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«  January 2010  »
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Main » 2010 » January » 4 » Nature and Environment Blogs
2:53 PM
Nature and Environment Blogs
Nature and Environment Blogs
Cooler Choice Environment » Blog Archive » OPINION:Europe is a ...
By ApplyForAcardToday
Cooler Choice Environment. environmental,global warming,nature & animal news. Home · About Us · Contact Us · privacy policy · Submit To Directory · Green Search · Cooler Choice Directory · Book Store ...
Cooler Choice Environment -
By Rose Ragai
I will keep this blog for nature and environmental issues (because my heart is always love nature, wild animals, plants, sea, forests etc…). Even though my job is not much on it anymore but I am still surrounded by green nature, ...
Gamasutra: Altug Isigan's Blog - The Tectonic of Video Games
In his article on environmental storytelling, Don Carson (2000) gives an insightful lesson about the differences and similarities of immersive 3-D worlds and theme parks. The article is important in the way it refers to issues that can be ... While Carson doesn't use the concept Tectonic, the process that he describes seems to be of a tectonic nature. It's a lesson on how to have the building materials join together to create an immersive story, a dramatic experience. ... - All Blogs -
The Konformist Blog: 25 Stories of 2009 Subjected to Media Censorship
By Robalini
In September 2008, Ecuador became the first country ever to declare constitutional rights to nature, thus codifying a new system of environmental protection. Its Constitution declares nature "has the right to exist, persist, ...
The Konformist Blog -
Brilliant Solutions to Implacable Problems « Susan Feathers' Blog
By susanleefeathers
People are now so far removed from the natural world that they will never feel the connection to nature necesarry for an environmental turn-around. 6. Given the magnitude and scope of today's problems, there's no time for democracy. ...
Susan Feathers' Blog -
Fast Weight Loss Plans:The 7 Foods Experts Won't Eat | Weight Loss ...
By admin
How healthy (or not) certain foods are—for us, for the environment—is a hotly debated topic among experts and consumers alike, and there are no easy. ... Weight Loss Plans Blog ... The problem: Nature didn't intend for salmon to be crammed into pens and fed soy, poultry litter, and hydrolyzed chicken feathers. As a result, farmed salmon is lower in vitamin D and higher in contaminants, including carcinogens, PCBs, brominated flame retardants, and pesticides such as dioxin ...
Weight Loss Plans Blog -
Copenhagen COP15: Not the Climate Change Summit We Were Hoping to ...
By Tamir Birk
Had capitalism not tapped deep into the darkest parts of humanity's nature, namely greed, it would have failed to recover any semblance of its former state. Had the world governments not injected huge sums of money into the financial ... Capitalism's legacy has gotten us to Copenhagen because of its need to degrade the environment, subjugate nations and eradicate species. Sustainability, on the other hand, is the earth's natural state: it requires no justification. ...
Political News and blogs on Stephen... -
BBC - Chart Blog: Sidney Samson ft. Wizard Sleeve - 'Riverside ...
Until this momentous day dawned, songs about rivers have tended to fall neatly into the following categories: Songs about a jolly day spent gallivanting in a punt with your spiffing chums; songs about the mighty power of nature washing stuff ... It doesn't make a whole lot of sense outside of that environment, and there's a fella shouting instructions over the top. No misty riverbanks though, that's an oversight. As for seeing trouble up ahead...well you've read ChartBlog ...
BBC Blog Network -
The 50 Best Films of the Decade, 30-21 - Lon Harris's blog
By Lon Harris
The motif of feeling "stuck" by circumstances and a claustrophobic downtown environment comes up over and over again in Andersson's world, in this film and its almost equally-brilliant 2007 follow-up, "You the Living." An endless, inexplicable traffic jab ... A meditation on the nature of justice, and the sociological ramifications of a guilty person evading detection, it's above all a clever, calculating, unpredictable crime thriller. Allen, who's of course best known ...
Lon Harris's blog -
In the News this month: stellar canibalism in globular clusters ...
In the second paper published in the same issue of Nature, two researchers from the University of Wisconsin–Madison, examined the population of blue stragglers in the less dense open cluster NGC 188. ... Together, these results show a consistent picture where, in the less dense open clusters blue stragglers form mainly through accretion from a companion star, while in the denser environment of globular clusters where collisions between stars are far more likely, ...
Megan's Blog -
Google AdSense Tips Using RSS Feeds and Blogs
By Timmy
It is important, therefore, for anyone hoping to do business in this competitive environment to have the ability to rapidly adapt to, and profit from, the changes that are constantly taking place. ... One of the most important advantages is that blogs, by their very nature, are rich in content, and a great deal of that content is fresh, timely and original. In addition, the content contained on the typical blog tends to be friendly in terms of both human visitors and ...
Virtual Server -
PrefBlog » Blog Archive » Bernanke: Monetary Policy and the ...
By jiHymas
However, the nature of those lessons is controversial. Some observers have assigned monetary policy a central role in the crisis. Specifically, they claim that excessively easy monetary policy by the Federal Reserve in the first half of the decade helped cause a bubble in house prices in ... Thus, when historical relationships are taken into account, it is difficult to ascribe the house price bubble either to monetary policy or to the broader macroeconomic environment. ...
PrefBlog -
Philadelphia Neighborhoods » Blog Archive » Northeast Philadelphia ...
By fa0920nephilly
Not being in a combat environment, not being responsible for so much, and then coming back and being responsible not just for yourself, but for your family. It's a lot,” he said. Joshua Dillinger, who spent 13 years in active duty ... We wouldn't even wear our uniforms when we came home because they would spit at us and call us baby killers and things of that nature,” he said. William J. Eves is a Vietnam veteran. But for Dockery and Dillinger, even though they were also ...
Philadelphia Neighborhoods -
Birdbooker Report 99 : Living the Scientific Life (Scientist ...
By "GrrlScientist"
The Birdbooker Report is a special weekly report of a wide variety of science, nature and behavior books that currently are, or soon will be available for purchase. This report is written by one of my Seattle birding pals and book collector , ... Below the fold is this week's issue of The Birdbooker Report which lists ecology, environment, natural history and bird books that are (or will soon be) available for purchase. ... Visit the Collective Imagination blog ...
ScienceBlogs Channel : Education -
The top 9 eco-stories of 2009 (that have nothing to do with ...
By Bryan Buchan
Once it became clear that the Environmental Protection Agency had ignored an ecological and public health hazard that literally was mounting up in plain sight, a handful of activists and reporters jumped on the larger story: There are ... Food, the way nature intended: I know, I know. You're going to try to count this one against me because vegetarians and locavores are all about reducing their carbon footprint. Fair enough. But I still say the rise of slow, local, ...
Progressive Democrats of America Blog -
Riga, Capital of Latvia, Is a City of Architectural Splendour
By editor
Although small, the Baltic country of Latvia attracts oversize attention, luring in travellers with a richness of culture and traditions, green and pure nature and a history dating back to early 9000 BC. ... your local connection is Blueberry Travel the leading travel agency in Latvia for off-the-beaten-track travellers with a special interest in totally local, natural and responsible holidays that support the local community, culture and environment. ... Blog -
The Volokh Conspiracy » Blog Archive » Advice: Citizens Should ...
By Eugene Volokh
The qualifications of the person in question are impressive but he is not taking notice of human nature. The general population should not be able to stockpile something like antibiotics because, as others have said, ... It would also likely get far, far, far more people killed since the antibiotic-resistance bacteria would then be endemic to the environment. It is already the case that tens of thousands of people worldwide are killed each year by MRSA and similar bugs. ...
The Volokh Conspiracy -
Predictions for 2010
Mother Nature declares war on humanity. The biggest threat to the future of global economic sustainability belongs to the wild card prophecies laid out in lurid clarity at the close of this book. Use Predictions for 2010 to chart your course to the ... We can all change the way we drink – by drinking pure, natural water that is good for our health, our pocket book, and our environment. No miracles. Just common sense backed by Dr. F. Batmaghelidj's years of research and ...
Environmental Disasters Lead to Environmental Movements - An ...
By Norman Rogers
An American Lion. The Rogers Family Blogs Around. Celebrity Disaster. An intellectual take on the disaster of modern celebrity. Talking Smack About Sports With Norman Rogers. I love sports, but I only write about it occasionally. Gentleman Bounty Hunter ..... Friends of Nature's Liang Congjia explains how 11 years ago, environmental groups tended to focus on the politically neutral issues of environmental education and species protection. ...
An American Lion -
Where To Learn SEO Online? | SEO | SEM | Website Promotion ...
By Admin
For those who are just beginning to deal with SEO, the most important is the choice of reliable sites and blogs, information which will help to understand the. ... Regular publication of educational nature and open format community can learn a lot. Despite the fact that there is a paid subscription to your favorite content, you can also get a huge amount of information for free. Also this site is guide to search marketing, which will be useful for beginners and ...
SEO | SEM | Website Promotion... -
Shark Blog: Projections for 2010
... or (more modestly) among Western democracies on traffic accidents, economic inequality, environmental quality, the accomplishments of school children, higher education, the unrepresentative nature of the political system, ...
Shark Blog -
Climategate: Michael Mann's very unhappy New Year – Telegraph Blogs
By James Delingpole
The second is the paper by Mann, Bradley and Hughes, entitled: "Global-Scale Temperature Patterns and Climate Forcing Over the Past Six Centuries”: Nature, 392, 779-787, 1998 – the (in)famous "hockey stick”. ..... It's a win/win for them, and doubly so for real science, if the working environment gets de-corrupted for them in the process. rastech on Jan 3rd, 2010 at 1:45 pm. Report comment. Teachers' was the founder member of the $55 trillion Carbon Disclosure Project at ...
News -
Down On The Urban Farm » Blog Archive » To New Beginnings
By GregPeterson
Discover how you can live green, save money, improve your health, and help our environment in a fun, guilt free and easy way. I only have one rule -- "no suffering allowed!” Enter your name and email below and I will send you your own ... Thursday - It's Your Mother Calling - Each week Mother Nature will report in and share with us what is going on in her world. Friday - Green Or Not - So is it REALLY green. Stories and information on living, being and buying green. ...
Down On The Urban Farm -
Campbell River Museum » Blog Archive » Forestry…our incredible legacy
By Lawrence Lewis
In particular, the western red cedar was used for ceremonies, clothing, social and economic purposes because of its resilience and easily workable nature. Today, forests and forest resources remain an important part of First ... The challenges have inspired us to be more attentive to forest management practices rooted in sustainability and environment responsibility. Indeed, the BC Forest industry was instrumental in building BC and the province we enjoy to much today. ...
Campbell River Museum -
Contemporary Performance » Blog Archive » Highlights: Festival ...
By Editor
For A Crack in Everything, Co-Artistic Director and Choreographer Zoe Scofield creates a feral ballet of aggression and catharsis inside a highly controlled, modular and crafted environment designed and built by Co-Artistic Director Juniper Shuey. LAYARD THOMPSON cUp—pUck… Thompson's clownish work seriously employs psychological movement and recycled materials to question the nature of gender, sexuality, materiality, consumption and the paradox of the self as a verb. ...
Contemporary Performance» Contempora... -
Avatar and The Reality of Sustainability
By Past Member
I agree with others who say the movie was about imperialism and greed more than showing the nature of a sustainable world. Although it did create a beautiful picture of a natural world that hasn't been poisoned. Humans certainly don't need to travel in ... Loved the movie and it's environment message, but I'll freely admit that it was simplistic and that shades of right and wrong are grossly exagerated into stark black and white. Sometimes, however, the message needs to ...
Protect Wildlife & the Environment -
» The Earth is Hiring Deliberate Practice
By val.cortes
It is called the world of non-profits, civil society, schools, social entrepreneurship, non-governmental organizations, and companies who place social and environmental justice at the top of their strategic goals. ... Life is creating the conditions that are conducive to life inside you, just as in all of nature. Our innate nature is to create the conditions that are conducive to life. What I want you to imagine is that collectively humanity is evincing a deep innate ...
Deliberate Practice -
What is Social Media? [the 2010 edition] « emergent by design
By Venessa Miemis
(Many great structures seem to have been built in accordance with the golden ratio, or 'divine proportion,' a proportion found in nature and associated with aesthetics.) So as media, our built environment tells us stories about who we are, our ideals, .... Your idea to use transparency and social networking to transform the real estate industry (your blog post about it: is a great example. Real estate is an industry badly in need of a shakeup. ...
emergent by design -
quoteflections: Utne: Best Magazines 2000-2009
By (Paul Cornies)
It looks at emerging cultural trends and its website also produces seven blogs around these topics. Utne recently announced the best alternative magazines of the decade and highlights their award winners from the last ten years: ... 2004: Orion - This gorgeous bimonthly journal of nature and political thought can be counted on to provide 'some of America's most eloquent and impassioned essays in defense of the environment and social change.' ...
quoteflections -
The Rag Blog: Tom Hayden : Afghanistan and a Reluctant NATO
By thorne dreyer
Avatar : Contradictions of Cameron's Animation Masterpiece -- By Greg Moses / The Rag Blog. Greg calls Avatar a stunning experience of nature, culture, and politics and says it achieves an 'important spiritual reversal of the Cowboys ... Deadly Environment : Latin American Anti-Mining Activists Murdered -- By Val Liveoak / The Rag Blog. The mining industry typically flaunts concerns about health, labor issues, and the environment. And those who oppose extractive mining do ...
The Rag Blog -
SW Oregon Architect: Taste for Makers
By Randy Nishimura, AIA
Computer programming, like the design of the built environment, is an art based (in part) upon determining the needs of the user of a structure and then designing to meet those needs as effectively as possible. It's not coincidental that the use of the ... My blog is primarily intended to provide me with a forum for the discussion of items that may be of interest to AIA-SWO member architects, associates, and affiliate members. Regardless, any views or opinions presented ...
SW Oregon Architect -
Are (mathematics) teaching and instruction synonomous? « Republic ...
By Gary Davis
Prior to the 1950's it was widely thought that the human, and more generally vertebrate, immune system was instructed to produce antibodies by various noxious agents (antigens) from the environment outside the human body. Two principal facts about the immune .... Doubtless, if this theory has any credence at all, there will be manifold such mechanisms – nature generally utilizes as many diverse means as are necessary to get a job done. Yet one possible mechanism stands ...
Republic of Mathematics -
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » No Billionaire Left Behind
By John Cole
Socialize public goods, regulate and tax to account for things like human and environmental costs, and leave the rest for capitalism. Done. Simple. I'm not being a concern troll here, I am serious. We're never going to be a nation of altruistic people who ... We liberals seem to know why we are but seem to have a somewhat forgiving nature. How long will that last? Mobs may have ideology, mob anger doesn't, it only has destruction. Will the anger destroy us as a nation? ...
Balloon Juice -
Collide-a-scape » Blog Archive » Collide-a-scape >> Romm's Twitter ...
By Keith Kloor
where nature and culture meet. Photos By Morgan Heim ... The blogger who goes on endlessly in blog posts inveighing against tweeting: Journalists simply shouldn't be twittering on science or other subjects that require more than 140 characters to discuss intelligently, which is pretty much every topic. It makes total sense: it often takes Romm thousands of words to make the same point that others can distill in two sentences. If I was him, I'd feel threatened by Twitter ...
Collide-a-scape» Collide-a-scape... -
billy blog » Blog Archive » One should become more radical as one ...
By bill
It was always clear – by the nature of the structure of their monetary system (divorce between the fiscal and monetary sovereignty) that the system would not cope in a major economic crisis such as now. ... I have sensed that they are leading a new form of protest, particularly related to urban life and environmental politics. The problem I sense though is that they do not have a well articulated economic understanding sufficient to challenge the neo-liberal order. ...
billy blog -
Other decisions such as this seem to be a radical wish to return to a primitive, animistic, anti-technology, Jean-Jacques Rousseau-inspired agrarian society so as to avoid any possible harm to nature. .... Most people want a clean, green environment so Greenies exploit that by inventing all sorts of far-fetched threats to the environment. But for both, the real motive is generally to promote themselves as wiser and better than everyone else, truth regardless. ...
Rafi animates: Life Drawing: Autumn '09 pt. 8
By Rafi animates
As a natural progression from previous sessions (notably pt.6 and pt.7), during our final class I took note of the tonal relationships between the model and her environment and tried to distill my observations into an overall value study with ... Overall I suppose I'd describe the composition as "reserved" - a direct response to the nature of the model's pose and the fact that I was sat down while drawing her, and pretty much front-on, squarely facing the chair. ...
Rafi animates -
Thaumaturgy, part two « The Weekly Owl
By alferian
Magery (n) The use of symbols, chant, music, words, and rituals in various ways to effect change upon oneself, others, or one's environment. The use of such arts to bring about improbable or acausal results. ... The concept is predicated on the idea that the spiritual dimensions of existence are not a part of "nature,” a claim that is demonstrably false. The term "supernatural” is applied, by those not trained in magery, to ghosts (spirits) as .... Blog Stats. 11922 hits ...
The Weekly Owl -
The Comics Reporter
By Tom Spurgeon
I liked what I read, and when I eventually started reading comics blogs on the internet, his name would come up. I think he also showed up in a Comics Journal best-of-year list, and up until 2006-7, I was using those lists pretty ..... It's the environment that surrounds him, it's the panels that he's getting shoved into. I don't mean to focus on "what's different" so much, but that's part of the thing that makes Huizenga's stuff so appealing to me -- all of the natural, ...
Okie Treasure Hunter: Context
By Ron
"surrounding conditions: the circumstances or events that form the environment within which something exists or takes place”. As treasure hunters or those just interested in treasure hunting, we all have seen or even taken photos and videos of ... For the most part, carved symbols will be topographical or informational in nature. The symbols will be telling you to do this or go that way and look for this or that. This is why knowing the terrain around the area where the ...
Okie Treasure Hunter -
TCNJ Study Abroad Opportunities in Africa in 2010-2011 « TCNJ ...
By Jon Stauff
(TCNJ's Carolina Chica '12 will be studying there in Spring 2010 and sharing her impressions with us in this blog.) Moulay Ismail Museum (Source: Another option in northern Africa is Morocco, ... management at the Center for Wildlife Management Studies in Kimana, Kenya, and the Haven Nature Camp in northern Tanzania, while summer options include both community wildlife management and a field practicum in public health and the environment. ...
TCNJ Abroad - Study Abroad with TCNJ -
Discovering The Magic of Walt Disney World
By Ericka Eagar
The fourth is called Animal Kingdom, which helps its visitors to appreciate and conserve the environment by showcasing nature's finest. It is the biggest among parks of this type, divided into 7 sections, and boasts 250 species and 1700 ...
Vacations To Cabo San Lucas -
Category: Nature and Environment Blogs around the World | Views: 1300 | Added by: Aries | Tags: Blogs, Environment, nature | Rating: 0.0/0
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