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«  January 2010  »
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Main » 2010 » January » 11 » Nature and Environment Blogs
8:55 PM
Nature and Environment Blogs
Nature and Environment Blogs
RTSea Blog: keeping an eye on Nature: Urban Agriculture: a plan to ...
By RTSea
Admittedly, the environmental benefits are not the biggest priority in Hantz's plan; he is more concerned with revitalizing Detroit's abandoned acreage - which currently totals nearly 30% of the city's 139 square miles - and seeing both ...
RTSea Blog: keeping an eye on Nature - » Blog Archive » Who is the True Tea Party Candidate?
By DaveG
Individual rights and economic growth then become less important than nature because, to leftists, nature should be revered as a deity. Sarah Palin's response to Obama's environmental policies, though, was striking inasmuch as while it ... -
The Global Environmental Governance Project
By shawna.cuan
But with tests already underway, there's an urgent need for global governance of geoengineering,” writes Mason Inman in Nature Reports, the online resource for the prominent international journal on science and the environment Nature. ... This entry was posted on Sunday, January 10th, 2010 at 10:10 pm and is filed under Blog Post, Featured. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. ...
GEG Project -
Renewed Commitment to Reproductive Health Has Implications for ...
By Vicky Markham
Secretary Clinton made a commitment to women and girls� health and progress worldwide, which in turn will contribute to tremendous gains on global environmental and climate sustainability. ... Strong, clear US leadership to achieve the ICPD goals for women's equality is one sure way to maintain an important balance between people and nature on our finite planet. Secretary Clinton paved the way for renewed US leadership on the ICPD for the development reasons mentioned ... -
BKW's first Environmental and Animal Awareness Club - High School ...
By Allison Moss, Berne Knox Westerlo CSD
"Goals we are hoping to achieve in the spring are restoring the nature trail behind the school because it has been completely forgotten and build birdhouses to put on the nature trail,” she explained. ”Our ultimate goal is to create an ...
High School -
neuropolitics & environmental communication (immanence)
This is by its nature a risky venture, as the field of cognitive science is both rapidly changing and far from paradigmatically unified. This situation leads Gunnell (2007, p. 711) to call cognitive science an ''equal opportunity ideological and methodological resource,'' as it provides data that could be taken to support a variety of not always compatible positions. .... TrackBack. TrackBack URL for this entry: ...
immanence -
The Livable Blog - Imagine a brighter 21st century - Suzuki & Moola
By edoherty
Our challenge is to imagine a world where our wealth is in human relations and where we learn to live in balance with the rest of nature. By imagining a future, we can make it happen — as we always have. If we continue, though, ... Issues such as climate change, mass extinctions of plant and animal species, pollution and toxic chemicals in the environment, water shortages, and more require scientific and political solutions — along with the efforts and support of citizens ...
The Livable Blog -
Anti-Somalia, Anti-Ogaden Falsehood of Western Academia ...
By arbe
Ogaden Blogs and Bloggers. ... In other words, an English historian or political scientist, who writes in order to falsify the History of Somalia, ´knows´ that the Somalis, who can easily demonstrate the fallacious nature of his text, have no access to mass media and publication houses allover the world to refute and discredit him. They count on the fact that the inhuman tyranny imposed on almost all Africans nations reduces their life scope to mere survival, ...
ogadennet Blog -
Top Tech Trends of 2010 – The Way Ahead | - Web ...
By Tapan K Mukherjee
2010 might just be the year which every Digital Enthusiast hopes of, the perfect virtual utopian world where a new environment based on collaboration, communication and connectivity can be created. ... But, to just be a realist, quite a few in the populace think this concept if a bit ambiguous in nature. 2. Social Networking – Customer Engagement is the basis on which Social Networking will increase by leaps and bounds. 2009 has already seen the first steps being taken by ... - Web, Advertising... - Blog Articles » David Brooks: "Avatar” and "The White ...
By Steve Sailer
He ends up working with a giant corporation and flies through space to help plunder the environment of a pristine planet and displace its natives. The peace-loving natives — compiled from a melange of Native American, African, Vietnamese, Iraqi and other ... The peace-loving natives are at one with nature, and even have a fiber-optic cable sticking out of their bodies that they can plug into horses and trees, which is like Horse Whispering without the wireless technology. ... Blog Articles -
GNTIS » Blog Archive » GM dandelion one of 50 best inventions for 2009
By jasonmajor
blog. Updated: 11 Jan 2010 at 3:45 pm ... But if it was commercially viable and approved for use, I suspect there will be a lot of resistance from a noisy minority – playing with nature, upsetting the ecological balance…and so on. ...
Silk & Shadows » Blog Archive » I love the smell of apocalypse in ...
By Jessa Slade
Apocalyptic lesson: The survivors are afflicted with keloid scars that worsened through the course of the story… and then revealed the true, inner nature of the afflicted. The lesson being, you better be pure and good if you want to avoid ... This was an interesting take on post-apocalypse because… whatever bad thing had happened (some sort of environmental disaster, apparently) was over, but the people didn't know it and had barricaded themselves inside a domed city and ...
Silk & Shadows -
Som Post » Blog Archive » Change You Can Believe In?
By Phil BC
So what does this tell us about the nature of the Democratic Party? In the Democratic Party, as in the Republican Party, corporate interests consistently trump the concerns of working people and the poor. How else can one explain the ... They have demanded troops be withdrawn first from Iraq and now Afghanistan, constantly supported a government-run universal health care system, called for fundamental change to protect the environment, and demanded controls be put on Wall ...
Som Post -
(CVX) Chevron and Nippon Oil in Liquefied Natural Gas Deal | Stock ...
By vitalstocks
As of now, the Gorgon project comprises three production trains and a gas plant, to be built in the Barrow Island nature reserve. Within the next 12-18 months, the three partners are expected to take a call on expanding the number of ... The business environment for LNG remains robust, with demand likely to grow at around 8?10% annually over the next few years in all major markets. The Gorgon project provides Chevron and its partners an attractive strategic position for ...
Stock Blog Hub -
Hill Holliday Blog » Who is Steering the Ship: Consumer or Designer?
By Jessica Holt
People have the ability to post their reactions and emotions towards their environment and the content they engage with in real-time. Designers in this day of age react to the influence of this social and real-time mentality. ... In this example the halfpipe's designer played off of the rebellious nature of snowboarder or freestyle skier. This article reminded me of a previous Forrester report on Emotional Experience Design. Forester proposes the idea that functionality ...
Hill Holliday -
Evolving to individualism « Sen McGlinn's blog
By Sen
Blog Stats. 30851 hits ..... The nostalgic nature of this view of pre-Enlightenment, pre-capitalist society ought to immediately awake our suspicion, as should its close alliance with Marxist views of social dynamics. ... In every particular place the Bahai Faith must relate to the culture and environment of that place – Islamic or Chinese, new country or old world, wealth or poverty. But an influence, at the least, from Enlightenment values is the almost universal common ...
Sen McGlinn's blog -
Blog Blog « LaMarotte
By Arsen Darnay
In the current publishing environment, many good writers, and many of them already established, are finding it difficult to get mainstream publishers to give them the time of day. ECDI hopes to correct that situation—if Heaven smiles. ...
LaMarotte -
The Big Sky View, a blog about professional services
By Paul Gladen
How do we use blogging, podcasting, YouTube (and other video channels) to change the nature and format of our dialog with clients and prospects? How do we expand and manage networks via LinkedIn? And all these questions naturally lead to a ... While this may sound daunting the upside is that this new environment creates opportunities for highly specialized niche programming. With careful planning and execution they can turn their firm's thought leaders into media stars ...
The Big Sky View -
$3000 Added to Wyalusing State Park Endowment Fund, Sand Cave in ...
By REPaske
Added to Wyalusing State Park Endowment Fund, Sand Cave in January 2010Friends of Wyalusing State Park Blog$3000 Added to Wyalusing State Park Endowment Fund, Sand Cave in January 2010.
Friends of Wyalusing State Park Blog -
Muslims Against Sharia Blog
By Fern Sidman
She was educated as a physician in Syria and her headstrong, independent nature compelled her to extricate herself from the draconian dictates of an oppressive religion. Moreover, as a physician in Syria she takes note of the glaring inequities ... Says the author, "Arabs who lived in the environment that gave birth to Islam were powerless in the face of the challenges presented by this environment, which threatened their lives and their welfare. ..... Wikio - Top Blogs ...
Muslims Against Sharia -
Attract Customers - Retain Customers - Handling Customer ...
By pullanikkat
The promotion techniques adopted by the companies vary with the nature of the business and the target demographics. To generate leads, most of the companies go for creative eye catchy advertisements and place them in the media that will ...
Business Blog -
Top Secret: Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars « The LABVIRUS.COM Blog
By labvirus
The public might instinctively feel that something is wrong, but that is because of the technical nature of the silent weapon, they cannot express their feeling in a rational way, or handle the problem with intelligence. ..... The objective of these artificial wombs is to provide a stable environment for both stable and unstable activity; to provide a shelter for the evolutionary processes of growth and maturity – i.e., survival; to provide security for freedom and to pr ...
TinkerX » Blog Archive » In which I change the plot of "Avatar” by ...
By Andy
More background (revealed when Jake gets to Pandora): Turns out there's only traces of Unobtainium, but that the Pandoran's ability to commune with nature may be another way to save earth. Studying the race becomes much ... It makes the point that good things come from the environment when you take care of it and cultivate (sorry) a relationship with the entire ecosystem. You CAN'T (long term) get Unobtainium by killing the tree; it's the goose that laid the sci-fi egg. ...
TinkerX -
***The GirlieGirl Army*** » Blog Archive » The Healing Connection ...
By admin
Nature contains great healing powers - as I happily found out years ago. It's a transformative tonic. If you find yourself in a noisy urban environment, rest in a peaceful little park, or simply take a stroll - really take in the view. ...
***The GirlieGirl Army*** -
Divine Law vrs. Positive Law in the Practice of Law and Politics ...
By admin
God's law relates to the outward actions (physical) and the thoughts and intents of the heart (spiritual nature) of a person. But positive law relates to the outward action leading to an event (causation) and intent (mens rea) of the .... He teaches Public International Law, Administratiove Law, Environmental Law and Principles of Law. His research interest is in human rights and evironmental protection issues. Filed under National, State, Local · Tagged with divine, ...
Law Blog -
Latest science news » Blog Archive » UN 'wake-up call' on nature loss
By BBC News | Science & Environment | World Edition
UN 'wake-up call' on nature loss. The UN launches a Year of Biodiversity, warning that the on-going loss of species affects human well-being worldwide. This entry was posted on Monday, January 11th, 2010 at 1:30 am and is filed under ...
Latest science news -
Blog Watch: Another mention of WB and technology - Mr. Wendell ...
By brtom
... both articles address the ways in which we are removing ourselves from direct sensory contact with one another and nature, and how time-saving and efficiency come at the cost of human relationships, community and depth of thought.
Mr. Wendell Berry of Kentucky -
Science Literature – Lobbing a grenade into the Tetrapod Evolution …
Henry Gee, one of the Nature editors, wrote in a blog: "What does it all mean? It means that the neatly gift-wrapped correlation between stratigraphy and phylogeny, in which elpistostegids represent a transitional form in the swift ... They force a radical reassessment of the timing, ecology and environmental setting of the fish tetrapod transition, as well as the completeness of the body fossil record. Janvier, P. & Clément, G. Muddy tetrapod origins, Nature 463, ...
Pethacker -
Nature & Animals, News & Press - A Blog by F.Intilla (WWW ...
The authors are: Mario Lebrato (NOCS/SOES), Debora Iglesias-Rodríguez (NOCS/SOES), Richard Feely (Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory/National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,, Seattle), Dana Greeley (NOCS/SOES), Daniel Jones ...
Nature & Animals, News & Press... -
A Round-up on the Tetrapod Trackways « A Natural Evolution
By Adrian Thysse
Please note I am still in the process of updating pages and categorizing blog links. ... They force a radical reassessment of the timing, ecology and environmental setting of the fish–tetrapod transition, as well as the completeness of the body fossil record. Visit the Nature site for more Figures and tables and Supplementary info. (Key for opening image: a, Muz. PGI 1728.II.16. (Geological Museum of the Polish Geological Institute). Trackway showing manus and pes prints ...
A Natural Evolution -
Simoleon Sense » Blog Archive » Weekly Wisdom Roundup #60 (Weekly ...
By Miguel
Via Foreign Policy -The many, many reasons — from the financial crisis to the country's aging population to environmental limitations — why Robert Fogel's forecast for China is completely inconceivable. ..... Once the most immediate needs of the situation are met, this context may provide an opportunity to debate fundamental questions about the role of the state, the extent and nature of social provision and its financing, and the broader relationship between economic ...
Simoleon Sense - » Blog Archive » Gauntleys Whisky ...
By admin10
So there you have it - This whole idea of the environment affecting the flavour of whisky is probably the most hotly debated of topics, with may like Jim McEwan and the whisky writer Ian Wisniewski firmly in my camp and others such as Charles ... There is no need for water as it displays its maturity with a silky soft nature. Lochnagar Raw Sherry Cask (13 year old) 60.2% £48.95. Amazingly deep aromas, like falling into a vat of sweet toffee laced with creamy orange fruit . ... -
Colors Of Economy | Internet Marketing Tutorial
By ariya
Whatever the social, economic, political environment, black will always be a popular color in all industries. Key WordsClassic, New, Death, Intelligence, Rebellion, Mystery,Blue: The Color of Recession/ProgressionEmotional ValuePeace ... Green says nature as well as initiative, or go—particularly for western cultures (i. e. traffic lights). • It's also the color of spring, a time of rebirth and renewal. For companies providing a pampered escape, green is a color that will ...
Internet Marketing Tutorial -
H&M to stop destroying new clothes | MNN - Mother Nature Network
By Siel Ju
You can't fool Mother Nature. This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. What is the third word in the phrase "water natural environment homemade natural"?: *. ADVERTISEMENT. About Siel Ju. Hollywood socialite with a Ph.D blogs about health, beauty, and life. Siel's RSS · Siel's profile ...
Lifestyle News -
Dave Ingram's Natural History Blog» Exploring Miracle Beach ...
By Dave
Dave Ingram's Natural History Blog features nature writing and photography by Dave Ingram with an emphasis on British Columbia, Canada. All aspects of nature are reflected upon including birds and bird watching, botany and wildflower ...
Dave Ingram's Natural History Blog -
Green Hosting « cheap hosting
By rattikarn
Not only with the goal of a climate neutral company through the passive act rather than buying carbon credits, but simply by a green-industry environment conform to a net producer of energy. Due to the nature of the activities that houses the company in continuous operation 24/7/365. There is no way this can be ensured by a solution of pure green. The company is to be connected to a network of main power for periods of vegetation completely inadequatePower generation. ...
cheap hosting -
The police need to teach corporations like the NBA | Black Youth ...
By alex.
In the early hours of the Arenas debacle—the post-suspension one, commentators took to the airwaves, blogs, and news sites to talk about what changes the NBA would need to make, to not only teach Gilbert Arenas a lesson, but to teach all the other boys in the ... Install metal detectors in the locker room, ban gambling on work property (as did Flip Saunders after the incident)—do the things you would do to foster a safe work environment in any other place of employment. ...
Black Youth Project -
A New Calendar Year! | A Passion For Creativity
By Joan
In nature, time is cyclic. Echoed in celestial movements, marked by reoccurring seasons, the environment returns unto itself. In our created reality, humans mark time linearly, young to old, beginning to end. Although part of the nature ...
A Passion For Creativity -
The Connector of Open Science: A Talk With Antony Williams of ...
By Hope Leman
The blogosphere has fast become an environment where science and publications are openly discussed and critiqued in the public eye. Take for example the recent blog discussions regarding sodium hydride as an oxidant that were ... Cameron is a connector too. He is passionate about Open Science and a masterful communicator. Some of his blog posts for me are very much "I wish I'd said that…” in nature. Cameron has a way of bringing clarity to the challenges we face, ...
AltSearchEngines -
Parchment and Pen » Where Should You Search for a Spouse? or "I Am ...
By C Michael Patton
This created an environment where there would be a timidity necessitated for those who only came for one thing—looking for a spouse. If people were to meet and "hook-up”, it would be "along the way” of their discipleship. We focused on their relationship ... It has to do with the institution of marriage and the nature of such a relationship. It has to do with the fact that we are both selfish sinners. Marriage is hard. Very hard. And, yes, harder for some than for others. ...
Parchment and Pen -
Mary Ellen – 2 year old female Greyhound » dog rescue | dogs for ...
By Kerry Greyhound Connection
She gets on well with other greyhounds and is quite easy going in nature. Mary Ellen has never been in a home environment, so new owners will need to be understanding and patient during her 'settling in' period. ...
dog adoption & dog rescue -
Category: Nature and Environment Blogs around the World | Views: 1179 | Added by: Aries | Tags: Blogs, Environment, nature | Rating: 0.0/0
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