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«  January 2010  »
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Main » 2010 » January » 4 » Renewable Energy Blogs
2:46 PM
Renewable Energy Blogs
Renewable Energy Blogs
10 Easy Ways to Green Your Web Site | Brain Box
By brainyurl
Cyrus Patten is the editor of, a blog about everything Wordpress. He specializes in the role of technology in community organizing. T... ... Companies like CO2Stats will "offset” your dirty energy use by contributing a proportionate amount to a program that will remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere or insert renewable energy into the grid equal to your non-renewable energy usage. The program also claims to drive traffic to your site and help you ...
Brain Box -
Biomass Boiler Plus Energy Pellets Along With Pellet Equipment ...
By Green Tipster
Going Green Tips Blog. Going Greener To Save Money. « Reducing Our Belief On Fossil Fuels Plus The Choice Fuel Pellets ... One of the most common materials used for biomass energy today is biomass as well as waste wood resources. For instance is developing countries wood is still heavily used as the main source of energy to cook food plus boil water. Learn more about Pellets. One of the most practical as well as efficient ways to convert woody biomass into an efficient ...
Going Green Tips Blog -
2010 Prognosis for Investment in Renewable Energy
By Jimmy Eriksson
This could revitalize and make clean energy an all encompassing and inclusive strategy to various governmental projects such as hospital infrastructure and renewable energy sources. Competitive factors such as price war, is also likely ...
Renewable Power News -
Reseller Hosting
By resellerhosting
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up! ... Alternative Energy Forum - Renewable Energy, Wind, Solar, Hydro, ...
Alternative Energy Forum - Renewable... -
In California, Greens and Renewables Providers Clash Over Tortoise ...
Photo via Flickr California's renewable energy providers and utilities are pushing to meet their state's 2020 deadline of providing at least 30 percent of the state's energy from renewable resources. ... Blog Catalog Blog Directory ...
A Green Living Blog - Aims to Educate Solar Energy for Home ...
By Brian Yalung
Keetsa! Blog is about eco-friendly and green news in the fast moving world of today. How can we make a better world? At Keetsa, we promote the eco-friendly products and people through our blog. Please help us find more cool stuff about ...
Keetsa Mattress Store - Keetsa!... -
Sustainability Digest » Blog Archive » In California, Greens and ...
By Sustainability Digest
California's renewable energy providers and utilities are pushing to meet their state's 2020 deadline of providing at least 30 percent of the state's energy from renewable resources. But as the demand rises and the deadline approaches, ...
Sustainability Digest -
Greening Hollywood: Public Swimming Pools Get 30% Solar Tax Credit
By Green Blog Network
The program is set to expire in 2010, but experts believe this deadline is well before most large-scale renewable energy projects would be ready to begin construction or tax equity markets would be primed to rebound. ...
Greening Hollywood -
Clean Break » Blog Archive » Disappointments of 2009… where to start?
By admin
Our federal government refused last year to sign the country up to the newly created International Renewable Energy Agency. It has failed to move forward on its so-called climate strategy, which itself is insufficient. ...
Clean Break -
Werner's Cairns blog: The ETM facts that Rudd and Wong would ...
By Werner Schmidlin
That would equate to an area in the same room, as the size of a small pin! For that they have gone crazy with the ridiculous trading schemes, Solar and roofing installations, clean coal technology. Renewable energy, etc, etc. ...
Werner's Cairns blog -
Latest Way to Heat Your Home: Battery Power |
By Michael Hoven
Batteries provide one form of energy storage, and a battery capable of storing enough energy for one week of home use would not just take advantage of a turn to renewable energy sources, it would promote the use of renewable energy. ... » Blog -
Wind Power for Dummies - Build-It-Solar Blog
By Gary
But, successfully planning and installing a wind turbine is hard -- the hardest of the common renewable energy projects. You really need to do your homework carefully to achieve a successful wind turbine installation. WindDummies.jpg ...
Build-It-Solar Blog -
Wind Watch: Northborough expects green energy plan approval
NORTHBOROUGH -- Efforts by residents to purchase clean energy should pay off in January when the town receives permission to allocate $20000 from the Massachusetts Renewable Energy Trust, Assistant Town Administrator Kimberly Hood said ...
National Wind Watch: News -
Wind Energy…More Than Affordable for the Home | The Utility Blog
By admin
They are designed for individual homes, farms, and small businesses, and are electric generators that utilize wind energy to produce clean, emissions-free renewable power. They are defined as having rated capacities of up to 100 ...
The Utility Blog -
Reduce Bill » Blog Archive » Easy green solar energy suggestion ...
By admin
While mutual windows enable heat to get away, special windows with low-e coating, a good amount of panes, inert gas fill, and/or insulated frames may reduce heat loss 50 to 75 per cent. By sealing your building envelope and .
Reduce Bill -
Block's Indicator of Sustainable Growth » Blog Archive ...
The state's renewable energy requirement of 33 per cent by 2020 will spur more development. Nevada, the second largest geothermal producer has a 25 per cent renewable energy target by 2020, and this will also facilitate increased ...
Block's Indicator of Sustainable Growth -
Technology and Gadget Store Blog » Blog Archive » Green Energy Isn ...
By Robert Holdsworth
Today's energy conscious climate has motivated many to do what they can to become more efficient and conserve energy and money. Unfortunately this same climate has prompted others to take advantage of unsuspecting consumers' wishes to ...
Technology and Gadget Store Blog -
Photovoltaic solar panel - Facts About Thin Film Solar Panels
If this research achieves this goal, there is a very good possibility that we will have solved the problem cheap and clean renewable energy. Anna supports the use of solar power and alternative energy in order to create a cleaner future. She has created several websites and pages on the subject of alternative energy. Learn more about clean energy forms at her blog on Solar Power. Featured Topics: Construction Time • Electrical Connections • Fossil Fuels • Light Spectrum ...
Green Cars & Green Fuel Center -
Green Renewable Energy Technology: Be Smart When It Comes To Rug ...
By cleaningjobs
Green Renewable Energy Technology: Be Smart When It Comes To Rug Cleaning Service. By Josh DavisRug cleaning services and when to dislike them behoove an top-level concern when the carpet in the stingingly or duty has been soiled to the ...
cleaning jobs -
Climate Literacy » Blog Archive » Guiding Principle
By mccaffrey
Short-term strategies involve switching from carbon-intensive to renewable energy sources, which also requires building new infrastructure for alternative energy sources. Long-term strategies involve innovative research and a ...
Climate Literacy -
Why We Like Suntech Power Going Forward (STP) | Solar Feeds News ...
As part of the stimulus bill signed earlier this year, the federal government approved around $60 billion in loan guarantee authority and $30 billion in energy grants for renewable energy and transmission companies. ...
Solar Feeds -
New Year's Resolutions, anyone? « The K5WLF Blog
The K5WLF Blog. Wherein we discuss ham radio and renewable energy…andthensome. « First 160 Meter QSO… New Year's Resolutions, anyone? ... The K5WLF Blog is proudly powered by WordPress · Entries (RSS) and Comments (RSS).
The K5WLF Blog -
Rose Law Group, Arizona Blog » Blog Archive » Tax credit for ...
"You could say the entire biofuels industry has had a rough year,” said Robert McCormick, principal engineer at the Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory. There is little chance that the U.S. will reach alternative ...
Rose Law Group, Arizona Blog -
In California, Greens and Renewables Providers Clash Over Tortoise ...
In California, Greens and Renewables Providers Clash Over Tortoise. by Team Blogs Tree Hugger Blogs 01.03.2010 04:18. California's renewable energy providers and utilities are pushing to meet their state's 2020 deadline of providing at ... - Latest News -
By alstry
"As a result of the tax credit lapse, we expect that industry-wide pay will be cut, jobs will be lost and infrastructure and plant investments will waste away,” said Daniel J. Oh, president of Ames, Iowa-based Renewable Energy Group, one of the nation's largest biodiesel producers. All of the company's nine plants — including one in Seabrook on Galveston Bay — "are expected to be negatively affected” by the loss of the credit, he said in an e-mailed ... Newest Blog Posts ...
alstry's Blog -
Peak Energy: Inhabitat's top 5 green energy stories of 2009
By Big Gav
As the world energy crisis mounts and the threat of catastrophic climate change looms near, the need for clean and green energy sources has never been greater. Fortunately, the future is bright and 2009 saw no shortage of sustainable ...
Peak Energy -
Paradise International » Blog Archive » Biodiesel producers lose ...
By floridagold
"You could say the entire biofuels industry has had a rough year,” added Robert McCormick, principal engineer at the Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Ethanol producers, for instance, were hit by a string of ...
Paradise International -
Let's Talk Real Estate: Tax Credits for Energy Efficiency
By Cristina McBreairty
If you purchase an energy-efficient product or renewable energy system for your home, you may be eligible for a federal tax credit. Most products are eligible for tax credits at 30% of the cost, up to a total credit of $1500; they must be " placed in service" from January 1, 2009 through December 31, 2010. Tax credits are also available for some vehicle purchases. Click here for an overview of the federal tax credits for energy efficiency. ... Today's Featured Blog ...
Let's Talk Real Estate -
The Editorial Blog| The Editorial blog, ...
By Vicki Viotti
Renewable energy, mass transit starting up on the 'Ewa plain. But changing the name of an established alma mater such as McKinley High School is sure to have a Tiger by the tail. Quite a few of them, in fact. -- Vicki Viotti ...
The Editorial Blog| The Editorial... - » Blog Archive » PUBLIC LAND: Tortoises slow sun ...
By Bob Davidow
The dispute is likely to echo for years as more companies seek to develop solar, wind and geothermal plants on land treasured by environmentalists who also support the growth of alternative energy. In an area of stark beauty, the question will be what is worth preserving and at what cost as California pushes to generate one-third of its electricity from renewable sources by 2020. The Bureau of Land Management has received more than 150 applications for large-scale solar ... -
Blog - Fairfax Advocates for Better Bicycling (FABB)
By Bruce Wright
A number of Washington area residents have made more significant lifestyle shifts, commuting by public transportation or bicycle and adopting high-efficiency or renewable-energy systems for their homes. ...
FABB Blog -
Category: Renewable Energy Blogs around the World | Views: 362 | Added by: Aries | Tags: Blogs, renewable energy | Rating: 0.0/0
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