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«  January 2010  »
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Main » 2010 » January » 1 » Nature and Environment Blogs
5:50 PM
Nature and Environment Blogs
Nature and Environment Blogs
Nature Canada Blog: Mackenzie Pipeline Project Receives Approval ...
By Chris Sutton
0 comments: Post a Comment · Older Post Home. Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom). Nature Canada Blog The folks at Nature Canada share stories, photos, commentary and news about nature, the environment and our conservation efforts. ...
Nature Canada Blog -
Cooler Choice Environment » Blog Archive » Environment Book store
By coolerchoice
The current heavy rainfall that is pounding the Amboseli ecosystem has made some areas no-go zones and has completely blocked access to many places. This is a great blessing for […] Blog Catalog Blog Directory ...
Cooler Choice Environment -
Bigelow Decaffeinated Organic Green Tea, 40-Count Boxes ...
Mother Nature gave us a wonderful gift when she packed beneficial antioxidants into Green Tea – powerful combatants that protect the body's healthy cells from billions of naturally occurring free radicals, unstable molecules that when left unchecked, ... It's great tasting, good for the environment, and good for you, too! Certified Organic by QAI, Inc. Blended and packaged in the U.S.A.. Bigelow Decaffeinated Organic Green Tea, 40-Count Boxes. Bookmark and Share: ...
Protecting Our Environment -
This Week in Nature | The Daily Scan | GenomeWeb
The Haynes lab studies fundamental and applied problems in immunology, nanoscience, and environmental science using a diverse set of techniques. They use laser spectroscopy and microelectrochemistry to probe chemical messenger synthesis and exocytosis in individual cells, ... Blog. In Other Words, Happy New Year. A blogger posts some microbial art with a holiday twist. December 31, 2009. The Tool-Builders. A blogger discusses what bioinformaticists do. December 31, 2009 ...
Biotech Transfer Week from GenomeWeb... -
Happiness | Red Room
By Claire Elizabeth Terry
'We can cultivate and achieve happiness, remove and eliminate suffering, provided we are able to engage in a practice which is in tune with the law of nature and in tune with how things actually exist. ... Even though your focus may be on your personal happiness and well-being, once you are able to understand how much your personal life is dependent on the surrounding environment, you will be able to widen your perspective and your realization of reality. ...
Red Room Blogs - All -
Religion, Water, and Environmental Stewardship : AWRA Water Blog
By Michael "Aquadoc" Campana
Cool Green Science - The conservation blog of The Nature Conservancy. More than a dozen science and policy experts blogging away! Cr!key Creek - Daniel Collins' Cr!key Creek offers news, views, and analysis on water resources, ...
AWRA Water Blog -
Avatar Movie Review » Green and Natural Parenting
By Tiffany
While the story and the characters are awesome alone it is nature that really becomes the star and I heartily recommend this movie to everyone but especially environmentalists. By and large it is getting awesome reviews all ... Whereas I see it and see beyond that to the themes of capitalism at the cost of lives and environment, and our failure to see the interconnected-ness of our lives and the natural world. ... Sign up here for weekly blog updates direct to your email! ...
Green and Natural Parenting -
The BRAD BLOG : 'Green News Report' - December 31, 2009
(Mother Nature Network); Top 10 environmental moments of the decade (CNN); The Top 10 Stories You Missed in 2009: A few ways the world changed while you weren't looking. (Foreign Policy); The Top 9 Stories in Environmental Politics of ... The environmental movement goes mainstream. This was the decade in which global warming became a household word and environmentalists were no longer viewed as tree-hugging-tofu-eaters. Major corporations now have "going green" programs ...
Contemporary art trends over the next decade « The ALP Blog
By artlistpro
Enter ceramics, fibers and working with environment within a tenacious and well documented process. Trust in the natural object may define the next decade as much as distrust in the image defined the last. Mix environmental concerns, group ... Shorter text, deeper images: A picture is worth a thousand spell-checks, and the nature of how we see art via social media will influence the writing to be short and catchy, and the image worth studying for a few seconds more. ...
The ALP Blog -
Jamaica Focused Blogs | Got to be More Careful Now…
By ranon
You don't have to be an environmental enthusiast to enjoy this blog from the same people who host the annual Jamaica Beach Cleanup. It's highly informative and relevant in today's world, especially in light of the ongoing debate on ... Of course, it is probably partially because he suspects that he might come across goodies of this nature why his preoccupation with surprising me has not yet faded. I say 'partially' because he is also fascinated with reading what I am ...
Blog Jamaica - An aggregator... -
Dr. Seth Pollak: PBS' 'This Emotional Life': Are We Born With ...
By Dr. Seth Pollak
I've spent many years studying children's behavior, trying to better understand how "nature" and "nurture" impact human development and the role of social experience on brain development. ... We have an amazing ability to be able to pick up on various things that are happening in the environment and remember them and group them together. As a result of these very, very powerful abilities to learn, what we're able to do is master lots of different complex ...
The Blog -
California Awards for 2009 « A/N Blog
LPA's Environmental Nature Center, an AIACC Design Award winner. It being the last day of 2009, we at AN's California edition thought we'd remind you of some of the year's best architecture by sharing the awards presnted by the AIA ...
A/N Blog -
The Buddhist Blog: Thai Buddhism and Ordaining Women as Nuns.
By (They call him James Ure)
The desire for theft, anger or even murder can brew in any environment. And what do they do when they have to go out for their alms rounds and happen to see women? Do they run the other way? I'm not trying to mock these monks but I'm just ... I am also a Neo-Pagan nature lover interested in Religious Pluralism but my main emphasis is Buddhism. The blog is titled, "The Buddhist Blog" because it was all that I could think of for a name. It does not mean that somehow I think ...
The Buddhist Blog -
What is your wish for the New Year? by Shameslaya — Gaia Community
By Shameslaya
Read Shameslaya's latest blog entry titled What is your wish for the New Year? on Gaia Community. ... Blog / Journal · Photos · Books, Films, Albums · Quotes · Favorites · Added · Goals · Bookmarks · Grapevine · Activity ...
Gaia Community: Shameslaya's Blog -
Pat Dollard | Young Americans | Blog Archive » Katie Couric And ...
By Erik Wong
Think of the utter illogical nature of that statement. What she's saying is that, if Mary Jo Kopechne were to know what her death ultimately would mean for Ted Kennedy's career, that she would think it would be worth it for her to be killed ... She's cheerleading Al Gore for his radical environmental agenda. "To her it is perfectly acceptable, it is perfectly mainstream, and it should be seen by the American people as that, the only problem being that the American people ...
Pat Dollard | Young Americans -
2010 may be Finland's breakthrough year in cleantech | MNN ...
By Karl Burkart
You can't fool Mother Nature. This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. What is the third word in the phrase "balance hybrid homemade environment recycled"?: *. ADVERTISEMENT. About Karl Burkart. Internet entrepreneur blogs about the latest in green media and technology. Karl's RSS · Karl's profile ...
All MNN Content -
Communication Questions Color Whole Foods Facebook, Mackey Moves ...
By Mike Duff
It runs stores effectively and has managed to fashion a supermarket environment that appeals both to affluent shoppers who like service and less affluent consumers who are satisfied with self-service at lower price. ... Certainly, despite the charitable framework of the company's Facebook initiative, the effort is sufficiently self-serving to appear essentially commercial in nature. As with Mackey's pronouncements, it's difficult to separate what is supposed to be the ...
BNET Blogs -
BlueOregon: Schrader, Blumenauer, Wu, Wyden, Merkley all score 100 ...
The 2009 scorecard documents a continued shift in the nature of environmental votes towards more solution-oriented votes. Environment America found that House and Senate leadership and the new administration are placing a much higher priority on environmental ... Oh, right, rabid badgers don't blog. I mean, does this logic go any deeper? More specious logic for some very specious people. Hey, wake up. In absolute terms they're not enough to get us where we need to be. ...
BlueOregon -
The Decade in Libertarianism
By Doug
That essay talked about the dominance (at the time, anyway) of libertarianism in cyberspace and the cyber-libertarian tendency to ignore the statist foundations of the environment in which they operated. .... The benefits of govt policy are generally easier-to-see, by nature. It's a grand idea to do what we can to make the costs as easy-to-see (transparent) as possible. If people want a lot of govt, ok– but it should be with eyes wide open. Leave a Comment ...
Masson's Blog -
Monica Monson's luxury real estate linchpins for success
By Monica Monson
But from these trials, tribulations and changes in the business environment, we all learn to become better real estate professionals. This year has taught many to sharpen their skills, to read more industry news and to build stronger ... The nature of real estate changed more this past year than ever before. How can luxury real estate professionals continue to build their success from what seemed challenging in 2009? Here are some suggestions from 2009 that are linchpins ...
duPont REGISTRY Luxury Marketing Blog -
@ribo » Blog Archive » Technology and ethics: disruptions and ...
By Alejandro
Yet the nature of the disruption and revolution of the Internet depends not in the technology itself, but in the context where it is immersed, and how this context changes accordingly or not. A very important part of this environment is ...
@ribo -
'Eco' packaging | Toban Black
By Toban
But we are supposed to believe that those "fido” phones are environmentally friendly because the words "nature” and "eco-friendly” are on there with an image of a dog and a tree branch. It's hard to imagine a shallower 'environmental' ...
Toban Black -
Kent Weare's BizTalk Blog: BizTalk Adapter Pack 2.0 Migration ...
By Kent Weare
When we initially went live with our BizTalk 2009 environment we decided to reduce the complexity and and not migrate the SAP projects to the new WCF based adapter knowing that we had a little time to take care of this task. .... This option does require some updates to the core application due to the synchronous nature of the WCF based adapter. Previously IDocs were sent asynchronously (one way) where as now they are processed using a Request-Response (two way) process. ...
Kent Weare's BizTalk Blog -
Your Recycling Questions Answered :Healthy Home Smart
By Article Wild
The Environmental Protection Agency, or EPA, is a branch of the United States government that is designed to help protect our nature's resources and our environment They are the leaders in keeping our air, water and soil safe from ...
Healthy Home Smart -
Antique Prints Blog: Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell
By Chris Lane
His artistic skill, wit and understanding of human nature make his images as delightful, pointed and scandalous today as they were when issued. His influence, both socially and politically, was substantial. ... and Gillray's caricatures fit into this environment perfectly. Most of Gillray's prints were published and sold by Miss Hannah Humphrey from her print shop (illustrated in the Gillray image above). Their relationship went well beyond business, for they lived ...
Antique Prints Blog - / editorial design
I've felt for some time that the logical extension of the printed magazine is a closed environment online editorial experience, and while the increasing numbers of magazine apps available on the Apple iTunes store indicate a ... The Bonnier concept video makes that very clear, concentrating as it does on the physical nature of the hardware. I already value my iPod Touch and iPhone for their mobility and accessibility. What I want next is a bigger screen and some content ... -
Kemptown Ben's Green Blog: Looking forward to 2010 - the year that ...
By Ben Duncan
Younger residents are just gobsmacked, it seems to me, by the gibberish the Tories seem to speak on everything from the environment to the economy, the wide gulf between the words and spin coming out of Tory HQ and the reality of the Tory ... Not only will you get a hardworking and honest constituency MP (unencumbered by a party line that will surely hamper Labour or Tory MPs whatever happens) you'll be playing a key role in changing the nature of debate at Westminster. ...
Kemptown Ben's Green Blog -
Enterprise Resilience Management Blog: A Look at Progress
By Steve DeAngelis
The essay warns that a global catastrophe, like a nuclear war or an environmental collapse, could "tip the balance into the red." Just as importantly, it claims, is the fact that "the accounts are full of blank columns. .... Wherever the Enlightenment saw scope for human nature to improve, Orwell and Huxley warned that it could be debased by conditioning, propaganda and mind-control." Despite the view of pessimists, the worst predictions of past and present fear-mongers ...
Enterprise Resilience Management Blog -
Stay classy, Booman! | Corrente
By lambert
When you can't even frame your slurs in logical order, you demonstrate the kindergarten recess nature of your writing and your inability to make a cogent argument. The Miller Analogies Test is a fun way of wasting a half hour, and gives you a firm basis for ... Reasonable men adapt themselves to their environment; unreasonable men try to adapt their environment to themselves. Thus all progress is the result of the efforts of unreasonable men. -- George Bernard Shaw ...
Corrente -
Whitney Tilson's School Reform Blog: More thoughts on Deborah ...
By Whitney Tilson
Always looking for the cracks that could expand the democratic nature of classrooms and schools. Along the way I got the necessary credentials and began to write about my work-mostly for the families of the kids in the schools in which I ... Her progressive philosophy created an environment of nurturing adults with high standards, resulting in a school with a graduation rate of 90 (90 percent of these graduates going on to college) and is now a model school for the Small ...
Whitney Tilson's School Reform Blog -
Sri Lanka Guardian: India China: Diplomatic Ping Pong in 2010
By Sri Lanka Guardian
The logic is that of favourable political environment in China, receding of economic crisis and weakening of the US role in international politics. China should then be able to employ its comprehensive national strength to advantage claim ... India's ambassador to China S Jaishankar place the contentious nature of the relationship in perspective thus, "There are two sharp realities about the relationship... we are seeing parallel but not congruent rise of China and India ...
Sri Lanka Guardian -
BPD Friends » Bipolar Disorder Research – Recent Revelations Of ...
By Heather
This points to the nature of hereditary as being one of the causes of this mentall illness, so genetics could actually be a cause. What has received lots of attention is the neurotransmitter system as being one of the causes of Bipolar Disorder. ... Such triggers could be from child abuse, rape, sexual abuse, a death in the family, being in a controlling relationship, or living in violent environment. Mood cycling in relation to Bipolar Disorder works in the same way. ...
BPD Friends -
billy blog » Blog Archive » Economists are part of the problem not ...
By bill
Moreover, when chaos comes, the worst of human nature will almost always emerge …” He goes on to say that: At an emotional level, these views shaped how I have responded to the financial catastrophe of the past few years. ... "huge challenges at a time of great global transformations” and "(s)omehow, we must manage to sustain a dynamic global economy, promote development, deliver environmental sustainability and ensure peaceful and co-operative international relations ”. ...
billy blog -
Today's Climate: December 31, 2009 |
By SolveClimate Staff
Royal Dutch Shell will face compensation demands in a Dutch court for alleged damage caused by oil spills in Nigeria. Environmental group Friends of the Earth and four Nigerians aim to sue. Soils Give Clean Look at Past CO2 (Nature) ...
Solve Climate: Daily Climate... -
The American Spectator : Avatar: No More Rooting for the Cowboys
By William Tucker
Decrease | Baton Rouge Today Related Blogs on For The PSA: Watch for the blue moon this New Year's Eve Third Release of Tickets For The Crunchies Awards On Sale Now. The American Spectator : Avatar: No More Rooting for the Cowboys Related Posts ..... Spectator : Avatar: No More Rooting for the Cowboys Related Blogs on Watersheds And The Struggle of Indigenous Andean-Amazonian Culture No related posts. Tags: City, Dep, Environmental, For The, The City, The State, Tuesday,… ...
The American Spectator and AmSpecBlog -
Fireplace fascism in California | Washington Examiner
I am completely against the Environmental Wacko stuff and have dropped out of Audubon and Nature Conservancy, and I have a blog even completely against "green nonsense". But for common courtesy I think it is a good idea to BAN ...
Beltway Confidential -
Wildlife Promise: New NWF Program: Erthnxt: Trees for the 21st Century
By Kevin Coyle
The National Wildlife Federation and the national tree-planting and youth education organization, Erthnxt, have combined forces to further environmental literacy, youth volunteerism, habitat restoration, and reversing global warming. ... " Erthnxt and its Trees For The 21st Century program share a common purpose with NWF in confronting global warming, protecting and restoring habitats and connecting people and nature, and we're thrilled to build on our shared goals,” said ...
Wildlife Promise -
The Civil Constitutional and Civil Rights Docket in Plain English ...
By Tom Goldstein
Florida Department of Environmental Protection. Docket: 08-1151. Argument date: December 2, 2009. Question presented: The Florida Supreme Court held that when the state deposited sand to stop erosion, that land became the state's property. ... Question presented: What is the nature and extent of corporations' constitutional free-speech rights to spend money in election campaigns? ———————. Title: United States v. Stevens. Docket: 08-769. Argument date: October 6, 2009 ...
SCOTUSblog -
The final nail in the Global Warming coffin « Don Surber
By Don Surber
Not that hard: get the environmental watermelons on board, sell it to the dems as a chance to confiscate more taxes and buy votes, and let simmer. If the dems buy-in, that means their proxies in the universities (grant dollars for fairy tales) and the MSM is all in as .... The real evil is not in the press (it doesn't care if there is global warming or cooling only that it should be a crisis), but in the big journals like Nature and Science and their editorial boards. ...
Don Surber -
Salazar Announces More Than $19 Million in Grants to Protect Wetlands
By AmmoLand
"There are few actions we can take that are more important to the health of our environment, our wildlife and ultimately our coastal communities and their economies than conserving and restoring these vital wetlands,” Salazar said. ... Lake Michigan Coastal Wetlands Protection, Shivering Sands Unit: The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, partnering with The Nature Conservancy and Door County Land Trust, was awarded $1 million to acquire 468 acres in Door County, ... -
Category: Nature and Environment Blogs around the World | Views: 538 | Added by: Aries | Tags: Blogs | Rating: 0.0/0
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