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«  January 2010  »
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Main » 2010 » January » 11 » Nature and Environment Blogs
8:44 PM
Nature and Environment Blogs
Nature and Environment Blogs
Aquachannel » Blog Archive » Animal Summer Camps Teach Responsibility
By Lonnie & Jeff Lorenz
The joy of discovering nature is the joy of discovering the world we live in. Living in a natural environment with access to animals is a perfect invitation for expansive play. Camp is a place where children can learn about animals as a ...
Aquachannel -
10 Experiences from the Sustainable Living Program
By admin
2) Permaculture - Permaculture is a set of design principles that model nature and are so elegant and efficient I think every student at MUM (if not every person in the world) should take the class. For our final project we got a ... Somehow the class went well beyond a general understanding of the environment. This was due to a combination of field experiments and excellent teaching. Unfortunately for us the professor responsible, Jimmy Sinton, has recently retired. ...
MUM Student Blog, Maharishi Universit... -
The Unorthodox Website Blog » Blog Archive » Nature of the Afterlife
By Tony
We live in an environment created to be very similar, but better, to those on Earth. We can recreate by thought power houses we used to live in on Earth for example, or ones we dreamed of having. Eventually, however, we have no need of ...
The Unorthodox Website Blog -
Friday food news roundup | MNN - Mother Nature Network
By Robin Shreeves
At The Green Fork Blog, Lorna Sass (I love her Recipes from an Ecological Cookbook) has a thought provoking piece titled "The Hidden Cost of Being 100% Locavore.” I am a big proponent of local foods, but I also believe that 100% locavorism isn't the answer to all our food and environment problems. Sass gives us one good reason why. I went to a press event at E.A.T. on Madison Avenue last week and had a sampling of exquisite smoked fish. The white fish–a kind of chub– was ...
All MNN Content -
Back to Kudat | Charmar - 2008 Cairns - Darwin - Indonesia ...
Sail Indonesia of last year is detailed much earlier in our blogs, the track taken by the yachts this year is different. Sail Malaysia details appear more recently in our blogs. In this review I will comment on the comparisons and ... Indonesia for us was about culture, nature, the environment, wonderful people and interesting, challenging and vastly different environments. Traditional boats by the tens of thousands constantly amazed us, as these people live by and from ...
SailBlogs -
The Inelegant Gardener: Nature -> Art <- Gardens
By HappyMouffetard
VP said... I'm a huge fan of Andy Goldsworthy's work. I had a lot of fun having a go in the Lake District when I attended a course on environmental education, so I encourage you to get stuck once the snow's gone! ... If you photograph it for the blog will it still be ephemeral, I wonder? Maybe the wrong sort of snow can be used in another way, where it doesn't have to stick together ... patterns, ice ... easy for me to say this as we haven't got any snow here! ...
The Inelegant Gardener -
Eco Custom Home's Newsroom » Blog Archive » The TH Interview ...
By kdaniel
There are many other projects happening in the office which are all very interesting in terms of their nature of client brief, construction method and materials and finally the design per se. We find every residence to be a fresh ... Currently, there is an improved awareness with both architects and clients of the negative impact on the environment buildings can make and there is interest in both to work towards sustainability. Many times the decisions of being green ...
Eco Custom Home's Newsroom -
Wordpress Video Tutorial: Why You Need a Wordpress Tutorial ...
By Rasbany
For example you can a space-oriented style, woodland, nature, medical, etc. The themes and templates contain graphics that can represent any topic that your blog is based upon. An environmental theme, for example, could be based upon ...
Affiliate TutorialAffiliate Tutorial -
Mag Bag: 47 Mags Launch In 3Q «
By admin
News Articles | Blog Articles | Video Articles. BLOG.THEOPCA.COM ... In the lead-up to the American Magazine Conference in Phoenix, Arizona this weekend, the Magazine Publishers of America voiced the launch of 47 brand brand brand brand brand brand new magazines in the third entertain of 2006, demonstrating publishers' idea in the the single after an additional physical nature of the middle in the face of Internet competition. According to the MPA, the brand brand brand ...
News Articles | Blog Articles... -
Rising Voices » Nomad Green: Citizen Journalists Address The ...
By Rezwan
They tell about the horrors of desertification in Mongolia and highlight some local heroes who are trying to preserve the environment in Mongolia. The works of Nomad Green are getting noticed. The Mongolian Ministry of Nature, Environment and Tourism is following them on Twitter. ... Blogging Since Infancy Pablo Flores of the OLPC project in Uruguay is organizing four workshops around the country to teach young students how to blog with their XO laptops. ...
Rising Voices Master Site Feed -
Uncle Bill's Canadian blog: Mild anxiety and random conversations
By Bill Sticker
Nature routinely clears areas with forest fires, which are part of the natural cycle, so why not harvest the timber and replant? There's an environmental win-win for you. Although the greenies would never sign up to it as it doesn't fit ...
Uncle Bill's Canadian blog -
Christian News New Zealand » Blog Archive » Op-Ed: Disciplining ...
By Man of Spin
The radical nature of God's grace in Jesus Christ will further define your perspective on parenting, and will help you to model, very incompletely and imperfectly, the Fatherhood of God! On the other hand, if you do not remember and ... Because too often, our culture and those in it, view discipline as the environment where Dad and Mum get frustrated or angry with their children, and parent out of this perspective. No wonder this alienates the children under such a regime ...
Christian News New Zealand -
This Week in Nature | The Daily Scan | GenomeWeb
The Haynes lab studies fundamental and applied problems in immunology, nanoscience, and environmental science using a diverse set of techniques. They use laser spectroscopy and microelectrochemistry to probe chemical messenger ... Blog. Has Response Genetics Lost Its KRAS Mojo? NeoGenomics Thinks So. Yesterday, NeoGenomics, a high-complexity CLIA lab that specializes in cancer testing, said it plans to "restructure its relationship" with Response Genetics because the ...
The Daily Scan from GenomeWeb -
LONG LIVE THE NEW FRESH!! » Blog Archive » LTRHDS Interview ...
By Koan
... works The Water Hole and Uno's Garden all feature a strong love of nature. Do you think that we as adults will be capable of cleaning up our own mess or will it require a new generation, the kids of today to restore our environment? ...
Science in politics and politics in science: a New Year's thought ...
By Dave Elliott
The latest news in environmental research. ... environmentalresearchweb blog · « Ernst Sorge and glaciological ingenuity | Main .... so much scope for deciding how to make an analysis will know that the data can't today be relied on to show very much at all. Is Steig's picture which was published by Nature accurate still? 0.12 vs. 0.06 - who cares? Post a comment. Name: Email Address: URL: Remember personal info? Your comments. Comments: (you may use HTML tags for style) ...
environmentalresearchweb blog -
Top Ten Reasons To Have An Outdoor Wedding | Big Blog
By admin
A wonderful ceremony outside among nature is a dream for many couples, and there are a variety of locations to consider â€" mountain resorts, seaside cottages, parks, the beach, or even your own backyard. ... Bring a feel of comfort to friends and family in an open and free environment that surrounds an outdoor wedding and you. You’ll feel more at ease with your guests. 3. You can create fabulous memories. You can view photographs of you and the one you love against the ...
Big Blog -
The Radical Press » Blog Archive » Extortion charges against Wiebo ...
By Arthur Topham
A prime example of such corporate, police and government parole-perpetrated propaganda against protesters involves one of the leading figures within the environmental movement in Canada - the Reverend Wiebo Ludwig - along with the extended .... So, after Paul Plant, via the police report, intimates that Harmony Schilthuis is a harlot because her husband was absent while she conceived of child, he goes on to make subjective, moral judgments as to the nature of how the ...
The Radical Press -
p2pnet news » Blog Archive » 12000 hunters go after 27 wolves
By Jon
However, the hunt was "totally out of control, the quota was even exceeded in Dalarna, and thousands of hunters were allowed to take part in the kill,” The Local has Mikael Karlsson, head of the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation ... " If the environment minister's real aim was to combat the wolves' heart, back and kidney problems then the hunt would have been organised differently,” the paper wrote. Parliament's decision to allow the wolf hunt was aimed at increasing ...
p2pnet news -
unfit blog - Swine Flu: Symptoms, Prevention and Treatment
By admin
Most illnesses caused by the swine flu epidemic were of a mild nature and patients recovered even without or with very little medication required. However, recently the virus has caused a lot of panic after a number of deaths were reported. ..... Survival of influenza viruses on environmental surfaces. J Infect Dis 1982 Jul;146(1):47-51. Brankston G, Gitterman L, Hirji Z, et al. Transmission of influenza A in human beings. Lancet Infect Dis 2007 Apr;7(4):257-65. ...
unfit blog -
theanalogdivide » Blog Archive » Just call me Tenzing Norbook, I ...
By Toby
He doesn't use them much, has a lot of books at home, reads most stuf fonline, but what's useful for a tech nerd like him is the quiet space, the space to think the non-multitasked environment where we can know ourselves. ... *I* know we have a lot for them, but the decentralized nearly anarchic nature of our org structures means that we get left with crappy PR like the "I geek..." stuff from OCLC that doesn't really... talk about the library, just the vague idea of ...
theanalogdivide -
Lonely battle against Thailand's rising tides - World Blog -
By Petra Cahill
"I believe if we have the power to destroy nature, we should be able to rebuild it too," said Voraphol. "We don't necessarily need a complex method. We just need to understand the nature itself." ... Maybe someday politicians everywhere will have the sense to enable community groups to provide direct input into environmental hazards. Dianne Dentice, Nacogdoches, TX (Sent Saturday, January 09, 2010 1:27 PM). Wise man. This is called evolution and adaptability - and I'm ...
World Blog -
What do you do when your boss plays favourite? - Ecademy
I explained that increasingly, the workplace environment has become more competitive. Organisations are going to greater efforts to match a job to a specific person through behavioural based competency questions, greater levels of testing and ... •If the favouritism is continued, overt and increasing in nature, you need to ask yourself a simple question. What do the circumstances mean for you, personally and professionally? If your work is not appreciated and you are ...
Ecademy: user blogs -
Herman Mulder's Blog
By Herman Mulder
We have entered the "Age of of Sustainability, Responsibility & Accountability" in a trple context, with equal importance by public and private sectors in their performance targets to economy, nature and humanity. Such Age requires i.a. adoption of: .... The environmental, social, ethical and governance and issues facing us are too important and urgent to leave to government, business or civil society organisations in their own isolation. We haven't even started to ...
Herman Mulder's Blog -
Frozen @ Fenway for BU-BC Hockey Classic | Jeff Bennett's Blog
By dealsbennett
Mother nature gave us a real dose of old time hockey with 19 degrees, wind and light snow through the whole game. BU played in "beanpot form,” and dominated the first half of the game on the way to a 3-2 win. The BU-BC game was preceded by UNH vs. ... It was a great environment. We all love Fenway. We all love hockey in Boston. In fact, I maintain that due to the combination of the Bruins + BU + BC + Harvard + Northeastern + Beanpot, this is the real "Hockeytown. ...
Jeff Bennett's Blog -
Streaming 9 to 5 - Sexist, Egotistical, Lying Hypocritical Bigot ...
By titus3041596
Yahirs Blog. Bienvenue sur mon blog ... The ladies improved the office environment, no one missed the boss, someone even higher up noticed the improvements and justice prevailed. Beautiful! I was only a kid when I saw this film in theaters and it has been one of few films where the humor never ... Comedy and Cliches are powerful tools for evoking awareness and change and "9 to 5″ serves that cause well, chiefly through the utterly despicable nature of Coleman's character. ...
Yahirs Blog -
symbols pointing to a better year apointer «
By admin
In this kind of tellurian environment, you're seeking during expansion that's more incremental in nature. Canada positively fits in to that. The problem is which the expansion is in the wrong places for Canada. A lot of ... SHARETHIS. addEntry({ title: "SYMBOLS POINTING TO A BETTER YEAR APOINTER", url: "" });. BOWDEN 'DISAPPOINTED' ABOUT GOODBYE A YEAR EARLY. TALLAHASSEE, Fla. ...
News Posts|Blog Posts|Video Posts -
Get Financial News » Blog Archive » Using Technology for ...
By Financial News
The thought that all could vanish in just a second is terrifying and people do all they can to protect themselves and their environment. Purchasing a home insurance policy grants a certain degree of protection and this is why more and more ... The competition on the home insurance market is at its peak due to more and more calamities cause by man but also by nature. There are various nuances in terms of coverage details and that is why an increasingly number of people are ...
Get Financial News -
Hot Air » Blog Archive » Is Gruber the Armstrong Williams of the ...
By Ed Morrissey
Is this the same argument that says scientists who take money from the evil oil companies (or tobacco companies, or drug companies) are forever tainted and not to be trusted to do research on environmental science (or health issues)? ..... Apparently not, if the proprietary nature of his model is a reason to hire Dr. Gruber. It would be interesting to see if he's had any other clients than federal agencies; or whether Dr. Gruber worked for one agency, and got his contract ...
Hot Air » Top Picks -
Science Literature - Lobbing a grenade into the Tetrapod Evolution ...
By David Tyler
Henry Gee, one of the Nature editors, wrote in a blog: "What does it all mean? It means that the neatly gift-wrapped correlation between stratigraphy and phylogeny, in which elpistostegids represent a transitional form in the swift ... They force a radical reassessment of the timing, ecology and environmental setting of the fish tetrapod transition, as well as the completeness of the body fossil record. See also: Janvier, P. & Clément, G. Muddy tetrapod origins, Nature ...
Science Literature -
Cooler Choice Environment » Blog Archive » Starfish: Carbon ...
By affinaMok
The scientists worry what increased acidification of the oceans will mean for these carbon suckers and how it will affect the global carbon cycle if they're greatly impacted. via Nature News Technorati Tags: Global Warming Blog , Global ...
Cooler Choice Environment -
Finding Photographic Inspiration » Diane Schuller Lifestyle ...
By Diane
That caused me to be late in getting my environment column in on time — first time ever that has happened. Speaking of my environment column, the newspaper that it originally appeared in has closed down as of year-end but they have another ... Found several different subjects but Mother Nature provided me with the best inspiration. dsc_3295. "Observe the wonders as they occur around you.” ~ Rumi. One final note. As some of you know, I'm a strong proponent of setting and ...
Diane Schuller Lifestyle Photography -
Canadian Olympic hockey team captain gets Honda FCX Clarity ...
By Sam Abuelsamid
He cites his desire to protect the environment as a reason to drive a zero emissions vehicle like the Clarity. Now, if only more than a handful of wealthy people in Southern California could get access to cars like the Clarity, ... "My love for nature and the outdoors developed while growing up in Canada and I hope the generations after me get to experience nature as I have," said Scott Niedermayer. "Everyday actions, like driving the zero-emissions Honda FCX Clarity, ...
Autoblog Green -
Casey Luskin embarrasses himself again : Pharyngula
By PZ Myers
I remember being slightly disappointed hearing that Tiktaalik was probably not a direct ancestor, but then reflected that it's just another indication of just how prolific nature is. .... I'm also very sorry to see that Luskin must not read my blog. Four years ago I made the point that species don't exist at points in time. Not an original insight with me, of course, but if a math teacher with no training in biology gets it, why doesn't some stupid lawyer whose job it is ...
ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science -
Hobbies Are Great - Have a Hobby Have Fun, Relax and Enjoy. - Artipot
Working in a difficult environment or under a Boss who is always breathing over the back of your neck can be very stressful. Once you return home from work you can completely relax and enjoy your hobby forgetting your Boss or your difficult working environment. When you return home tensed ... Hobbies that are more physical in nature such as sports and gardening can be very rewarding and help you maintain good health and remain fit especially as age catches up with you. ...
Artipot: Recreation and Sports Articles -
Evolutionary surprise: Eight percent of human genetic material ...
By fishsnorkel
... truth of the universal struggle for life, or more difficult - at least I have found it so - than constantly to bear this conclusion in mind. Yet unless it be tho- roughly engrained in the mind, the whole economy of nature, with every fact on distribution, rarity, abundance, extinction, and varia- tion, will be dimly seen or quite misunderstood. ... Email Subscriptions: Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. ...
fishsnorkel -
India takes cue from France in sustainable architecture
By Ians
He attributes it to the high level of environmental concern that France has and the nature of urban governance. "Most of the buildings in France are commissioned by the local mayors who make sure that the buildings have decorated ...
Entertainment Daily -
Tips of How to Keep Your Indoor Cat Happy | Home Alone Critter ...
By crittercare
Cats have been extraordinary as good as rapt by nature. Sitting during an rise allows them to guard their environment. You similar to to see, listen to as good as smell what is the protected distance. Cats have good have have use of of ...
Home Alone Critter Care of Columbia... -
Ownership and lease of 50 years for foreign investors in Iraq
And members of the highly expert representing the Ministry of the Environment and the Directorate General of Customs and the General Authority for Tourism and the Central Agency for Standardization and quality control, ... identify the proper methods to use or how to receive the service as the official language approved and guarantees for the items that require nature of such security for such period as may be agreed with the processor without loading additional expenses. ... -
By Super Admin
It explored the feasibility of future shipping requirement, strategic port development and engineering, and preliminary environmental impact study of such related development. It was preliminary in nature and would entail further ...
B O O K L U S T: Review: Still Life ...
By Aarti
Gone are the dioramas of the past, with carefully created scenes of the jungle or a prairie, complete with plants and stuffed animals in their native environment. Instead,we have cutting-edge museums with lots of glass, ... This is great, but how does it compare to the completely freakish and sometimes condenscending nature of those Victorian museums? Yes, past museums may not have been quite as politically correct, but at least they showed us actual things, not digitized ...
CrimeCraft 2009 Full | OneXD Blog
By admin
Choosing your "camp”, you define not only the prospects of "pumping”, but also an environment in which spend most of the time. The fact that the appearance of the occupied regions of change. Thus, the walls are covered with graffiti mafia ... Huge choice of locations as a combat and peaceful nature. - Flexible editor allows you to create characters with unique appearance - Choice of law-abiding, criminal or financial professions and changing them during the game ...
OneXD Blog -
Sea Shepherd's violent History 1977 – 2010 « Voor al uw fun ...
By contradicere
We rigidly adhere to and respect the laws of nature or lex natura. We hold the position that the laws of ecology take precedence over the laws designed by nation states to protect corporate interests … the smell of guilt is already a ... " We should never feel like we're going too far in breaking the law, because whatever laws you break to liberate animals or to protect the environment are very insignificant compared to the laws that are broken by that parliament of whores ...
Voor al uw fun, feiten en video's -
Category: Nature and Environment Blogs around the World | Views: 5219 | Added by: Aries | Tags: Blogs, Environment, nature | Rating: 0.0/0
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