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«  January 2010  »
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Main » 2010 » January » 7 » Nature and Environment Blogs
9:28 PM
Nature and Environment Blogs
Nature and Environment Blogs
Dezeen » Blog Archive » Hong Kong & Shenzhen Biennale photos
By Rose Etherington
Visitors, attracted to walk through and between the various clusters that make up the installation, are unconsciously drawn into a more intimate interaction with nature. The juxtaposition of the symbols in the natural environment, ...
Dezeen -
Study: US biofuels policies flawed | Science Blog
The paper, "Fundamentals of a Sustainable U.S. Biofuels Policy," questions the economic, environmental and logistical basis for the billions of dollars in federal subsidies and protectionist tariffs that go to domestic ethanol producers every ... Moreover, the report challenges claims that ethanol use lowers greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and argues, "There is no scientific consensus on the climate-friendly nature of U.S.-produced corn-based ethanol, and it should not be ...
Science Blog -
White-tailed eagles - again! - Mark Avery's blog - The RSPB Community
By mark avery
We intervene in many ways in nature conservation – habitat restoration is intervention, agri-environment schemes are intervention, tackling pollution is intervention, reintroduction is intervention too! We could always wait and hope, ...
The RSPB Community -
Switchboard, from NRDC :: Kaid Benfield's Blog :: Redrawing the ...
By Kaid Benfield
jobs and education, as well as the built environment. Theirs is a very good story, if by its nature an unfinished one. I wish the article had found a different suburb, perhaps Naperville's town center, or a suburban community where ...
SmarterCities -
Efficient Lighting, With Fewer Wires - Green Inc. Blog -
Green Inc. - Energy, the Environment and the Bottom Line ... To do this, they've focused on developing software and hardware that exploits the digital nature of LEDs. The system that powers today's lights "looks almost exactly like what it looked like when Edison invented it in the 1880s,” said Jeremy Stieglitz, the company's vice president of marketing. "The bulb got better, but the backbone didn't. We wanted to develop a scalable reliable communication system and apply ...
Green Inc. -
Owning the Weather | Marie Curie's Blog
By admin
Nothing is more terrifying than the weather gone wild. Since the very beginning we've search for ways to manipulate mother nature. Now thanks to. ... Being a part of the annual mega-meeting about global environmental issues will be a real highlight for the film, especially considering the fact that only seven films were invited. Using this international forum, we hope to start a real debate about one of the most controversial scientific and ethical dilemmas of the new ...
Marie Curie's Blog -
Sultan Knish
By Daniel Greenfield @ the Sultan Knish blog
But despite the fact that their prophesied environmental armageddons have never come to pass, environmental liberalism continues to demand that we put aside the tools and techniques of modern science, in order to go backward in time, to rely again ... But the reactionary nature of liberalism does not begin or end with its quasi-mystical faith in Gaia. Liberalism does not simply demand that we cast aside modern technology, it also demands that we cast aside modern ideas of ...
Sultan Knish -
Environmental Economics: TerraPass blog on The Leonard Conspiracy
By John Whitehead
Let's face it: highly disreputable people have gotten hold of the EU ETS and have introduced an extreme degree of corruption that would be very hard to prevent given the nature of the market being constructed in the US, ...
Environmental Economics -
In 2009 Twitter Put Blog Engagement into a Death Spiral | Cloud ...
By Terry Van Horne
There are few ways to gauge the disruptive nature of new technology. In the case of bloggers feed reader stats and provider viability are good indicators of the changes that are occuring due to technology. Bloggers/linkeratti are just .... In an environment of hyperSocial the audience and Social Networking opportunities of Facebook and audience that can be engaged on Twitter, TypePad and Tumblr provide traffic and unique visitors that blogs have never been able to match. ...
Cloud Mixer - Mixing New Media Ideas -
ESRI #Geodesign Summit Day 1 AM - All Points Blog
By (Adena Schutzberg)
The harkens back to McHarg's 1960s ideas of designing with nature, integrating science into action. But we've forgotten that design was part of that vision, and it's something we've not done that much of thus far. ... She addressed the value of geospatial to design and the role of the National Academy of Environmental Design in moving geodesign forward. She highlighted Project Albemarle, a website to share a vision for a water plan for the county of Albermarle, ...
All Points Blog -
dreamscapes « Free People Clothing Boutique Blog
By fp julia
"'terrain' is actually the continuation of a series of previous installations. with each installation the environment grows and is reconfigured. most previous to 'terrain,' i created 'grotto' at lawndale art center in houston, ... A geode is actually a good analogy for my work as with my synthetic versions of nature i want to create the experience one hopes to have. for instance if you've ever gotten one of the 'break your own' geodes, it's a boring rock on the outside ...
Free People Clothing Boutique Blog -
P2P Foundation » Blog Archive » On Avatar: plants do really talk ...
By Michel Bauwens
Recent research actually demonstrates that plants communicate over their own "chat networks” where important information is exchanged about what's happening in their immediate environment. The world depicted in Avatar also demonstrates the healing power of Mother Nature as the key character Jack Sully has his consciousness transferred from his broken human body to his much stronger alien body through the help of a healing tree (into which all the natives are ...
P2P Foundation -
Integration, Process Failures Blamed in Christmas Day Terrorist ...
A blog post on the Federal News Radio site raises an intriguing question about what role data integration or the lack of it - played in the Christmas day attac. ... In another article published on Federal News Radio (okay, so I dug around awhile - it's a good site - sue me), former program manager for the Information Sharing Environment and now Ambassador Thomas McNamara explains the data standards and information sharing problems he encountered during his three-year ...
Loraine Lawson -
CDR Salamander: MG Flynn .... dude .... you should blog
By CDR Salamander
... apparatus" for focusing too much on gathering information on insurgent groups, while remaining "unable to answer fundamental questions about the environment in which US and allied forces operate and the people they seek to persuade”. ... "It was an unusual and irregular way to publish a document of this nature." Other defense officials at the Pentagon privately expressed surprise at how the report was released. Understatement. However - with a little running room for ...
CDR Salamander -
Enigma of Answered Prayer: Journey to Writing, Publishing, and ...
By irhondaking
I created this oasis to deal specifically with the nature of strategy and strategic thinking as it relates to the various aspects of our day-to-day lives and promote an environment which encourages critical reflection. ...
Red Room Blogs - All -
BBC - Peston's Picks: Will Lebedev wreak havoc in British media?
BBC Business Editor Robert Peston's blog, a regular take on the business stories and issues that matter. ... Latest: Reporters' blogs. Latest: Reporters' blogs. Nick Robinson: "The attempt to unseat Gordon brown has clearly failed. ...
BBC Blog Network -
Hillary Clinton on Development Issues - Nicholas D. Kristof Blog ...
Nicholas D. Kristof - A New York Times Blog .... It also sounds like respect for local communities notwithstanding, Clinton does not demonstrate a real grasp of the nature of communities and their needs in developing countries. US aid efforts (and foreign policy efforts) need a lot ... It can provide affordable nutritious food instead of the US-stye junk people eat because it's cheaper; it can be considerably more energy efficient and more protective of the environment. ...
Nicholas D. Kristof - » Blog Archive » Search Engine Ranking
By admin
's blog tackles vegetable growing, eco-issues and vegan vegetarian cooking amongst other things. Which are the easiest crops to start off with. Many couples are having their nuptials on untouched terrain, nature reserves, the beach, parks, ... Below is a biography and a link to his website were environmental issues are covered and his articles can be read. A quiet revolution is growing in the townships of Capetown, a revolution based on organic gardening, cooperation and ...» Search... - » Blog Archive » The Movie Year in Preview – February
By Niall
This lifestyle is swiftly threatened when invaders from Earth set up shop after an environmental disaster back home. To begin with the Terrans view these invaders as gods until the worse aspects of human behaviour come to light. ... Also out: Micmacs, Amelie director Jean-Pierre Jeanut's look at the lives of a motley crew of modern-day ragpickers; and The Last Station, a look at the last days of Tolstoy and the contentious nature of his estate post-mortem, starring James ... -
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » More 11 Dimensional Chess to Screw ...
By John Cole
I've been here for quite awhile but nobody's noticed because being reality-based bores people to tears. This is turning into an environment where ANY comment from BOB will receive half a dozen responses. 'Normal' is so passe. 32. January 6th, 2010 at 8:56 pm Reply to this comment .... The nature of the criticism has slipped into the zones could be called bigoted or at least, perpetuating a stereotype, because it's part of the lexicon of American culture. that's just MHO. ...
Balloon Juice -
You can't make this stuff up: Spying on polar bears and porpoises ...
By Josh Painter
"… recognize that the real nature of the terrorist threat requires a commander-in-chief, not a constitutional law professor.” Regardless of what you think of Alaska's former governor, her criticism was, as Karl Rove observed on FOX News' " On ... As terrorists continue to infiltrate America, the Obama Administration is tasking some of our nation's most elite intelligence-gathering agencies to divert their resources to environmental scientists researching global warming. ...
Vote for liberty and rights in 2010 | Henry Porter | Comment is ...
By Henry Porter
Meanwhile in its final convulsions and twitches we see the government's true nature. The excellent Joint Committee on Human Rights (JCHR) has put out a request for submissions on legislation going through parliament now, which makes clear that the threat is as .... The environment: Labour doesn't care. Terrorism: you are in terrible danger from terrorism-be very afraid! Foreign policy: as many pointless wars as possible (hence you are in terrible danger from terrorism) ...
Comment is free: Henry Porter's... -
Now That the Application Is In, What's a Parent to Do? - The ...
Oh, yeah, this blog is mostly about the very selective schools… — Banty. 18. January 6, 2010 4:56 pm Link. Sorry, Ms. Merrill, but your last bit of advice is impractical. Our son has applied to a larger-than-average number of schools, mainly because he ... For parents (and their college-age offspring) I would strongly recommend seeing "Up in the Air” for a more meaningful and relevant example of the arbitrary nature of the greater economic environment beyond academe. ...
The Choice -
Seelan Palay's Blog: It is Think Centre version 2.0, insists ...
By Seelan Palay
The nature of the coalition and partnership is expected to be dynamic based on the type of civil and political issue. TOC: Who are the current members of SfD? JG: SfD's pro-tem committee is presently made up of Singaporeans who have had activist experience and a track record in promoting democracy as individuals, as NGO members or as political party activists in both the pre and post internet environment. TOC: What kind of members is SfD looking for? ...
Seelan Palay's Blog -
Sky Full of Bacon » Blog Archive » The Nagrant-Gebert Sessions ...
By Michael Gebert
For, me, human nature as I believe it is that when you get something from someone or put yourself in the position where one might give you stuff, relationships and actions change. .... Create a quality, targeted environment a group of advertisers can afford, and hey, maybe you can vacuum up a lot of people with a little money each. (This is basically the same business model as one of your outlets, Chicago Social, except there it's bars and jewelers. ...
Sky Full of Bacon -
Civil Eats » Blog Archive » A Young Reader Weighs In: The ...
By ofox
Mr. Salatin respects all parts of his farm, the animals, the slaughter, the environment, the shoppers and the natural way things work. From the book: "It's all connected… This farm is more like an organism than a machine. ... This is a chapter on "finding” ingredients for a meal in nature. The idea can be intimidating. Like Mr. Pollan, who hunts his meat and collects wild mushrooms, I have gone to the local clam flats to dig up clams, collected warm blackberries from a ...
Civil Eats -
Tikkun Daily Blog » Blog Archive » How can we mature enough so we ...
By Dave Belden
The bad news: the value set that rules the business world is not a good one for taking care of either the environment or the people. It was nice to see the shareholders of Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway corporation, which owns the utility company that owns ... The history of people in California before the Europeans came is full of ingredients that might be helpful to us, but it is also full of ideas about the nature of the spirit world that we are unlikely to adopt. ...
Tikkun Daily Blog - server move « Maemo DP team blog
By tekojo
Moving has taken some time due to the interwoven nature of the services in Especially the core services for developers (main site, garage, git, builder, repositories) are tied to each other on various levels. ... And of the things that have not moved, many are set up in the new environment. The thing is that moving services requires that the databases move too. And if the databases move, then the services depending on them need to move… ...
Maemo DP team blog -
Guns, Race, and Guns: Gilbert, Volunteers, and the Cost of Life in ...
By dwil
Given the nature of humans relative to color, when do we ever ascribe to anything a hue it is not? When racism rules the day, the millennium, the written history of human beings is cheapened. ... This alpha-male environment that stimulates the worst in an educated individual like Crittenton (Georgia Tech), preventing a sensible young man raised by both of his parents from walking away from a crazy incident that could cost him millions in potential earnings. ...
D-Wil's Blog -
Hot Air » Blog Archive » Scarborough scoop: How the Taliban's ...
By Allahpundit
Especially in that environment. You always suspect the possibility of re-doubling. PaCadle on January 6, 2010 at 10:08 PM. AP, you'd be an excellent field agent. You are the most skeptical guy on the planet (I mean that as a .... We are a trusting people by nature. Our enemy has no such encumbrance. We are at war against savages. FireBlogger on January 6, 2010 at 11:14 PM. More stars on the wall. More blood on Obama's hands. chicagojedi on January 6, 2010 at 11:17 PM ...
Hot Air » Top Picks -
6 January SWJ Roundup (SWJ Blog)
By SWJ Editors
... Assistance Force in Afghanistan, called for a shift from collecting information to help with capturing or killing insurgents, and said more resources should go toward gathering facts about the political, economic and cultural environment of the population that supports the insurgency. .... Not only has it shielded its infrastructure from military attack in warrens of dense rock, but it has further obscured the scale and nature of its notoriously opaque nuclear effort. ...
SWJ Blog -
A Year of Research Blogging § SEEDMAGAZINE.COM
Byrnes: I cover blogs about nature, and nature is infinitely awe-inspiring, often highly amusing, and frequently rather scandalous. I look for posts that embody these qualities and give clear guidance as to why a particular research result is of interest. ... But I'd argue that papers with a direct link to conservation goals or an understanding of just how humans are altering the environment are far more frequently cited in the blogging community. It reflects real anxiety ...
Biofuels: What A Waste - Jonathan Kantrowitz - Connecticut News
By Jonathan Kantrowitz
Blogs ... The paper, "Fundamentals of a Sustainable U.S. Biofuels Policy,” questions the economic, environmental and logistical basis for the billions of dollars in federal subsidies and protectionist tariffs that go to domestic ethanol ... Moreover, the report challenges claims that ethanol use lowers greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and argues, "There is no scientific consensus on the climate-friendly nature of U.S.-produced corn-based ethanol, and it should not be ...
Jonathan Kantrowitz -
MSNBC's David Shuster Defends Liberal Avatar, Attacks 'Shameless ...
By Scott Whitlock
But, then the reviews that you're talking about started coming up, all political in nature, and none of them have anything to do with the numbers. HALL: Well, this is incredible, because we did this-. [Cuts to videotape package] .... Didn't mind the "save the environment" message. I'm all for protecting the environment! (However, I'm a certified DENIER when it comes to the "evil, poisonous CO2" stupidity being propagated by the Al and the media). ... - Exposing Liberal... -
Movie Review: Avatar « Moments of Clarity
By darrellgoodliffe
It is an interesting comment in itself that in Cameron's eyes our idealised vision of ourselves harks way-back to a pre-Enlightenment closeness with nature which is established on a level that is spiritual and therefore much more than an ... solution is being through an active engagement and appreciation based on more than a desire to control and survive. It will be interesting to see how much this discourse shapes environmental politics and policies in the years to come… ...
Moments of Clarity -
Theo Padnos: Allah Has Prepared Them a Victory. And We Are Helping
By Theo Padnos
This admiration produces a weird disequilibrium which is the signature characteristic of his website: over here, in the official, author-composed part of the blog, is Awlaki's not-especially-original, slightly stuffy sermonizing. ... In this environment there is nothing to do and nothing to read but the Koran, and that is when it reveals its secrets. When the hearts are clean; when there is nothing clouding the spirit, the Koran literally overwhelms the heart. ...
Terrorism on The Huffington Post -
VMware: VMware View: Pandemics and Government Continuity of Operations
By Chris
If an influenza pandemic were to occur today, we could expect the virus to spread rapidly due to the globalized nature of the world. During a pandemic within in the United States, the population will naturally rely on Federal, State and local ... The VMware View portfolio of products lets IT run virtual desktops in the datacenter while giving end users a single view of all their applications and data in a familiar, personalized environment on any device at any location. ...
VMware View -
BBC - 5 live Breakfast: Should Christian immigrants to UK have ...
By George Edmonds
For goodness sake what do these people want, us all to be living in overcrowded ghettos where those from the third world bring third world values with them with regards to respect for environmental cleanliness, family size, law and order. ... It's the very unplanned nature of the capitalist economic system which concentrates immigrants and the indiginous population into particular areas of a country creating the illusion of overcrowding! ... Topical posts on this blog ...
5 live Breakfast -
Hot Summer Internships - Tips for Finding Internships | Hot Jobs ...
By Mara Strom
The Nature Conservancy's 2010 Summer Diversity Internship program is seeking students currently underrepresented in the conservation field for paid internship opportunities available in locations throughout the U.S. and set to begin on June 7, 2010. Among the intern's responsibilities will be ... Applicants must be undergraduate or graduate students with excellent writing and communications skills and a strong interest in environmental issues and/or trail development. ...
Hot Jobs - Career Search - JobMonkey -
Avatar's Script: Derivative? - Thompson on Hollywood
Avatar introduces moviegoers to an immersive new world, a Utopia (or Oz, as Steven Spielberg describes it—hence the conscious reference to "we're not in Kansas anymore”) where they indulge the fantasy of being one with nature, able to swoop and .... Speaking of swelled heads, I, for one, will not be able to bear another "king of the world” moment, after solemn one minute remembrance - this time, no doubt, of environmental destruction - if he takes the stage at the Oscars. ...
Thompson on Hollywood -
Honda Unveils New Small Concept Car at 10th Auto Expo -
With the booth concept of "Inspired by Dynamism - Truly Honda by Nature” for Auto Expo 2010, Honda will express its relentless dynamism to create cutting edge technologies and its commitment to protect the environment for future generations . True to its nature of challenging ... E-mail addresses are not publicly displayed, so please only leave your e-mail address if you would like to be notified when new comments are added to this blog entry (you can opt-out later). ...
Automobile News, Mobile News... -
Westfork: Bottomless Brunch - Dallas Restaurants and Dining - City ...
By Jennifer Moody
Dallas Restaurants and Dining. Westfork: Bottomless Brunch. Dallas Observer news, blogs, music, movies, restaurants and the arts. ... This changed in a dramatic fashion as the clock ticked over and suddenly the sports bar environment became jarringly clear as the televisions were switched on to full volume and the younger clientele began to crawl in, some possibly still wearing the previous night's garb. The abrupt change in tone would have been tolerable with the right ...
City of Ate -
"Population Ethics for the 21st Century” | optimum population ...
By spotted by the OPT news watch editor
Our species, by its very nature, has long been engaged in a war against the planet, a pattern that is ecologically insane. We know this to be true by now. Our acknowledgment itself is an act of meditation poised for selfless, ... Jews, Catholics, and Anglicans in the U.S. have sponsored a National Religious Partnership for the Environment. And in late 1997 the leader of some 300 million Orthodox Christians, Bartholomew I, finally declared that "To commit a crime against ...
optimum population trust news watch -
Category: Nature and Environment Blogs around the World | Views: 727 | Added by: Aries | Tags: nature, Environment, Blogs | Rating: 0.0/0
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