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Main » 2010 » January » 13 » Climate Change and Global Warming Blogs
8:45 PM
Climate Change and Global Warming Blogs
Climate Change or Global Warming Blogs
Green College Boards | Stop Global Warming |
By Cameron Scott
Secondary education has responded, forming the American College and University Presidents' Climate Commitment to develop and share their campuses' climate action plans. Pacific Northwest campuses UW and University of Seattle also back student-led initiatives to ... Cameron Scott is a Editor. Most recently, he was Green Communities Manager at SFGate (San Francisco Chronicle), where he continues to write The Thin Green Line blog. He's also worked at Mother Jones . ...'s Stop Global Warming Blog -
Warming Imperils Crops in India and China - Green Inc. Blog ...
"So China should put adaptation as top strategy of addressing climate change and put enhancing grain production and ensuring food security as first task.” Global warming emissions from China and India continue to rise and will account ...
Green Inc. -
Climate Change and Winter | Heretical Ideas Blog
By Alex Knapp
First is the citation of this article, which claims that Mojab Latif (a climate scientist who is part of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) believes that global warming is going to hit a "pause.” The article itself, though, ...
Heretical Ideas Blog -
Hot Air » Blog Archive » TSA nominee: Global warming deserves ...
By Ed Morrissey
Both Al Gore and John Kerry are on record claiming that Global Warmin/ Climate Change is a bigger source of terror than jihadi terrorism (not that they would use the latter expression). A bigger problem with this fellow is that he ...
Hot Air » Top Picks -
Greenhoof » Blog Archive » Climate Scientist hits back at Daily ...
By Bryan
I believe in manmade global warming. I have said that if my name was not Mojib Latif it would be global warming.” The Daily Mail is prone to publishing attention-grabbing stories on climate change. Most recently the newspaper claimed ...
Greenhoof -
Climate Shifts » Blog Archive » The Met on the cold weather
By John Bruno
To be fair, people often make the same mistake but in the other direction, and link every heatwave, major flood, drought and famine to global warming. Of course, we know that these things happen anyway, even without climate change ...
Climate Shifts -
Crossroads's Blog | Over 2600 Big Energy Lobbyists? (and other ...
Back to coal, check out this Rolling Stone article entitled "As the World Burns: How Big Oil and Big Coal Mounted One of the Most Aggressive Lobbying Campaigns in History to Block Progress on Global Warming." An alarming part of that article: ... It gets a bit wonky, but it's still an interesting look at our current atmosphere and how it compares to the Pliocene era - an era that may best mirror what we're in for with climate change. From the blog post: ...
Climate Crossroads Blog -
EarthTalk: Conservation Efforts for Species on Sinking Islands
By GlobalWarmingisReal
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a group of leading climate scientists from around the world convened by the United Nations to assess the ongoing risk of global warming, predicts a global average sea level rise of between 3.5 and 34.6 inches over ... <small><br /> <a href="">EarthTalk: Conservation Efforts for Species on Sinking Islands</a > ...
Global Warming is Real -
Forecasting Kitsap » Blog Archive » 30 Years of Global Cooling Are ...
By Matthew Leach
Latif is a key member of the UN's climate research arm, which has long promoted the concept of global warming. He told the Daily Mail that "a significant share of the warming we saw from 1980 to 2000 and at earlier periods in the 20th ...
Forecasting Kitsap -
A Call to Rein In Cold or Hot Climate Hype - Dot Earth Blog ...
A climate scientist challenges peers to do more to clarify what extreme weather -- cold or hot -- means in relation to global warming. ... Dot Earth - New York Times blog ... I asked him to elaborate and provide a few examples in which people described unfounded links between extreme events and global warming, and also whether he thought scientists and scientific institutions like the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change were beyond reproach. His reply follows. ...
Dot Earth -
Dan Sarewitz: Innovation The Key To Curbing Climate Change at ...
By Steve Darden
It's harder still, considering that Americans rank global warming at the bottom of their worry list, according to a January poll by the Pew Research Center for People and the Press. And even if the public became passionate about climate ...
Seeker Blog -
Brrrrr: Global Warming Science "Settled”? | The Beacon
By Mary Theroux
With frigid weather discomforting millions and resulting in deaths worldwide, Britain's Climate Change Secretary Ed Miliband maintained in a parliamentary answer last week that the science of global warming was "settled. ...
The Beacon - Blogs » Blog Archive » Miami Snowman!
By Bill Steffen
It's funny how the libtards changed the term "Global Warming” to "climate change” just in time for this winter, most be they checked out Bill's winter predictions… ... Blogs » Bill's Blog -
Bell Labs Launches Global Effort to Make Internet 1000 Times ...
By Stacy Feldman
In total, ICT currently contributes about 2 percent of global warming emissions. But it is seen as a critical element in the fight against climate change. "Put simply, ICT is the single most powerful tool humankind has at its disposal ...
Solve Climate: Daily Climate... -
Brendan Demelle | Climate Denier Rod Liddle Considered For Editor ...
By Brendan Demelle
Tags: Desmogblog, Alexander Lebedev, climate change, climate deniers, facebook group, General, global warming, global warming deniers, Rod Liddle, The Independent, The Spectator. The Independent, one of the only progressive ... Liddle has lately been using his blog at 'The Spectator' to indulge in the use of yawn-inducing, attention-seeking derogatory terms to insult ethnic minorities including decrying "Muslim Savages" here. ...and falsely accusing black men of being ...
DeSmogBlog - Clearing the PR... -
Climate Change Fraud - An Inconvenient Winter
By (The Daily Bayonet)
As if this wasn't bad enough, Al Gore, the global warming profiteer prophet has disappeared just when hippies his people could use a bit of reassurance that it will warm again. There's been nothing on Al's blog since Christmas ... He didn't let the news that the west was warming escape our notice, or that the oceans were warming, he even suggested insurance companies should factor climate change into their actuary charts, or something. Just last November, Al told us this ...
Climate Change Fraud -
Weasel Zippers: Poll: Canadians say Global Warming a Bigger Threat ...
OTTAWA -- Canadians believe climate change poses a significantly bigger threat to the "vital interests" of this country over the next decade than international terrorism, a new poll suggests. .... Blog powered by TypePad ...
Weasel Zippers -
Compass: Over 2600 Big Energy Lobbyists? (and other news of note)
By Heather Moyer
Last week's blog post is on the proposed Sen. Murkowski (R-AL) amendment that would remove Clean Air Act authority to regulate global warming pollution - a crucial vote coming up next week. Some commenters are at odds with our position, ... By last year, according to the Center for Public Integrity, the number of lobbyists devoted to climate change had soared by more than fivefold since 2003, to a total of 2810 - or five lobbyists for every lawmaker in Washington. ...
Compass -
The Heretics: Dr. Roy Spencer – by Rich Trzupek | FrontPage Magazine
By Rich Trzupek
Far from being a theological treatise, "A Call to Truth” lays out a scientific case for climate change skepticism. Citing scientific evidence, it urges Christians not to join in global-warming alarmism or to press for unneeded reductions in carbon emissions that would have disastrous effects for the world's poor. It was written as a response to the Evangelical Climate Initiative's (ECI) "Call to Action,” a document that advises ... blog comments powered by Disqus ...
FrontPage Magazine -
damien stolarz blog » Blog Archive » secular apocalypse
By Damien Stolarz
Specifically, I've been thinking about the global warming / climate change topic. For those who have studied comparative religion, there's a term 'apocalyptic', which means, religions or denominations which focus on a postulated or ...
damien stolarz blog -
this blog at the top of meatbrain's list for Media Matters ...
By Cao
LOL…the Administration claims there is a connection to global warming and terrorism….but "diverting satellite imaging to watch polar ice caps” was more outrageous for meaty than the ridiculous claims of the Obama administration. ... Sure, those unnamed defense and intelligence experts see Climate Change as relevant to National Security – but which is it? Are they or are they not using CIA resources to prop the Warming Lie? And Panetta, with no experience in the ...
Cao's Blog -
CBS Exposes Congress Wasting Money At UN Climate Summit ...
By Noel Sheppard
Is it after thousands of stories about BS climate change? Is it after thousands of fawning stories of each of these dimocrat legislators? It is after thousands of stories about how right the socialists are and how wrong ... Note that they didn't bother to mention what a shame the whole idea of man-made global warming was in the first place. Note that they didn't bother to mention that the rest of the world was there to bloodsuck as many of our hard earned tax dollars from ... - Exposing Liberal... - » Blog Archives » Climate Issues; Farm Bill; Sec ...
By Keith Good
Dillon also acknowledged that the chances of actually stopping EPA global warming rules are minimal, given large Democratic majorities on Capitol Hill and the need for President Obama's signature.” The GreenWire article explained that, .... And Ben Geman reported at The Hill's Energy and Environment Blog on Friday that, "A senior administration official on Friday reiterated that the White House wants Congress to approve combined climate change and energy legislation. ... -
Lindzen debunked again: New scientific study finds his paper ...
By Joe
Is the problem less with the paper and publishing process than the tendency of commentators (whether on blogs or elsewhere) to seize on particular findings as the new "truth” — and for public not attuned to the tussles of science to .... Understand there are people who cant fathom that Global Warming Climate Change was a political monster that had nothing to do with science.. Leftists, Communists, eliteists snakes that prey on our children in their quest to take over the ...
Climate Progress -
UK Snow: The Climate is Still Changing « Graham's Grumbles
By Graham Martin
Let us first be clear: Global Warming is not a useful term when discussing everyday experiences, because it refers to annualised global readings. These have little bearing on our lives, so lets forget about them. Climate Change refers to .... I think this blog does more harm to the environmentalists concerns than it does good. The reason for the cold snap is that there is an area of high pressure above the UK which is forcing the warm gulf stream air south and allowing ...
Graham's Grumbles - Get ready for a decades long chill - top climatologist warns
By iwishart
"Regardless, it's important to note that we are not talking about global cooling, just a pause in warming,” wrote Swanson on the Real Climate blog. In September, the issue of cooling resurfaced following an address by Mojib Latif to the ... Some news accounts reported that Latif had predicted global cooling, and climate change deniers echoed the claims. Lost in the ensuing game of telephone was the fact that in both cases the researchers accept that overall warming is ... -
Environment - Light, Not Heat - Climate Change Debate Frozen
By Leo Cecchini
... books bearing titles such as Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth” and "Global Warming.” The current cold wave gthat is breaking records throughout the Northern Hemisphere promises to put the climate change issue in the "deep freeze.” ...
Peace Corps Worldwide Master Site Feed -
Follow the climate money? Well, they did… | Griffin's Gadgets
By Peter Griffin
The extensive coverage following the global lobbying efforts on climate change makes for fascinating reading. If climate scientists have been riding a gravy train of Government funding, at least there's transparency in where the money went. The climate change lobbyists, ... Disclaimer. The views expressed on this blog are those of the author and do not reflect the views of the owners of, the Science Media Centre or the Royal Society of New Zealand ...
Griffin's Gadgets -
Mojib Latif slams Daily Mail « Deep Climate
By Deep Climate
The bitter winter afflicting much of the Northern Hemisphere is only the start of a global trend towards cooler weather that is likely to last for 20 or 30 years, say some of the world's most eminent climate scientists. ... Latif said his research suggested that up to half the warming seen over the 20th century was down to this natural ocean effect, but said that was consistent with the 2007 report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. ...
Deep Climate -
After Copenhagen at C&ENtral Science
By Rudy Baum
Climate-change skeptics would have you believe that Chinese (and Indian and Brazilian) commitments to curb their contributions to global warming are meaningless. This misses the point entirely. China, India, Brazil, and other rapidly ...
C&ENtral Science -
Liberty and the Trouble with Carbon Pricing | Global Engagement
By Annie White
Whether the anticipated climate bill moves forward this year will depend on Congress and its general unwillingness to deal with climate change, its over-reliance on renewable energies and of course, its preoccupation with health care matters. ... Though normally skeptical of government intervention (free markets always reach the most productive level of activity when left untouched), Coase concedes that markets have failed when it comes to global warming, namely because , ...
Global Engagement -
Stimulus Spending + Global Warming = Snowdrifts in the Road ...
What do you get when you combine extravagant stimulus spending with global warming? I'll tell you what you don't get: streets you can drive on. There's the gold standard of snow and ice removal on major roads in the Midwest — asphalt, ... What is Conservative Blog Watch? The purpose of this site is to have a quick snapshot of news coming from the conservative blogosphere. We are hoping to save you the time it takes to find where the pulse of conservatism is at. ...
Conservative Blog Watch -
Canada Free Press ~ Via: Gunny G… « ~ THE GUNNY "G" BLOGS ONLINE ...
By Gunny G
President Obama knows little and cares less about global warming or climate change. It's a means to a political end. He's an arsonist setting fires to save the country, but as it burns he uses extinguishers that we know don't work. ...
Detroit Auto Show: Auto Workers' Union Holds Jobs Protest - Wheels ...
"We can help the cause of global warming while putting people back to work,” he said. "The auto industry has been slow to understand what role they have to play in climate change.” At the onset of World War II, he said, it took the federal government less ... Formula One Blog Brad Spurgeon, a longtime auto racing reporter based in Paris, discusses all things about Formula One: the competition, the gossip, the technology and the politics. Join him in the virtual paddock. ...
Wheels -
Just Another Mobile Phone Blog: Communications Turn Totally Green
By Maximus
This was what we used when putting a man on the moon and is the same approach we need to implement to address the global climate crisis. The Green Touch initiative is an example of such a response - bringing together scientists and ... globe and includes experts from every part of ICT, is the model for the sort of radical initiatives that we need to address the huge challenge of global warming," said Jong-Soo Yoon, Director General, Ministry of Environment, South Korea. ...
Just Another Mobile Phone Blog -
Monckton & Plimer Tour Australia: Dates & Venues « JoNova
By Joanne Nova
Climate Change and Global Warming Australian Tour details. Lord Christopher Monckton, 3rd Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, Scottish Peer, former advisor to Margaret Thatcher, and International Business Consultant Professor Ian Plimer - School of Earth and Environmental ..... The link in your blog article is dead. Here's what YouTube say, "This video contains content from NBC Universal, who has decided to block it.” Wonder why? :). Like or Dislike: Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0 ...
JoNova -
If true, the research challenges the science behind climate change theories, and calls into question the political measures to halt global warming. According to the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Centre in Colorado, the warming of the Earth .... Likening climate whistleblowing to Muslim terrorism. The Leftist British government is very protective of Muslim extremists so can we climate skeptics expect similar indulgence? Perhaps not. The fact that this blog is blocked on ...
Knight Science Journalism Tracker » Blog Archive » CJR, Yale Forum ...
By Charlie Petit
The first group comprises television meteorologists – with a well-known and well-liked San Diego man the lead example – who tend to doubt the reality of global warming as a problem. ... Second, at Yale University's forum on Climate Change and the Media are a set of reports that anybody covering climate and the environment should take a look at. Reports include: John Daley: Why the Decline and Rebirth of Environmental Journalism Matters ; Its sections on CNN, ...
Knight Science Journalism Tracker -
Interesting Reading #394 – electronic telepathy, awesome Lego MMO ...
By Marshall Brain
Why don't TV weathermen believe in climate change? – "The responses stunned him. Twenty-nine percent of the 121 meteorologists who replied agreed with Coleman—not that global warming was unproven, or unlikely, but that it was a scam. ...
The Blogs at HowStuffWorks - » Blog Archive » It's no change in the latest ...
By Mike Smithson
The panel's findings match those of the Climate Change Committee, which advises the government and said on Oct. 12 that the slump may trim polluting emissions up to 75 million tons over the five years through 2012. The government aims to reduce greenhouse ... What "global” "warming”? Have you not looked out of your window these last few weeks? by Sunil Prasannan January 11th, 2010 at 6:47 pm. 144. And gas usage is way above the targetted levels for the last few weeks. ... -
The Oil Drum | Drumbeat: January 11, 2010
By Leanan
In fact, our failure to confront global warming is more than simply political incompetence. Over the past year, the corporations and special interests most responsible for climate change waged an all-out war to prevent Congress from ... Most people on Twitter seem to be putting us in the Topical Blog category, but there are other places one could nominate us. You have to submit three blogs in each category that you submit to...then you also have to submit an email address ...
The Oil Drum - Discussions about... -
Jihadists are Laughing at America - Nikitas3's blog - RedState
By Nikitas3 (Profile)
Because it is being reported that CIA spy satellites are being used not for national defense purposes, but to measure ice floes to map 'climate change'. Because many liberals literally believe that debunked 'global warming' is more of a ...
RedState -
Category: Climate Change and Global Warming Blogs around the world | Views: 389 | Added by: Aries | Tags: Blogs, global warming, climate change | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
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