooker Report is a special weekly report of a wide variety of science, nature and behavior books that currently are, or soon will be available for purchase. This report is written by one of my Seattle birding pals and book collector , ... Below the fold is this week's issue of The Birdbooker Report which lists ecology, environment, natural history and bird books that are (or will soon be) available for purchase. .... Visit the Collective Imagination blog ...
ScienceBlogs Channel : Education -
NORVAL MORRISSEAU BLOG: 'Joy To The World' by Jana Mashonee
By Spirit Walker
These otherworld colours are reflected in the alphabet of nature, a grammar in which the symbols are plants, animals, birds, fishes, earth and sky. I am merely a channel for the spirit to utilize, and it is needed by a spirit starved society. ... One environment and. Remind us of the Pure Spirit Expressing itself upon ourselves." "I don't wish my work to be exploited, but to be properly used as an art form in its proper place where for the generations of the great Ojibway ...
Epistemological Grounding of Thesis « David Wong's Two ¢ents
By David Wong
Four sets of assumption about the nature of social science will be considered (Burrell & Morgan, 1979). At an ontological level, this research leans towards a realism approach which believes in an external world that consists of structures that can be examined and understood ... This is a difficult topic because at one extreme end – voluntarism implies that humans are completely autonomous and our decisions are never affected by the environment or situation we are in. ...
David Wong's Two ¢ents -
Awards Daily's Oscar Countdown--Watching Oscar 24/7 » Blog Archive ...
By Sasha Stone
In fact, one might say, it is a nature story – the natural world fights to survive, kills off its enemy, steals resources on every level of the food chain, up to and including Americans. It is a universal concept. ..... Every time some movie mentions the environment people leap to the conclusion that it's about global warming, but rarely (with the exception of An Inconvenient Truth) is that issue actually ever brought up. It *is* possible to have a message about the ...
Awards Daily's Oscar Countdown -
Living Above the Frost Line: NEWS FOR POETRY FOLLOWERS, FRIENDS ...
By Nancy Simpson
Topics wanted are: Nature Poems, Environmental Poems, Moon Poems, Seasonal Poems, Holiday Poems. I am taken by poems about Grandmother, Mother, Father, Grandfather, the ancestors and all things Appalachian. I love lyric poems best, .... NEWS: LIVING ABOVE THE FROST LINE and NETWEST MOUNTAIN WRITERS AND POETS have both been awarded the distinction of TOP TEN BEST APPALACHIAN CULTURE BLOGS. Thank you for your interest. Visit often, and leave your calling card, your comment. ...
Living Above the Frost Line -
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » There Will Be Blood
By John Cole
Obviously, this is all in reaction to the Nigerian man who attempted to bring down a plane coming into the U.S. And the TSA is going to do whatever it thinks is necessary to prevent further attacks of a similar nature. ...... Not since the days of the plane bombers of half a century ago or the first air mass murderers, such as this, have we been truly traveling in a risk free environment. This problem is not exactly new. My cited story is 45 years old, which is older than ...
Balloon Juice -
The Soulless Hermeneutics Machine: "Avatar” vs. The American Dream ...
By Aaron M. Wilson
Both movies have strong environmental statements to make: nothing stands in the way of progress and profit. However, "Avatar” seems to believe that a compassionate few can make a difference, and that progress and profit can be stopped by ... "Thus we often misjudge the motives of men,” so to in "Avatar,” when the moviegoer learns that shareholder profits will once again trump the value of a native people group, and their way of life that values harmony with nature and ...
The Soulless Hermeneutics Machine -
Ocean Whispers: To Save Our Planet, Save the Seas
By AUSMEPA Marine Education
To Save the Planet, Save the Seas a New York Times article by DAN LAFFOLEY Published: December 26, 2009 and highlighted to us by a terrific blog site Oceanic Defense. In the article Dan articluates some positive progress in the Reducing ... He expands on the value of the power of nature and its environmental services. It is important to keep this awakening going with our friends, neighbours and whomever will listen. I'm reminded that this article echoes many words we've ...
Ocean Whispers -
Garden Magick – Transform A Difficult Garden Into A Sacred Resort ...
By admin
These are: soil with the correct texture, nutrient levels, and drainage; water; sunlight and the appropriate plant choice for your local environment. Garden bed preparation is of utmost importance and you would be well advised to ensure ... Whatever the nature of your garden, use plenty of mulch to keep the moisture in the soil and the weed growth to a minimum. Attract Native Animals. Life attracts life, so by attracting as many animals to your garden as possible you will ...
The Snail's Trail: Our Year in Review
By Momma Snail
My first blog post, No Child Left Inside, was written in January of 2009. On February 13, I moved The Snail's Trail over to Blogger and this is how the year unfolded... We sort money. We paint. I talk about meaningful writing. ... I painted a picture for our Grandmother. We made stilts. We made a clown wig. We played T-Ball. We label our environment. We learn about the circus. A lot. We experimented with clay. We have a spring nature table. We make a new friend. ...
The Snail's Trail -
John Wall's Natural California: Cloud Forest
By John W. Wall
It's a fungus I've seen many times, so I knew it liked to grow on wood, and I eventually extricated both the fungus and its substrate and moved it to a more photogenic environment. .... Nature Bloggers. Nature Blog Network ...
John Wall's Natural California -
By julia
View the most recent entry on the blog with a click here. FROM NOW ON, PHOTOS OF THE CITY, ITSELF, WILL BE IN RECESS. RANDOM TOPICS WILL TAKE OVER AD LIB. Hello..hello wantoks..Newcastle Australia calling...Hey! .... Does this influence our reactions to nature? To the global community? Are we influenced towards conservation and towards lessening the pressures on the environment by significant change to our lifestyle. We are interdependent with nature. It is vital. ...
IP: The Objectivists Strike Back! - Stephan Kinsella - Mises ...
By Stephan Kinsella
Then there's Objectivist law professor Adam Mossoff who is writing a defense of IP, as mentioned in the Objectivist "Noodlefood" blog post An Objectivist Recants on IP??. Roderick Long informs us that "the Ayn Rand Society session at the APA is also devoted to ..... I believe that the anti-IP position flows quite naturally from a natural law based justification for property, such as Rothbard's, which starts with the nature of material goods as scarce economic goods. ...
Mises Economics Blog -
Venaura Farm Permaculture: Arugula
By Lawrence London
PermaSphere Custom Search Engine - search select URLs (see blog post for the list) .... "Permaculture is a design system which aims to create sustainable human habitats by following nature's patterns." permaculture permaculture at lists. Permaculture Database Project pcdb pcdb at Market Farming marketfarming marketfarming at lists.ibiblio. ...
Venaura Farm Permaculture -
How to Save Your Health, the Earth and the Animals with your Fork …
It is a diet based on whole foods that come direct from nature. There is currently a vast enormity of scientific data that confirms and substantiates the fact that a whole food, plant-based diet creates health. there is decades of evidence showing ... They determined that eating animal products was responsible for more damage than all transportation combined. in other words, a vegan driving a Hummer is less harmful to the environment than a meat-eater driving a Prius! ...
Pethacker -
Detroit, Michigan: A Warning « Blog Entry « Dr. Melissa Clouthier
By Dr. Melissa Clouthier
The winner in Michigan? Environmentalists. When people leave and houses are burned down and whole cities fail, Mother Nature survives. That's right. That environment man is killing? Well, she's amazingly resilient. And brutal. ...
Dr. Melissa Clouthier -

Category: Nature and Environment Blogs around the World | Views: 336 | Added by: Aries | Rating: 0.0/0
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