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«  January 2010  »
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Main » 2010 » January » 9 » Nature and Environment Blogs
7:54 PM
Nature and Environment Blogs
Nature and Environment Blogs
Your Hound vs. Your Hummer | Animal Welfare |
By Stephanie Feldstein
Besides, dogs aren't entirely bad for the environment. They tend to bring people closer to nature on an emotional level -- they help us connect to non-human species; they get us outdoors; their happiness romping through nature helps us ...'s Animal Welfare Blog -
A recyclable phone with eco-awareness alerts | MNN - Mother Nature ...
By Melissa Hincha-Ownby
The business idea must be both beneficial to the environment and to Verizon. More than 100 students in a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) course participated and the winning idea was a recyclable phone that comes with a special environmental add-on package. Recyclable cell phones aren't new but the winning team, comprised of students Aaron Copeland, ... About Melissa Hincha-Ownby. Business guru blogs about the latest in green biz. Melissa's RSS · Melissa's profile ...
All MNN Content -
Field Notes from the Future » Blog Archive » Last Child in the ...
By Richard Louv
These selected articles and recent writings by Richard Louv expand on events and initiatives in the children and nature movement, its leadership, strategies and vision for the future. ... Building on the great work of environmentaleducators, conservationists, camp directors and others, the leaders of this movement range from policymakers to health care professionals, from builders to urban planners; from educators to business people, from parents to the young ...
Field Notes from the Future -
Toscanini's » Blog Archive » Man in Infinite Corridor
By admin
This showcase is a mix and mingle style poster session at which students who have been doing research or who belong to groups on campus that revolve around energy, environment, and sustainability will share and explain their work. ... This highly illustrative talk will compare and contrast the approach to fusion from a laboratory perspective with that taken by nature in forming and operating the Sun. The progress towards energy's holy grail will be part of the ...
Toscanini's -
Why do I like Avatar? Because it helps me sleep at night ...
By Leah Lamb
After all, it's just thrilling to see a powerful movie about the state of the environment that isn't made or marketed for environmentalists. Perhaps that's why I can sleep at night, because the chapter of feeling like ... I apologize, but this blog is very poorly written. I hope you are still in high school. As for the content, have you ever seen the movie 'Dances with Wolves?' That was an extremely popular movie that had the same story line, and the impact it had was nil ...
Current Green Blog -
Dezeen » Blog Archive » Hoto Fudo by Takashi Hosaka Architects
By Rose Etherington
Giving 60 mm thick urethane insulation to the outside of the RC shell and keeping a stable RC temperature secures a stable temperature environment for the building like inside and outside, and also reduces the deformation volume due to ... In this place like the middle between nature and art, people eat hoto rich in natural ingredients. Click for larger image. *HOTO is traditional local noodle food. ARCHITECT: TAKESHI HOSAKA STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS: OVE ARUP & PARTNERS JAPAN ...
Dezeen -
A sonata a day keeps the doctor away | Science Blog
"Medical practitioners are aware that by changing the environment, we can create a whole new treatment paradigm for babies in neonatal care," says Dr. Mandel. "That's our main goal -- -- to improve their quality of life. "The point of our research is to quantify ... Internationally recognized for the scope and groundbreaking nature of its research programs, Tel Aviv University consistently produces work with profound implications for the future. Link: ...
Science Blog -
Average Brain Size for the Three Races : Greg Laden's Blog
By Greg Laden
Nature Blog Network ..... Specifically, AFricans have an averag IQ of around 70, Whites of 105, and African Americans of ca 85, this is caused mainly by genes, is not affected by environment, and maps to the indicated races very very well. I've been asking Bryan Pesta to confirm or deny that this is the model and he absolutely refuses to answer that question. Maybe you'll answer the question. Is that the model? Where do I have it wrong? Posted by: Greg Laden | January 7, ...
ScienceBlogs Channel : Brain & Behavior -
Life Beyond Workplace Bullying: Guest Blog
By Dr. Gary Namie
All this experience yet nothing prepared me for the unexpected environment I entered into at age 48. "Borrow trouble for yourself, if that's your nature, but don't give it to your neighbor.” –Rudyard Kipling .... Back to blog ...
Workplace Bullying Institute -
The Melting of America « AfterAmerica's Blog
By afteramerica
It's in places like China, South Korea, Sweden, Holland, Switzerland, and (until recently) the United Arab Emirates — some not even open societies — that you find people hard at work on the challenges of education, transport, energy, and the environment. .... For me, such manifestations of real winter are signs that nature may not yet have totally surrendered to us, that global warming is still being challenged, and that things may not be as far gone as I sometimes fear. ...
AfterAmerica's Blog -
Important Work in 2009: Climate Action Hotline, Jan. 7 | USCAN Blog
By Rhys Gerholdt
Despite the non-binding nature of the Copenhagen Accord, Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva recently signed domestic legislation requiring a 39 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020. The law matches a voluntary ... The White House is considering expanding the scope of the National Environmental Policy Act to require federal agencies to consider climate change as part of the environmental impact review process for major federal actions. ...
USCAN Blog -
Best Interests of the Child – The Quality of the Parent Child ...
By liz
The parent/child relationship factor requires the court to examine three broad characteristics of each parent's relationship with the child(ren) – strength, nature, and stability – and then compare/contrast the parents to determine how much .... The court ultimately found that Tracy's home would be the most stable environment for the Magnuson children. Robbie appealed the decision, arguing that the court improperly considered his transgender status in making its decision. ...
Decoupling Seattle Family Law... -
Veganism: not for everyone? | Blog by Monica ...
By Monica Reinagel, MS, LD/N
I follow the restrictive nature of the paleo diet (with heavy veggie servings), but for optimum vegan nutrition see part 5: Posted by: Dominic Wells | Jan 7, 2010 10:07:24 AM. Wow I just discovered your blog ... Blog by Monica... -
Re: A Walk to the Moon » First Thoughts | A First Things Blog
By Stephen M. Barr
Increasing complexity, integrated at that, is problematic for a Blind Watchmaker constrained to using perishable resources in a hostile environment. While it is certainly possible that we may discover some previously unknown process or ... Rather than a space alien from Alpha Centauri, it would likely be credited to a non-supernatural intelligent agent that developed outside the normal laws of nature (possibly in another universe that is able to interact with our own). ...
First Thoughts -
Jamaica Focused Blogs | Truth about Vegas
By alex
Earthtalk. You don't have to be an environmental enthusiast to enjoy this blog from the same people who host the annual Jamaica Beach Cleanup. It's highly informative and relevant in today's world, especially in light of the ongoing debate on climate change. ... I wake up the next morning and my cell phone provider is doing what they do best annoy me, mother nature won a free ticket to Vegas so here we are, period, cramps, mood swings and lots of alcohol for cheap. ...
Blog Jamaica - An aggregator... -
Newz Source » Blog Archive » Pat Dollard | Young Americans | Blog ...
TV's Ashley Martella: "Think about the mind-set here. think of the utter illogical nature of that statement. What she's saying is that, if Mary Jo Kopechne were to know what her death ultimately would mean for Ted Kennedy's career, ... She's cheerleading Al Gore for his radical environmental agenda. "To her it is perfectly acceptable, it is perfectly mainstream, and it should be seen by the American people as that, the only problem being that the American people don't see ...
Newz Source -
Local Green Building Expert Leads Discussion on Trends in Green ...
By Placer Nature Center
Blog of Placer Nature Center: What we're reading, doing and sharing *********************************** Placer Nature Center - 3700 Christian Valley Road, Auburn, CA 95602 - (530) 878-6053 ...
Connecting People and Nature -
The Future of Education in Ramat-Gan, Israel - Fireside Learning ...
So far we have a school for nature and environment, and a school for sciences and arts, and one for architecture and design, another for leadership, and one for technology and computers, one Waldorf education school, ... *Literature - encouraging creativity through online books and blogs, founding reading clubs (fantasy fans, Indiana Jones fan club etc. - multi age), learning how to criticize, combining drama/theater and literature by producing shows or recitals. ...
Latest Activity on Fireside Learning:... -
Camp Flyover: Camp Kandalore | Our Kids Blog
By Travis Allison
In a highly personalized, fun-filled and supportive environment, Kandalore's aim is to develop in each camper an appreciation of nature, a healthy sense of self-esteem, an understanding of others and the necessary skills to become an ...
Our Kids Blog -
BartBlog - The Blog of » Pitty those poor, poor ...
By Bob Patterson
We continued to challenge her debating skills by asking if Ansel Adams, who was well known for his love of nature and his work on behalf of the Sierra Club, had ever taken any pictures of polar bears. She couldn't give a knowledgeable ...
BartBlog -
Jackson's New Book Tells the Story of a Parisian Catastrophe
By Office of Communications
As residents of New Orleans discovered during Katrina, urban infrastructure alone will not save us from nature, and the failure of the human infrastructure can lead to profound suffering. ... Jeffrey H. Jackson is Associate Professor of History and Director of the Environmental Studies Program at Rhodes College. Paris Under Water is published by Palgrave Macmillan. For information about Jackson's upcoming appearances, visit his blog: ...
The Dean's Blog: Celebrating... -
Tikkun Daily Blog » Blog Archive » Pagans at the Parliament (1)
By Nancy Vedder-Shults
Like other indigenous religions, we practice an Earth-based Nature religion. And like other indigenous religions, ours was persecuted by conquerors, who forced us to go underground during the Christianization of Europe. ... She's been working for the federation on environmental and interfaith issues for the past few years. (These personal invitations were extended in addition to official sponsorships by the PWF to Ainu spiritual leaders (from Japan) were as well as a ...
Tikkun Daily Blog -
12 'Scene Selected' Films of 2009 – Part 2 | MovieSet Behind the ...
By Alex Kartman
The stop motion animation built a fun environment with the typical Anderson straight on camera style. Anderson also brought many of his usual stars on board as support, including Bill Murray, Jason Schwartzman, and Owen Wilson. The point is that Anderson knows ... The focus is on the addictive nature of war, and the need for the rush of adrenaline in life/death situations. It is no hold barred with suicide bombs, improvised weapons, and the best sniper battle I have seen. ...
MovieSet Behind the Scenes blog -
SELECT RAND() » Blog Archive » Upgrading from MySQL 4 – user stories
By Guillaume
If you are in a replicated environment you may want to migrate one of your slaves first as a prototype. Dumping and reloading is the recommended way because of many storage file format changes between 4.0 and 5.0 versions. ... My customer was using indexes on VARCHAR fields (that's usually a bad practice, but due to the historical nature of the schema, difficult to fix). MySQL 5 is extending the length of VARCHAR, so will be the key length for the optimizer. ...
p2pnet news » Blog Archive » New Rednex partner: The Pirate Bay
By Jon
Who will want to work in such a desperate and depressing environment? But most important of all it is the artists that should worry and act to anticipate the record label collapse. Any artist who signs a contract with a label today might be stuck for more than 5 years. This includes the risk of ... This is partly born out by the extreme conservatism shown by the industry over the past 10 years, but also because it is not the nature of an establishment to make changes. ...
p2pnet news -
Fossil footprints of earliest land animals found | ChattahBox News ...
By Bear
The results of the Polish-Swedish collaboration are published online this week in Nature. "These results force us to reconsider our whole picture of the transition from fish to land animals,” says Per Ahlberg of Uppsala University, ... The environment is also a major surprise: almost all previous scenarios for the origin of tetrapods have placed this event in a freshwater setting and have associated it with the development of land vegetation and a terrestrial ecosystem. ...
ChattahBox News Blog -
Interview with Poonam Sharma aka Alchemist Poonam of Visceral ...
By admin
Q: What topics do you generally blog about? A: My blog has no niche. I have written about social and political issues, consumer rights, environment, disability, human rights, movie and book reviews and occasional personal posts. ... Beautiful reminders of nature in our daily, corporate lives that has nothing to do with nature. Finance: Already said enough about it. :). Sex: I hate the prudishness that is associated with the discussion of sex. However, a discussion about ...
Best Resources for Indian blogs... -
blog-thing : Polly Tommey and the Autism File
By Mike
It has a core readership amongst those parents who believe autism has environmental causes that are treatable. These beliefs are never challenged. According to Tommey. The Autism File exists to provide help and support to parents, professionals, and caregivers in ... Given the overwhelming nature of the evidence against Wakefield's theories one could equally ask similar questions of the Autism File itself and its continuing support for Wakefield and anti-vaccine quackery. ...
Action For Autism -
Pontydysgu – Bridge to Learning » Blog Archive » Paradigm change ...
By Graham Attwell
The aim of the workshop was to augment the work of the LMLG, in particular around its socio-cultural ecology, and to extend the interdisciplinary nature of its work through exposure to perspectives advanced by (TEL) researchers in cognate fields from .... It relates to a concern for the role of mobile learning for addressing forms of deprivation and disadvantage and informing the relevant policy environment. Overall it can be noted that the discussions during the two days ...
Pontydysgu - Bridge to Learning -
War Ravages Afghan Environmemt : Climate and Capitalism
By Ian Angus
Shipping off 30000 more troops to the land of the Taliban may be infuriating to devoted antiwar activists, but the toll the Afghanistan war is having on the environment should also force nature lovers into the streets in protest. ...
Climate and Capitalism -
The Nevada Sagebrush » 'Avatar' uses new technology to tell ...
By Steve Prior
The escapism that Cameron uses in the film makes it easy for the viewer to feel what it means to be one of the Na'vi, including the tribe's respect for the environment, and the impacts of the anthropocentric nature of the colonialists ...
The Nevada Sagebrush -
The End of Cyberspace: links for 2010-01-07
By Alex Soojung-Kim Pang
In environmental decision making, scenario development tends to include participatory methods for engaging stakeholders and is conducted at multiple scales. This paper presents insights from participatory scenario development in two separate ... This paper is concerned with the nature of creativity and the design of creativity enhancing computer systems. The research has multi-disciplinary foundations in human–computer interaction and creative practice in Art, Design, ...
The End of Cyberspace -
pubget—the blog: Hot off the presses! Jan 01 Trends Genet
By ian connor
Moreover, the semi-continuous nature of the transcriptome prompts the reassessment of 'genes' as discrete entities and indicates that the ! mammalian genome might be more accurately viewed as islands of protein-coding information in a sea of cis- and trans-acting ... One of the fundamental tasks in biology is the identification of genes that control the structure and developmental pattern of complex traits and their responses to the environment during trait development. ...
pubget—the blog -
The Happiest People - 最快乐的民族_English Reading
By Denver_space
Costa Rica has done an unusually good job preserving nature, and it's surely easier to be happy while basking in sunshine and greenery than while shivering up north and suffering "nature deficit disorder.” ... Rising education levels also led the country to preserve its lush environment as an economic asset. Costa Rica is an ecological pioneer, introducing a carbon tax in 1997. The Environmental Performance Index, a collaboration of Yale and Columbia Universities, ...
English Reading -
A Real-Time Lesson in the Supply and Demand of Investing ...
By brad
Damien Hoffman from has offered to share his market insight with Trader's Blog readers today. Read on to learn what he thinks about gold, the US dollar, and what he sees and predicts will and needs to happen in the US economy. ... Unlike gloom and doomers who say the dollar is headed to zero or gold will go to $10000 an ounce, we believe the dynamic nature of the world will soon present a reason for optimism and new sources of wealth. ...
MarketClub Trader's Blog -
Pa. Judge's Request for New Sanctions Hearing Denied - Legal News
By admin
She nevertheless had to work with and among the parties to these nefarious activities, and function in this polluted culture and environment." Lokuta's lawyers, Ronald V. Santora and George Michak, said Streib's dissent also addresses their ... "I also believe that the Supreme Court knows full well the requirements for after-discovered evidence and did not gratuitously use the phrase 'in the nature of after-discovered evidence' in remanding the case to us," Streib wrote. ...
Law Blog -
Blogging On Interest Rates, Economics & Business in New Zealand
By Bernard Hickey
If the Buffoon wants money invested in the NZX, that being the purpose of his attack on property investment – one might fairly assume – then he needs to advocate the business environment which encourages a wide range of lower risk established .... property investment, then perhaps 'ring fence' investment property losses regardless of the structure used for the property investment, but do not attempt to change the nature of the structure that is otherwise the LAQC. ...
The Rates Blog -
Imagine a brighter 21st century | Science Matters | David Suzuki ...
By Jenny Silver
Our challenge is to imagine a world where our wealth is in human relations and where we learn to live in balance with the rest of nature. By imagining a future, we can make it happen — as we always have. If we continue, though, ... For example, consider what Prime Minister Stephen Harper said in a speech to South Korea's National Assembly in late 2009: "Without the wealth that comes from growth, the environmental threats, the developmental challenges and the peace and ...
David Suzuki Foundation -
The Volokh Conspiracy » Blog Archive » A Future Wave of Speech ...
By Eugene Volokh
Who decides what constitutes "harassment” (perhaps under the now-familiar but still extremely vague and broad "severe or pervasive enough to create a hostile, abusive, or offensive educational environment based on race, religion, sexual orientation, etc. ..... Does it occur to anybody that these loans are only possible because of their federally guaranteed nature? Without the demand that these loans drive, would any of the speakers at the forum even have a job? ...
The Volokh Conspiracy -
EcoMeme: Media Missing the Green Point at CES 2010 | EcoSalon
By Lora Kolodny
Nobody was asking – or so it seemed – green questions, discussing environmental issues or highlighting eco-friendly features of the technologies on display. Not live, on blogs or in broadcasts. And certainly not in detail. ... To be fair, there was a reference to nature reported by Gizmodo's live-blog summing up the Sony keynote speech when executives promised a 3-D version of Shark Week – brought to us by Discovery and IMAX (for viewing on a Sony set). ...
EcoSalon -
The Future of Decision Making: Less Intuition, More Evidence ...
By Andrew McAfee
Feedback from the environment is information about what worked and what didn't. It exists in neonatal ICUs because babies stay there for a while. It's hard, though, to build medical intuition about conditions that change after the patient has left the care .... Never miss a new post from your favorite blogger again with the Harvard Business Review Daily Alert email. The Alert delivers the latest blog posts from directly to your inbox every morning at 8:00 AM ET. ... -

Category: Nature and Environment Blogs around the World | Views: 600 | Added by: Aries | Tags: Blogs, Environment, nature | Rating: 0.0/0
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