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«  January 2010  »
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Main » 2010 » January » 6 » Nature and Environment Blogs
7:00 PM
Nature and Environment Blogs
Nature and Environment Blogs
By Elizabeth Souder/Reporter
Energy writer Elizabeth Souder, environmental writer Randy Lee Loftis and editorial writer Colleen McCain Nelson blog about energy, the environment and air quality issues in Texas. January 2010 .... A Schlumberger spokesman said that the company works closely with regulators and that it is the nature of the process to work through the night. Even when regulators do inspect problematic sites, the oversight can be patchy. In September 2007, a field inspector working in the ...
1973: The year environmental filmmaking was born | MNN - Mother ...
By Karl Burkart
Two of the best films of all time explored the sinister underbelly of environmental politics -- Chinatown & Soylent Green -- planting environmentalism firmly in the cultural zeitgeist. ... MNN.COM > MNN BLOGGERS > Karl Burkart's Blog .... You can't fool Mother Nature. This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. What is the fourth word in the phrase "global homemade wildlife clean water"?: * ...
All MNN Content - Blog » Introduces New Editorial Board Members
By Simmons Buntin
William Keener is a writer, naturalist and environmental lawyer in the San Francisco Bay area. His chapbook of nature poetry, Gold Leaf on Granite, winner of the 2008 Anabiosis Press Contest, was recently published. ... Blog -
UN opens Biodiversity Year with plea to save world's life ...
By grassam
"Humans are part of nature's rich diversity and have the power to protect or destroy it,” the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), which is hosted by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), said in summarizing the ...
AFS Blog -
Climate Expert to speak at Hudson Valley environmental insitute ...
By Brian Nearing
Unfortunately, nature and the laws of physics cannot compromise— they are what they are. Policy decisions on climate change are being deliberated every day by those without full knowledge of the science, and often with intentional ...
The Green Blog -
ConservativeHome's Seats & Candidates blog: Peter Ainsworth to ...
By ConservativeHome
Being in Opposition can be frustrating, but I believe that in my roles as Chairman of the Environmental Audit Committee and as Shadow Environment Secretary, I played a part in shifting political attitudes towards green issues. It was especially satisfying to ... "My abiding interests have been, and remain, the promotion of cultural values and the arts, and reconciling economic growth with the limits set by nature. I look forward to pursuing these issues in the future. ...
ConservativeHome's Seats & Candidates... -
Binoculars Blog: Birding Snobs: Advice on Digital, Waterproof ...
By Joanie K
I know full well how these non-native birds have impacted our environment, but I also know that we imported those birds and we have created the environment that allows them to flourish. I also know that there is nothing unnatural about ... Many inner city urbanites simply don't have the budget for a guided birding trip to Costa Rica and these so called "trash birds” are quite capable of sparking an interest in nature and birding. What could be more important than an ...
Binoculars Blog -
The Allmovie Blog » Sweetgrass: The AMG Review
By Nathan Southern
Reading the synopsis, one senses a rural chronicle treated as a sort of dream-like reverie, rich with environmental, zoological, and behavioral observation and insights, and accentuated by the gorgeous backgrounds of the contemporary ... One doesn't doubt the veracity of this speech, given the rugged nature of the subjects, but on a commercial level the inclusion of this element represents a gross error — as the sort of people who will most likely find themselves drawn to ...
The Allmovie Blog -
Civil Eats » Blog Archive » Embracing Health and Happiness through ...
By aturpin
This holistic Indian ideology, said to be the origin of all medical sciences, dates back about 5000 years and began as a way to understand how human beings relate to nature. The practice often utilizes diet, herbs, acupuncture ... Depending upon our own specific tendencies, symptoms and environment, the three Doshas: Vata (air/ether), Pitta (fire) and Kapha (water/ earth) are said to mirror our unique imbalances and needs. Each one of these has its own characteristics and ...
Civil Eats -
Dezeen » Blog Archive » China Hills by MVRDV
By Rose Etherington
On a hypothetical site of 1×1x0.5 km the plan offers space to accommodate up to 100000 inhabitants and a well balanced mix of urban program and nature, agriculture and energy production; all in the shape of a Chinese mountain landscape: realizable with ... With collective efforts from world's leading architects and artists, national and international experts and scholars on urban planning, city ecology and environment, decision makers from government and enterprises, ...
Dezeen -
Hot Air » Blog Archive » Obama: Yeah, we should have caught ...
By Allahpundit
Those affected, the official said, included employees responsible for maintaining the Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment (TIDE) system, which contains the list of about 550000 known or suspected terrorists… ..... Now he must back off his reckless plan to close Guantanamo, begin treating terrorists as wartime enemies not suspects alleged to have committed crimes, and recognize that the real nature of the terrorist threat requires a commander-in-chief, ...
Hot Air » Top Picks -
P2P Foundation » Blog Archive » Towards an integral, p2p approach ...
By Michel Bauwens
Humanism assumes that human nature is constituted by possessive individuals intrinsically unified around a free willing rational essence that expresses its agency in a world in which social relationships are determined by a liberal political economy. ... The compression of time through exponential processing advances in transferring data at light speed is disorientating for those who have historically conceived identity in reference to a spatial environment fixed in time. ...
P2P Foundation -
Hydrocarbons: a fossil but not (yet) extinct | Marie Curie's Blog
By admin
There is considerable uncertainty in these numbers, though, both of a technical (estimating the size of a reservoir is very difficult) and of a political nature (countries and companies can have all sorts of reasons to make the .... By the sheer amount of oil carried, modern oil tankers have to be considered a threat to the environment, with oil spills having devastating effects. Crude oil contains polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons which are very difficult to clean up, ...
Marie Curie's Blog -
Deconstructing Social Darwinism - Part I : The Primate Diaries
By Eric Michael Johnson
Second, society should be viewed as an organism and, therefore, could change "only at the glacial pace at which new species are produced in nature" (pp. 6-7). From this basis of laissez-faire capitalism and a conservative rate of social ... According to Halliday's definition, rather than being a doctrine of individualism, social Darwinism was primarily a theory of populations in which laissez-faire capitalism was considered the perfect environment for promoting the most ...
Peer Review on Science Blogs -
The K-factor Lesson: How Social Ecosystems Grow (Or Not) [Dion ...
By Dion Hinchcliffe
Critically, the degree to which a network effect is realized can be influenced by many factors not the least including the intrinsic nature of the social ecosystem itself and how it is connected to the rest of the network (the Web or your intranet. ... The design of the social environment can also have an effect by making it easy to invite others or otherwise create feedback loops. A breakthrough factor is achieved when the feedback loops rise above a certain threshold of ...
Dion Hinchcliffe's Web 2.0 Blog -
The CO2 Lie | Blog | Blog Archive
By Blog-Editor
The rest is absorbed by nature, and that percentage hasn't changed since 1850. Knorr arrived at that figure by relying solely on measurements and statistical data, including historical records extracted from Antarctic ice. ... This post- Climate-gate study provides another nail in the coffin of cap-and-trade and shows why the Environmental Protection Agency should not be allowed to destroy the U.S. economy by absurdly regulating carbon dioxide, the basis for all life on ... Blog -
Conference Organizer Report Back « The Blog for the North American ...
By naasn
We would encourage future organizers to stress an open intellectual environment, open to debate, but free of personal attacks and ad hominem. Further, strict time limits allowed the conference to be accessible to people with ... Nevertheless, discussions around the nature of the Academy in anarchist work are necessary in a space like this. This is a tension we are unsure how to address. 11. With some of the occupations and exciting student activism taking place in ...
The Blog for the North American... -
Playground Blog » Blog Archive » Rubber Mulch and Playgrounds
By Administrator
Rubber mulch is organic in nature and do not pose any threat to the environment. They are safe and protective in nature. Most of the playgrounds managers prefer to use rubber mulches to enhance the Playground safety. ...
Playground Blog -
By Kamran
Drawing attention to the quality and experiential nature that can exist in the soundscapes of our environment, these works allow the viewer to have an intimate experience with the various compositional approaches practiced by each ...
Tuesday's Menu « Andrew B. Watt's Blog
By Andrew B. Watt
I've thought, though perhaps never said here, that the success of our students depends largely on creating a positive learning environment, in which learning is both natural and fun. That is, our job as teachers is to create a ...
Andrew B. Watt's Blog -
Fermi large area telescope points the way to new millisecond ...
Millisecond pulsars (MSPs) are Nature's most precise clocks, with long-term stability that rivals man-made atomic clocks. Precise timing observations of them over periods of years may allow the first direct detection of gravitational waves. ... The calorimeter subsystem of the Fermi LAT was developed at NRL and the environmental testing of both the LAT and the full Fermi observatory was conducted at NRL under the guidance of LAT Co-Principal Investigator Dr. W. Neil ...
Science Blog -
The Irish Economy » Blog Archive » Low Quality of Irish ...
By Michael Moore
Furthermore, the Shanghai rankings focus on how many papers are published in Science and Nature. This has its weaknesses since it doesn't account for the relative quality of papers produced and it is biased towards research universities. .... The Department of the Environment has attracted some talent from the various building disciplines down through the years though. They are part of a new initiative called 'The Urban Forum' which seeks to establish communication lines ...
The Irish Economy -
ESPN, Discovery push third dimension for TV as new technology ...
By Andrew Vanacore
July 28th, 2009 China's Baidu, Discovery Channel launch Web siteBEIJING — Baidu Inc., which runs China's leading search engine, and the Discovery Channel launched a Web site Tuesday to carry nature and science features, ... February 25th, 2009 WASHINGTON - There is no evidence to show that information technology eases environmental burdens, according to an ecologist. 'It was once assumed that there was little or no material dimension to information technology, thus, ...
Simple Thoughts - Java and Web Blog -
New Liturgical Movement: Pray Tell: A New Blog
By Jeffrey Tucker
This blog arose from our sense that the conversation needs to broadened, deepened, redirected. Moderate and progressive voices need to be in dialogue with zealous traditional voices. The "spiritual import” which is the "real nature of ...
New Liturgical Movement -
Just Act » Blog Archive » Post Christmas thoughts
By admin
The barbed wire "looks down” on nature, even in size it's bigger than the rest- but it's blurred. The main focus, though smaller and more 'breakable' is the red of the flowers in the grass which are moving with the wind. The white clouds depict the infinite ... May we all see the beauty and the vulnerability of our environment behind the barbed wires of our society, that the wind of transformation and dynamic moves and changes us and that our dreams may be fulfilled. ...
Just Act -
Indians attacked: time for action vs need for calm | Analysis ...
By Rituparna Bhowmik
Australian authorities have repeatedly maintained the attacks were not racially motivated, an argument spurned by the Indian press that cited past incidents of a similar nature, targeting mainly Indians on a student visa. ... "Australia must be able to present as a secure environment for visitors who come here. And while our concern ought not be motivated by economic gain, the reality is the dollars involved in higher education and trade training mean it is essential that ...
India: A billion aspirations -
gardens@duke: January Duke Gardens events
By This blog is written by Duke Gardens staff.
Join curator Stefan Bloodworth to see which plants are in bloom, learn strategies to design with native plants and discuss regional ecology and global environmental issues affecting native ecosystems, and your role in protecting the health of our home ... Photoshop for the Nature Photographer. Photographer Paul Salazar will teach how to configure Photoshop, using camera raw image processing, making selections and masking, darkroom effects, filters and color management, ...
gardens@duke -
Thesis XII Online: Volume 17.1
By David Kenneth Johnson
7. 8. Michael Pollan, The Omnivore's Dilemma p. 182 ----------------------- 3. "Plato & Myth," by Benjamin Hollows Myths, as allegorical metaphors, attempt to explain the nature of the universe, ...
Thesis XII Online - » Blog Archive » Life in a post-smart phone era
By Raul
But there is something that made me stop on my tracks and reflect on the ubiquitous nature of iPhones. At many of the social gatherings I have attended in recent weeks (already armed with my iPhones), we seem to be taking the approach of " photo or it didn't happen". We TwitPic what's happening. We tweet about what we do, on site. We check-in on FourSquare or GoWalla. My question to you is – does this detract ... The random thoughts of a specialist in environmental issues. ... -
Fly Fishing | Blog | Photos | Podcasts | Travel | Gear | and More ...
By El Guapo
R.O.A.R. claims the area does not have the infrastructure to handle the expected influx of traffic and that the project will damage the environment despite the artists's claim the project will leave no lasting harm. ...
Moldy Chum -
The London Blogger Interviews #32: Ghost Signs « Jazamatazz
By jazcummins
Sam of Ghost Signs is this week's blogger, whose fascination with the legacy of painted wall advertising has led him to document them as they come and go in London's ever-changing environment. The blog has been mentioned ... Having an online presence felt like a massive gap and writing a blog was a simple way of gaining this. It's funny looking back on those early posts and how the blog has evolved alongside the nature and scope of the project. There was something of the ...
Jazamatazz -
Take It Outside: Girls Get Going … and Reading
By Celeste
Take It Outside is hosted by Charlotte Observer reporter Celeste Smith, a triathlete who writes often about kids, nature, summer camp and the benefits of healthy outdoor experiences. This blog brings you news from experts and information about events that promote environmental education and outdoor activity as crucial to the development of children. Take It Outside is part of the Observer's Send a Kid to Camp effort, which works with the nonprofit Partners in ...
Take It Outside -
The Urbanophile » Blog Archive » Jarrett Walker: Learning, Again ...
By The Urbanophile
Although Venturi intended Learning from Las Vegas as an aesthetic study, the book is typical of much anti-environmental writing on urban issues. The standard move in these works is to treat environmental concerns as though they were ... ( The 24-hour nature of the economy also ensures 24-hour transit service, an unusual feature in a city of this size.) There's plenty to dislike about Las Vegas, but as I walked the Strip, I had to acknowledge that it was reaching out to me, ...
The Urbanophile -
BBC - Blether with Brian: No messing
Casual visitors to this blog might be aware that the Scottish media have been presenting dramatic headlines lately over the issue of grit. Labour MSP's have been using the issue to make attacks on the Scottish Government. ...
BBC Blog Network -
The Volokh Conspiracy » Blog Archive » Getting to Causation in ...
By David Bernstein
This practice isn't "fallacious,” it's one of the organising principles of toxicology, environmental chemistry, and drug development (SAR and QSAR models take as their starting point the assumption that chemical structure is strongly ..... As I was saying, the traditional rules ("preponderance of the evidence”), so dear to the heart of the conservatives who deny EP and due process claims on statistical evidence, need to be modified to properly account for the nature of ...
The Volokh Conspiracy -
Eco Home Décor Amenity Style | Modern Hippie Mag
By Guest Contributor
With everything inspired by nature and made from organic fiber, this company dishes modern décor that is not only beautiful but in harmony with the environment. When decorating my own home, I often find myself searching the Amenity website for new ... Tara V. publishes, a light green living blog. She loves eco-friendly home design, decorating and natural family living. This mother of five is a warmhearted, trendy, green guru of all things eco-friendly! ...
Modern Hippie Mag -
Define: Agile Development « The Agile Executive
By israelgat
By the very nature of values, people share them in a loose manner. Both definition and adherence ("But do they really practice Agile development?”) are qualitative and open to interpretation. The manifesto values are relative. ... For example, see the various kinds of maturity models surveyed in the BSM Review blog. You will probably need to determine the maturity model that suits your environment and apply it to the method you are practicing. ...
The Agile Executive - | Westminster Blog | The Steve Hilton Strategy Bulletins
By Alex Barker
Well - this year, the prize has gone to Elinor Ostrom from Indiana University, whose advocacy of non-state collective solutions to social and environmental problems chimes perfectly with our central argument: that progress is best achieved .... One of the core values of progressive Conservatism is designing policy that goes with the grain of human nature, and Richard Thaler's work captures this perfectly, using the latest insights from behavioural economics and social ...
Westminster Blog -
The Mudflats » Open Thread – Brain Transplant!
By akmuckraker
The best thing for ANY region is to have a balanced healthy environment for ALL native species…please protect and cherish ALL of your members of your environment in Alaska, its best for your state and your future generations of Alaskans to .... They were also a profound expression of the fundamentally criminal nature of our political system, in which state power/largess and the private pursuit of (mostly short-term) profit were brilliantly fused in a kind of ongoing theft ...
The Mudflats -
ASUS Introduces Sustainable U Series Notebooks Made With Bamboo
Inspired by nature and designed to have less impact on the environment, the U53's combination of bamboo and aluminum is both sustainable and also beautiful. Bamboo is one of the most recyclable and fast-growing plants on the planet, ...
LAPTOP Magazine: The Pulse of... -
Who Needs DNA? Prions Evolve Without It | 80beats | Discover Magazine
By Andrew Moseman
Study leader Charles Weissmann and his team transferred prions from brain cells to other kinds of cells and watched as certain members of the prion population adapted to the new environment and took over, out-competing their brethren. ...
80beats -
Review: The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus
By Justin Webb
Although the plot and character development suffer to some extent due to the indecisive nature of the film, there was definitely one aspect that stood out very prominently. That aspect is the way each scene is handled ... I understand that to create these worlds, one needs a considerable budget and CGI, but I've always found Gilliam to be infinitely more interesting when he's working within the confines of a real environment, where only a small amount of CGI is necessary. ...
Reel Loop -
Pajamas Media » We Can Discuss Tiger's Sex Life, But Not His Religion?
By Melissa Clouthier
What kind of work environment is Hume living in…that he would think he would not be laughed off the panel with that proclamation????? Then O'Reilly (who prides himself on being direct and allowing No-Spin), interviewed Hume and was given the .... It can't deal with human nature in a transformative way, but instead suppresses human passion. True life only comes from being liberated of wickedness while retaining freedom to love. This is how Christians should reach out to ...
Pajamas Media -
Possible key to fight obesity
By Ani
"While mechanisms that preserve energy are naturally protective - in times of food shortage or environmental stress - they promote obesity in a sedentary, modern society. Our findings suggest that therapeutic targeting of the KATP channel ... LONDON - Scientists in Cambridge have found that genetic alteration can lead to severe obesity in childhood. According to a study published in Nature, the loss of a key segment of DNA may play an important role in genetic diseases. ...
Health News -
Category: Nature and Environment Blogs around the World | Views: 512 | Added by: Aries | Tags: Blogs, Environment, nature | Rating: 0.0/0
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