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Main » 2010 » January » 1 » Nature and Environment Blogs
5:39 PM
Nature and Environment Blogs
Nature and Environment Blogs
Nature Photography Tips « Protecting Our Environment
This entry was posted on December 30, 2009, 10:47 pm and is filed under Nature Photography. You can follow any responses to this entry through RSS 2.0. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. ...
Protecting Our Environment -
Cooler Choice Environment » Blog Archive » Environmental Factors ...
By coolerchoice
Environmental factors ? which, from a scientist's standpoint, include smoking, diet, and infectious diseases as well as chemicals and radiation in our homes and workplaces ? probably cause three quarters of all cancer cases in the US. ...
Cooler Choice Environment -
20 Tips for a New You in the New Year « Nature Made Blog
By Jeremy Griffin
Cleaning – Keeping yourself and your environment in a state of cleanliness can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle. 10. Breathing – Take the time you need to relax and just breathe. Your body will be grateful for it, and your friends ...
Nature Made Blog -
John Zogby: The Politics of Science
By John Zogby
Unlike environmental science, doubts about the scientific nature of economics are almost uniformly spread across the ideological spectrum, with progressive, libertarian and very conservative voters walking nearly hand in hand: ...
The Huffington Post Full Blog Feed -
One Week From Tonight in NYC: SciCafe at AMNH : Living the ...
By "GrrlScientist"
GrrlScientist's banner was designed by graphic artist, Jeff Hebert, whose other work can be viewed here. Nominate your science, nature or medical writing to Scientia Pro Publica (Science for the Public) blog carnival using the widget ...
ScienceBlogs Channel : Environment -
The Foolhardy Nature of Predicting Green Innovation - Washington ...
By Todd Myers
Washington Policy Blog. Free-market solutions and common sense brought to you by Washington Policy Center. My Photo ... We could create a similar list of predictions about environmental technologies (the 1977 Stanford Research Institute study predicted that solar energy "is likely to dominate the space-heating market for new construction as soon as the year 2000." It is less than 1 percent today.). This won't stop politicians from promising that they can predict the ...
Washington Policy Blog -
Cempaka Nature, Agriculture and Environment: Walhi Condemns Forest ...
By Cempaka
TEMPO Interactive, Bengkulu:The Bengkulu branch of the Indonesian Forum for the Environment (Walhi) has condemned the Bengkulu Provincial Government's plan to convert 99.272 hectares of forest in Bengkulu into plantations. ...
Cempaka Nature, Agriculture and... -
The Locust Fork News-Journal » Blog Archive » Recalling Alabama's ...
By admin
Hazardous waste, landfills and recycling were the big issues of the decade. Two nonprofit law firms, the Southern Environmental Law Center and WildLaw, were created. The Nature Conservancy opened a chapter in Alabama. ...
The Locust Fork News-Journal -
Home Fires: I Will Carry You - Opinionator Blog -
My main goal for 2009 was simply to provide a stable, secure, loving environment for my kids. To carry them, if need be, through the hard days. Human bonds are either strengthened or destroyed by time apart, and since getting home from Iraq in the summer of .... Search This Blog. Previous post Memories in Nature By OLIVIA JUDSON; Next post By THE EDITORS. Home Fires features the writing of men and women who have returned from wartime service in the United States military. ...
Opinionator -
Disney's nature 'theme park' is right in Central Florida's own ...
By Katie M.
The preserve even offers hiking trails and tours so guests can face-to-face with nature and the wildlife that inhabits this extraordinary environment nestled in Central Florida, sans the throngs of tourists and costumed characters. ... at the first left drive onto Scrub Jay Trail following it into the preserve to the parking lot. The Nature Conservancy's Disney Wilderness Preserve 2700 Scrub Jay Trail Kissimmee, FL 34759. Phone: (407) 935-0002. Blog Widget by LinkWithin ...
Daily Loaf -
Goldsmith's Animated Nature – The Red Notebook
By Richard Carter, FCD
Expect some snippets/extracts from Goldsmith's Animated Nature in the next few months. In the meantime, thank you once again, Stense, for the wonderful present! Stense in her natural environment. Richard Carter, FCD Tags: books, ...
The Red Notebook -
Blogs @ The Charleston Gazette - » Coal news roundup, Holiday Edition
By Ken Ward Jr.
Here in West Virginia, public broadcasting reported about how the state DNR is trying to figure out how to restore Dunkard Creek at the same time the state Department of Environmental Protection has given CONSOL Energy permission to resume ... Several Coal Tattoo readers passed on a note that the Mother Nature Network has named the Appalachian mountains in West Virginia as among its 15 Most Toxic Places to Live. And several readers also suggested I post this article about ...
Coal Tattoo -
E. F. Schumacher Society Blog: Small Change/Big Impact
By EF Schumacher Society
In the course of these multiple transactions an understanding begins to grow of the nature of the business, how it fits in the streetscape of the town, the working conditions of its employees, availability of locally made goods, the impact ... Our private discussion and public debate accordingly narrows to cost of goods and return on investment--shaping personal habits of consumption and public policy that drive a global economic system unimpeded by environmental, social, ...
EF Schumacher Society Blog -
The Bishops Speak: Caring for the Columbia; Religion and ...
By Aquadoc
The conservation blog of The Nature Conservancy. More than a dozen science and policy experts blogging away! Cr!key Creek Daniel Collins' Cr!key Creek offers news, views, and analysis on water resources, and a few other things, from the South Pacific. ... The bishops make it clear where they stand: they don't care for "economic greed" that despoils the environment nor do they support "environmental elitism" that tramples upon the legitimate rights of others. ...
WaterWired -
WhatTheyThink Going Green -A Resource for Today's Green Business ...
By Gail Nickel-Kailing
Out in nature, right there in the scene of the "crime,” you'd see the real shame: the cans. Often when a painting is executed, the only way a street artist can escape scott-free is to leave their quickly emptied, no-good cans at the scene! Well, no more! No one in their right mind would ... Designed by some magnificent geniuses with a longer-lasting environment on their minds, this can has re-fillable paint containers and a super-amazing color-choosing set of dials. Yes! ...
WhatTheyThink Going Green -A... -
OCCULT VIEW » Blog Archive » Avatar, Star Wars and science fiction ...
By David
With Avatar, it is about the interconnection of all life in balance with nature. The times have changed since the 1970s and 80s when cold war fears of an evil empire occupied our imagination. Now we have new fears. avatar-movie-poster The real-life consequences of technology's triumph are environmental degradation, global warming and the near-future depletion of our natural resources. We are facing a dire future if profit is the only thing that matters. ...
Newz Source » Blog Archive » Avatar NOW PLAYING
... that blends today's environmental concerns with ancient traditions centered on oneness with nature. the indigenous people share a bond with everything from their ancestors to flying dragons and floating jellyfish-like beings. ...
Newz Source -
Plant Based Air-Purifier
By Claudia Endler
Andrea Air-Filter, a collaboration between industrial designer Mathieu Lehanneur and Harvard professor David Edwards, is an environmental purifier that uses the air-cleansing powers of plants to remove the toxic gases of indoor air and ... in conjunction with the ANDREA Air Filter to absorb and metabolize noxious chemicals, but the best performing varieties include: Spath or peace lily, Red-edged dragon tree, Spider plant and Aloe Vera. Gotta love the power of nature. ...
2Modern Design Talk - Modern... -
The Evolution & Medicine Review » Blog Archive » Bugs versus ...
By Neil Greenspan
... might ever hope to unleash,”Yeah, yeah,” thereby decisively demonstrating the extent to which the meaning of words can be shaped by the linguistic environment in which they are embedded. Last month, a report in Nature (Netzer et al. ...
The Evolution and Medicine Review -
peHUB » Boyd Makes Non-Binding Offer for Station Casinos
By admin
"Given the divergent interests of the parties involved, the unique nature of the assets, and to give due regard to the views of the various creditors, Boyd Gaming remains open and flexible in establishing a transaction structure that is ... In the area of board conflict, one observation from the study begs to be discussed further in the context of the current operating environment: A suggestion that there is strong agreement between VCs and CEOs regarding the key ...
PE Hub Blog -
BENCHFLY INTERVIEW: "Seeing” the Big Picture « Changizi Blog
By changizi
It is all about data supporting one's hypothesis, and all about the parsimonious nature of the hypothesis. Parsimony aims for explaining the greatest range of data with the simplest amount of theory. That's what I aim for. ... But in order to understand the functional level, one must go beyond the organism itself, to the environment in which the animal evolved. One needs to devise and test hypotheses about what the biological structure was selected for, and must often ...
Changizi Blog -
The Kitchen Table: Looking Forward Through the Rear View Mirror ...
By Christopher J. Naum, SFPE
The fundamental nature and reason we have such veneration for firefighting and the fire service and all it entails, has a lot to do with going into burning buildings and fighting fire. ... is the fact that there are many individual firefighters, companies and organizations that employ fireground operational practices that promote the "enjoyment and entertainment” of working a good job within the occupancy compartment of a structural fire in the building environment. ...
The Kitchen Table -
Evolution v. Intelligent Design Watch: Jerry Fodor's Anti-Natural ...
By santitafarella
I think that Fodor defines natural selection in the common sense way that we all do: as the principle that organisms vary, and those organisms that vary in ways that fit them to their environment are likely to leave more offspring and pass ... Grandma's chosen flowers go with the thickest root systems, but Nature, lacking intention, selects for neither (Fodor's example). How any particular organism arrives at the traits and complexities that it possesses is a contingent ...
Prometheus Unbound -
Pajamas Media » Real Greens Have Manure on Their Boots
By Mary Grabar
... the University of Georgia and teaches in the Atlanta area. She is a Pushcart Prize-nominated poet and published fiction writer. Visit her website and get on her mailing list at Mary blogs at the ... The Earth thrives as a wild unregulated sphere that abhors environmental totalitarians. Farming works because real farmers work with nature. I suspect we will witness a few more years of Green lunacy. But the wind is out of their ...
Pajamas Media -
By Felix Larocca
Eons ago, when we inhabited the savannah, our activities consisted primarily of hunting, gathering, foraging and scavenging in order to attain the imperative of our survival — the plan that Nature programmed for us to preserve our existence . .... The fact is that our organism does process what it ingests according to environmental and internal parameters in delicate interactions. An Eskimo consuming a diet primarily composed of animal fats and scanty in amounts of ...
Sistema Limbico -
DAILY FILM DOSE: A Daily Film Appreciation and Review Blog: Extract
By Alan Bacchus
Unfortunately 'Extract' is a complete disaster of a comedy, but such is the nature with comedies – the riskiest of genres. It comes from Mike Judge who has created many of the pop culture benchmarks 'Beavis & Butthead', ... I've worked at a bottling plant before and there's much humour to be mined from that oddball environment, but it all feels untapped. The only moments which work is David Koechner's annoying neighbour character, who pesters Joel in the most inopportune ...
DAILY FILM DOSE: A Daily Film... -
Orlando Sentinel - Arts & Letters – Landscapes take over at ...
By Elizabeth Maupin
Sounds like the year of the landscape at Orlando Museum of Art, where a continuing series of shows this winter, spring and summer will focus on the role of landscape and the environment in the American experience. The seven-month series is a collaboration with 20 arts, ... The selections will offer a historical overview of the engagement of leading American artists with the landscape and show some of the ways in which evolving ideas about nature are expressed in art. ...
Arts & Letters -
The Truth About Granular Weed And Feed for Lawns | The Gardening Guide
By admin
When Mother Nature operates in extremes (hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes), people and the environment are damaged, but when she sees fit to offer us balanced conditions (warm breezes, light rains, sunny days), everyone is happy. ...
The Gardening Guide -
How serious is DOD about airships? (Answer: Extremely) - The DEW Line
By Stephen Trimble
... to Afghanistan (see today's news article). The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is experimenting with a lighter-than-air replacement for JSTARS and AWACS (see April blog post), which I know enjoys... ... 1. Given the nature of an airship, how can they claim a comfortable travel environment? The nature of the loading would indicate to me that the aircraft would be a little uncomfortable in any type of moderate weather. Anyone who has flown in a light aircraft ...
The DEW Line -
In Russia, Apophis impacts YOU! | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine
By Phil Plait
I know I was being a little snarky above (this is a blog, after all), but in the end some good may come of this. We just don't know enough about asteroids and how to push them out of the way. We need to set up and fly missions to a few .... Of course, to perform more precise simulations, we will need accurate data on the physical/behavioral nature of the asteroids themselves. On the other hand maybe we should just throw in the towel, figure out what city it's going to ...
Bad Astronomy -
Information Dissemination: Developing Concepts for Joint Maritime ...
By (Galrahn)
The maritime environment is different than land, so how do we apply the CCJO concept of joint operations to our sea forces? Unlike land, presence requires a ship, as men can't walk on water, and this simple fact alone forces us to think ... Those methods must reflect both the internal dynamics of the situation itself, which give the situation its basic operational nature, and the strategic context, which establishes the broad political and resource limits within which ...
Information Dissemination -
Geary Behavioural Economics Blog: Some Ideas From Academia to ...
By Liam Delaney
The influence of behavioural economics on financial regulation, innovation, health policy, environmental policy, consumer protection and other areas. This is currently one of the dominant streams of thought in public policy, ... The inspiring work of Ernst Fehr and others on the nature and function of trust should be given high consideration in 2010 as the nations of the world try to rebuild financial and social institutions that have been run ragged over the last few ...
Geary Behavioural Economics Blog -
Where do the human rights of Gazans fit into the fight for a ...
By Shmuel Sermoneta-Gertel
You seem to understand that environmentalism is not just about this or that wildflower or nature reserve, and that it is an issue that can't wait any longer. Reading your interview/profile however – assuming it is a faithful reflection ... Thank you so much Shmuel; you have raised the question many of us on this blog would like to know the answer to–like you, we appreciate what Jesse is trying to do, using the environmental issues and issues of sharing natural resources ...
Mondoweiss -
FOI Topics and Links of the Week :: The Future of the Internet ...
By elisabeth
[I (JZ) am skeptical of the iPhone's "contingently generative" environment -- outside apps are encouraged, but then subject to an ongoing approval process by a central gatekeeper who can use any criteria it wants, or none at all -- but ... There's no sense of perspective on how the review process is more than a logistical inconvenience—it really changes the nature of the device. Also, the authors seem totally dazzled by the idea of a platform for which applications can be ...
The Future of the Internet --... -
Science & Sensibility » Consider the Source: An interview with ...
By Amy Romano
In Optimising psychophysiology in third stage of labour: Theory applied to practice, the two Australian researchers discuss how environmental factors such as lack of privacy, bright lights, and the presence of strangers may disrupt the .... When not thinking about how to make pregnancy, birth and early mothering a healthy and happy experience Kathleen likes to walk in nature and practice Tai Chi. Carolyn Hastie is a mother, grandmother, midwife and academic who has worked ...
Science & Sensibility -
An Eco-Friendly Backyard Garden |
By admin
We will discuss the term "Organic” in a gardening context, it might be a useful start to define exactly what that means, so here it is, "Organic gardening is the way of growing vegetables and fruits with the use of things only found in nature”. Really simple isn't it, ... Less harm is caused to the environment, because poisons are not washed into our waterways to give but one example, causing death to the native fish and polluting their habitat in most cases. ... -
Category: Nature and Environment Blogs around the World | Views: 608 | Added by: Aries | Tags: Blogs, Environment, nature | Rating: 0.0/0
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