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Main » Articles » Climate Change » Climate Change News around the World

New climate deal may have to wait

New climate deal may have to wait

There have been ongoing protests throughout the two-week conferenceThe Danish presidency of the climate summit in Copenhagen has sought to play down expectations of a comprehensive deal emerging from the meeting.

Officials said progress could be made, but an international agreement may have to wait until a 2010 meeting in Mexico.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told the meeting her country was prepared to work towards mobilising $100bn a year for developing countries.

The deadlock in talks at the climate summit has now been broken.

Yvo de Boer, executive secretary of the UN's climate body, called the resumption of negotiations "very encouraging".

But summit hosts Denmark had to drop plans to propose new draft texts on Thursday after opposition from many developing nations.

A source told the Danish newspaper Politiken: "We are fighting like mad and we haven't given up, but we will need help from world leaders. They must put their money where their mouth is. Otherwise it'll be very difficult."

Developed and developing nations remain at odds over who should cut emissions, how deep the cuts should be, and how much aid should go to poor countries.

Brown: Climate 'greatest' challenge

But there has been some progress - wealthy nations pledged new funds to bankroll adaptation to climate change.

On Thursday, Mrs Clinton told delegates: "In the context of a strong accord in which all major economies pledge meaningful mitigation actions and provide full transparency as to those actions, the US is prepared to work with other countries towards a goal of mobilising $100bn a year to address the needs of developing countries."

She made it clear - as did Japan on Wednesday when announcing a specific figure for assistance - that the money was contingent on reaching a global deal here that met its criteria.

BBC environment correspondent Richard Black said developing countries are likely to point out that there is no figure for what the US is prepared to provide itself, either from public or private finance.

The sum is also less than the amount that UN agencies such as the World Bank and International Energy Agency calculates is necessary to help mitigation and adaptation in the developing world.

At least 130 world leaders are due to join the talks on Thursday, hoping to sign a new climate pact on Friday.

Addressing the summit on Thursday, Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd said he feared "a triumph of form over substance" at the outcome of the UN climate summit.

In his speech, UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown urged the summit to "summon up the greatest level of ambition".

"The success of our endeavours depends on us forging a new alliance," he told delegates.

He added: "In these few days in Copenhagen which will be blessed or blamed for generations to come, we cannot permit the politics of narrow self-interest to prevent a policy for human survival."

Taking charge

US President Barack Obama has been due to attend the final day of the meeting on Friday, when world leaders will try to lay out a strategy to deal with climate change after the end of 2012, when obligations run out under the landmark Kyoto Protocol.

But asked about rumours that President Obama might not attend, Mrs Clinton said: "The President is planning to come tomorrow. Obviously we hope there will be something to come for."

Announcing the resumption of talks, Mr de Boer told reporters that negotiators would consider two negotiating texts; one looking at further emission cuts by developed nations (except the US) by 2020, and another that looks at committing all nations to curbing climate change.

Mr de Boer added that the texts will be considered by two working groups, which were expected to report back to the main conference on Thursday evening.

Saleemul Huq, senior fellow in cliamte change at the International Institute for Environment and Development told BBC News: "The negotiation process is in a high state of confusion."

"On the other hand, heads of state are arriving and talking to each other, and within hours every important decision-maker on the planet will be in the same town at the same time.

"If they can't do it, no-one can - and I think that they will."

Danish Prime Minister Lars Loekke Rasmussen has taken charge of the Wednesday-Friday segment involving heads of state and government.

Developing countries, led by China, accused host Denmark of a lack of transparency by suggesting language for the agreement without full consultation by all sides on the 193-nation summit.

And China told participants that it saw no chance of reaching an operational accord this week, an unnamed official told Reuters news agency.

Containing emissions to a level associated with a temperature rise of no more than 2C is the stated aim of the big nations here.

As things are going they will miss that target by a considerable margin, our correspondent says.

The poorest and most vulnerable nations say emissions should be contained to a level associated with a temperature rise of 1 or 1.5C.

They have no chance of getting their way, our correspondent adds.

On a more promising note, Japan promised poorer nations $15bn (£9bn) over three years if a deal is made.

The amount - payable from 2010-2012 - adds to the $10.6bn (£6.5bn) commitment over three years made by EU leaders at their summit last week.

Another pledge came from a six-member group - Australia, France, Japan, Norway, the UK and US - which will collectively commit $3.5bn over three years to combat deforestation.

Category: Climate Change News around the World | Added by: Aries (18 Dec 2009)
Views: 197 | Tags: summit, COP15, climate change | Rating: 0.0/0
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