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«  January 2010  »
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Main » 2010 » January » 18 » Nature and Environment Blogs
5:52 PM
Nature and Environment Blogs
Nature and Environment Blogs now listed as one of nature's blogs « The ...
By FOODplus
Corey Bradshaw's blog site has recently been added to the list for blogs, a site where you can find some of the latest information, news and posts about science. Click here to keep up to date with the latest on ... Public Policy at Flinders University in Adelaide. Haydon teaches Australian and environmental politics and is sufficiently influential (controversial) that he's been bestowed the great honour of having a Friends […] Barry Brook ...
The Environment Institute -
Avatar's Nature Worship « The Enterprise Blog
By Jay Richards
Anyone who follows Pope Benedict's comments on environmental issues closely (that is, beyond the headlines) will be familiar with his critique of "nature worship” in modern environmentalism. But most media outlets pass over this point, ...
The Enterprise Blog -
Is nature a creation to defend or a divinity to worship? The ...
By Past Member
When I posted last week on the intensely cool movie Avatar, I mentioned the harmonious balance and respect for nature that permeated the native culture on the foreign moon of Na'vi as a central theme of the movie.
Protect Wildlife & the Environment -
pubget—the blog: Hot off the presses! Jan 14 Nature
By ian connor
Nature 463(7278):144 (2010) European bats seemingly unaffected by fungal infection. A. Hicks, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation/AP Photo This week, wildlife biologist Scott Darling and his small team will snowshoe ...
pubget—the blog -
2010: The International Year of Biodiversity « the nef triple ...
By nef
Led by the UN Environment Programme, the study charts the value of the natural environment to humans, particularly in the economic dimension. One of their findings shows that an annual investment of US $45 billion into protected areas, many of which ... A growing body of evidence is making a compelling case for promoting nature from lip-service treatment to the centre of policy-making, a message that nef is preparing to send out this year at a time the government wields a ...
the nef triple crunch blog -
VINS Nature Blog: Looking to the Stars
By Meghan
Environmental Educator. In New England , sunny winter days turn into crisp nights with clear skies that are perfect for stargazing. I have been fascinated by the star-filled night sky ever since I was a child. ...
VINS Nature Blog -
Hear Mary Nichols and other women environmental leaders speak in ...
By Siel Ju
Love what Al Gore, Bill McKibben, and Michael Pollan are doing — but wish we heard more often from women environmental leaders? In California, a new event called "Women and the Environment” will put the spotlight directly on. ... You can't fool Mother Nature. This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. What is the second word in the phrase "earth homemade polar awareness clean"?: * ...
All MNN Content -
Can We Stop Trying to Control Nature? - The WILD Foundation
By Emily Loose
Learn More about our Blog, and who's behind it. .... Thoreau describes how he roots for a neighbor's cow that breaks out of its pasture in the spring, boldly swimming the swollen river, reasserting its "native rights” (p. 66). This, of course, is a metaphor for the modern human condition. For humans, Thoreau believes, can also be over-domesticated. They need an environment not totally tamed and they need to behave not always rationally. Read the rest of the article > ...
The WILD Foundation » Talking WILD -
Today, We're All Haitians - Nicholas D. Kristof Blog -
Frequently what kills people in these disasters isn't just nature but its interconnection with poverty, and in Haiti it's imperative to arrange not only the earthquake response — digging people out of rubble — but also a public .... The growing evil and destruction of our natural environment, so awesomely, if as yet only partially, demonstrated in our time, is "a result of man's misdeeds”, which now threatens mankind with previously unimaginable ecological disasters. ...
Nicholas D. Kristof -
Facility Blog » Blog Archive » The Top 10 Green Building Trends to ...
By Andrea IFMA
There are many strategies one can employ to green existing buildings, but the most recent upgrade to the U.S. Green Building Council's LEED® (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) for Existing Buildings: Operations & Maintenance is like your .... moving away from gated communities, providing affordable housing and universal accessibility; and, Rights to Nature including access to Fresh Air (imagine that), Sunlight (ibid), and public access to Natural Waterways. ...
CEP | What Are the Limits of Quantitative Performance Measurement ...
By Bob Hughes
The recipe for foundations is simple and well known: assess the environment, choose a goal, align resources, implement programs, measure performance, adjust. Repeat as needed until goal is achieved. Indeed, every foundation's recipe will have a ... What is the nature of philanthropic practice that we want to measure? Are foundations measuring their own performance (i.e., strategy, selection of goals) or their grantees' performance (project results, program impact)? ...
The CEP Blog -
Earth Day Network Blog » The Journey We Choose
By martinfitzgerald
It is quite incredible to think of the complex nature of Boaz's journey across our country and his ability to identify ignored modes of transportation. However, it is his introspective and prescient note about where society is going and the broader ... tells the story of the people of Austin, Texas fight against uncontrolled growth and investigates how uncontrolled growth of isolated cul-de-sac communities in the Austin area lead to massive environmental degradation. ...
Earth Day Network Blog -
Interesting Reading #396 – Detroit Auto Show, Killer whales ...
By Marshall Brain
'Missing Link' Between Heart Failure and Environment Discovered – "Scientists have found what they believe is the "missing link” between heart failure, our genes and our environment. The study could open up completely new ways of managing and treating heart ... Artificial leaf to generate hydrogen – "Scientists have once again turned towards nature for inspiration to enhance their technologies. Now they are trying to learn the way leaves harness and utilize sun's energy…” ...
The Blogs at HowStuffWorks -
Salazar to Make Final Call on Cape Wind | Mother Jones
By Kate Sheppard
Salazar brought together the Cape Wind developer, the tribes, state and national historic preservation officers, environmental groups, local governments, and other key parties together in Washington on Wednesday. .... With the aforesaid thoughtful rationales in mind, along with the inherently unfair and inequitable nature of the proposed Cape Wind Project itself, it must not become a reality which will forever doom our children and grandchildren to a ... In The Blogs ...
MoJo Blogs and Articles | Mother Jones -
A moment of silence for Haiti, and what we can do « Sasha ...
By Sasha
Supporting these organizations maximizes existing expertise and response capacity and minimizes the learning curve associated with working in a complex disaster environment. ... Arabella Advisors rarely makes blanket endorsements of nonprofit organizations, but because of the pressing nature of this crisis, we are making a partial exception today. Among the many well-qualified local and international .... Blog at | Theme: Pressrow by Chris Pearson.
Sasha Dichter's Blog -
When Scientists Speak Out
But now, a group of prominent environmental scientists are lending their expertise to the case against MTR and, further, are questioning the very idea that mitigation of its damaging impacts is possible—or in other words, whether there is any such ... "What's significant about this article,” Palmer remarks, is "the overwhelming nature of the findings, the demonstration for the first time really clearly the cumulative impacts—but also, scientists making a policy statement. ...
Science Progress -
The InterNets - NY Daily News
So what's it like playing in an environment where the guy next to you could be wearing a different uniform in two days, and you can too? "I think we've been dealing with tough things all year long," Harris said. "I think they understand the business and the nature of it. I think they still come in every day working hard and that's what you have to do in this business. Nothing is guaranteed; we know that coming into the situation. We're in an awkward situation. ...
New York Daily News Blogs -
Urban Science Adventures! ©: I should have been a Girl Scout
By DNLee
Their traditional programs in nature and outdoor education appeal to me as both a nature lover and environmental educator. Plus, they also promote math, science, and technology education and career pursuits in young women from all walks of life. Girl Scouts has a strong and ... With live interactive workshops as well as interactive media such as blogs, video interviews, and live chats, Girls Scouts from every region could call on Dr. DNLee to help her shape her future. ...
Urban Science Adventures! © -
Rebooting science journalism -mixed-metaphor notes on the upcoming ...
By David Dobbs
I write on science, medicine, nature, culture and other matters for the New York Times Magazine, The Atlantic, Slate, National Geographic, Scientific American Mind, and other publications. (Find clips here. ... Ed, Carl, John and I have already discussed this some amongst ourselves, and Ed (quick off the block, that Ed) in public: Ask not whom to kill, but how sci journalism and/or sci journalists might adapt to a new environment. This lets us assume we all need to evolve ...
ScienceBlogs Channel : Technology -
Letters Blog | The Australian
By Sam Dusevic
This is a solid, irrefutable law of nature. Well, almost. The invention of magic pudding or a similar infinite resource could overturn it. Failing that, a population policy that limits growth is the only rational alternative. Philip Machanick, Taringa, Qld .... The belief that people can continue to expand their population without any damaging affect to the environment shows a massive ego and the denial that comes with the associated selfishness. ...
Letters -
Luke's Blog: Links of the week
By Luke Akehurst
A blog by Luke Akehurst about politics, elections, the Labour Party and Hackney - With subtitles for the Hard of Left. Just for the record: all the views expressed here are entirely personal and do not necessarily represent the positions ... people and being pro-business in the sense of the state providing a supportive environment for businesses to grow and particularly boosting manufacturing industry, not in the sense of allowing business to exploit workers or consumers. ...
Luke's Blog -
Bank Systems & Technology: The Blog: Top Bankers Tell ...
... excessive leverage that pervaded the system; the dramatic growth of structural risks and the unanticipated damage they could cause; regulatory lapses and mistakes; the pro-cyclical nature of policies, actions and events; and the impact of huge ... "In retrospect, many firms were too highly leveraged, took on too much risk and did not have sufficient resources to manage those risks effectively in a rapidly changing environment," he told the commission. ... Web 2.0 Blog ...
Bank Systems & Technology: The Blog -
Is Yellow Pages in Australia Dead? | the Diggy Blog
By Benjamin R
Business owners in Australia are realising the real benefits of Internet Marketing and appreciate the highly flexible and targeted nature of advertising online. Many clients tell us that they are switching to Internet Marketing as they are unable to accept Yellow Pages high charges, ... "The survey revealed 58 per cent of Australians would stop having the Yellow Pages delivered if given the choice, as 62 per cent believe it has a negative environmental impact.” ...
the Diggy Blog -
Dear IT Leader - Chuck's Blog
By Chuck Hollis
The idea is simple: get comfortable in doing things the new way in an environment that won't put the business at risk. As confidence increases, expand the scope of workloads that run in the new environment, without compromising the ... It's an extremely powerful set of tools that are virtually limitless in their ability to transform the nature of work. Occasionally, certain developments occur in our industry that "change the game" for everyone who uses the stuff. ...
Chuck's Blog -
Answers About Improv Everywhere - City Room Blog -
How much value does a group like Improv Everywhere have in this environment? — Posted by Red. Answer: There are no plans to shutter Improv Everywhere due to its popularity. I guess you could call an event like the No Pants Subway Ride ... I do think that there is an improvisational nature to what we do, as we never know how the public will react to our mission and always have to adapt accordingly. Still, I'd change the name if I could, but it's been almost nine years, ...
City Room -
Stephen Harper's Prorogation & Canada's Parliamentary Failure ...
By Erik Anderson
It was transparently enacted so that they could avoid questions on the Canadian military's impropriety in Afghanistan, their failure to do anything progressive on the environment, and to leave themselves free not to engage in any upcoming controversies surrounding ... The parliamentary system actually developed as a reaction to autocracy, and beyond its inherently democratic nature, contains 'checks and balances' designed to keep its prime minister from becoming despotic. ...
Political News and blogs on Stephen... -
Johnny Holland - It's all about interaction » Blog Archive ...
By David Malouf
I believe that there has been a huge paradigm shift in the very nature of design practice and a growing shift in its education. If we do not acknowledge this shift at the core of education and career development we are doing a disservice to those who are interested in coming up the ranks .... And as you know, many in the user-experience community think that UX is strictly an on-line environment - a notion I find absurd; UX is ALL interaction, wherever it may take place. ...
Johnny Holland - It's all about... -
Publicola » Blog Archive » I Suggest You Come and Ask
By Chris Kissel
Tonight, Mate is presenting on the nature of addiction (giving equal time to the psychological, social, and physical aspects), and is being introduced, for some reason, by ex-SPD chief-turned-pro-marijuana hippie Norm Stamper. Tomorrow night at Town Hall, ... Tomorrow nnight's deal is focused on the environment, and representatives of the Washington Conservation Voters and Enviromental Priorities Coalition will provide info on their 2010 state legislative priorities. ...
Publicola -
The Big Question: Which matters more, healthcare or jobs? - The ...
By Sydelle Moore
They know the interconnected nature of these issues makes it both imperative and smart to tackle both now. In fact, we released a study last year showing that the United States pays far more for health care than our closest economic competitors .... But if large new groups of families are invited over together — and the editor of India Times has suggested this — it would create an environment like that of Boston in the 1830 when millions of Irish came over together. ...
Congress Blog -
Snow « Frank Gannon's Blog
By frankgannon
As was a supply of grit (available with or without salt, depending on the balance you felt was needed between the environment and efficacy) readily available at the local supermarket. ... But applying the lessons of the past is difficult; no gear in the house to clear away the snow and ice outside the door, lack of clarity if it was a potential crime to interfere with the deposits of nature, the resulting hazard for all who walk to work (and I did have a slow-motion fall) ...
Frank Gannon's Blog -
The Grade - -
6, from 1 - 4 p.m. at its facility in the Environmental Studies Area at California State University, Bakersfield. Visitors can: - see a variety of local birds of prey, including red-tailed hawk, Swainson's hawk, great horned owl, barn owl, ... Participate in a nature scavenger hunt and make a recycled journal. - learn about FACT's animal rescue and bird foster parent program. - purchase T-shirts, including two new designs, zoo books, coloring books, cards and other ...
Recent Blog Posts: -
Massive Haitian earthquake damage; aid requirements tremendous
By Steven Tarlow
This earthquake is truly a tragedy that has brought the world community together. Natural disasters of this nature are among the most destructive incidents imaginable, and Haitian relief organizations will be stretched to the limit. ... The magnitude is "the strength of shaking produced by the earthquake at a certain location and is determined from the effects that shaking has on people, structures and the environment,” according to the news agency's geophysics source. ...
Payday Loan and Cash Advance... -
Ghost Hunter by Michelle Paver « Bobs Books Blog
By bobsbooksnz
She is the evil force that wants to dominate the world in which Torak, Wolf, Renn, Fin-Kedinn and the many tribes and creatures that live in this world in harmony with their natural environment. Eostra possesses the last piece ... Her attention to detail of man living close to nature in this primeavel world is outstanding. This series will surely become a classic. Aimed at a wide audience from Intermediate through to Secondary and Young Adult. If you miss this series you ...
Bobs Books Blog -
Mute symbols of Islam and their resonance in European public space ...
By Nilüfer Göle
Likewise the calls to prayer, from the adoption of cassettes and of loudspeakers, have become a perpetual source of public debate on the nuisance of the sound environment. But the public debates do not confine themselves to these subjects. .... Accepting its visibility leads to a series of negotiations and regulations—aesthetic, religious, financial, architectural, and spatial in nature—in the process of making it an object of a common heritage in-becoming. ...
The Immanent Frame -
Sheepshead Bay Station's Mural Artist Passes Away | Sheepshead Bay ...
By Ned Berke
Sheepshead Bay's Only Independent News Blog. ... Before her illness, she served as a vice-chair for the Environment and Natural Resources Forum at the Commonwealth Club and as a mentor for the California Clean Tech Open. Faith had many close friends who will miss her charisma, vivacity and love of life. She was always game for a party, a quiet get-together, or a night on the town. She loved nature, and outdoor activities including hiking, swimming and biking were her ...
Sheepshead Bites -
THE BEAT » Blog Archive » Top Shelf announces new business ...
By The Beat
JOHN S. JOHNSON is the founder and chairperson of the Pacific Foundation, which funds innovation in the arts, environment and social justice. He is co-founder of, a startup company that tracks the viral web in real time. ... the Academy Award-winning ETERNAL SUNSHINE OF THE SPOTLESS MIND, FRIENDS WITH MONEY, THUMBSUCKER, THE EX, LOVELY & AMAZING, HUMAN NATURE, THE TAO OF STEVE, CARRIERS, LUMINOUS MOTION, and LOVE GOD, the world's first digital film. ...
Teachers reject contract proposal | Chaska Herald
By Mark Olson
... under the provisions of their last contract, which expired last summer. "There have been no discussions on a teacher walkout,” said Griffin. "We are certainly not in that place and are not going to make any threats of that nature.” .... I haven't followed the negotiations closely, but in an economic environment like this, things are not going to be the same as they were before. The district has legitimate concerns about the level of state funding going forward. ...
Chaska Herald - News, sports,... -
Dropping the Ball: Federalizing a National Moment | Security ...
By Rich Cooper
improve information sharing and enhance the common operating picture, the Administration, Congress and national media have been largely silent on the private sector's role in the post-Flight 253 environment. If we are to be a resilient and resourceful ... Responding effectively to actions such as an intended suicide bomber or the aftermath of Mother Nature's fury means one-sided and one-dimensional solutions must be abandoned. If given the opportunity, citizens and the ...
Security Debrief - a blog of... -
The Oregon Economics Blog: Disasters and Development
By Patrick Emerson
To be sure a 7.0 magnitude earthquake would be a disaster in any built environment and yet it is so much worse in a poor developing country like Haiti due to poor construction, poor infrastructure, and poor services including emergency response. ... Most policy that has any real affect (outside of trade policy) is national in nature, so transfers to developing countries are essentially voluntary charitable donations. And while much effort has been spent to try and improve ...
The Oregon Economics Blog -
Ideas for Creative Exploration (ICE) » Blog Archive » 21st Century ...
By admin
... on the social nature, contexts, and ideas of science, technology, engineering and math.” Social networks, games, virtual worlds, mobile devices or others digital media maybe used to create a learning environment for young people. ...
Ideas for Creative Exploration (ICE) -
National Post editorial board: Haiti's epic suffering - Full Comment
By NP Editor
Maharishi Vedic Science, an ancient science for understanding the functioning nature and its relationship to human consciousness, maintains as one of its first principles that an individual's consciousness as well as the .... Read more commentary on Canadian and global business, politics and the fight against junk science on our FP Comment blog or subscribe via RSS. Including columns from Terence Corcoran, Lawrence Solomon, Peter Foster, William Watson and guest columns ...
Full Comment -
Category: Nature and Environment Blogs around the World | Views: 506 | Added by: Aries | Tags: Blogs, nature, Environment | Rating: 0.0/0
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