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«  January 2010  »
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Main » 2010 » January » 6 » Nature and Environment Blogs
6:41 PM
Nature and Environment Blogs
Nature and Environment Blogs
We know where you think you are
By The Open2 team
Science, Technology & Nature Blog ... Demis: So what we did was we set up a virtual reality environment which looked very much like a very simple block environment to reduce the amount of visual distractions there were in the environment, and we got people to play a very simple game. What they had to do in this virtual reality environment was to navigate as quickly as possible between four positions which were labelled A, B, C and D, and they were randomly told to go to a ...
Science, Technology & Nature Blog -
Is Avatar radical environmental propaganda? | MNN - Mother Nature ...
By Karl Burkart
Environmentalist and producer Harold Linde weighs in on the Hollywood-izing of the environmental movement.
All MNN Content -
Bronx Council for Environmental Quality » Blog Archive ...
By tdomf_7b75b
Mother Nature made water freeze for a reason! Only nudging. Isn't there an outdoor public kiddie-pool somewhere in The Bronx that could be flooded? As a kid I used a pool in the Park named after Bronx Parks Advocate, John Mullaly. ...
Bronx Council for Environmental Quality -
Center for Nature and Christian Spirituality - Eco-Journey
By Katie Holmes
Eco-Journey is the blog of the Environmental Ministries Office of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). It will include a wide array of environmental topics: upcoming environmental events, links to interesting articles and studies, ...
Eco-Journey -
Life: New Year's Resolutions: Why They Don't Stick | Psychology Today
By Jim Taylor, Ph.D.
We also create an environment that helps us best manage our baggage, habits, and emotions. The people we surround ourselves with and the activities we participate in give us a sense of comfort and security that we may be reluctant to give up no ... We can embrace the true nature of New Year's resolutions and throw ourselves, mind, spirit, and body into them. Or, if we can't, perhaps it's best to skip New Year's resolutions this year. We may not make the changes we want, ...
Blogs -
Champions of the Environment » Blog Archive » Copenhagen Summit ...
By cco-blogger
So the question before us is no longer the nature of the challenge – the question is our capacity to meet it. For while the reality of climate change is not in doubt, our ability to take collective action hangs in the balance. ...
Champions of the Environment -
Climate Feedback: Governing geoengineering
Mason Inman explores this issue in detail in a feature 'Planning for plan B' in the latest issue of Nature Reports Climate Change [free access]. Says Maria Ivanova, director of Yale University's Global Environmental Governance Project, " geoengineering is the most serious governance concern that ... Comments will be reviewed by the blog editors before being published, mainly to ensure that spam and irrelevant material (such as product advertisements) are not published . ...
Climate Feedback -
Tiger Woods in, Mother Nature out | Global Engagement
By Annie White
For those of us who spend many of our days knee-deep in data, literature and news related to environmental issues, it's easy to neglect the disconnect between how much an idea matters and how much public attention that idea actually ...
Global Engagement -
Food Law Prof Blog: Food Law at AALS, Friday, Jan. 8
By FoodLaw Blogger
Rather than providing normative recommendations regarding these issues, however, the focus is on recognizing the implications of public participation structures for the epistemic nature of the scientific information used by agencies ... Thomas Wilson, Alabama A&M University School of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences – A view from across the pond. Professor Wilson started the online Food Law Certificate Program at Michigan State and was chair of the Institute of Food ...
Food Law Prof Blog -
2010 – Old Decade, New Decade | Big Fat Finance Blog
By Gary Cokins
Quantitative analysis will be second nature with them. They'll have access to adjustable types and levels of resources to maximize the experience of selected customers. The objective of their "game” will be optimize what their organization does and how ... Their stakeholders will include investors, regulators, employees, and the environment – people, planet, and profit. There will always be winners and losers. I am hoping that environment sustainability will be a winner. ...
Big Fat Finance Blog -
Wonder of Creation » Blog Archive » Wonderful Life
By Dean Ohlman
Over a decade ago I began working on a biblical worldview presentation that would include a sound theology of nature and express the importance of life as a gift of our Creator that needs to be cherished and preserved. ... means minimizing the technological use of violence against nature as far as possible, turning from hard to soft technology, restricting the use of energy by way of more efficient energy production, and caring solicitously for the natural environment. ...
Wonder of Creation -
BBC - BBC Sport: Tim Vickery: Home comforts strain ties with clubs
This is the blog of BBC Sport's Tim Vickery. ... In terms of the settling of players into their local environment. Clubs make a significant investment in each player, and by not going a step further and investing in the support network they will be wasting there own money - perhaps this (Loan only) explains the Jo fiasco. It should also be noted that there are many Brasilins now doing well in the Premier League, Anderson, Denilson, Lucas, Eduardo, Alex, Rafeal & Fabio, ...
BBC Blog Network -
Prince Of Petworth » Blog Archive » The Challenges of Building ...
By Prince Of Petworth
... is something we all want to see and be a part of but we seem to be caught in the midst of some conflicts when it comes to proposing some really exciting opportunities to reducing a buildings total life-cycle impact on the environment. ... When I asked Turner about his thoughts on the overall process he concluded that It's a real shame in this economic climate that DC is not doing more to allow green projects of this nature or any projects for that matter to run more ...
Prince Of Petworth -
Environmental groups oppose air permit for coal-fired plant at ...
By andymead
Salmon didn't make the big fall comeback in Central Valley rivers that anglers and nature lovers yearned for, raising the likelihood of a third year of fishing restrictions. Some areas saw more fall-run chinook return from the ocean to ...
Easy Being Green -
Ellen Kanner: Meatless Monday: A New Year's Resolution of Biblical ...
By Ellen Kanner
The connection between man and nature has always been vital, but we need to honor it now more than ever. As we enter a new year, a new decade, tap into the same love for the planet environmental avengers of yore felt. Go ahead and hug a tree, ... And it was good. Really good. Earth's natural bounty blew us away -- lavish forests teeming with wildlife, fertile soil, clea... Related Blogs On Huffington Post: Ellen Kanner: Meatless Monday: Life After Copenhagen ...
The Huffington Post Full Blog Feed -
Weekly snow news roundup – 04/01/2009 | Ski Buzz
By Jameski
"In theory, potential conflicts between nature conservation and development – including for ski tourism – should be mediated by procedures such as Environmental Impact Assessments and the European Union's Article 6 of the Habitats ...
Ski Blog -
GISSIG Talk: Mumbai Freemap: Mapping the Urban Environment in ...
By cengel
My presentation will address this hiatus between narrative and spatial history in the context of my research on the urban environment in colonial Bombay and contemporary Mumbai in the twentieth century. I will discuss the challenges of ...
gis | sig -
The FASTForward Blog » Employee Engagement – a Core Goal of ...
By Jon Husband
These ruminations bring to mind the approach known as Participative Work Design (about which I have written before on this blog), known mainly to organizational development theorists and practitioners. ... latter points … an incomplete assessment of reality, no or little ownership on the part of workers and an unchanged power structure … have only been exacerbated by the near-real-time (and accelerating) conditions of the interconnected environment in which we now work. ...
The FASTForward Blog -
BBC - Stephanomics: 'Credibility gap': The thought doesn't count
The blog of Stephanie Flanders, the BBC's economics editor. ... He was up and down like a tarts knickers. I almost felt sorry for the guy, he looked lost. How he must long for a life outside politics where he can bring his considerable intellect to bear in a more academic environment rather than the bearpit of trial by TV, to which he is so clearly not suited. Judging by his performance, I think that he will get his wish rather sooner than he thought. ...
BBC Blog Network -
Privacy Lives » Blog Archive » Department of Homeland Security ...
By privacy
By their very nature, the results produced by technologies used in the Advanced Targeting Initiative may be only speculative or inferential; they may only provide leads for further investigation rather than a definitive statement. ... Unlike in the cargo environment, ATS-P does not use a score to determine an individual's risk level; instead, ATS-P compares information in ATS source databases against watch lists, criminal records, warrants, and patterns of suspicious ...
Privacy Lives -
Crawling to Collapse: Ecologically Unsound Ornamental Invertebrate ...
By grassam
The potential environmental and biological impacts of the ornamental fishery are widespread and long-lasting. In addition to biodiversity loss due to overfishing and selective removal of rare species [7], [8], widespread use of cyanide in ... have in home aquariums, we demarcated ecosystem services as commodities that represent services, such as those organisms that are placed within a home aquarium to provide a similar function to what they provided in nature (Fig. 1). ...
AFS Blog -
By Aqua Blog Maven
This year the agency received the state's highest environmental award. To learn more about the Lower Yuba River Accord, check out the Foundation's recent publication "The Lower Yuba River Accord: From Controversy to Consensus.” .... The Nature Conservancy plays a role in the changes of the land, and as a land owner they are involved in the restoration as well. DWR'S Aric Lester and The Nature Conservancy's Ryan Luster joined the Red Bluff Diversion Dam_Paul Freeman ...
Aquafornia -
The Daily Blague » Blog Archive » Dear Diary: The Use of It
The Noughts taught me that environmental catastrophe, awful and likely as it is, has nothing on the engines of brilliant stupidity that every day confute the ancients' belief in our nature as rational animals. ...
The Daily Blague -
Is The Fed Artificially Pumping The Market
By alstry
... market history..........and net outflows of money from equity funds over the past four has to ask, what invisible hand has been keeping the market up against a net selling environment and deteriorating fundementals? ... Can you conceive the reaction to a Fed that gives unlimited credit and liquidity to its Wall Street buddies and cuts off the private economy???? Anyone remember what happened after housing popped???? This bubble is structural in nature. ...
alstry's Blog -
Design*Sponge » Blog Archive » sneak peek: thomas wold
By anne
... which are often the product of collaboration (check out his latest creations on his blog). today we have a look into his 2-bedroom berkeley home he shares with his wife, daughter, and kitty. the goal was to create an environment that is ... There is a post about it on my blog if you want to read more. thomas4. Bedroom: I made our headboard from two doors and one table that I cut in half to create two nightstands. The collaged images are from old nature books and the ...
Design*Sponge -
Vegan cyclists | The Veggie Blog
By Canook
The trend towards cycling is a result of people's growing concern for their own health, the environment and their wallet. This is right in-line with the movement towards going veg*n.
The Veggie Blog -
Cozen O'Connor Nabs Three Partners from Baker Hostetler - The BLT ...
By Jeff Jeffrey
The BLT: The Blog of Legal Times ... Maxman focuses on class actions involving antitrust, environmental, intellectual property, and Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act matters. Joining her are Ronald Wick, who will also work in the antitrust practice, ... Maxman, who has also worked as a partner in Duane Morris' Philadelphia office, said the decision to switch firms began as a social exchange in October but the talks quickly turned business in nature. ...
The BLT: The Blog of Legal Times -
The Community Awakes – OB Responds to the Early Seventies Planning ...
By Frank Gormlie
Phone calls, discussions at the store, small meetings in people's living rooms – all among concerned OBceans, led to the realization that OB was facing a planning crisis of a monumental nature, and that something had to be done by those who ... And on a different plane, environmental awareness was also spreading. The first Earth-Day had been a year earlier. Activism was in the air. The rowdy but successful jetty battle had just occurred the summer before – July 1970, ...
OB Rag Blog -
How to Fix a Broken Heart
By Liz Rotundo
Looking around the classroom that is Nature, we are given so many examples of this very transformation. A seed must crack its exterior to grow into a mighty oak tree. A baby bird struggles to break free of its life-sustaining shell. .... Your story has made perfectly clear what changes are happening inside me. My outer shell is being broken down, so a new seed of life can grow; wiser and more suited to the new environment. Reply. User Gravatar Nathalie Lussier ...
Change Your Life | The Change Blog -
Dear Musicians – The Web Is Not A TV Channel | pampelmoose Dave ...
By Dave Allen
On David Foster Wallace, the Social Web and How We Watch Now First, Happy New Year to all of this blog's readers. Second, I am going to sorely test your. ... And as Marshal McLuhan said – "The medium is an environment that produces effects. ” He suggests in a TV medium, that it's the television circuits, screen etc. that are the ad coaxing us to buy. In 2009 that means it's the bits, bytes and code that are tantalizing us online…that may be as close to TV as the web gets. ...
pampelmoose Dave Allen of Gang... -
Chemicals & Nanomaterials » EPA deserves an "A for Effort” for its ...
By Richard Denison
ACC claims that "the initial set of chemicals seem [sic] to have been selected based on little more than their current 'high-profile' nature. Yet back when it announced its enhanced program, EPA pretty clearly stated the basis for selecting ... About This Blog. Science, health, and business experts at Environmental Defense Fund comment on chemical and nanotechnology issues of the day. Effective April, 2009, we have expanded the scope of our blog to encompass our work and ...
Chemicals & Nanomaterials -
Antibiotic Resistance in Salmonella : Marler Blog
By Bill Marler
Antibiotic-resistance likely also emerged as bacteria began producing compounds in order to survive in their environment, and competing species found ways to counteract these compounds (3). .... The multidrug-resistant nature of these organisms makes treatment failure more likely. Antimicrobial agents, particularly fluoroquinolones like cipro, are lifesaving for approximately 2000 people each year in the U.S. If even 10% of Salmonella isolates in the United States were to ...
Marler Blog -
Big Apple Bugs: New Species of Cockroach Discovered in NYC ...
GrrlScientist and her five parrots relocated to Germany at the end of November 2009, where she will (hopefully) write a book while continuing to write her blog and providing much hilarity to the natives by learning to speak German. .... "We may think we live in a sterile, urban environment seemingly untouched by nature," Mr. Cost marvels. "We imagine objects are purified and cleansed in order to pass into our personal world with evidence of their original source all but ...
Living the Scientific Life (Scientist... -
billy blog » Blog Archive » Financial markets are mostly unproductive
By bill
The Productivity Commission is the Australian Government's independent research and advisory body on a range of economic, social and environmental issues affecting the welfare of Australians. Its role, expressed simply, .... The pork- barrelling in politics however, does involve "tax” and "spending” bribes because national governments choose to mislead the electorate either intentionally or through ignorance about the true nature of their currency monopoly. ...
billy blog -
RSF Social Finance » Towards an Economics of Place (Part 1)
By John Bloom
Our physical environment is an inherent part of our individuality; it is part of our language, world view, diet, and relationships. Add to this the reality of the "we,” whether family, community, or region—and the particularities of ... The harvest, celebrated in corn ceremonies, was an expression of spirit manifest through nature and the work of agriculture. This integrative way acknowledged the spirit in economy, the economy in community, the community in spirit. ...
RSF Social Finance -
Five Must Have IE8 Add-ons for Freelance Writers: The Right Tools ...
Whether it's information about nature or the latest environmental news, writers can find it with the National Geographic New add-on. There are three news sections available from the add-on: National Geographic News, ... This real-time search engine reflects what's current on the social scene indexing sites like Twitter and Digg to publish the news, videos and blogs most discussed. This is an important tool for writers who want to keep on top of what's on people's mind. ...
Suite101: Freelance Writing Articles -
Anti Human Exceptionalism Alert: Pushing Meme That Dolphins are ...
By Wesley J. Smith
One of the greatest threats to human exceptionalism comes from the ideology of people who work in the life and environmental science sector, who it seems, take every opportunity to subvert and undermine our self concept as the unique species in ... The latest example can be found on the blog of the science journal Nature describing a session on dolphins to be presented at the upcoming American Association for the Advancement of Science national conference. From the blog : ...
Secondhand Smoke -
China Defense Blog: China's Aircraft Carrier Ambitions -- An Update
By Coatepeque
To be survivable in an intense combat environment, it needs escorts to protect it. While China has acquired new surface combatants with sophisticated antisurface and antiair capabilities, it continues to lag behind in the area of ASW. ... Whether the mission is constabulary or combative in nature, an aircraft carrier provides useful capabilities, including facilitation of extended surface-search capabilities via fixed-wing and helicopter assets, and "visit, board, search, ...
China Defense Blog -
Improve your business in today's economy using not so ordinary ...
By Philip Harman
Harmonizing your close environment or feng shui is an excellent but many times missed opportunity to improve your business and increase your profits, especially for small business owners. Many successful large companies and business ... Nature gives you much more, for less and without any side effects. Good feng shui in your business even minimizes down cycles and lessens severity of misfortunes, bad decisions and business problems. Feng shui will also make you aware of ...
Philip Harman's Business Journey... -
Avatar : The Frontal Cortex
By Jonah Lehrer
Jonah Lehrer is a contributing editor at Wired. He's also written for The New Yorker, Seed, Nature, the Boston Globe and is a contributor to Radio Lab. He's the author of Proust Was A Neuroscientist. His new book is How We Decide. .... I wrote in my blog about Avatar as an update to the "Brain in a Vat" gedankenexperiment, inspired by Dan Dennett's "Where Am I?" essay. The movie is, in that matter, vague (if not contradictory). There's no coherent way to describe the ...
ScienceBlogs Channel : Brain & Behavior -
Harrison Bergeron; Meet Berkley, CA - Repair_Man_Jack's blog ...
By Repair_Man_Jack (Profile)
She says there are twelve African-American males in her AP classes and that her four environmental science classes are 17.5 percent African American and 13.9 percent Latino. "As teachers, we are greatly saddened at the ... All properly enlightened Progressives understand the despicable nature of their race-treason. They acted white and turned their back on their proud heritage by reading science books and trying to front or something. When someone as enlightened as Howard ...
Repair_Man_Jack's blog -
Category: Nature and Environment Blogs around the World | Views: 337 | Added by: Aries | Tags: Blogs, Environment, nature | Rating: 0.0/0
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