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«  December 2009  »
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Main » 2009 » December » 31 » Nature and Environment Blogs
10:35 AM
Nature and Environment Blogs
Nature and Environment Blogs
Custom essay "How the environment plays a role in learning ...
By Writing Service Support
On the other hand, there are people whose learning has little impact of their natural environment and they pay little attention to nature (Anyon, 1992). No wonder, the modern society, being predominantly urban, is mainly concerned with its own needs because, from the early childhood, people learn mainly from their social environment and social standards, values and ideals become milestones of personal philosophy of an individual, which he or she ... Custom Essay Blog ...
Custom Essay Blog -
South Carolina Low Country Nature Journaling and Art: Sketching in ...
By Pam Johnson Brickell
Katherine states: The Going Greener Gong is for the art blog which I've found most stimulating in relation to getting us in touch with nature and the environment. Congrats fellow contributors and thank you once again, Cathy (Kate) ...
South Carolina Low Country Nature... -
Family Education Community » Blog Archive » What Could Be The ...
By admin
In the same manner the whole universe is based on the environment of Earth. If anything worse happens to Earth that might destruct the entire universe. For these situations Earth may not practically be in the center of the universe. Damage to earth may damage the ... If man rebels on God then He may order the nature to bury him with fury. Luke 19:42-44 and said, "If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace-but now it is hidden from your eyes. ...
Family Education Community -
Opinio Juris » Blog Archive » Counter-terrorism and the Limits of ...
By Kenneth Anderson
Meaning by that, the nature of your cost benefit analysis causes you to proceed serially, from one bad event and its prevention to the next — the nature of the CBA does not really offer a way to give a holistic strategy by which you might ... Dan Bodansky of the University of Georgia (and soon to be of Arizona State University) and the author of the book The Art and Craft of International Environmental Law has already sent us a post from Copenhagen (as well as this post ...
Opinio Juris -
Tourism Enriches » Blog Archive » What Are The Root Causes Of Our ...
By admin
But others are fault of mankind upsetting the natural balance of nature that were in place for centuries. The biggest fault we humans made was burning of fossil fuels and releasing other carbon based compounds into our environment. ...
Tourism Enriches -
Looking ahead: Green business in 2010 | MNN - Mother Nature Network
By Melissa Hincha-Ownby
Sure, we are in an environmental crisis right now and we absolutely have to act to stave off future catastrophe, but 2009 saw a lot of growth on the green business front and I am optimistic at how 2010 will pan out. Green Jobs. I've already proclaimed 2009 to be the Year of the Green Job. Of course I don't have the power to make an official mandate but in .... About Melissa Hincha-Ownby. Business guru blogs about the latest in green biz. Melissa's RSS · Melissa's profile ...
All MNN Content -
Nature Air » Gov't's Baulas Commission Recommends Park Preservation
By admin
The commission recommended expropriation for the private lands included in the limits of the park from construction "because of their high environmental fragility, and because of the possible negative impact to the Leatherback sea ...
Nature Air -
Pablo Erick Solón Romero Oroza: We Must Support a Universal ...
By Pablo Erick Solón Romero Oroza
We use terms like "living well" to describe a way of life that seeks not to live "better" and at the cost of others and nature, but in harmony with all. The struggles of indigenous people and social movements in Latin America have enabled this ... Instead of devising ever more complex schemes to authorize environmental damage and to trade in the right to pollute, we would focus on how best to maintain the quality of the relationship between ourselves and Earth. ...
The Blog -
Intelligent Design: From Epigenesis to Revelations | Desidero's Blog
By Desidero
Recent work in Epigenesis, basically the idea that environmental effects on DNA can result in multi-generation genetic inheritance, seems to be bearing fruit so to speak, and the repercussions are many - greatest of course on the implications for ... But as usual with nature, things get more complicated just when we think they should get simpler. Einstein once proclaimed "God does not play dice", to which Hagbard Celine responded, "Not only does he play dice, he cheats". ...
Cafe Talk Aggregator -
Cosmic Diary — Sotira Trifourki » Blog Archive » A New Dawn for ...
By sotira
The press release continues to comment that it has been a challenge for astronomers to understand how the delicate structures withstood the hostile, high-energy environment of the galaxy cluster for over 100 million years. They should have heated up, dispersed, ... A new study published in the August 21(2008) Nature magazine proposes that magnetic fields hold the charged gas in place and resist the forces that would distort the filaments. This skeletal structure is strong ...
Cosmic Diary — Sotira Trifourki -
Environmental Protection Agency: Let's Plant Trees On 59 Million ...
Say Anything Blog ... "That's one of the realities of cap-and-trade legislation. The biggest bang for your buck for carbon credits is planting trees,” she said. I'm sure our descendants, as they wander in hunter-gatherer bands through the vast forests we planted to save the environment, gathering roots and berries and being sympatico with Nature, will appreciate what we did for them when we destroyed western civilization to save it from itself. ...
Say Anything -
The Volokh Conspiracy » Blog Archive » $150000 Settlement for ...
By Eugene Volokh
And wern't most of us "physically threatened, assaulted and battered” at school to some degree or another? For the effects of liability of that nature I suggest people watch the South Park "Sexual Harassment Panda” episode. ... I can verify that the Uncle's testimony is a fair description of the environment there. The district we taught in was 50% black and white on the census, but the enrollment in the public school was overwhelmingly black due to white flight into the ...
The Volokh Conspiracy -
5 Blogs Before Lunch: Lacoste Joins Effort To "Save Your Logo"
By daveibsen
Lacoste is the first fashion company to sign on to the "Save Your Logo" initiative run by the Global Environment Facility, the World Bank, and the International Union for Conservation of Nature. "We hope to be able to give back to our ...
5 Blogs Before Lunch -
Eco-tourism in Africa – Is There Such a Thing As Positive Tourism ...
Eco-tourism and the development of 'peace parks' are an up and coming standard that African Governments (including Zambias) are using to create a sense of harmony between humankind (both foreign and local) and nature by using the lands natural resources to create prosperity. ... Note: If you wish to publish this article on your website, blog, etc. you can as long as the article remains in its full entirety; including the links and the author resource box. ...
Protecting Our Environment -
The Blog of Innocence: My Response to a Reader's Comments
By Lethe
Descending into any addiction, compulsion, or fantasy world is also a break within one's environment. Thus we read: There is in nature, even below the level of life, something more than mere flux and change. Form is arrived at whenever ...
The Blog of Innocence -
Hot Air » Blog Archive » Video: Former El Al official explains ...
By Ed Morrissey
This is the other, less reassuring, side of the episodic nature of the terrorist threats against us. We seem always to react, never to anticipate—and in this form of hasty reaction, with its flavor of humiliation, and of having been outwitted by a wearer of dangerous underwear (or shoes), ... It was, however, on a larger database of some 550000 individuals, called TIDE (Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment)—and it was inserted there, it seems, only last month. ...
Hot Air » Top Picks -
Knight Science Journalism Tracker » Blog Archive » NYTimes Science ...
By Charlie Petit
In microbes – bacteria and archaea – that's where nature has put the goods, he said. I always regretted not getting back to him for a deeper exploration of the point. Carl's story, in a remarkably efficient package, gives a sense of the ... If your environmental sensibilities have you wondering why we are crapping up the planet, Henry Fountain provides an intimate and detailed visit to dairy farmers who have to rake and scoop and pump cow paddies and urine up by the ...
Knight Science Journalism Tracker -
Energy 2.0 » Blog Archive » The final countdown
By JPierce
Mother nature network has an end-of the year list of the Top 9 non-climate environmental stories of 2009, with links to coverage of each: The danger.
Energy 2.0 -
Climate Shifts » Blog Archive » Ocean acidification turns up the ...
By J.Roff
Climate Shifts: a blog about climate change, coral reefs, politics and the environment. ... A blog about science, climate change, politics, coral reefs, and the environment ... According to a new paper published in Nature Geoscience, as the oceans become more acidic through increased atmospheric CO2, the changes in seawater chemistry will result in fewer reactions and less acoustic used. This means that sound will travel further, and therefore be louder at a fixed ...
Climate Shifts -
Islam and the Two Solitudes » First Thoughts | A First Things Blog
By Joe Carter
Offer their men friendship and a 'safe' environment to discuss life, God, religion, politics. Every immigrant family has intergenerational dynamics….the young are open to the new culture, language, beliefs and mores of their new neighborhood. ... Islam does NOT believe in the triune nature of God or the possibility of the Incarnation. They just believe it's IMPOSSIBLE, like a square circle or a round line. On the other hand, it's important that they at least be exposed to ...
First Thoughts -
Pittsburgh Health and Healing Blog » Blog Archive » Pittsburgh ...
By Sarah
Living in our instant gratification culture, it can be easy to loose sight of things of this nature. Often, we lack the patience and commitment to invest in such things because their worth and value aren't quite tangible. ... When we are not distracted/occupied by our life and environment our thoughts arise… we acknowledge them…and we let them go. They do not need to be stored and dealt with later. Often times in meditation I find myself becoming distracted by a ...
Pittsburgh Health and Healing Blog -
Digital Society » Blog Archive » Search Neutrality?
By Jon Henke
I fear an environment where "the commons” is used to prevent competition; where "open” is not a option but a mandate – a tool to freeze platforms in place. The New York Times gave us another good example of that slippery slope yesterday with ... How can a search engine possibly avoid discriminating when the very nature of search results is ordinal? Now, I have some sympathy for concerns that search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo, Ask, etc) be more transparent – or at least ...
Digital Society -
The Center of the Universe » Blog Archive » Monetary Policy and ...
In particular, the rise in house prices or housing activity during this period was much faster than the pace consistent with the overall macroeconomic environment at that time. ... The form of mortgage finance—the prevalence and nature of mortgages with adjustable rates versus fixed rates, the role of other "new” or exotic mortgage features, and the role of different types of lenders and securitization paths—all shifted during this period. These shifts undoubtedly fed on ...
The Center of the Universe -
Reason Foundation - Out of Control Policy Blog > Transportation ...
By (Samuel Staley)
Environmental advocacy groups, while supportive of the measure, expressed disappointment that the House failed to focus on long-term transportation reform or include a National Infrastructure Bank in its bill. ... In part, I think the beltway crowd simply doesn't have the time to invest the political capital for an issue that is fundamentally local in nature. Transportation isn't a national policy issues, or hasn't risen to the public consciousness as a national issue. ...
Reason Foundation - Out of Control... -
Black Gate » Blog Archive » AVATAR flies high; SKULLS is on the way…
By John Fultz
In AVATAR the Na'vi capture and "bond” with their pterodon-inspired mounts, soaring among vistas of floating mountain-islands and eventually battling the forces of facist earthling technology to save their planet from environmental holocaust. ... On one level this is extremely satisfying…a message that love, hope, and nature will triumph over greed, materialism, and corruption. On another level, some may find it too much of a "happy ending.” But this is a fantasy in the ...
Black Gate -
Wycliffe Bible Translators UK Blogs « Kouya Chronicle
By Eddie
However, I deliberately excluded them from my list of blogs of the year for fear of risking friendship and working relationships. Here is a list of Wycliffe UK members who have blogs, taken from Wycliffe Bible Translators own blog. ...
Kouya Chronicle -
Science and Technology, Lifes Changing » Blog Archive » What Are ...
By admin
Infinitely small nanostructures will soon permeate your food, body and environment on the grounds of improving structure, preventing disease and enhancing traits, but their potential to be toxic, invade immune systems or simply behave ... Nanotechnology could become a revolutionary force in the near future, but its microparticulate nature poses uncertain risks and unknown dangers as it infuses unchecked with foods, cosmetics, medical treatments, plastics and many other ...
Science and Technology, Lifes Changing -
Going Beyond Good: Reflections on Rob Kling « Beki's Blog (there's ...
By beki70
Will training to use the machines be sufficient so that their human operator can use them effectively, will the machine be deployed into an environment that is like the one it was tested in, do we know what our current processes are well enough to know whether ... Social Informatics, in Rob's formulation, begins with some statements about the nature of the discipline. "It is defined by its topic (and fundamental questions about it), rather than by a family of methods… ...
Beki's Blog (there's an original name) -
B2B Markeplace » Blog Archive » 5 Critical Principals Of Effective ...
By PortalFeeder
In an increasingly sophisticated and competitive environment, pharmaceutical companies now realise that it is not sufficient to treat clients with a uniform approach and that certain client accounts represent an increased level of importance. ... The exact nature of the relationship must be communicated throughout the company structure, so that an integrated response is always applicable. While formal communication is always important, including planning, reviews, ...
B2B Markeplace -
Greenwashing and textiles « O ECOTEXTILES
By oecotextiles
People just don't seem to care about what their fabric choices do to them or to the environment. (Quick, what fiber is your shirt/blouse made of? What kinds of fibers do you sleep on?) They are too busy to do research, or they're gullible ... since millions of consumers around the world and several governments have rejected the use of genetically engineered (GE) products, because of the unforeseen consequences of unleashing genetically altered organisms into nature. ...
7-Eleven, where brands and culture go to die :: Grant McCracken
By grant27
Then somehow a 7-ELEVEN in space will be the first point of comfort while we strain to forget what nature ever looked like. If that's the future, 7-ELEVEN is the first 21st century brand – It's there already with the exception of a HAL computer perhaps. ... (And remember the importance of cigs, cheap booze, and lottery tickets to their profit margins–these are not the sort of products where we're looking for a showroom-type environment to shop.) ...
Grant McCracken -
PC's Telecom Blog: Garmin grows in outdoor recreation
By Pradeep Chakraborty
Responsive to the touch of a finger, yet resistant to the rigors of nature, Oregon 450t and Oregon 450 simplify navigation through a glove-friendly touchscreen interface. This bright 3” color display is easier than ever to read and use in all ... Geocachers can help the environment and be more efficient by going paperless with Oregon by quickly downloading cache information directly to the device. Oregon stores and displays key information such as location, terrain, ...
PC's Telecom Blog -
Avatar, The Movie: Mind Blowing Eye Candy
By Doug Porter
This techo-corporate futuristic vision draws upon the hopes and dreams of a shattered populace—with Earth's environment having been largely destroyed—for its shock-troops. Having said that, the plot is predictable and shallow in the ways ... The movie depicts our descendants as detestable and totally corrupt people bent on the complete destruction of nature. It's no small irony here that Cameron uses theatrical technology of the latest and greatest kind to depict the ...
OB Rag Blog -
billy blog » Blog Archive » Do not learn economics from a newspaper
By bill
It allows the economist to avoid issues like environmental degradation in less developed countries; the murder of trade unionists in some countries because they oppose dangerous and poorly paid work offered by multi-nationals who are ... That is is part of our innate human nature to be competitive. Of-course there is a huge literature negating that conception. For example, the literature from learning psychology and game theory (for example, the work of Robert Axelrod ...
billy blog -
Off grid questions
By Wretha
It's human nature to want to brag or show off what you have done, what you have achieved, but it's also human nature to do what is necessary to survive too, you don't want that turned against you in a SHTF situation. ... Another area where you want to keep your privacy is on your blog about your location, unless you don't mind total strangers showing up on your doorstep…”Hi, I read about you online and thought I would track you down to meet you…”, I keep my exact and even ...
Off-Grid - life unplugged: architectu... -
Bill Totten's Weblog: Steady state economy
By Bill Totten
The steady state economy is often discussed in the context of economic growth and the impacts of economic growth on ecological integrity, environmental protection, and economic sustainability. ... For example, some have posited that the Endangered Species Act of 1973 was an implicit prescription for a steady state economy balanced with an economy of nature characterized by numerous threatened and endangered yet stabilized species. Further Reading: ...
Bill Totten's Weblog -
The holdouts – shooters who still use film |
By admin
Chad Holder: Environmental portrait photographer. Great blog on his site too. Completely a film shooter? Paolo Marchesi: Unfortunately my film shooting has gone down from 100% 6 years ago to less than 20% now. ... -
Making a Mark: The Making A Mark Awards 2009 (Part 1)
By Katherine Tyrrell
This award is for the art blog which I've found most stimulating in relation to getting us in touch with nature and the environment. The nature in question can be wildlife animals, birds, flowers and plants. Blogs are not required in ...
Making a Mark -
Category: Nature and Environment Blogs around the World | Views: 422 | Added by: Aries | Tags: Blogs, Environment, nature | Rating: 0.0/0
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