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«  December 2009  »
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Main » 2009 » December » 29 » Nature and Environment Blogs
5:20 PM
Nature and Environment Blogs
Nature and Environment Blogs
Cool Green Morning: Monday, December 28 | Cool Green Science: The ...
By Darci Palmquist
Cool Green Science: The Conservation Blog of The Nature Conservancy - A blog on conservation, from migratory birds to coral reefs, from rainforests to climate change to personal green technology.
Cool Green Science: The Conservation... -
Cooler Choice Environment » Blog Archive » Life in a blizzard
By slannedia
Cooler Choice Environment. environmental,global warming,nature & animal news. Home · About Us · Contact Us · privacy policy · Submit To Directory · Green Search · Cooler Choice Directory · Book Store ... in what Sir Douglas Mawson termed " The Home of the Blizzard”. Technorati Tags: Global Warming Blog , Global Warming Statistics. d81212f614custom.jpg 150x105 Life in a blizzard. View post: Life in a blizzard. LOOKING FOR MORE TRY GOOGLE SEARCH!!! Google. Custom Search ...
Cooler Choice Environment -
Custom essay "The environmental advantages of a curbside recycling ...
By Writing Service Support
We all seem to be concerned about environmental problems and the possible ways of solving them. This is a long time already since we are aware of the fact that. ... This is a long time already since we are aware of the fact that the natural resources, we are using for our everyday needs, are not endless and that nature needs as much help from us as we can get from it. However, rather often people think, that such global issues as environment are ... Custom Essay Blog ...
Custom Essay Blog -
Scenic Hudson's new board members | The Nature of Things
By Mike Risinit
About this blog: The Nature of Things provides a chance to talk about the wild denizens that share the Lower Hudson Valley with us and the natural settings that make this place home for everyone. From Long Island Sound to the Hudson ...
The Nature of Things -
The Volokh Conspiracy » Blog Archive » New Jersey Legislature's ...
By Eugene Volokh
ShelbyC: The majority opinion is complicated, but it does rely at least in part on the nature of the workplace; consider, for instance, the key passage describing the facts as part of "considering the totality of the circumstances, especially the nature of the writers' ... Tweets that mention The Volokh Conspiracy » Blog Archive » New Jersey Legislature's Italian American Caucus Argues That the Making of Jersey Shore May Violate Hostile Work Environment Harassment Law ? ...
The Volokh Conspiracy -
Favorite explorations of 2009
By Koert van Mensvoort
To make way for modern tech terms such as BlackBerry, blog, voicemail and broadband, the latest edition of the Oxford Junior Dictionary has opted to drop terms pertaining to old nature. No longer can a child check this ... folders, buttons and trashcan. Nowadays, the digital environment is accepted almost everywhere and we see how proven concepts from the digital realm are gradually seeping into our physical environment. We call this phenomenon a 'boomeranged metaphor'. ... - Exploring the... -
Marie Curie's Blog » Blog Archive » Salt of the Earth
By admin
Prudence grew up in Mutare, the fourth largest city in Zimbabwe, and credits such an environment for much of her interest in pursuing science. "Zimbabwe has a diversity of animals and wildlife, so the surroundings themselves provoked ... and science and society activities,” Prudence says. "But I'll definitely stay in research. I love its unrestricted nature, in that it allows you to focus on a question or issue and pursue the answers in as many different ways as possible. ...
Marie Curie's Blog -
Seeing without looking | Science Blog
20, 2009, issue of the journal Nature Neuroscience, add new insight to our understanding of how attention is controlled by the brain. The results are closely related to a neurological disorder known as the neglect syndrome, ... The Salk Institute for Biological Studies is one of the world's preeminent basic research institutions, where internationally renowned faculty probe fundamental life science questions in a unique, collaborative, and creative environment. ...
Science Blog -
CTN Green Zen » Dalai Lama on the Environment
By Robin
This is our world and we must take care of our environment.”Nature itself has limits” He says we must live in harmony with nature in a sensible way without wasting our natural resources. The environment has started to change and is affecting our health and the world around us. What will happen in the future , no one really knows . The key message is to respect the delicate life and preserve our resources. ... Related Posts Widget for Blogs by LinkWithin ...
CTN Green Zen -
Ben's Blog » Blog Archive » Faves for 2009
By Ben
Well written (though occasionally just a shade over-written) story of personal, political and environmental intrigue and conflict set in a fractured India in 2047. The big-picture stuff is, indeed, big-picture – India has ... Building on an exposition of Philippians 2:6–11 as Paul's "master story”, Gorman elegantly argues that God's nature is cruciform – fully revealed in the paradoxically emptying, abasing and negating movement of Christ's incarnation and crucifixion. ...
Ben's Blog -
Infomotions Mini-Musings » Blog Archive » Good and best open ...
By Eric Lease Morgan
Personally I place a higher value on the viral nature of a GNU-like license, but BSD-like licenses enable commercial enterprise to a greater degree, and whether I like it or not commercial enterprises are all but necessary in the world I live in. ... Etc. For example, librarians love to create lists, and in a digital environment lists are well managed through the use of relational databases. Therefore, does MySQL qualify as a piece of library-related software? ...
Infomotions Mini-Musings -
Economy and Society » Blog Archive » There is no scientific ...
By Heidi
According to him, what is in the works is not the creation of a new model of environment-friendly production but the revival of anglo-saxon capitalism. In this first article, he sheds light on a basic misapprehension: there is no scientific consensus ... Nor did anyone inquire about the nature of the IPCC (co-recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize). The presence of a few climate experts in the midst of diplomats does not make of this political gathering a scientific academy. ...
Economy and Society -
The world's looming water crisis « ThinkOrSwim (the Climatechange ...
By Graham Strouts
... overshoot: our thirst for control of water has been historically the core issue for civilisation, but as we have extended our temporary control over nature we have increasingly taken it for granted as just the stuff that comes out of our taps. Perhaps even the environmental movement, with its recent preoccupation over peak oil and climate change, have also been lulled into a false sense of security over this vital resource, forgetting that no degree of adaptation can ...
ThinkOrSwim (the Blog) -
Does Obama deserve all of the blame for Copenhagen? | Stop Global ...
By Mike Gaworecki
Because of the historically unprecedented nature of these opportunities to remake business as usual in America, and using that to lead the rest of the world by example, Klein argues that Obama does indeed deserve most of the blame. It's hard to find fault in that ... Mike G. has been a progressive and environmental activist since he knocked on his first door as a canvasser in college. He's been writing about progressive and environmental causes on the web almost as long. ...'s Stop Global Warming Blog -
Cincinnati.Com | Cincinnati Enquirer | Letters to the Editor ...
By Letters Editor
The syndicated column by Ross Douthat, "'Avatar' and the popular religion of nature” (Dec. 26) did enhance awareness but left one perplexed as his piece ended – "But except as dust and ashes, nature cannot take us back.” ...
Letters to the Editor -
Ning Blog » Engaging freshmen before and after arrival at Humboldt
By Evan Goldin
Students have more time to interact and get to know each other in a low pressure environment. The network was setup in February, which was before the application deadline and the housing deadline. ... We opted to keep the network as hands- off as possible, and let them start their own groups/forums/blogs, etc. The "on task” nature of the network has survived, students realize that it's setup and run by the University and use it to talk about the Univ. ...
Ning Blog -
BCLC Blog » Conflicted About Avatar
By Stephen Jordan
Even the way the scientists talk about the environment is paradoxical. Do you think they celebrate the planet's radiant color displays, or its magnificently diverse flora and fauna? Not really. What fascinates them is that the planet's trees are ... We want to live at one with nature and we want to have the means to master it. We decry anti-corporate sentiment, and yet we want to take advantage of it, even if it inflames stereotypes and makes people more likely to despise ...
BCLC Blog -
Seasonal recipes: 5 healthy appetizers for New Year's Eve | MNN ...
By Robin Shreeves
You can't fool Mother Nature. This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. What is the fifth word in the phrase "solar natural sustainable environment water"?: *. ADVERTISEMENT. About Robin Shreeves. Stay-at-home mom blogs about finding eco-friendly food options. Robin's RSS · Robin's profile ...
Food News -
Unmasking the Coalition for Chemical Safety
By Safer Chemicals Healthy Families
Richard Denison from the Environmental Defense Fund has been relentless in his investigation of the true nature of the Coalition for Chemical Safety (CCS). Claiming to be a grassroots coalition of 'folks like you,' CCS has created a web ... Mr. Joe Householder, Executive Director of the chemical industry front group, the Coalition for Chemical Safety, posted a comment the day before yesterday responding to my last blog post about a local Montana chapter of the coalition. ...
Safer Chemicals Blog -
The new, "green” FIA: Death by committee? | Formula 1 Blog
By (Negative...
Seems the FIA's autocratic nature of the former FIA president Max Mosley regime may have ended. The bad news? It could simply be death-by-committee as so many years and political systems have taught us. Commercial rights holder Bernie ...
Formula 1 Blog -
Bill Totten's Weblog
By Bill Totten
Behind the decision to send an inadequate force to prop up a losing struggle, in other words, lies the complex nature of political power in contemporary America. A great many people nowadays seem to think that because they don't have the power to ... Still, another factor will be familiar to regular readers of this blog: the mismatch between growth and the limits of the environment that provides the basis for growth. In societies that use resources at a steady rate, ...
Bill Totten's Weblog -
Causes For Early Miscarriages | Lifestyle Blog
By admin
Very often these abnormalities are not passed on from either of the parents, nor do they owe themselves to the parent's health or their habits; however they do occur, rather like nature's errors which a miscarriage may be a way of correcting. ... Environmental Factors and substance abuse: Substance abuse can cause serious abnormalities in a baby that is carried to term as well as be the cause of early miscarriage. Similarly women exposed to toxins in other ways or those ...
Lifestyle Blog -
Canada Immigration Blog - Attorney David Cohen
By David Cohen
As a result, they set out to find a reliably cloudy environment to move to. This prompted them, eleven years ago, to visit Prince Rupert, British Columbia, a place that holds the Canadian second for the least number of sunny days, pretty much every year. ... For much of the waiting period, the Viviers had no permission to work but thanks to the generous nature of the good folks who populate Prince George they were well cared for all this time. So here's a tip of my hat to ...
Canada Immigration Blog -
Home Health Life Club » Blog Archive » What Is The Mode Of ...
By admin
One reason that PD was not thought to be primarily or strictly genetic in nature was that sometimes many generations were skipped. It is possible that other factors have to act as the trigger. Environmental, medications, heavy metal ...
Home Health Life Club -
jargon, etc.: Chrono-Architecture
By Jared Langevin
In the conversations about architecture's relevance to sustainability, we often fail to recognize a crisis of the human body, forgetting that when buildings are out of sync with Nature, it is the body that suffers the most. ... Philippe Rahm, for example, whose work has been much discussed on this blog, presents us with a kind of hyper-controlled interior space in his De-Territorialised Milieus project, which recreates the exact environmental conditions of one day in ...
jargon, etc. -
Facility Blog » Blog Archive » BOMA Awards 360 Designation for ...
By HeidiTFM
... training and education; energy; environment/sustainability; and tenant relations/community involvement. The holistic nature of the BOMA 360 Performance Program means that every aspect of building performance is assessed and scores ...
Pete'sPlace: Think About It: The Environmental Lies Are Upon Us
By Peter
In one Greenpeace ad ("Join the Energy Revolution”), the radical nature of the greenwashed mind is on full display as a hooded true-believer in his teens delivers a green sermon in a commanding, often threatening, tone. ... Blogs Related To "Climate Change". Skeptic's Corner · B.O.B. Presents - *Best Of the Blogs* Secondhand Smoke :Global Warming Hysteria: For Some, It's a Matter of Faith WUWT: Glacier melt discovered to have an upside ... 1 hour ago ...
Pete'sPlace -
The United States Agricultural & Food Law and Policy Blog: Can ...
By Ag and Food Law Blog
As P.J Huffstutter reports for the Los Angeles Times, nature is already starting to take back some of the city's abandoned areas as wild grasses and cottonwood trees are springing up in areas where automobiles used to be made. ... Right now Hantz Farms is determining what they can grow where depending on what the environmental conditions will allow as far as crop production. Huffstutter writes that this idea is not too far-fetched as the city started as an agriculture ...
The United States Agricultural... -
Latest science news » Blog Archive » 'Back to nature' cuts flood risks
By BBC News | Science & Environment | World Edition
'Back to nature' cuts flood risks. Reconnecting flood-plains to rivers will help reduce the risk of future flooding, a study by US researchers suggests. This entry was posted on Monday, December 28th, 2009 at 4:41 pm and is filed under ...
Latest science news -
Green Video Games: Urban Planning Meets Strategy Gaming | Sustainablog
By Jeff McIntire-Strasburg
Since July 2003, sustainablog has been providing information on environmental and economic sustainability, green and sustainable business, and environmental politics. The blog regularly features environmental leaders, ...
Sustainablog -
James Cameron's Avatar: The Magic Naturness of Naturtude « Gotham ...
By The Quixotic Man
The environment is toxic to humanity, but we've developed technology that lets us throw a human mind into a cloned body of one of these "Navi” so we can go to slumber parties with them and generally have some fun pillow talk. ... Because the evil technology that comes from man inability to live in harmony with nature, it's raped our planet to death, and now we only care about minerals and money, and can't understand the magic of magic natureness. ...
Gotham Skeptic -
Lafayette Students Will Learn about the Environment and Mentor ...
Trip will be documented through online journals, blogs, videos, and photos. EASTON, Pa.(, December 22, 2009 — Twenty-two students will spend their winter break discovering the interdisciplinary nature of environmental ...
Daily News Article Feed -
Cempaka Eco Green: 'Back to nature' cuts flood risks
By Cempaka
'Back to nature' cuts flood risks. By Mark Kinver, Science and environment reporter, BBC News|. The annual cost of flooding is rising in the US, the study says. Reconnecting flood-plains to rivers will help reduce the risk of future ...
Cempaka Eco Green -
Federalism is Freedom! - DerKrieger's blog - RedState
By DerKrieger (Profile)
This freedom of movement serves to keep state governments in check under threat of losing taxpaying citizens should the governments create a hostile environment. The Democrat Party has been trying to undermine federalism, either purposely or quite ... We are a nation divided and our most bitter disagreements, largely social in nature, are fought in Washington DC in Congress and the Courts. The divisions between the Right and the Left are growing deeper and bitterer. ...
RedState -
Collide-a-scape » Blog Archive » Collide-a-scape >> Schooling ...
By Keith Kloor
where nature and culture meet. Photos By Morgan Heim ... earth day (1), Easter Island (1), eco-village (1), ecology (13), economic development (1), economic growth (1), economics (2), ecosystem services (2), Ed Abbey (1), employment (1), endangered species act (1), Energy (16), environmental ethics (1), environmental groups (5), environmental history (6), environmental justice (1), environmental preservation (1), environmental security (12), environmentalism (18), EPA (4) ...
Collide-a-scape» Collide-a-scape... -
ASR Marine Consultants: Leader in design of artificial reefs, surf ...
By [Your Name Here]
"The environmental implications are at worst, neutral. It's likely that marine life will thrive on the reef and there will be no damaging effects to the beach. Although our reason for building the reef is for regeneration and leisure, ... " This is mimicking the way nature has protected coastlines for thousands of years. If you put a submerged reef offshore, it dissipates the wind energy that causes coastal erosion, and does a better job of protecting a beach than rocks or ...
Home -
onsaas at 12/28/09 10:47:31 | Exectweets
By onsaas
Furthermore, I really like how Tracker understands the foggy nature of predicting the future, and instead of asking for hard-time estimates, it asks to classify a task on a 0 to 3 "point” scale. The idea is that as you continue to diligently use Tracker, .... Building an internal server environment? It may make most sense to look at cloud computing trends for guidance. (Alex Williams blogs about enterprise issues for ReadWriteWeb.) 0 votes. profile_image_63257 ...
Exectweets -
Don Griesmann's Nonprofit Blog: Nonprofits – New Things To Know ...
By Don Griesmann
D&O does not cover theft, forgery, theft through technology, illegal use of computers, property damage, bodily injury, fire, pollution or environmental claims. Are you sure you know what D&O can cover? Having the assistance of an insurance agent or attorney .... As Ms. Ewan stated to me, "Normally we don't allow this, but given the nature of your blog we will make an exception if you are willing to sign a reprint authorization agreement and acknowledge our copyright… ...
Don Griesmann's Nonprofit Blog -
The Rag Blog: Avatar : Contradictions of Cameron's Animation ...
By thorne dreyer
A truly improbable Avatar reversal would produce a global back-to-nature movement liberated from plastic 3-D glasses because something like "real nature" was being returned to its sacred center of attention. .... After Copenhagen : Lighting a Candle for Climate Change -- By Rabbi Arthur Waskow / The Rag Blog. At the leadership level, the Copenhagen climate summit was a dismal failure. But there was excitement among grassroots environmental activists that we must carry ...
The Rag Blog -
Forecast 2010 - Clusterfuck Nation
By James Howard Kunstler
The dollar could wither later on in the year and maybe take a turn into high inflation as US treasury interest rates shoot up in an environment of a global bond glut. That doesn't mean the stock markets will bounce back because the US economy .... and probably along the lines of much more modest expectations, and with very different practical arrangements in everything from the very nature of work to household configurations, transportation, farming, capital formation, ...
Clusterfuck Nation -
Significant Software Development Developments of 2009 ...
By dmarx
In recent years, Eclipse and NetBeans have dominated discussion of Java IDEs due to their open source and no cost nature. Oracle's JDeveloper has been dominant in shops that make heavy use of Oracle products. Although not open source, ... However, the release of Microsoft's Bing search engine is, at the very least, likely to improve our ability to search rapidly for data due to the competitive environment in the search engine space. I have found Bing to be useful as my ...
JavaWorld's Daily Brew - Starting... -
The Devil's Kitchen: DK elsewhere: the costs of slowed development
By Devil's Kitchen
The concept of environmental quality changes in this storyline from the current emphasis on "conservation" of nature to active "management" of natural and environmental services, which increases ecologic resilience. ... Christopher Snowdon; "[He] runs the infamous and fantastically sweary Devil's Kitchen blog, and because he's one of the naughtiest geeks (second only to the incredibly, incredibly naughty Guido Fawkes) he's right at the top of the evil dork hierarchy. ...
The Devil's Kitchen -
Today's Climate: December 28, 2009 |
By SolveClimate Staff
Rising atmospheric carbon dioxide absorbed by the oceans has not only increased seawater acidity but also affected its acoustics, making it more transparent to low-frequency sound, according to a study in the journal Nature Geoscience. ... What a difference a decade makes. The "Noughties" saw environmental issues come to the forefront with a marked shift toward all things green in politics, technology and perhaps most importantly, society. .... DeSmog Blog ...
Solve Climate: Daily Climate... -
Category: Nature and Environment Blogs around the World | Views: 536 | Added by: Aries | Tags: Blogs, Environment, nature | Rating: 0.0/0
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