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«  January 2010  »
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Main » 2010 » January » 4 » Nature and Environment Blogs
2:44 PM
Nature and Environment Blogs
Nature and Environment Blogs
RTSea Blog: keeping an eye on Nature: Pesticides & Junk Mail ...
By RTSea
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced a proposed regulation that will require pesticide manufacturers to list both active and inert ingredients on their products. Apparently, the manufacturers currently are only ...
RTSea Blog: keeping an eye on Nature -
Deer Power - Natural Nutmeg - Connecticut News
By Madeline Dennis
If you would like me to let you know when my next blog is posted, please send me an email at Check out my listing of Connecticut nature and environmental web sites to the right on this page. ...
Natural Nutmeg -
NEW YORK: Is global warming behind the increasing divorce rates ...
Have you ever wondered whether the same impetus behind global warming, is not affecting other things in nature such as the behavior of human beings? It is clear. ... of thinking is being influenced, heavily, by an element of imbalance that is occurring at the structural core of nature; to the extent that this change and imbalance is causing a global human crisis, a correction needs to be made to "green” people up. People need to be greened up, just like the environment. ...
Divorce Saloon - The global 24/7... - » Blog Archive » Green Lifestyles in India and ...
By omnia
The Indian government and its various environmental agencies have been consciously taking several steps to improve the state of the environment in India, bring the pollution levels under reasonable control, and encourage a greener ... Indians are extremely conscious and self motivated when it comes to do their bit in saving nature and conserving our resources for posterity. As the second most-populous nation in the world, we realize that our everyday choices affect the ... -
Presto's Ramblings: I'm Back! (Yet Again)
By Presto
Those of you who were former readers of my blog will find many changes in these resurrected Ramblings. The prior blog in this space was primarily concerned with politics, and this new blog will be concentrating mostly on environmental ...
Presto's Ramblings -
HorsesAss.Org » Blog Archive » How to Fight For Al-Qaeda's Cause
By Lee
The president said that this incident highlights "the nature of those who threaten our homeland.” But the president is constantly denying the nature of those who threaten our homeland. On Tuesday, he referred five times to Abdulmutallab ... In fact, it may not even be a distinction at all, considering that environmental extremism exists throughout the world. A jihadist is an extremist, just a particular flavor of extremist. And there's no rationale for treating them – and ...
HorsesAss.Org -
The "Bali” Starling » Bali Hotel Villa Blog Culture Travel Guide ...
By admin
By Victoria Vaughan. JURONG BirdPark has joined forces with conservation group Begawan Foundation and the Cologne Zoo in Germany to help rescue the Bali mynah from the jaws of extinction. It will give three birds to the foundation to ...
Bali Hotel Villa Blog Culture... -
Blog of Travel, webblogs of Tourism, Blogs Travel - Vacation ...
By adminjose
The Catalan Pyrenees is first and foremost beauty, a unique corner of paradise, where nature has scattered handfuls wholeheartedly all the best charms of creation, blending the savagery of the high mountains with the most bucolic and ... The first marine park-land of Catalonia protects Creus Cape Peninsula and its marine environment. Located on the eastern tip of the Iberian Peninsula, the park has four integrated reservations and has a land area of 10813 hectares and ...
Blog of Travel, webblogs of Tourism,... -
Botanical Gardens » Blog Archive » Where Did Unep Fail In Its ...
By admin
But these are subjective beliefs of wishful thinking, not realistic perception & objective reality of how nature works. This is because UNEP & its scientists undermined nature, failing to render better study before & after the treaty was conceived ... Their study did not identify an abiotic environment which would best suit or gain control to store solid matter (instead of storing in gaseous state) with pure carbon & other carbon compounds (biology, chemistry & physics). ...
Botanical Gardens -
Hall of Record: Climate Versus Environment Versus Unions
By Bruce Hall
SEARCH BLOG: GLOBAL WARMING and ENVIRONMENT An interesting dynamic is developing among traditional left-wing organizations. It seems that those who want to save the world through alternative energy are running into opposition by those who want to save the world by ..... "Sent loads of station data to Scott” - "Community” climate scientists (e.g. Nature, Realclimate) have been quick to accept the idea that CRU was prevented from releasing station data because of . ...
Hall of Record -
Interview: Alex Birch of CORRUPT | AMERIKA
By Brett Stevens
You seem to be the primary writer for, an alternative realist blog that gets a lot of attention from the post-mainstream groups. What do you hope to achieve with this blog, and what ideals does it promote? .... I spent my entire childhood and most of my adult life in or around the wild environment. To me, nature and animals are not political victims or symbols of pity, they compose a landscape emotionally and intellectually attached to me as a person. ...
Midnight Monkey Monitor: Nature in the Heartlands: Toa Payoh Town Park
By Monkey
MMM chronicles my thoughts and reflections on subjects and news related to environmental issues as well as issues of cultural and natural heritage. Read more in About Me. Since November 2007, most of the writings on this blog has been ...
Midnight Monkey Monitor -
Khordaad 88 » Blog Archive » Mousavi's 17th Statement: "Kill us ...
By SohraboSophia
If State TV had the smallest bit of just blood in their vein, they would show at least broadcast some of these scenes to calm the environment and bring people together. Alas! What happened after Ashoura, namely extensive detainments and other government actions, revealed that ... Assuming that such accusations could physically remove a number of public servants of society and Islam is the same turning a blind eye to nature of our nation wide problems in our country. ...
Khordaad 88 -
chos sgron » Blog Archive » Sitting Still, Imperturbable.
By awwl
But Thay thinks that this is an environment for Applied Buddhism – the child, while receiving her mother's nutritious milk for her body, can also benefit from the peaceful and calm atmosphere of the meditation hall as spiritual food. .... Embrace the anger in you and look deeply into its nature. If you can master the anger in you, you can give rise to understanding and love, and you will become fresh. In the future, you will be able to help those people to understand that ...
chos sgron -
Janet McNeill » Blog Archive » Hoarding & the More-more-more Disease
By Janet McNeill
Human nature is a funny thing. Instead of being fully, 100% present in this beautiful setting, I found myself this morning thinking, "Boy, I wish it was four weeks I'm here for. I'll have to come another time and stay longer.” .... There are tons of environmental and social justice activists, and writers and singers and painters and lawyers & teachers – working their butts off to make this world a better, safer, healthier place for all of us. And we have, and we do, ...
Janet McNeill -
San Fernando Valley Audubon Society » Blog Archive » SFVAS Annual ...
By jaybirder
He has given more than 300 presentations over the past five years concerning chaparral ecology, how communities can adapt to fire-prone environments, and the importance of nature education. Mr. Halsey also provides living history ... Mr. Halsey earned undergraduate degrees from the University of California in environmental studies and anthropology. During graduate work he received teaching credentials in life, physical and social science and a masters in education. ...
San Fernando Valley Audubon Society -
Top 5 Fitness Industry Predicitons for 2010 | Chaska Herald
By justinyule
In addition, more studies are showing that people get better results when working out in a group environment. There is, however, a BIG concern that goes along with this prediction. My fear, and I know it will happen, is there will be a flood of copycat boot ... It's simply the nature of the beast. When an opportunity comes up to make money, people will jump on it. There are multiple fitness business "gurus” on the Internet who sell their done-for-you boot camp systems. ...
Chaska Herald - News, sports,... -
By Claudia Sandoval
Environmental issues also take precedent for Soto, who is concerned with conflict of humans trying to harness, or take advantage of nature. His paintings exude this tension, as robotic creatures duel, organic tentacles and flower ...
news How To Be Happy
Rapid industrialization and urbanization has somehow made a negative effect on our environment. Somehow, this may have had its effect on life satisfaction among the residents. Costa Rica definitely deserves those two adjectives. In the most recent Happy Planet Index (HPI) ... It seems that the only things that we need are a good outlook in life, lower life expectations, and respect for nature. This may well be the recipe for a healthier, fuller life. News Digest Blog ...
Costa Rica Blog, -
Humane-Rights-Agenda Blog: Prescription narcotics cause more ...
By Peta-de-Aztlan
... health He has authored and published thousands of articles, interviews, consumers guides, and books on topics like health and the environment, reaching millions of readers with information that is saving lives and improving personal health around the world. ... Adams volunteers his time to serve as the executive director of the Consumer Wellness Center, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, and practices nature photography, Capoeira, Pilates and organic gardening. ...
Humane-Rights-Agenda Blog -
The Konformist Blog: Kool Ads
By Robalini
Marcia's Paradise was conceived as a haven for people like us who want to get out of the rat race to a small community in which peace and quiet and the beauty of nature are the predominant features. .... The Siemens Foundation, Discovery Education and the National Science Teachers Association invite you to join the only Challenge of its kind that empowers students to create solutions to environmental problems in their own backyards, and to share their results with ...
The Konformist Blog -
Apple iMac 21.5-inch 'Green Technology' | Green Seduction
By Jacob
We started our company to offer naturally effective personal care products to those seeking to experience the benefits of nature. Our products are formulated to help live more sustainable, healthy and harmonious lives by offering environmentally-friendly alternatives for things we ... Globalization and the ever growing demand for food have increased the impact of human activity over the environment. The impact on rivers, the land, seas, and forests and in all ecosystems . ...
Green Seduction -
Matthew Yglesias » The Consumer Surplus Decade
By myglesias
Of course, the whole problem is the unquantifiable nature of these things. Someone mentioned to me recently that the biggest change she's noticed this decade has been the advent of broadband. I'd be inclined to agree – and yet how would ... This sort of playfulness is what makes blogs fun. tomemos Says: January 2nd, 2010 at 2:04 pm. "For one thing, I dunno that wikipedia is a big factor in environmental disasters, though I suppose it could yet prove to be a huge factor in ...
Matthew Yglesias -
everlastingLearning » Blog Archive » One Photo One Song #2: Kitkat ...
By Captain Ronan, The Sleepy Pirate
... comic, concert, condom, Cool Links, costume, country, custom sounds of nature, cute, dance, danny gokey, darkroom, decade, dilbert,, dive, diving, diy, dslr, dslr camera, easter egg, editing, eid al adha, email, environment, error ...
everlastingLearning -
George Jonas: Yesterday's solution may be today's problem - Full ...
By NP Editor
That's why Darkness at Noon was such an apt title for Arthur Koestler's seminal book on the nature of communism. It's Mark Twain's cat, though, that best summarizes the dilemma. It becomes a wiser feline after jumping on the hot stove ... The cat, by learning not to jump on the stove (EVER) made the mistake of not fully considering the environment (stove on or off) and, therefore limited its freedom and perhaps survival where jumping on a cold stove may be necessary to ...
Full Comment -
La farsa universal: La Teoría del ADN/ARN | Sistema Limbico
By Felix Larocca
'My thoughts, in keeping with my theory of the DNA hardwiring, are that Mother Nature has taught us that She never leaves anything to chance. As for most contingencies, she has equipped us with instinctual tendencies to guide us, .... The great wars, and the many smaller wars (fought continually), of ethnic and religious origin, the environmental catastrophes, the thinning of the ozone layer, the development of the Internet; among many and nameless inventions and ...
Sistema Limbico -
Desertification and Climate Change: Astronomical Theory of Climate ...
By Tony
Creating awareness of Global Desertification, Climate Change, and Agricultural Sustainability through the production of an environmental documentary and other education products including this blog, a website and training modules - developed in partnership with ... Because,"Mother Nature is not nice" and in the grand scheme of planetary cycles, we really don't carry a lot of weight and influence. We simply need to take care of the things that we are most responsible for. ...
Desertification and Climate Change - – Web Design Trends for 2010
By Ranadeep
I do remember trying do develop this effect in some promotional blogs back in 2006 for the company I used to work then, but it was not accepted at that point of time. Good it's coming up now! Sketch / Hand-drawn design: We have seen this trend into existence for a ... Nature Inspired: I don't know if it's the growing global concern for eco-friendly environment or simply fresh looks, but nature themed and inspired websites have recently become a trend to watch out for. ... -
Glowing wallpaper could replace the bulb | MNN - Mother Nature Network
By Karl Burkart
You can't fool Mother Nature. This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. What is the second word in the phrase "energy climate sustainable environment awareness"?: *. ADVERTISEMENT. About Karl Burkart. Internet entrepreneur blogs about the latest in green media and technology. Karl's RSS · Karl's profile ...
All MNN Content -
Graf Nature Photography | Notes from the woods » Reflections on ...
By Mark
It was made at Calla Burr nature sanctuary, a property of the Michigan Nature Association, about an hour away from where I live. It is a pretty rich, but sensitive, environment, with a lot of rare wildflowers throughout the year, and thankfully protected by these ... Feedback and participation from you folks is what helps me keep this blog going. I hope you have enjoyed this look back. See you in the woods,. Mark. Previous post: [ Northern Cardinal feathers ] • 0 views ...
Graf Nature Photography | Notes... -
Career Advice | A Harrison Barnes, Religious World, Job Search ...
By Harrison Barnes
We speak of it as a mere infirmity of nature, a family failing, a matter of temperament, not a thing to take into very serious account in estimating a man's character. And yet here, right in the heart of this analysis of love, .... Do not complain of its never-ceasing cares, its petty environment, the vexations you have to stand, the small and sordid souls you have to live and work with. Above all, do not resent temptation; do not be perplexed because it seems to thicken ...
Harrison Barnes -
Hot Air » Blog Archive » Shocker: Yet another government ...
By Ed Morrissey
Nature has extinction, the economy has loss, bankruptcy, liquidation. Interfering in this process lengthens feedback loops. Error and waste are allowed to accumulate, and you ultimately get a massive collapse. .... Sorry for the cliche, but talk about a "target-rich environment,” but only GOP incompetence allows the story to go untold. BuckeyeSam on January 2, 2010 at 1:55 PM. people who think we can, at this point, let the matrual markets work in housing, ...
Hot Air » Top Picks -
Canadian Fun Family: Your wild adventure travel days don't have to ...
By Connect with your Community!
Experience nature and teach your children valuable lessons about the environment through ecotourism. This genre of travel is constantly growing, and the options are vast. Whether you want to scuba dive a couple hours' drive from home or experience life in a lobster village in Belize, there is sure to be an ecotourism option that appeals to your family and is within your budget. Search for ecotourism travel agents, accommodations or other ... Search This Blog. Loading. ...
Canadian Fun Family -
Wind Watch: Not easy skiing green: Is the eco-movement at ski ...
Vermont was the only state with wins in all of the major categories for environmental excellence at this year's National Ski Areas Association Convention (which was held, naturally, in Florida). Stratton won for Excellence in Energy ... As someone who loves to ski and has for decades, I am just as guilty as anyone else of taking advantage of the modern resort model with little regard for its negative impact on nature. I drive alone in my SUV – which seats five and gets ...
National Wind Watch: News -

Category: Nature and Environment Blogs around the World | Views: 721 | Added by: Aries | Tags: Blogs, Environment, nature | Rating: 0.0/0
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